• Title/Summary/Keyword: Korean youth

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The Effect of the Active Release Technique on Balance and Functional Movement in Youth Basketball Players

  • Kwang-Nam Kim;Byoung-Hee Lee
    • Journal of Korean Physical Therapy Science
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2024
  • Background: This study was conducted to apply active release techniques to male youth basketball players to help improve physical development and damage prevention and improve performance through improved balance and functional movement. Design: Randomized control trial. Methods: The subjects included 33 youth basketball players who were randomly assigned to the experimental group (n=17) and the control group (n=16). For the experimental group, the active release technique was applied to the hip muscles, calf muscles, posterior thigh muscles based on the distribution of injuries surveyed in youth basketball players in the Korean Basksetball League. The Y-balance test and the functional reach test (FRT) were used to assess balance and the Functional Movement Screen (FMS) was used to assess functional movement. Interventions were conducted twice a week for 4 weeks at 40 minutes per session. The experimental group was the active release technique group, and static stretching, a common exercise therapy technique, and self-myofascial release using a foam roller were applied for 20 minutes. The control group received general exercise therapy and placebo active release technique. The placebo active release technique applies pressure only. results:The experimental group showed a greater improvement in balance, as evidenced by the FRT, compared to the control group, which received general exercise treatment. However, there was no statistically significant difference in improvement between the 2 groups. In the case of the experimental group, the difference in the Y balance test before and after the intervention was larger than that of the control group, but there was no statistically significant difference. Significant improvement was found in functional movement, as evidence by the FMS, for the trunk stability test (p < 0.05), in-line lunge test (p < 0.05), rotational stability test (p < 0.05), total score (p < 0.05). Conclusion: In this study, the active release technique improved the balance and functional movement of young basketball players more than general exercise therapy. The application of the active release technique is therefore expected to assist in physical development, prevent damage, and improve the performance of youth basketball players.

A Study on Difficulty Factors of Youth Startups for Activating Local Startups (지역창업 활성화를 위한 청년창업 애로 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Ahn, Tae-Uk;Kang, Tae-Won
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.67-80
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    • 2020
  • This study has been conducted at a time when Korean government continues to extend support for youth startups as part of its policy to create jobs and the focus moves from career and employment to youth startups with a growing interest in the field of youth startups. Against this background, this study aims to identify difficulty factors of youth startups in areas besides the Seoul Metropolitan Area, seek ways to overcome difficulty factors, and propose policy implications. To this end, this study set five criteria and 25 sub-criteria to evaluate the difficulties of youth startups by reviewing previous studies and conducting literature review, and performing brainstorming method. The empirical analysis of the evaluation criteria was performed, using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method, on youths aged 19 to 39 in Gunsan area. The analysis results showed that the largest difficulty factors facing local youths include business model establishment, business administration and management, and startup funding in the criteria. As for sub-criteria, the largest difficulty factors are market information acquisition, technology commercialization, project feasibility, technology development, and new market pioneering in descending order. Local youths have much difficulty about the process of turning a business item into a product and commercializing it. According to a comparative analysis by gender, men were a relatively high difficulty in commercializing business models than women. men were a relatively high difficulty in commercializing business models than women. On the other hand, women were higher than men in all factors (management management, entrepreneurship, improvement of entrepreneurship system, and improvement of entrepreneurship awareness) except for factors affecting business model. In addition, the factors of entrepreneurship were found to be relatively different among young people (college students, prospective entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs). In conclusion, it was suggested that in order to revitalize youth entrepreneurship in the region, it is necessary to actively resolve the difficulties of business model commercialization rather than entrepreneurship funds. In addition, it is necessary to strategically support customized entrepreneurship support and situational administrative services because gender and hierarchical difficulties are different than general solutions. This study presented practical priorities and derivation methods for the entrepreneurship difficulties faced by local youth, and suggested measures and improvements for vitalizing local youth entrepreneurship in the future.

An Analysis of the Realities and Causes of Youth and New College Graduate Unemployment (청년실업과 신규대졸자 실업의 실태, 원인분석 및 과제)

  • Chai, Goo-Mook
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.56 no.3
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    • pp.159-181
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    • 2004
  • This study examines the realities and causes of youth and new college graduate unemployment, and seeks some assignments for mitigating youth and new college graduate unemployment. An analysis of the realities and causes of youth and new college graduate unemployment is summarized as follows. First, youth unemployment rate, which rapidly increased after the IMF economic crisis, slowly decreased after 2000, but was still somewhat higher in 2002 than that before the IMF. Second, new college graduate unemployment rate, which rapidly increased after the IMF economic crisis, slowly decreased after 2000 and became a similar level to that before the IMF economic crisis, but the number of the unemployed new college graduates highly increased after the IMF. Third, an analysis of the causes of youth unemployment shows that economic growth and the employment elasticity of economic growth negatively affect the unemployment rate, and the rate of entrance into colleges positively affects the unemployment rate. Fourth, an analysis of the causes of new college graduate unemployment demonstrates that economic growth and the employment elasticity of economic growth negatively affect the unemployment rate, and the increase rate of new college graduates, the college graduate/youth population ratio, and the time trend positively affect the unemployment rate. These results suggest several implications for mitigating the unemployment rate of the youth and new college graduates. First, in order to increase labor demand, emphasis must be placed on preparing economic conditions which can raise economic growth rate and on fostering industries and occupations which have high employment elasticity. Second, in the aspect of labor supply, it is necessary to adjust the number of new college graduates corresponding to labor demands in industries. Third, in order to redress the mismatch between the demand and the supply of the youth labor market, attention should be paid to remedying educational systems such as the activation of vocational education and training in middle and high schools and the reformation of college education to match the education and training provided in colleges and the skills requirements of the world of work, and preparing a unified program to support the youth unemployed systematically and synthetically.

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'Youth from Inside to Outside' : A Comparative Study on the Reflected Relations between the Korean Young Generation and the Popular Music in 1990s and 2010s on the Basis of the Mimesis Theory ('청년 안에서부터 바깥으로' : 미메시스 이론을 근간으로 1990년대와 2010년대 청년세대의 저항 및 욕망과 대중음악의 연관성에 대한 비교 연구)

  • Woo, Jihye;Baek, Seon Gi
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.553-568
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    • 2018
  • Popular music is a spce where intrinsic desires and values of young people are well exposed in its process of production and consumption. Previous discussions of Korean youth and youth culture have been proceeding mainly in the sense of their resistances to older generation. However, this is limited in that it neglects the inherent microscopic characteristics of youth culture. The purpose of this study is to investigate what the signs and discourses of youth generation make and share in popular music, and how it relates to social context through the 'Mimesis' theory. As a result, the songs of the 1990s remarkably showed the resistance to the old generation in its narrative structure and have signs which expresses repression and uniformity. On the other hand, the songs of the 2010s have many fragmented signs which has been reconstructed into individualized discourse structure. It is assumed that the songs have been able to gain a lot of empathy and popularity from the young generation by visualizing emotions and desires experienced by themselves in the social context. Through this study, it suggests to pay attention to the sensitivity, desire and creativity of young people in music in the social and cultural context of the time.

Basic Income: Norms and Experience of Policy Scientific Analysis - In the Center of the Youth Dividend Ordinance Discussion - (기본소득: 규범과 경험의 정책 과학적 분석 - 청년배당 지급조례 논의를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Myoung Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.68 no.4
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    • pp.119-141
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    • 2016
  • This study analyzed on the basis of the norms and experience the Seongnam youth dividend ordinance. Youth dividend pros in the normative dimension to understand in order to achieve social justice. Further, youth dividend can replace the existing policy. On the other hand, the opposite of youth dividend is pointed out that the policy is ambiguous without morally justifiable. Also it has been pointed out inefficiencies means. Youth dividend Pros empirical dimension is a social considerations measures, there is a need for innovation by the failure of existing measures. On the other hand, youth dividend opposed to target efficiency is low, and that the problem is often to the contents of the salary. Because both sides are too contrast, consensus is difficult, can be political point of view is a significant impact. The basic income is a new thought experiment for human self-realization. Therefore, the production social welfare policy personality is a different policy science. That is, it is a long-term care social policy that requires a holistic life support. In addition, a non-empirical policy that requires a material support for the substantial freedom. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the philosophical meaning than scientific evaluation of traditional policy aiming to realize autonomous life. Therefore, radio waves of basic income through the welfare politics and exercise is still important strategy.

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A Study on the Librarian's Recognition of the National Library of Korea about YALSA's Competencies for Librarians Serving Youth (청소년 담당 사서의 역량에 대한 국립중앙도서관 사서의 인식에 관한 연구)

  • Noh, Dong-Jo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.199-218
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    • 2010
  • This study evaluates YALSA's Competencies for Librarians Serving Youth: Young Adults Deserve the Best announced at the Young Adult Library Services Association(YALSA), a division of the American Library Association(ALA) on January 2010. For this study, we investigated fifth librarians working at the National Library of Korea to find out the requirements, effectiveness, and difficulties regarding seven areas and forth-eight detailed qualifications indicated by YALSA's Competencies for Librarians Serving Youth through survey. The results show that the more important areas required for youth services librarians were identified as knowledge of materials, administration, leadership and professionalism. Difficult areas of competencies are communication, marketing and outreach. Analysis of forty-eight detailed qualifications according to their importance and the level of difficulty shows that the more important areas are A4(encourage young adults to become lifelong library users by helping them to discover what libraries offer, how to use library resources, and how libraries can assist them in actualizing their overall growth and development) and A1(develop and demonstrate leadership skills in identifying the unique needs of young adults and advocating for service excellence, including equitable funding and staffing levels relative to those provided for adults and children), while the most difficult area of competencies is C4(Design, implement, and evaluate a strategic marketing plan for promoting young adult services in the library, schools, youth-serving agencies and the community at large).

An Evaluation of A Youth Reading Promotion Program: Focusing on '1318 Bookworm Program' (청소년 독서진흥 프로그램 운영평가 - '1318 책벌레들의 도서관 점령기'를 중심으로 -)

  • Ha, Eun-Hye;Chang, Yun-Keum;Kwon, Na-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.181-200
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    • 2011
  • This study purposed to evaluate a youth reading promotion program that is designed and operated by the National Library for Children & Young Adults. The study specifically assessed the '1318 Bookworm Program' by conducting an in-depth survey and a focus group interview for school librarians who had participated in the program between 2007 and 2010. According to the study findings, the program participants were highly satisfied with the program outcomes. The librarians believed that the program brought positive effects on the cognitive, emotional, and social developments of the participated teens. Among the 1318 program operation process, namely designing, planning, and implementation, both planning and implementation processes were the determining factors for the outcome satisfaction. Finally, study participants expressed the needs for increasing the number of the certified professional school librarians active in the field, expanded organization structure, and further research on youth reading promotion programs in order to facilitate the program support and to enhance its efficiency. They also suggested diversified program contents development and the dissemination of manuals for youth reading promotion programs.

Use of Smartphone Applications for Satisfying Information Needs of Youth (청소년의 정보요구 해결을 위한 스마트폰 어플리케이션 이용행태)

  • Lee, SeungMin;Lee, Jongwook
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.175-196
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    • 2017
  • The number of youth smartphone users has been increasing, and they use smartphone applications to satisfy their various types of information needs. Nevertheless, few researchers have addressed youth information behavior on applications. In this study, the author examined the application use behavior of youth in response to their work- and everyday life- information needs. The author collected 114 completed questionnaires from students enrolled in a middle school and a high school. The survey results show that participants' usage and perception of smartphone applications were high, and they were using information, entertainment, and communication applications to meet their information needs. In particular, their preference for application use differed by the type of information needs. Also, participants were considering cost, easiness, privacy policy, review, information quality, providers, interface design, and recommendation to choose applications. This study confirms the role of smartphone applications as an influential information source, and it also provides useful implications for educators and for application developers.

The Influence of Social Participation on School Adjustment in Early Adolescents: Mediating Effects of a Sense of Community (초기청소년의 사회참여가 학교생활 적응에 미치는 영향과 공동체의식의 매개효과)

  • Kim, Myoung Il;Ko, Ah Ra;Lim, Kyung Mi
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.71-84
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    • 2013
  • In this study we examine the relationship between the social participation in the early adolescents and school adjustment as well as the mediating effects of a sense of community. Findings provide ways of intervention that can increase a youth's school life. Based on samples of 2,351 first grade middle school students from the data in the 'Korea Youth Panel Survey' administered by the National Youth Policy Institute, we analysed the correlation among the variables. The results are as follows. First, the social participation of youths showed a major influence on school adjustment, and was identified as: the more the students participate in social activities, the better the students get adjusted to school. Second, the social participation has a significant effect on sense of community. In other words, the more the students participate in social activities, the more the students get a sense of community. Third, a sense of community mediated the process of social participation on school adjustment. These findings indicate that in order to increase a youth's school adjustment, a promotion of social participation and an effort to increase a sense of community are required. The implications of these findings suggest that by intervening social welfare and policy, can improve the integrity of a youth's school life.

A Study on the Effects of Classical Literature Reading Education on Youth's Character and Competency Development (인문고전 독서교육이 청소년의 인성과 역량 증진에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Ayoung;Cho, Miah
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.245-265
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    • 2017
  • The objective of this research is to develop & operate classical literature reading education program for youth, to verify the difference in effect with respect to the influence of classical literature reading education on youth's character and competency development and to clarify the difference in effect depending on intention to participate in classical literature reading education and instruction method. Main result of research is summarized as follows. First, after classical literature reading education was found to be effective to the character and the youth's competency development increased. Second, verifying the effect of classical literature reading education on intention to participate voluntarily, it was found to be more effective for group of voluntary participation than group of involuntary participation. Third, verifying the effect of classical literature reading education depending on instruction method, it was found to be more effective for group of discussion lesson based on character key words than group of lesson based on recital.