• 제목/요약/키워드: Laminated Composite Structures

검색결과 389건 처리시간 0.023초

Finite element vibration analysis of laminated composite parabolic thick plate frames

  • Das, Oguzhan;Ozturk, Hasan;Gonenli, Can
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • 제35권1호
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    • pp.43-59
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    • 2020
  • In this study, free vibration analysis of laminated composite parabolic thick plate frames by using finite element method is introduced. Governing equations of an eigenvalue problem are obtained from First Order Shear Deformation Theory (FSDT). Finite element method is employed to obtain natural frequency values from the governing differential equations. The frames consist of two flat square plates and one singly curved plate. Parameters like radii of curvature, aspect ratio, ply orientation and boundary conditions are investigated to understand their effect on dynamic behavior of such a structure. In addition, multi-bay structures of such geometry with different stacking order are also taken into account. The composite frame structures are also modeled and simulated via ANSYS to verify the accuracy of the present study.

Buckling and Post buckling Analysis of Composite Plates with Internal Flaws

  • Sreehari, VM;Maiti, DK
    • International Journal of Aerospace System Engineering
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    • 제2권2호
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    • pp.19-23
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    • 2015
  • This work deals with the study of buckling and post buckling characteristics of laminated composite plates with and without localized regions of damage. The need of a detailed study on Finite Element Analysis of buckling and post buckling of laminated composite structures considering various aspects enhances the interest among researchers. Mathematical formulation is developed for damaged composite plates using a finite element technique based on Inverse Hyperbolic Shear Deformation Theory. This theory satisfies zero transverse shear stresses conditions at the top and bottom surfaces of the plate and provides a non-linear transverse shear stress distribution. Damage modeling is done using an anisotropic damage formulation, which is based on the concept of stiffness change. The structural elements are subjected to in-plane loading. The computer program is developed in MATLAB environment. The numerical results are presented after through validation of developed finite element code. The effect of damage on buckling and post buckling has been carried out for various parameters such as amount of percentage of damaged area, damage intensity, etc. The results show that the presence of internal flaws will significantly affect the buckling characteristics of laminated composite plates. The outcomes and remarks from this work will assist to address some key issues concerning composite structures.

Vibrational behavior of porous composite laminated plates using four unknown integral shear deformation theory

  • Hayat Saidi;Abdelouahed Tounsi;Fouad Bourada;Abdelmoumen Anis Bousahla;Abdeldjebbar Tounsi;Firas Ismail Salman Al-Juboori
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • 제52권3호
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    • pp.249-271
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    • 2024
  • In this scientific work, an analytical solution for the dynamic analysis of cross-ply and angle-ply laminated composite plates is proposed. Due to technical issues during the manufacturing of composite materials, porosities and micro-voids can be produced within the composite material samples, which can carry on to a reduction in the density and strength of the materials. In this research, the laminated composite plates are assumed to have new distributions of porosities over the plate cross-section. The structure is modeled using a simple integral shear deformation theory in which the transverse shear deformation effect is included. The governing equations of motion are obtained employing the principle of Hamilton's. The solution is determined via Navier's approach. The Maple program is used to obtain the numerical results. In the numerical examples, the effects of geometry, ratio, modulus ratio, fiber orientation angle, number of layers and porosity parameter on the natural frequencies of symmetric and anti-symmetric laminated composite plates is presented and discussed in detail. Also, the impacts of the kinds of porosity distribution models on the natural frequencies of symmetric and anti-symmetric laminated composite plates are investigated.

Investigation on interlaminar shear stresses in laminated composite beam under thermal and mechanical loading

  • Murugesan, Nagaraj;Rajamohan, Vasudevan
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • 제18권3호
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    • pp.583-601
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    • 2015
  • In the present study, the combined effects of thermal and mechanical loadings on the interlaminar shear stresses of both moderately thin and thick composite laminated beams are numerically analyzed. The finite element modelling of laminated composite beams and analysis of interlaminar stresses are performed using the commercially available software package MSC NASTRAN/PATRAN. The validity of the finite element analysis (FEA) is demonstrated by comparing the experimental test results obtained due to mechanical loadings under the influence of thermal environment with those derived using the present FEA. Various parametric studies are also performed to investigate the effect of thermal loading on interlaminar stresses generated in symmetric, anti-symmetric, asymmetric, unidirectional, cross-ply, and balanced composite laminated beams of different stacking sequences with identical mechanical loadings and various boundary conditions. It is shown that the elevated thermal environment lead to higher interlaminar shear stresses varying with the stacking sequence, length to thickness ratio, ply orientations under identical mechanical loading and boundary conditions of the composite laminated beams. It is realized that the magnitude of the interlaminar stresses along xz plane is always much higher than those of along yz plane irrespective of the ply-orientation, length to thickness ratios and boundary conditions of the composite laminated beams. It is also observed that the effect of thermal environment on the interlaminar shear stresses in carbon-epoxy fiber reinforced composite laminated beams are increasing in the order of symmetric cross-ply laminate, unidirectional laminate, asymmetric cross-ply laminate and anti-symmetric laminate. The interlaminar shear stresses are higher in thinner composite laminated beams compared to that in thicker composite laminated beams under all environmental temperatures irrespective of the laminate stacking sequence, ply-orientation and boundary conditions.

복합재료 교량 바닥판의 주행속도에 따른 동적응답 평가 (Estimation of Dynamic Response of Advanced Composite Material Decks for Bridges Application under Various Vehicle Driving Velocities)

  • 천경식;장석윤
    • Composites Research
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    • 제16권6호
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    • pp.23-32
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    • 2003
  • 복합 신소재의 건설 분야 적용은 확대되고 있는 추세이고, 높은 비강도 비를 지닌 복합 신소재 교량 바닥 판의 개발은 국내외에서 활발히 진행되고 있다. 본 연구의 목적은 이동 하중을 받는 비등방성 복합재료 적층판의 동적 응답을 정식화하고, 유한요소법을 사용하여 적층에 따른 동적거동 특성을 분석하는 것이다. 수치 해석 모델에 대해서 이동하중의 속도를 증가시키면서 동적 확대 계수를 계산하였다. 또한 적층형식 및 순서, 섬유 보강 각도 등의 변화에 따른 동적 거동 특성을 분석하였다. 본 연구 프로그램의 타당성을 확보하기 위해 휨과 자유 진동 해석에 관한 기존 문헌 결과와 비교하여 검증하였다. 또한 이동 하중에 의한 동적 해석에 대해 모우드 중첩법과 Newmark 직접 적분법을 사용하였다. 이러한 이동 하중과 적층 수, 적층 순서 및 섬유 보강 각도에 따른 수치 해석 결과는 완전 복합 신소재 교량 바닥 판을 개발하는데 있어서 중요한 기초 자료로 제시될 수 있을 것이다.

Vibration of angle-ply laminated composite circular and annular plates

  • Mercan, Kadir;Ebrahimi, Farzad;Civalek, Omer
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • 제34권1호
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    • pp.141-154
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    • 2020
  • In the present paper, free vibration analysis of angle-ply laminated composite annular and circular plates is performed by numerical methods. First-order shear deformation plate theory is used for kinematic relations. The related governing equations of motion are discretized via differential quadrature and discrete singular convolution methods. Frequency values are obtained for different lamina scheme, thickness-to-radius ratio, and mode numbers. The advantages and accuracy of these two methods are also tested in detail.

활절로 지지된 원통형 적층복합쉘의 기하학적 비선형 해석 (Geometrically Nonlinear Analysis of Hinged Cylindrical Laminated Composite Shells)

  • 한성천
    • 복합신소재구조학회 논문집
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    • 제3권2호
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2012
  • In the present study, an Element-Based Lagrangian Formulation for the nonlinear analysis of shell structures is presented. The strains, stresses and constitutive equations based on the natural co-ordinate have been used throughout the Element-Based Lagrangian Formulation of the present shell element which offers an advantage of easy implementation compared with the traditional Lagrangian Formulation. The Element-Based Lagrangian Formulation of a 9-node resultant-stress shell element is presented for the anisotropic composite material. The element is free of both membrane and shear locking behavior by using the assumed natural strain method such that the element performs very well in thin shell problems. The arc-length control method is used to trace complex equilibrium paths in thin shell applications. Numerical examples for laminated composite curved shells presented herein clearly show the validity of the present approach and the accuracy of the developed shell element.

Optimization of static response of laminated composite plate using nonlinear FEM and ANOVA Taguchi method

  • Pratyush Kumar Sahu;Trupti Ranjan Mahapatra;Sanjib Jaypuria;Debadutta Mishra
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • 제48권6호
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    • pp.625-639
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    • 2023
  • In this paper, a Taguchi-based finite element method (FEM) has been proposed and implemented to assess optimal design parameters for minimum static deflection in laminated composite plate. An orthodox mathematical model (based on higher-order shear deformation plate theory and Green-Lagrange geometrical nonlinearity) has been used to compute the nonlinear central deflection values of laminated composite plates according to Taguchi design of experiment via a self-developed MATLAB computer code. The lay-up scheme, aspect ratio, thickness ratio and the support conditions of the laminated composite plate structure were designated as the governable design parameters. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) is used to investigate the effect of diverse control factors on the nonlinear static responses. Moreover, regression model is developed for predicting the desired responses. The ANOVA revealed that the lay-up scheme alongside the support condition plays vital role in minimizing the central deflection values of laminated composite plate under uniformly distributed load. The conformity test results of Taguchi analysis are also in good agreement with the numerical experimentation results.

형상기억합금 작동기를 이용한 복합재 평판의 형상변형 (Morphing of Composite Plate Using SMA Actuator)

  • 김상헌;조맹효
    • 한국복합재료학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국복합재료학회 2003년도 추계학술발표대회 논문집
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    • pp.146-149
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    • 2003
  • Two-way shape memory effect(TWSME) under residual stresses are considered in the present study. The structure using two-way shape memory alloy(SMA) concept returns to its initial shape by increasing or decreasing temperature under the initially given residual stress. In the present study, we use a thermo-mechanical constitutive equation of SMA and laminated composite plates are considered as simple morphing structural components which are based on first order shear deformable laminated composite plate with large deflection. Numerical results of fully coupled SMA-composite structures are presented

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