• Title/Summary/Keyword: Korean-style apartment house

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A Theoretical Approach for criticizing the Model House of Apartment (아파트 모델하우스 비평을 위한 이론적 접근)

  • 전경화;김정근;홍형옥
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • no.19
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    • pp.121-127
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    • 1999
  • The objective of this study was to criticize the model house of apartment and suggest a evaluation model which could be used as an effective tool. The evaluation model had been developed based on the theoretical framework suggested by previous results of research related on housing design, which comprised the following four components : 1) the paradigm of future home and life-style, 2) marketing effects of housing developer, 3) goals and principles of housing design and 4) results of user-preferences study, an evaluation model was suggested as a preliminary form which would be modified in detail after series of tests in the field. The evaluation model will be used to provide standardized criteria for the quality of model houses, and eventually help to improve the quality of apartment housing design by balanced information from theorist, user and developer.

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A study on design of apartment modelhouse using virtual reality technic. (가상현실기법을 이용한 아파트 모델하우스 디자인활용에 관한 연구)

  • 윤재은;이준규;강신영
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Interior Design Conference
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    • 2001.05a
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    • pp.106-111
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    • 2001
  • Model house play an important role in the sale of apartments. However, model house can create social and environmental problems. Virtual reality's (VR) use for the creation of model house has been studied as a possible counter measure to these problems. Existing models don't satisfy consumers' queries. A virtual model house can give the experience of seeing a real home through simulation. Also, a virtual model house can allow a home buyer to change the furniture on display or the color of the walls to reflect the consumer's taste in the construction. The internal present condition system using absorption style virtual reality and open style virtual reality are the indispensable tools that are going to take the place of the current model home. A virtual model house is more profitable than a physical model house because of reduced costs and time savings. In addition, a virtual model house can offer new kinds of information that a physical model home can not. This study's purpose is to discuss the desired direction of the virtual model house in this crucial and dynamic period of development.

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Analysis on the Characteristics of Interior Coordination Execution by Apartment Residents in Accordance with Lifestyles (공동주택 거주자의 라이프스타일에 따른 실내코디네이션 시행특성 분석)

  • Kim, Ji-Eun;Han, Jeong-Won
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.43-52
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to determine the characteristics of interior coordination in accordance with lifestyles to provide better interior conditions for house dwellers who have many different preferences and needs. For this purpose, this research examined the lifestyles of house dwellers, and their experiences on interior coordination, needs and preferences of dweller groups according to their lifestyles. As the methods of the study, both literature research and empirical survey were conducted. The findings of the study can be summarized as follows; The factor analysis shows that there are five main factors significantly affecting the lifestyles of apartment residents, and the lifestyles of residents were largely classified into four groups. G1 group is characterized by 'demand for luxuriousness' and 'pursuit for beauty', and G2 group has tendency of 'information orientation' and 'pursuit for self-expression', G3 group shows strong tendency for 'pursuit for practicality' and G4 group is characterized by 'pursuit for self-expression' and 'pursuit for beauty'. The four groups showed distinct characteristics in their experiences, needs and preferences of interior coordination. G1 group can be names as 'the style of well-being and luxuriousness', and they are very positive in the interior climate change and prefer artistic items and luxurious atmosphere. G2 group, which can be named as 'the style of expression', tend to have their house interior-coordinated in order to follow fashion trends or express their personality. G3 group is named as 'the style of practicality' and they consider convenience, practicality, and functionality. The last group, G4 can be named as 'the style of personality', and they have much interest in expressing their personality or following trendy fashions.

Development of Housing Conceptual Framework through Changes in Korean Family Houses -Kitchen Lifespace(I)- (한국주거형태 변천과정에서 본 주거학의 생태학적 개념정립 제1부 부엌변천)

  • 윤복자
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.67-85
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    • 1990
  • The purpose of this study was (1) to investigate changes in house and kitchen forms and behaviors in the kitchen area of Korean family houses from the Yi-dynasty to the present, and (2) to develop a housing conceptual framework on the basis of the ecosystem approach through analysis of changes in Korean family houses. The documentary research method wad used fro this study. The major findings were that the traditional Korean houses were composed of separate buildings and had various floor levels with the maru(a wooden floor) as the center of the open plan. The introduction of foreign style house forms from the era of enlightenment, in the year 1876 to the Korean war in 1950 changed traditional Korean houses into Korean-western style houses. More recent increased population and urbanization accelerated to change from the traditional Korean house form to an apartment style. At the present time, however, many kinds of house forms, from a highly modernized style with convenient facilities to a primitive style, which cannot even meet the basis needs of daily life, coexist together. The Kitchens in traditional Korean houses had no plumbing, drainage, or work centers. They had simple adobe furnaces which were used for cooking and for heating the ondol, a kind of panel heated floor by which the heat and smoke run under the floor to the chimney. This made the kitchen floor level lower than the floors of other spaces. The residents entered the kitchen through the madang(atrium). The influence of the western style kitchen, the development of technology, and improvements of nation-wide economic status have made today's kitchen space covenient and hygienic. The floor level of the kitchen was raised to the same level of other spaces. Formerly the major function of the kitchen was raised to the same level of other spaces. Formerly the major function of the kitchen space was cooking and heating floors. This had changed, and the kitchen is now, the place for family and social interaction. A housing conceptual framework was developed on the basis of these findings.

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A Study on the Housewife's Life Style by Residential Areas - In Pusan Area- (주부의 주거지역 특성에 따른 라이프스타일 연구- 부산지역 주부들을 대상으로-)

  • 정용선;최수행
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.15-30
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    • 1990
  • The purpose of this study are 1) to offer the basic data for consumer education by examining and analyzing housewife's Life Style. 2) to make the housewife lead for Life Style better and more resonable. Questionnaires were sent to 623 housewives in Pusan who have elementary , middle and high school students. Frequence, Factor analysis, Cluster analysis, One-way Anova, X 2-test were used to take statistics. The results were as follows. 1) Housewife's Life Style in independent house area were ' the economical seeking pattern' which takes up th high proportions, next 'the practical reserved seeking pattern' ,'the tradition and reservational fashion seeking pattern', and 'the negative neverlessness pattern' On the other hand, the Life-Style in apartment area were' the rapid purpose seeking pattern', next ' the economical seeking pattern', the fashion and pleasure seeking pattern' and 'the tradition and reservational fashion seeking pattern'. 2) By surveying the relationships the housewife's Life Style and the demographics, first, there was a difference in housewife's Life Style of the independent house area by the level of education, monthly mean income and husbands occupation. 3) Finally, as I studied th characterization of which they possessed thing, it usually appeared the characteristic possession by types.

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A basic study on the development Interior design Database for consumer trend analysis system method on the Web (소비자 기호 분석을 위한 웹 기반 실내디자인 데이터베이스 시스템 개발에 관한 기초 연구 - 아파트 주거공간을 중심으로 -)

  • 한영호;김홍기;조성오
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • no.31
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    • pp.71-78
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    • 2002
  • Understanding the consumer changed life styles are integrated, mutual complement for user's worth and consciousness, the life of consumption, etc. Recently, Apartment Model House has built for distribute to Apartment house When they enter the units after 2 or 3 years. So, Interior designer make an inference from the changed life styles. But, We don't have enough information to trace the design trend about residential space design. Design database is correspond with interior space and structured entity relationship. There are three parts in this Database, Type, Elements and Relation information. Type are composed size, ages, style, and space, Elements are materials and space elements. Relation information are publishing, designer, exhibition, construction company, remodeling, Intoner design and User favorite styles are the development in web environment. This research supplies interior design information for Web environment and trend analysis supports collaboration with development of interior design information database.

A Study on the Illumination of Household and Research on the Actual Conditions of Wearing Spectacles in Dwellers (주택의 조명과 거주자의 면경착용 실태조사연구)

  • 석호작;남철현
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.54-66
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    • 1991
  • As a result of measuring illumination and making up a question at home visit directly by investigator who trained over twenty days period from October 4 to 24, 1990, in order to render help which illumination problem against house, society against eyes or framing of health instruction potgram by seizing natural lighting actual conditions of house and actual conditions of wearing spectacles and by investigating interrelationship, I can summarize as follows. 1) In property of investigation subject, woman 66.9%, In an age, the twenties was largest of 27.4%, the forties was 20.2%, the fifties was 18.6%, the thirties was 17.4%. In academic career, those of upper secondary school grauates was largest of 28.6%, those who possess university career was 25.9%, those who middle school career was 20.9%, decoding of Korean alphabet was 2%. 2) By a residence area, a big city was 43.3%, farming and fishing villages were 20.3%, the rest was a small town and the administrative office of town, township. In positon of house, the middle area was 43.6%, resident of suburb area was 38.0%. In form of house, a Korean-style house was 40.8%, a western-style house was 34.8%, an apartment house was 11.0%. In the a standard of living, the middle classes 77.2%, the lower classes were 15.3%. In residential house unit of area, from 21 to 30 unit of area was largest of 31.5%, from 10 to 20 unit of area was 19.9%, from 31 to 40 was 18.7%. 3) The wearing spectacles rate of study user was 44.1%. By the area, those who wearing spectacles was more than a half of 50.8% in the resident of big city area. As passing from the farm area to the city, that is being resident of big city was high wearing spectacles rate. In position of house, as being residence in central street showed high wearing spectacles rate. (central street was 51.5%, the middle area was 44.5% and the suburb area was 40.1%.) It seemed similarity difference a variable by position of house from wearing spectacles in standard of 1%. By form of house, wearing spectacles rate those who resident in apartment house was 49.5%, that rate those who resident in a western-style house was high of 49.0%, that rate those who resident in a Korean-style house was the lowest 39.0%. By social position of resident in room, in students case who study showed very high, as university students were very high of 62.3% idn wearing spectacles rate, middle and high school students 'were 50.0%, members of society were 47.6%, workers 20.3%. It seemed similarity difference from academic career in standard of 1%. By an age, the thirties was high of 54.1% in wearing spectacles rate, the twenties was 43.2%, the teenage was the lowest of 11.8%. 4) In illumination of study, over 200Lux was high of 40.1%. but below 99Lux which inappropriate illumination to see the books was 32.4%. Average by area, below 99Lux was 22.7% and over 400Lux was 50.0% in case of wooden floor. As examine by area, below 99Lux was high of 27.0% a case of wooden floor in the big city area, it was not good in illumination passing from the farm area(15.0%) to the city(19.0%). Average illlumination by area of the main living room below 99Lux was high of 37.5%, less than 200Lux was 58.5% of whole. In general, illumination of the main livingroom was inappropriate. By area, the big city was 32.5% below 99Lux, the middle and small city area were 33.8%, town and township area were 45.0%, farming and fishing area were 42.8%. By area, in the big city, illumination of study was 52.5% over 200Lux and 28.9% below 99Lux. In case of the middle and small city, study user of below 99Lux was 38.8% and over 200Lux was 46.9%. In case of the seat of town township, below 99Lux was 34.1% and over 200Lux was 39.7%. In case of farming and fishing area, illumination of study was 33.4% below 99Lux and 48.4% over 200Lux. It tends to high rate of inappropriate illumination. 5) By position of house, in case of wooden floor, less than 100Lux was 24.5% in central street. It was bad illumination than others position of house. In case of the main livingroom, less than 100Lux was 40.4% in the suburb area. It was bad iliumnation than others position of house. In case of study, less than 100Lux was 35.4% in the middle area, it was worse in illumination. In case of the main living room, is seemed similarity difference in standard of 1%. 6) By form of house, in case of wooden floor, illumination of less than 100Lux was 23.8% in a western-style house, it was bad illumination than others form of house. In case of the main livingroom, illumination of less than 100Lux was 47.4% in a Korean-style house, it was remarkably bad illumination than others form of house. In case of study, a Korean-style house was 38.8%, it was very bad illumination than others form of house. In case of the main livingroom and study, it seemed similatrity difference each as P < 0.01 and P < 0.05 in standard of 1%. 7) The wearing spectacles rate of those who use room of illumination over 400Lux was 40.7%, and that of those who use room of illumination less than 100Lux was 28.1%. It seemed similarity differecce in standard of 1%. 8) In period of wearing spectacles, 21.3% of total investigator-highest-was from before five years, 8.6% was from before three years. Among those who use of illumintion less than 99Lux, 34.0% began to wear spectacles from before two years 31.7% was from before five years, 30.3% was from before four years. It seemed similarity difference from period of wearing spectacles by illumination in standard of 1 %. 9) Among cause which sight grow worse, the first was that it was each 33.2% and 27.4% in response rate because watch TV nearly to wearing spectacles person and non-wearing person. The second was that a lot of seeing books was 25.3% in wearing spectacles person and response rate for dark illumination was 7.4% in nonwearing spectacles person. It seemed similarity difference in standard of 1%. (P < 0.01). 10) In experience which take medicine good for eyes, it was 50.1% in wearing spectacles person and 8.5% in non-wearing spectacles person. It seemed similarity difference in standard of 1%(P < 0.01). As we have seen above, inappropriate illumination can be a cause of wearing spectacles. Nevertheless, actually, is realities to indifferent against illumination of house. So it must learn knowledge about health obstacle of illumination through society instruction and school eduction against students as well as general residents. In case that natural lighting is inappropriate structural of house, we must be able to maintain appropriate illumination through artificial illumination. And so eyes which is core of human life have to be protected, related the authorities, related group, and all health medical personnel will organically cooperate with and make efforts.

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A Comparative Study of the Practical Use and Behavior Pattern on the Livingroom space of Apartment (아파트 거실의 활용과 이용행태에 관한 비교연구 - 모델하우스와 실제거주 거실 공간 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Yang-Hee;Ha, Jae-Kyung
    • Journal of The Korean Digital Architecture Interior Association
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.35-43
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to know the way of practical space use and user behavior pattern at the livingroom of city apartment that is the representative residential space of modern citizen. The way of study is to compare the livingroom of model house with actual condition of livingroom, through this way, we will know that livingroom is in use as the original concept of design or not. From the research which sees consequently (1) Most of the current model houses show common kind of livingroom by using typical style and arrangement of furniture (TV, couch, table, and decorations such as pictures or other artworks). (2) Actual condition of livingroom is different from model house in furniture arrangement and in using space which is set depending on the residents' preferences and characteristics.(computer, desk, exercising equipments, and instruments etc.) (3) The actual condition of livingroom shows the various behavior pattern of space use as the actual condition of livingroom is a mixture of typical kind of livingroom and the livingroom that reflects the characteristics of residents'.

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A Study on the Interior Space Planning Direction of Steel House -based on the professional evaluation of Model Steel House- (스틸하우스 실내공간계획 방향에 대한 연구 -모델 스틸하우스에 대한 전문가 평가를 기초로 하여-)

  • 주서령;배시화
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • no.13
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    • pp.89-95
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    • 1997
  • In line with the worldwide trend toward the protection of natural environment and economic concerns, the steel framed house is suggested for the next industrialized generatiov. In Korea, untrustworthiness of concrete structured apartment has led to the development of alternative building material and technology. POSCO has constructed the model steel house to assess the marketability of steel framed house in Korea. To collect basic data required to design the steel framed house suitable to Korean life pattern and housing needs, professional evaluation of model steel house was conducted. The goal of this study is to propose alternative plan and ideas on the interior space planning based upon the evaluation from women housing professionals. Our analysis reveals that the habitability of steel house is equal or superior to that of traditional houses. But in the interiior sapce planning, the certain aspects of steel houses is not suitable to Korean likfe style: the lack of storage space and utility space, inflexibility of plav. We conclude that given its cost efficiency and environmental concern, steel house has potential to take an important part in future Korean housing.

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Attitudes and Preferences for Elderly Assisted Living according to Socio-economic Status (사회계층별 노인생활지원주택에 대한 태도와 선호)

  • 홍형옥;지은영
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.83-95
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    • 2002
  • The objectives of this study were 1) to analyze the attitudes about Elderly Assisted Living(EAL), 2) to consider the policy implications for elderly communal housing according to socio-economic status(income, occupation and education). The survey was undertaken from August to September, 2000 in Seoul and Kyunggi-Do(Ilsan, Bundang). The data were analyzed by SPSS Window program. The major findings were as follows: Most of the respondents prefered to live in EAL(over 56%), under 10 units and desired to be serviced(housework.leisure medical program.meal service). The upper class respondents preferred high-rise apartment style inner city or suburban and prefered paid services in EAL. They would willingly to pay over 800,000 won for living expenses and more than 200 million won for buying their own EAL. The middle class respondents prefered 5 stories multi-family house style with common facilities as a number. And they prefered to common facilities opening to public if the quality of facilities were better. The low class respondents prefered 5 stories multi-family house style and prefered to live within 30 minutes apart from their families and friends. They would pay under 300,000~600,000won for monthly living expenses and under 100 million won for their own EAL.