• Title/Summary/Keyword: Korean youth

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A Study on the Characteristics of Character Modeling Art in Shanxi Shadow Puppetry (산시성 피영극 캐릭터 조형예술특징에 관한 연구)

  • JIN-DI HU;Hee-kyung Lim
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.666-672
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    • 2024
  • Shadow puppetry (皮影戏) is a traditional Chinese folk art that was inscribed in 2011 as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO. This study focuses on analyzing the character sculptures, colors, and patterns recorded in professional books from Shanxi Province in northern China. The findings indicate that Shanxi shadow puppetry can be categorized into two types. The 'Xiaoyi' in northern Shanxi mainly features characters from the story of 'The Investiture of the Gods' (封神演义) and is characterized by the use of both intaglio and relief carving, dark colors, and a paper screen background. The 'Houma' shadow puppetry in southern Shanxi is influenced by the traditional Shanxi opera 'Jinju' (晋剧) and features four roles: Sheng (生), Dan (旦), Jing (净), and Chou (丑), using a mesh screen background. Shadow puppetry represents costumes, beliefs, lifestyles, social status, social systems, and Confucian culture from the Song, Ming, and Qing dynasties, utilizing both intaglio and relief elements, and traditional five-element colors(五行色). This study aims to understand the characteristics of the modeling art in Shanxi shadow puppetry, and to maintain the traditional craft features while adding innovative elements from animation and film, thereby promoting and preserving the traditional values of shadow puppetry culture for children and youth.

A study on changes and influential factors of post-adolescents' job preferences: The application of latent transition analysis and decision tree analysis (후기 청소년의 취업선호도 변화 및 영향요인 탐색: 잠재전이분석과 의사결정나무분석 적용)

  • 박소영;정혜원
    • Studies on Korean Youth
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.89-111
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    • 2019
  • This study was designed to investigate the longitudinal change trajectories of the job preferences of post-adolescents and to explore the factors influencing the latent class of job preferences. In order to do this, latent transition analysis and decision tree analysis were applied to the 7th wave(22years old) and 9th wave(24years old) collected by the Korean Education and Employment Panel (KEEP)I. The results are as follows. First, latent class analysis at 7th and 9th waves revealed that job preferences were classified into three latent classes namely, ideal preference type, environment-oriented type, and job search type. Second, latent transition analysis revealed that latent classes at 7th wave were transferred to the same classes at the 9th wave. Third, the decision tree analysis revealed that English achievement level, gender, and a father's monthly income were the main influential factors. Finally, the implications of and suggestions for future research were discussed.

An Analysis on Determinants of Exiting and Entering Housing Insecurity among Young Adults (청년층 주거불안정 탈피 및 진입의 영향요인 분석)

  • Lee, Sae Rom
    • Journal of the Korean Regional Science Association
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.23-42
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    • 2024
  • This study examines changes in housing insecurity among young adults from a longitudinal perspective, recognizing the dynamic nature of young adulthood. The objective of the study is to explore shifts in housing insecurity and to identify the factors affecting entry into and exit from housing insecurity. Using data from the Seoul Youth Panel in 2021 and 2022, housing insecurity is measured across three dimensions, and changes over one year are categorized. The sample consists of 40% of individuals experiencing persistent security, 33% experiencing persistent insecurity, 14% exiting insecurity, and 13% entering security, indicating that the transition into and out of housing insecurity is quite dynamic. Empirical results from the logistic regression models reveal several key findings. Firstly, crises in employment and social domains significantly correlate shifts in housing insecurity among young people. Unstable employment and unsatisfactory job conditions increase the risk of entering, and decrease the likelihood of exiting housing insecurity. Social isolation and lower social support increase the risk of entry into housing insecurity, while higher social support enhances the likelihood of exiting housing insecurity. Secondly, residential characteristics play a pivotal role in the transition of housing insecurity. Those living in non-apartments and renters are considerably less likely to exit housing insecurity compared to those living in apartments and homeowners, respectively. Furthermore, residing in rooftop or semi-subterranean location, or undergoing residential moves, significantly elevate the risk of entering housing insecurity. Thirdly, external supports appear to have a limited role in achieving housing security for young adults. Parental economic resources significantly facilitate exiting housing insecurity, whereas governmental housing policy benefits show no significant effect. These findings provide important implications for policy-making aimed at addressing and preventing housing insecurity among young adults.

Rural Migration and Changes of Agricultural Population (농민이촌(農民離村)과 농업인구(農業人口)의 변화(變化))

  • Wu, Tsong-Shien;Kim, Kuong-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.91-116
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    • 1974
  • Taiwan agricultural development in the last decade has not been changed much since the accomplishment of land reform program. This is mainly due to the rapid development taken place within industry that agricultural development can not keep pace with. The increasing gap of rural-urban income discrepancy has caused socio-psychological unstability among rural people and inspire wants of out-migration. From 1961 to 1970, population of the ten largest cities showed an annual growth rate of 4.05%, while the population of the remainder of Taiwan showed 2.06%. Assuming the natural increase rate of these two population sections are similar, the difference of rural and urban annual growth rate can be at tributed to the flow of people from rural to urban sectors. The main objective of this paper is to identify the amount of agricultural out-migration and its impact on agricultural development and agricultural extension programs. Specifically, the objectives are to examine (1) rural-urban population composition (2) rural out-migration estimation (3) changes of agricultural population, and (4) implications for agricultural development and extension programs Some of the important findings are listed below; (1) The average agricultural out migration of the period 1960-1969 is estimated at around 60,000 per year. Take Tainan prefecture for example, the Male-Female Migration Ratio is 0.39 for age 20-24, 0.55 for age 25-29, 0.90 for 30-34. It is understood between age 20 and 34, the rural female migration rate is higher than the rural male. (2) Based on the population growth rate of 1950-1969, agricultural population is projected for the period of 1953 to 1989. By 1978, the agricultural population will reach its peak and begin to dedaine from 1980. The projected agricultural population in 1989 is 5,847,566 which occupies 29% of the Taiwan total population. (3) Assuming area of cultivated land keep unchanged as 905,263 ha. in 1970, and tif we can eliminate all 72% of part-time farms, then the average farm acreage for hose full-time farms will be increased to 3.6 hactares. This is unlikely to happen before 1989 without the government interference. (4) Less than 10% of adult farmer s of age 25-64 in 1969 enrolled in Farm Discussion Club, only 5% of adult farm women enrolled in Home Economics Club, and 5% of rural youth enrolled in 4-H Club. These statistics show a fact that only few farmers are reached by extension workers. Based on findings in this paper, some important suggestions are listed for future agricultural development. (1) Improve agricultural structure by decreasing agricultural population (a) Encourage farmers with less than 0.5 ha. of land to seek jobs outside of agriculture (b) Encourage joint cultivation and farm mechanization (c) Discourage rural migrants to Keep farm land (d) Provide occupational guidance program through extension education programs (2) Establish future farmers settlement project to assure rural youth have enough resources for farming. (3) An optimum Population policy should be integrated into rural socio-economic development and national development programs.

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Meta-analysis about the study related with foundation: As the center from 1998 to 2013 treatises (창업 관련 연구에 대한 메타분석: 1998년~2013년 학술지 논문을 중심으로)

  • Yoo, Jun Ho
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.51-67
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    • 2014
  • The study is aimed to recognize the meaning of foundation study through understanding history and flow of foundation study in Korea. The analysis period is from 1998 when there was first boom of venture foundation in Korea after IMF to 2013 September when the latest thesis was made, and the analysis intends total 382 dissertations the online. The analysis was conducted in the fields of foundation study, foundation support, foundation steps, founding company forms, founder's demographic features, and from the analysis, the following conclusion could be drawn out. First, the field actively carrying out foundation studies is the business management & economics field, but the foundation is dealt as an object of study across the all industries. It could be identified that of the all industries, especially IT industry, food service industry, and contents industry are the fields showing much interest about the foundation. Second, the field attracting most keen attention among the fields of foundation support was the field related with the founders. Third, the main problem relevant to foundation study was that the foundation was judged in comprehensive viewpoint, not being judged with strategies, in detail. Fourth, investing from the company's form aspect, it was found that during the starting period, the main foundation trend was the venture firm foundation, but recently the foundation-relevant attention is focused on the small business foundation and the most dominant founder type is the youth including college students, and the women's foundation is paid continual attention and senior foundation is being actively discussed. According to these analyzed results, future foundation studies should actively promote the general foundation studies, the specified foundation studies reflecting each industry's specialities, the fusion studies.

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Identifying Latent Classes in School Readiness and Testing its' Relationship to School Adaption and Psychological Well-being (학교준비도 잠재계층에 따른 초등학교 저학년 시기의 학교적응 및 심리적 특성 차이 검증: 부모, 교사의 중다 평정 자료 활용을 중심으로)

  • Yeon, Eun Mo;Choi, Hyo-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.41-50
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to identify latent classes in school readiness which were measured by both parents and teachers, and to test the relationship with school adaption, academic abilities, problematic behaviors, self-esteem, and happiness. Latent Profile Analysis (LPA), MANOVA, and one-way ANOVA were conducted using the data of 1,154 1st to 3rd grade elementary school students, and the data was collected between the 7th year (2014) to the 10th year (2017) from the Korean Children and Youth Panel Study. The results of study were as follows. First, four school readiness groups were identified: the consistent low group, parent perceived high group, the teacher perceived high group, the consistent high group. Second, the consistent high group and the teacher perceived high group showed relatively better academic abilities and school adaption than the consistent low group. Furthermore, the consistent high group showed higher academic abilities, self-esteem, and happiness, but lower problematic behaviors than the consistent low group. The findings of this study could be utilized as preliminary data for understanding school readiness to promote successful school adaption and psychological well-being of children.

A Study on Effective Software Education Model by Disability Type for Youth

  • Lee, Hyun Ju;Lee, Won Joo;Jung, Hoe Kyung
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.25 no.10
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    • pp.261-268
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, we propose an effective software education model for youths with disability. This software education model consists of a four-step process. In the first step, it draws the education curriculum of the software education for different types of disabled youths based on the results of comparative analysis of software education field in special education curriculum. In the second step, it suggests achievement standards for effective software education for the disabled students by classifying students with intellectual disabilities and visual, hearing, and physical disabilities without any multiple disabilities. In the third step, the study developed a modular textbook comprised of unplugged activities using coding robot Albert, physical computing, and block/text coding with the reflection of the characteristic of each type of disability. In the fourth step, it applied the textbook to the school field and educated disabled students focusing on experience to allow them to think logically and by stages about different problems they face in daily lives. In addition, by analyzing the results of youths' performance evaluation and surveys, it was shown that 82.3% of developmental disabilities, 78.8% of visual impairments, 90.9% of hearing impairments, and 78.8% of physically disabilities achieved achievements above the "medium" level. These results prove that the software education model for youths with disabilities proposed in this paper is very effective in improving computational chinking of youths with disabilities.

A study on the Effects of Small Business Managerial Performance with Small Business Support Systems in Gyeongnam (소상공인 지원제도가 경남지역 소상공인 경영성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Jeong, Gab Soo;Seol, Byung Moon
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.221-232
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    • 2016
  • The impact of the recent small business start-up competition in the market, has become overheated. It is effected by early retirement of a generation of youth employment. This study is a study on the impact of SEMAS(Small Enterprise and Market Service) system operating of the funding system, education support programs, and consulting support system on the business performance of small business owners. It has surveyed 272 business owners, in Gyeongsangnam-province. The study includes specific support system for usage frequency and satisfaction and conducted from January 2013 to September 2015. In addition, it analyzes characteristic that motivation, business model, item, owner's experience, sales and demographic by small business owner. Analysis results, the management performance of small business that uses financial support system and consulting support system is shown to be high. But education support system is the opposite effect. As a result, the management performance is related to industry experience. Therefore education support system need to be reorganized to the support depends on the development stage. This study was conducted to help small business owners entered the start-up market and a decision-making person with a policy decision.

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The Influential Factors to Growth Intention and Performance in Early-stage Technology-based Start-up Companies (기술창업 초기기업의 성장의도와 성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Chang Young;Hwang, In Ho;Kim, Jin Soo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.49-62
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    • 2016
  • Technology-based start-ups have great economic ripple effect such as economic growth and job creation. Therefore, a strategic approach is required in order for such start-ups to continuously grow. However, many technology-based start-ups do not survive the Death-Valley and are being eliminated from the market. This is an empirical study on influencing variables that have impact on their performance. This study presents growth intention and influencing variables that have impact on performance (financial performance, technological performance) based on previous research on technology-based start-up. Also, this study examines the relationship between entrepreneurial competence, team commitment and growth intention, and finds the effect of controlling business-network. Structural equation modeling was performed in order to test the research hypothesis. Survey was conducted on the firms that have been certified by Youth Startup Academy of Small and Medium Business Corporation. A total of 306 samples were collected from the survey. An empirical test was conducted on the research hypothesis using SPSS 21.0 and Amos 22.0. The result of hypothesis test shows that growth intention has positive influence on both financial and technological performance, and entrepreneurial competence (technological competence, strategic management competence, creative competence and team commitment) has positive influence on growth intention. Also, the research proved that business-network has regulation effect between human resource trait and growth intention. The result of our study will provide practical insight to future start-ups for continuous growth and successful running of their firm.

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A Study on the expression and reader cognition of a Comics character (만화캐릭터의 표정과 독자 인지에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Jang-Won
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2006.11a
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    • pp.227-231
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    • 2006
  • As for comics and animation, the specific gravity came to become still larger in all the art fields together with the importance in various image media now which is useful and goes the time of the 21st century new media. Especially the demand of users to the vision culture which develops day by day, Sensitivity Engineering Department is trying to realize the necessity for a sensitivity design acutely together. The influence of the comics which have toxicity most also in Japanese culture in a geographical position like South Korea on it, and animation is the actual condition in the reason which has reached from youth universally to the layer for years, to be inquired systematic to a Korean comics language. This reserch was conducted as we thought sufficient study on various situations are required, and among them, for the reserch of expressions of cartoons's characters, we've divided the expressions of characters that comes out in Japanese cartoons into catagories of "happiness, anger, sadness, pleasure" and "fear, astonishment and dislike" and based on these catagories, we've drawn out the minimum elements to express emotions in cartoon and prepared image-map by relating them with languages that express emotions of people and based on this, we've made a calculating tools on how our readers would read the expression languages. Samples of Japanese cartoons of which we've chosen for the purpose of drawing out the elements of expressions were limited to only published cartoons and we've made a foot steps for expression analysis of animation characters in the future.

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