• Title/Summary/Keyword: Korean youth

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New Strategies of Wireless Carriers for Youth Market (무선사업자들의 신세대 공략 전략(미국사례를 중심으로))

  • 최병철
    • Proceedings of the Korean Operations and Management Science Society Conference
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    • 2001.10a
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    • pp.346-349
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    • 2001
  • As intensifying competition alters the dynamics of the wireless industry and carriers begin to tap out traditional subscribers-business users and early adopters-wireless operators have come under pressure to begin expanding their target subscriber base. While alternative market segments such as youths, senior citizens, and lower-income or credit-challenged customers often offer less compelling fundamentals (i.e., lower average revenue per user and higher churn rates), carriers, in their race to increase market share, can no longer overlook these potential market segments. In particular, the youth market is a very appealing market segment for carriers to focus on for several reasons. Carriers in many parts of the world have already begun recognizing the compelling advantages of concentrating on youths and teens. This paper will examine the dynamics of the youth/teen population and what attributes make this group an appealing market for wireless carriers. In addition, it will take a look at new emerging technologies that may help carriers attract the youth market especially mobile data, entertainment applications, and wireless messaging. This paper also studies the sensation that carriers in Europe and Japan are achieving with the youth population and suggests how carriers in Korea can emulate that success.

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A Case Study of Reading Psychology Coaching Program for the Self-Growth of Dwellers in the Youth Shelter (쉼터 청소년의 자기성장을 위한 독서 심리 코칭 프로그램 사례연구)

  • Lim, Seong-Gwan
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.251-279
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    • 2016
  • This study would investigate how reading psychology coaching could affect to male & female youth who lived in youth shelter. The main target of this study is self-growth. The progression of program had held from 17nd July 2016 to 17nd October 2016 and each program has been done for 120 minutes once a week during 12times. In order to verify the effectiveness of the program 'Inferiority Complex Symptom Scales' & 'Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy Scales' were used. In short, this program process mainly affect on self-growth. Therefore, this program effect expected as a developmental reading psychology coaching for youth shelter dwellers.

A study on the formation of Youth's Fashion based on Street Fashion (스트리트 패션을 근원으로 한 영 패션의 형성에 대한 연구)

  • 신혜영
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.27
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    • pp.5-16
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    • 1996
  • In today's fashion Street is a birthplace of new generation fashion and Street Fashion have frequently influenced on high fashion. From this view point this study is a meaningful approach to forecast future fashion trend by examining the street style of youth who are regarded as Street Fashion leaders. The purpose of this study is to examine the Youth Fashion style in early 1990s and to pro-vide a reference to fashion designer and mer-chandiser in trend forecasting and product plan-ning. This study is focused on 1990s Youth Fashion style through the historical Street Fashion : 1950s Teddy boys & Mods 1960s Hippies & Skinhead and 1970s Punk. There were mainly two popular Street Fashion phenomena in early 1990s. There were mainly two popular Street Fashion phenomena in early 1990s. One is grunge fashion created by new gener-ation in opposition to existing generation society and impacting on hish fashion leaders. The other is Remix style that is mixed : sub culture fashion originated by young group in 1950-1970s with 1990s sensitivity. Both fashion styles origionated and led by youth of street have influenced on famous high fashion designeres as well as the general public. Street Fashion will continue to play an import-ant role in future fashion and more study and interest on Street Fashion should be taken by fashion forecaster and related.

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Youth Subcultural Styles in Britain Since World War II -the symbolical meanings of Teds, Mods, Skinheads, Hippies, and Punks- (2차대전 후 영국 청소년 하위문화 스타일 -Teddy Boys, Mods, Hippies, Skinheads 와 Punks 스타일의 상징성에 대하여-)

  • Kim Min Ja
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.11 no.2 s.24
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    • pp.69-89
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    • 1987
  • The objective of this paper was to identify the general concept of subculture; to assess the symbolism of youth subculture style, such as Teds in the 40's, Mods in the 50's, Skinheads and Hippies in the 60's, and Punks in the 80's, giving an inspiration to many high fashion designers. The data were collected from eye-wittness reports, interviews, magazines such as Vogue, The Face, and The Sunday Times, postcards, and photos taken by authors. Youth subcultures were symbolized as 1) a social protest and disaffection against social class and racism, 2) an expression of shock value for nihilism, anarchism, and vandalism, 3) a meaningful sexual fetishism concerning gender confusion, and 4) an emotion of rage, fear, and alienation among working class youth. One cultural form in a subculture is its 'style.' Costumes, appearances, and accessories such as hair style, make-up, and jewellery were playing an important role in forming a subcultural style. The symbolism of youth subculture was well depicted on their clothing styles, which had influences on Zandra Rhodes's, Body Maps', and Hyper and Hyper's fashion design.

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A Study on the Background Variables Influencing the Interpersonal Behavior of Youth (청소년기의 대인행동에 미치는 배경요인에 관한 연구 -일반고등학교.산업체.산업체 부설고등학교 청소년을 중심으로-)

  • 정수자
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.85-96
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    • 1981
  • The author aimed at clarifying the background variables that influence on the interpersonal behavior of youth, and getting the data for comprehensive guidance programs of youth in high schools and industries. In this study the author samples academic high school boys and girls, attached high schools boys and girls to industries and laboring youths. the Scale of interpersonal behavior was administered to the youths sampled as above and the data were analysed accounting to groups, sex, and religious. The results of the study are as follows. 1. The most important factor influenced the interpersonal behavior of youth was identified as social environment. That is, the youths in industries or students attached high school to industries showed more prominent characteristics in interpersonal behavior patterns. Then industrial environment effects more on the youth's behavior than school environment. 2. Sex differences were identified is in interpersonal behavior of youths. Boys are more managerial and autocretice, more cooperative, more docile, more self-efacing, more aggressive and more aggressive and more resistant than girls. But in christian group there found no sex differences is interpersonal behavior. 3. Religion was thought to be one of the most important influencing factor to the interpersonal behavior .But in this study there found no realistic effects, of religion on the interpersonal behavior as much as though of. 4. But according to the denominations, christianity was found to influences more on the interpersonal behavior of youths than Buddhism.

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Development of a Family Relationship Enhancement Program for Youth Runaways (가출 청소년을 위한 가족관계 향상 프로그램 개발과 효과 연구)

  • Chung, Moon-Ja;Kim, Jin-Y;Kim, Tae-Eun;Choi, Nan-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.111-125
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to develop and evaluate the efficacy of a Family Relationship Enhancement Program for runaway youth. The theoretical framework of this program was based on Solution-Focused, Satir's Experiential, and Cognitive-Behavioral models. Need assessment analysis of youth shelter workers, focus group interviews with runaway youths, and advisory council meetings were used as a complementary resource for this study. Thirty-one runaway youths from 6 youth shelters in Seoul and Kyunggi participated in 4 two-hour sessions of this Family Relationship Enhancement Program. All participants were subjected to pre-test and post-test analysis in order to assess the efficacy of the program. The results of this study showed that the Family Relationship Enhancement Program had significantly increased the participants' self-esteem, communication capability, and understanding of family values.

Youth Leadership Training through Town Center Regeneration Project in Rural Area - Focused on the Reorganization Plan of Mie-machi Main Street, Oita - (중심지 재생사업을 통한 농촌지역 청소년의 리더십 양성 - 일본 오이타 미에마치(三重町) 중심가로 재편계획을 사례로 -)

  • Chung, Jaehoon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.35-47
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    • 2022
  • The study is to analyze the role of highschool youth group in a rural regeneration project. The process of youth group becoming subjective in resident participation plan was classified into isolation reduction, self-awareness, perspective-taking, subjectivity practice, and opinion expression. Isolation reduction is a stage in which youth group is gradually drawn into the community from a limited society of home and school, self-awareness is a stage in which they discover their thoughts, and view perspective-taking is a stage in which they objectify themselves and surroundings through communication with other members of the region, social experiment was analyzed as a practice of subjectivity that experiences leadership guiding the local community independently, and expressing opinions is a stage of representing the region and giving responsibility for the specific issue of the implementation plan. The study is also an analysis of how residents committee, local governments, and local research institutes perform both regeneration and community revitalization in rural areas. Therefore, the analysis of the cooperative organization of these institutions was conducted simultaneously. The leadership program was effectively linked to the project of rural regeneration. Since high school students themselves are family members of the local people, the process of accepting the project is unaffected, and the feasibility of the project is also increased, such as forming a positive atmosphere for the project and easing resistance to minority opinions.

Design and installation of Sundials for Youth (청소년 교육을 위한 다양한 해시계의 제작 및 설치 계획)

  • Shin, Yong-Cheol;Lee, Yong-Bok;Lee, Sang-Gak;Kang, Wonseok
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.87.2-87.2
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    • 2015
  • 국립고흥청소년우주체험센터에서는 1m 반사 망원경의 완성을 눈앞에 두고 있다. 천체 망원경으로 관측을 하기 위해서는 시간과 천구 좌표계의 이해는 필수적이다. 하지만 현재 본 센터에서는 천구의를 활용한 프로그램 이외에는 시간과 좌표계를 다루는 체험 프로그램이 전무한 실정이다. 센터에서는 참가자가 자신의 그림자로 시각을 알 수 있는 지평면 해시계, 센터에서 쓰지 않고 있는 구형 가마솥을 재활용한 앙부일구, 덕흥 천문대 교육동의 벽에 벽면 해시계의 제작 및 설치를 추진하고 있다. 차후 이를 활용한 체험 프로그램을 참가자에게 제공한다면 태양의 겉보기 운동을 통해 시간과 공간에 대한 개념을 쉽게 알려줄 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 우리 민족의 과학적 자긍심을 심어줄 수 있을 것으로 기대한다.

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JTCS Software Design and Tracking Performance of NYSC 1m Telescope

  • Kang, Wonseok;Kwon, Sun-gill;Lee, Sang-Gak;Kwak, Teyun;Koo, Donghyun
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.59.3-59.3
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    • 2015
  • National Youth Space Center will complete installation of the NYSC 1m Telescope in this year. Before completion of the telescope, we present the software design of JTCS, and the preliminary result of tracking performance by JTCS and mount of the telescope. JTCS currently uses commercial software of the Sky X, for the real-time coordinates of various objects, such as asteroids, comets, and even satellites. In order to guarantee flexibility in CCD detectors, the MaxIm DL software was adopted and JTCS provides auto-guiding and scheduled image-taking with MaxIm DL. We are now stabilizing the telescope mount and JTCS with long-exposure tests, and gathering the preliminary data of tracking performance.

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Astronomical seeing analysis of Deokheung Optical Astronomy Observatory

  • Kim, Taewoo;Kang, Wonseok;Kwon, Sun-gill;Lee, Sang-Gak
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.59.2-59.2
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    • 2015
  • 국립고흥청소년우주체험센터는 2014년부터 덕흥천문대에 설치된 SBIG사의 "Seeing Monitor"로 시상을 측정하고 있다. "Seeing Monitor"는 북극성을 대상으로 TDI(Time Delay and Integration) 방식을 적용하여 얻어진 시상을 분 단위로 저장해준다. 따라서 구름이 없는 맑은 날의 분 단위 시상 자료와 주변 환경 정보를 조합하여 시상에 영향을 미치는지 환경 요인을 정량적으로 분석하는 것이 가능하다. 그 첫 단계로 측정된 시상 자료와 기상청의 온도 습도 풍속 자료, 그리고 GFS(Global Forecast System)의 고도별 상층 풍속 자료를 비교하여 기상정보와 시상과의 관계를 분석해보았다. 습도와 바람이 시상에 가장 큰 영향을 주었으며, 지상 풍속 1~2m/s, 습도 75% 이하, 제트기류 풍속은 250km/h 이하 일 때 좋은 시상 값을 얻을 수 있었다. 이를 통해 덕흥천문대에서 기상정보를 통해 시상이 안정적인 날을 예측할 수 있다면, 앞으로 도입될 1m 망원경으로 훌륭한 관측 자료를 얻을 수 있을 것이라 기대된다.

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