• Title/Summary/Keyword: Land law

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A Study on the Survey Methodology in Riverbed Private Use using Integration Drone Photogrammetry and Cadastral Information (드론 사진측량과 지적정보를 융합한 하천부지 점용 조사방법)

  • Oh, Yi Kyun
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.135-144
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    • 2017
  • The riverbed areas have exposed to various natural disasters and the private use by neighboring residents have caused many problems. The research objectives are to survey the actual situation of riverbed areas in order to prevent landscape damage and private use. Drone and photogrammetry, orthophoto, DSM(Digital Surface Model), digital topographic map and cadastral information have been integrated by GIS technology. The flood and disaster vulnerable area has been surveyed and the land use and private use has been analyzed using cadastral information. The research results show that the analyzed data can be used for providing foundation data for management of river and also can be used for surveying actual situation of private use on the riverbed areas.

The Application Technology of Korean-style R&D in Verification for deploying the Neo-Korean Style Public Building - Focused on the R&D Technologies in Changed Drawings of Neo-Korean Style Public Daycare Center in Sunchang-gun, Korea -

  • Kim, Young-Hoon;Peck, Yoo-Jung;Park, Joon-Young
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.35-46
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: This study is to research how New-Hanok R&D technologies of first stage are appearing and adapted to the New-Hanok style public buildings, especially in Daycare Center in Sunchang-gun, Korea. Unlike Hanok houses, public buildings which has special needs for the public and restricted by laws and regulations need not only new system of law incentives but also new components of New-Hnaok R&D technologies used only in Hanok house. Method: For this purpose, we checked the drawings for Daycare Center in Sunchang-gun. The drawings have been changed 6 times for the purpose of adopting New-Hanok R&D technologies of first stage and actual needs for current laws and regulations for public buildings and it reveals not only the possibilities for adapting new technologies in New-Hanok but also meetings the current and public needs for public buildings. Result: The result of this study as follows. Approximately 40-50 percent of New-Hanok R&D technologies in the first stage are adapted in Daycare Center in Sunchang-gun, and this means there are limitations in adapting New-Hanok R&D which are mainly for the Korean style houses. The main reasons are the costs still remaining high and lacking in confidence for using traditional structures and materials still under verification. Some are changed and proposed in another solutions suitable for public buildings as like truss structure system in roof.

Determination of the Impact Fee Zone by the Parcel Based Information of Development Permit (개발행위허가 지적정보에 의한 기반시설부담구역 선별방안)

  • Choei, Nae-Young
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.89-95
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    • 2009
  • One of the criteria provided by the law to designate the Impact Fee Zone requires that the increase rate of the development permit should exceed that of the entire locality by more than twenty percent. Since the permits are issued to scattered parcels on the individual basis, however, it renders significant difficulties in accurately figuring out the finite local areas that exceed such legal criteria. This study, in this context, tries to join the development permit time-series data with the Korea Land Information System (KLIS) so that, with the aid of the landform layer and existing infrastructure layer, it could pinpoint the local area where the development activities are concentrating. Taking a sector in Yangpyong County as the case, the study practically demonstrates as to how the designation process is geospatially processed.

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Development of Program Management Information Systems for Urban Renewal (도심 재생 종합 사업관리 시스템의 개념 및 개발)

  • Choi, Hye-Mi;Kim, Ju-Hyung;Lee, Sung-Bok
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.9-17
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    • 2010
  • Due to the variety of processes that are mainly influenced by the modification of law and regulations, it is difficult to propose a formal procedure of urban renewal projects. In addition, conflicts among various participants and stake-holders have made urban renewal difficult to manage. Needs for new systems to support management of this type of projects have been raised. This system should enable users to manage program aspects as well as projects given that the urban renewal consists of several projects. According to analysis of current context, the requirements of the system are classified as follows: a method to create flexible systems to cope with various process; functions to provide data on cost and schedule; user-friendly visualized tools enhancing understand of non-experts or less-experienced participants. This paper summarizes the background, requirements, concept and model of the system. Currently, prototype systems have been developed. Regarding outputs presented so far, potential benefits of the system are presented as well.

Spatial Designation of Impact Fee Zone based on the Parcel Development Permit Information (개발허가필지의 지리정보를 이용한 기반시설 부담구역 지정방안)

  • Choei, Nae-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.116-127
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    • 2009
  • One of the criteria provided by the law to spatially determine the zones to levy the so-called development impact fee requires that the increase rate of the development permit should exceed that of the entire locality by more than 20 percent. Since the permits are issued to scattered parcels, however, it renders significant difficulties in accurately figuring out the finite local areas that exceed such legal criteria. This study, in this context, tries to join the development permit time-series data with the Korea Land Information System (KLIS) so that, with the aid of the landform layer and existing infrastructure layer, it could pinpoint the local area where the development activities are concentrating. Taking a sector in Yangpyong County as the case, the study demonstrates the methods to designate the zone by processing the permit information data.

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Application of a Soil Separation System for the Remediation of Arsenic Contaminated Soil in a Metal Mining Area (폐금속광산 지역의 비소오염토양 처리를 위한 선별 기술 적용)

  • ParK, Chan-Oh;Kim, Jong-Won;Park, Jun-Hyoung;Lee, Young-Jae;Yang, In-Jae;Lee, Jai-Young
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.56-64
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    • 2013
  • After the law has been enacted for the prevention and recovery of mining damage in 2005, efforts of remediation have been started to recover heavy metal contaminated soils in agricultural land near mining sites. As part of an effort, the upper part of cultivation layer has been treated through covering up with clean soil, but the heavy metal contamination could be still spreaded to the surrounding areas because heavy metals may be remained in the lower part of cultivation layers. In this study, the most frequently occurring arsenic (As) contamination was selected to study in agricultural land nearby an abandoned metal mining site. We applied separation technologies considering the differences in the physical characteristics of soil particles (particle size, density, magnetic properties, hydrophobicity, etc.). Based on physical and chemical properties of arsenic (As) containing particles in agricultural lands nearby mining sites, we applied sieve separation, specific gravity separation, magnetic separation, and flotation separation to remove arsenic (As)-containing particles in the contaminated soil. Results of this study show that the removal efficiency of arsenic (As) were higher in the order of the magnetic separation, flotation separation, specific gravity separation and sieve separation.

A Study on the Efficiency of Cadastral Survey in Forest Areas Based on UAV LiDAR (UAV LiDAR 기반의 임야지역 지적측량 효율성 제고 방안)

  • Lee, Ki-Hoon
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.5-17
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    • 2024
  • In this study, we examined the applicability of UAV LiDAR for cadastral surveying and proposed the results. For this purpose, an experimental area was selected and point cloud data was created by scanning the terrain using UAV LiDAR. Since there is no comparative verification target in the forest area, the coordinates of the verification points were obtained by directly surveying the ridge and valley lines prescribed by the current law. Based on these points, the point cloud density within a 7cm radius was analyzed. As a result, an average of 46 point clouds were generated within a circle with a radius of 7 centimeters, which can build a more precise topography of the forest area, proving that precise cadastral surveying is possible. In the case of UAV LiDAR, it is expected that the boundaries of forest areas can be extracted more accurately and efficiently without the influence of trees compared to the existing cadastral survey method. This is expected to have many advantages in various fields that want to use it in the future, such as the creation of stereoscopic maps of forest areas and terrain modeling for disaster safety in the forest areas.

The Present Conditions and Measures for Ocean Dumping of Livestock Excreta Wastes in Korea (국내 가축분뇨 해양배출의 현황과 대책)

  • Kim, Kwang-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.27-35
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    • 2007
  • In order to take measures for solving conflicts between the relevant Ministries of Korean government such as MOMAF(Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries) and MAF(Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry) and the relevant industry circles such as KSA(Korea Swine Association) and KODA(Korea Ocean Dumping Association) regarding the prohibition of ocean dumping of livestock excreta wastes from land, the present conditions of marine disposal of livestock excreta wastes and the standpoints of MOMAF, MAF, KSA and KODA were reviewed in Korea. As measures for solving the conflicts, the followings were proposed; A prior examination into the possibility of the treatment and/or disposal on shore for the total amount of livestock excreta wastes in Korea, measures for solving civil appeals against the problems arising from the treatment and/or disposal on shore of livestock excreta wastes, a prior examination into the possibility of the execution of the amendments to the relevant rules and regulations of Korean marine pollution prevention law for the prohibition of ocean dumping of livestock excreta wastes, measures for supporting the relevant industry circles such as KSA and KODA which were expected to suffer from the prohibition of ocean dumping, and an overall review of the national system for ocean dumping of terrestrial wastes in nationwide level.

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Calculation of Vertical Wind Profile Exponents and Its Uncertainty Evaluation - Jeju Island Cases (풍속고도분포지수 산정 및 불확도 평가 - 제주도 사례)

  • Kim, You-Mi;Kim, Hyun-Goo;Kang, Yong-Heack;Yun, Chang-yeol;Kim, Jin-Young;Kim, Chang Ki;Kim, Shin-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.11-20
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    • 2016
  • For accurate wind resource assessment and wind turbine performance test, it is essential to secure wind data covering a rotor plane of wind turbine including a hub height. In general, we can depict wind speed profile by extrapolating or interpolating the wind speed data measured from a meteorological tower where multiple anemometers are mounted at different heights using a power-law of wind speed profile. The most important parameter of a power-law equation is a vertical wind profile exponent which represents local characteristics of terrain and land cover. In this study, we calculated diurnal vertical wind profile exponents of 8 locations in Jeju Island who possesses excellent wind resource according to the GUM (Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement) to evaluate its uncertainty. Expanded uncertainty is calculated by combined standard uncertainty, which is the result of composing type A standard uncertainty with type B standard uncertainty. Although pooled standard deviation should be considered to derive type A uncertainty, we used the standard deviation of vertical wind profile exponent of each day avoiding the difficult of uncertainty evaluation of diurnal wind profile variation. It is anticipated that the evaluated uncertainties of diurnal vertical wind profile exponents at 8 locations in Jeju Island are to be registered as a national standard reference data and widely used in the relevant areas.

A Study on the Consolidation Effect of Adjacent Ground by Quick Lime Piles (생석회파일에 의한 주변지반의 압밀효과 분석에 관한 연구)

  • 천병식;고갑수
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.281-290
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    • 1999
  • The coastal area, particularly along the West and South coasts in Korea, is often reclaimed with dredged marine-clay to meet the demand of land capacity. A large number of ground improvement techniques are developed for such a newly formed soft clay deposit. However, the quick lime column method, which is effectively used for the purpose of ground improvement in the other countries, is seldom applied in Korea. This study, therefore, focuses on the development of appropriate soft soil improvement technique by using quick lime column. A model test as well as finite element analysis was conducted to identify the consolidation characteristics around the lime column. Although actual pore water pressure measured from model tests does not coincide with the predictions made by finite element method and Chen & Law's theoretical formula, their trends are quite similar. It is revealed from this study that the pressure caused by the expansion of lime column affects considerably the consolidation characteristics of the surrounding ground.

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