• Title/Summary/Keyword: Korean financial crisis

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Analysis on Productivity Change in Korean Shipbuilding Industry using Malmquist Productivity Index (Malmquist 생산성 지수(MPI)를 이용한 한국 조선 산업의 생산성 변화)

  • Park, Seok-Ho
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.51-64
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this paper is to analyze the productivity change of the Korean shipbuilding industry between 2001-2008 and 2008-2015 by using MPI(Malmquist Productivity Index) to decompose the sources of total factor productivity growth into technical efficiency change, scale efficiency change, pure efficiency change, technical change. The empirical results are as follows. In the first half of the year (2001-2008), productivity increased by 2.8%, which was due to technological advances rather than technical efficiency. In the second half (2008-2015), productivity change declined by -3.4%. This is attributable to the technical efficiency deterioration and technological degeneration caused by a decrease in shipbuilding orders due to the global economic downturn after the global financial crisis and the rise of Chinese shipbuilding industry. In the first half of the period, productivity change was higher than in the second half. Especially, the difference between the two periods is attributed to the technical change and it was proved by statistical verification. The policy implications of this paper suggest that the government and each DMU need to develop new technologies to cope with changes in the global shipbuilding industry environment and strategies to eliminate inefficiencies in order to increase productivity in the future.

Analysis of Factors Affecting the Performance of Korean Franchise Business by Stages (국내 프랜차이즈 성과에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Sang-Ik
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.89-111
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    • 2009
  • Since the financial crisis in 1997, the Korean economy has a steady increase of people who tend to establish their own business by 2008. Business foundations can be divided into independent businesses and franchise businesses. This study focuses on what type of business owners among franchise enterprisers can achieve success. This is intended to reduce trial and error by drawing upon success factors in the stages of establishment, operation, and achievement based on a total sample of 350 individual business sites. The result shows that the success factors in the stage of establishment include (1) Preparation such as foundation education (2) Marketing capability (3) Appropriateness of Business Item (4) Other founder's entry barrier, conglomerate's entry regulation and (5) Head Office Support including service education, market survey education, marketing support. On the other hand, the success factors in the stage of operation include the supervisor capability, Marketing capability, Head Office Support, Customer Management Capability and Employee Satisfaction. Additionally after choosing the major factors according to each stage, multiple regression analysis was processed and interpreted. Finally, we believe that the franchise or independent business foundations can make a profit as well as increase continuous sales and customer satisfaction only with thorough and careful preparation in all stages of foundation and operation. This study is expected to contribute to those who prepare new business in franchise domain to minimize failures with deep consideration of the success factors in the franchise.

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The Expansion Strategy for the New Route between Korea and Hungary (한-헝가리 간의 신물류 확대전략)

  • Seo, Dae-Sung
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.59-65
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    • 2014
  • Purpose - The competitiveness of logistics in the 21st century rests on ensuring the efficiency and effectiveness of its local hub. While considering entry into a niche market in local logistics, it is pertinent to note that Budapest is emerging as a hub in EU enlargement in Eastern Europe. Big, small, and medium-sized businesses in Korea entered Hungary in the early 1990s since then, there has been a significant increase in Korean presence, of approximately 130 times. This study aimed to identify the key distribution issues that have emerged in relation to Eastern Europe. Research design, data, and methodology - This study indicates that 33 major Korean companies were located in Hungary, which serves as an out post to enter the European marketplace. However, Korea's exports to Hungary have declined (-32.0% in 2012) because of a loss of competitiveness against multinational corporations, due to factors such as the rise in current local distribution costs and wages. Hungary, on the other hand, through diversification and expansion of foreign trade with the non-EU markets, including Korea, is increasing its exports. Strategies of emerging countries are compared and reviewed in this study, by examining the vicissitudes of Hungary's distribution methods. Results - There are issues regarding Hungary's innovative ability. Hungary has a history of low wages and high skilled labor. However, the outflow of high-quality human resources for high-wages has become more extensive, and this underlines concerns that the CEE's trade hub is moving to neighboring countries. After the European financial crisis in 2010, the Hungarian economy is now developing, because of the IMF's measures, and it is being transformed into a trade surplus nation, while regaining distribution volumes rapidly. However, if there is continued lack of investment, the supply chain is weakened and exports decline amidst competition with TNCs or with China's distribution networks. Conclusions - It is necessary to create a new logistics approach for increasing trade between Korea and Hungary. First, Korean small and medium enterprises (SMEs) should build trust by working with advanced Hungarian talent, and they should expand into state-of-the-art fields instead of being confined to traditional sectors. Second, this study focuses on limiting and lowering their high expectations for success according to foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows and the role in the CEE distribution hub Korea should try to strengthen the distribution hub with its centralized population, using better, more highly educated human resources, thereby sustaining more innovative ability. Further, the positive effects of these measures are manifested in enhanced business on both sides of Hungary, namely, the EU and non-EU nations such as Turkey and emerging markets around Europe, and a better engagement in the core placement of culture and industry. For this, Korea can contribute to, and benefit from, a Hungarian logistics center, for adopting the high-tech cluster systems and commercializing distribution technology such as RFID·USN.

An Analysis of Employment Policy for the Disabled of Schroder-Government (슈뢰더 정부의 중증장애인 고용정책 분석)

  • Lee, Jin-Sook
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.53
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    • pp.155-178
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    • 2003
  • Traditionally, the Sozialdemokratitische Partei Deutschlands(SPD) guards strictly radical welfare conception and intends to support the disabled with universal welfare-political instruments. After the oil-shock in 1973, European welfare states including Germany had experienced stark financial crisis because of economic unstability and increasing social expenditure. The political direction of SPD has been gradually changed. This transformation has been reflected automatically on the welfare policy for the disabled. In Germany, Gerhard Schroeder who leads the SPD governs since 1998. The Schroeder's new conception of welfare policy is known as the Third Way("neue Mitte") that the social economic structure intends to neo-liberalistic trend. The concern on the employment policy for the disabled has grown recently in neo-liberalistic age, but research on German employment policy for the disabled is very limited in quantity and depth. The main purpose of this study is to examine how the employment policy for the disabled of Schroeder-government has been developing in Germany. And this paper evaluates the effect of transforming policy. Based on this evaluation, this paper attempts to manifest the problem of Korean employment policy for the disabled and to find the implications of German model.

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The Study on the Nature of the Welfare State under the Kim Dae Jung and Roh Moo Hyun Regime: Focusing on Civic Participation in the Policy Decision Making Procedure for the National Health Insurance (김대중·노무현 정부 복지국가 성격에 관한 연구 : 국민건강보험 정책결정과정에서의 시민참여를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Su yun
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.31-54
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    • 2011
  • This study investigates the nature of the welfare state under the Kim Dae Jung and Roh Moo Hyun regime focusing on participatory democracy in the policy decision making procedure for the National Health Insurance. Participatory democracy was introduced not for the qualitative development of Korean democracy but for securing political legitimacy to change the Korean economic structure after the IMF financial crisis. Although participatory democracy played the positive role in winning higher benefit level in National Health Insurance. an index for the development of the welfare state, in 2007 A policy of higher benefit level ended in failure because of the pursuit of the neoliberal ideology, lack of government's responsibility for public finance, and thwarting policy holders' substantial participation in the decision-making process. Like those of past welfare systems, participatory democracy under the Kim Dae Jung and Roh Moo Hyun regime was introduced for securing political legitimacy. But it was managed under restrictions imposed by pro-economic-growth ideology. Nevertheless, the Kim Dae Jung and Roh Moo Hyun governments are different from the former welfare states because of the fact that participatory democracy system is not 'service' system but 'political structure' and the fact that the grant of powers by participatory democracy played positive roles in the development of welfare state through request of higher benefit level policy.

Enhancing Productivity through Innovation: Korea's Response to Competitiveness Challenges (경쟁력 도전에 대한 한국의 대응 - 혁신을 통한 생산성 향상 -)

  • Suh, Joonghae
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.211-238
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    • 2005
  • Korea is far behind other OECD countries in economy-wise productivity: Korea's labor productivity in terms of GDP per hour worked is the lowest among OECD countries. Against the existing productivity gap, there is a worrying sign in Korea's investment trend - rapid fall in machinery and equipment investment with slow increase in R&D investment. The challenge facing Korea is how to transform her economy from catching-up model to a knowledge-based one. The paper shows that, in tandem with the structural changes that today's Korean industries are experiencing, industry's innovation system is also changing. Innovation networks are emerging as the result of economy-wise restructuring since the financial crisis of 1997 and, though still not a dominant force, the newly emerging innovation networks will be the main threads of industry's innovation activities in the future. The changes in industrial innovation system would positively contribute in raising the productivity of the Korean economy. The paper contains a case study on Korea's automobile industry in order to highlight some of main characteristics of the structural changes, in addition to a chapter that gives an overview of the evolutionary paths of the Korea's industrial innovation. The paper assesses that changes can be considered as a positive sign of future growth perspective; but there are further challenges to make the Korea's industrial innovation system effective. The list of such challenges includes strengthening upstream sectors of currently leading industries, expanding the innovation base to SME and promoting technological co-operation between domestic firms and foreign firms.

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The Comparative Study on the Efficiency of Five Largest Seaports in Korea (한국 5대 항만의 효율성에 대한 비교연구)

  • Na, Ho-Su;Lee, U;Lee, Gyeong-Su
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.25-46
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    • 2008
  • By using data envelopment analysis(DEA) this research measures the efficiency of Korea's five seaports and their Malmquist productivity from 1997 to 2006. Under the assumption of CRS(constant returns to scale) and VRS(various returns to scale), seaports' rankings of efficiency are measured. Busan port is confirmed as a best-performed port in the various measurements. Important finding facts are as follows. 1)Busan, lncheon and Ulsan seaports are efficient ports under the assumption of CRS and VRS. 2)Gwangyang port shows 4.3% lower efficiency level compared with efficient ports. 3)Pohang port shows 27.3% lower efficiency level compared with efficient ports. 4)Average total factor productivity of Korea's five ports has been lower at the rate of 3.1% during the period from 1997 to 2006. Main policy implications are 1)Busan port is more efficient than Gwangyang port, which reflects the difference of economic activities between two regional econmies. 2)During the period 1997-2006, Korea's five largest ports has experienced lower efficiency levels in the first half period because of the 1997 Korean Financial Crisis, but higher efficiency levels in the second half period because of economic recovery. In future research the more and better data will be expected to improve the understanding of Korean seaports' efficiency characteristics.

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A Study on the Career Mobility of Reporters at Local Newspapers (지역신문 기자들의 경력 이동 연구)

  • Lim, Yeon Hee
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.78
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    • pp.177-205
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    • 2016
  • This study set out to investigate the reality of local press and changes to the occupational identity of reporters through the job mobility of reporters at local newspapers. The study examined what reasons the reporters had when they retired from one of three paper newspapers in Daejeon, where they moved to, and how their career mobility was. Some of them remained in the field of journalism including paper newspapers of the same kind and Internet newspapers, and others moved to various areas including politics, administration, academy, economy, and culture and art. The biggest number of them said they left their old paper newspapers because of poor wages and welfare benefits and absence of future visions. Their decision of leaving their old paper newspapers was also influenced by restructuring, restrictions to coverage and reporting, and great workload. Before the IMF foreign currency crisis in 1997, the press labor market was a typical internal labor market with the practitioners joining a newspaper in open recruitment and climbing up the promotion ladder from a common reporter through Deputy Head and Head of a department to Director of a bureau. The emergence of new media and the financial difficulties of newspaper corporations were currently making the internal labor market worse. Reporters made active use of social capital such as regionalism, alumni ties, and news beats rather than changing jobs by increasing their professionalism through self-development, thus causing side effects including the weakened supervision and criticism functions of local newspapers and damaging their occupational identity as reporters.

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Marine Finance and Port Logistics Industry's Development Schemes as a Creative-type Service Industry (해양금융과 항만물류산업의 발전방안 연구 -창조형 서비스산업을 근간으로-)

  • Gim, Jin-goo;Oh, Hak-Gyun;Lee, Jin-Joo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2014.06a
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    • pp.183-185
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this paper aims at contributing to the national economic development through global competitiveness enhancement by marine finance's hub and marine logistics cluster by finance specialization and finance support as a creative-type service industry in global shipping port logistics. This study adopted the integrated approach and applied it to policy implementation to achieve the effectiveness. Creative-type marine finance development stages as a tool of policy implementation and the guide line for the time of policy implementation are followed by Stage 1(Construction & Growth Policy) for 2013~2016, Stage 2(Forstering & Activation Policy) for 2017~2019) and Stage 3(Continuous Development Policy) after 2020 until its completion. Korea has the inferiority over the competitiveness in global marine finance and needs a strategic approach to secure the liquidity of marine finance; interim, Islamic finance has been come to the force as a new alternative in financial transaction being accompanied by a spot transaction since the crisis of global finance. In order to create a potential slack of Korea in marine finance practice, in addition, this study suggests a consortium with the circle of Islamic finance as a clue of an easier policy implementation at the beginning stage.

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Community-based Welfare and Policy Tasks for Rural Areas in Korea - A Case Study of Koryung Gun, Kyungsangbukdo (고령군 지역사회 복지의 실태와 정책 과제)

  • Choi, Byung-Doo
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.643-663
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    • 2008
  • The rural area of S. Korea has been excluded from the process of industrialization and urbanization, and is to be faced with a serious crisis in the context of recent globalization/localization with a rapid economic and political change. And hence it is required to give a active attention to community-based welfare for rural areas. The status of welfare of Koryung-gun as such a rural area adjacent to Daegu city is still low, even though recently it has been improved dramatically, and the welfare policy seems not to reflect the rapidly changing conditions of reality, though it has been institutionalized systematically. What is more, the number of dwellers who demand basic welfare has been increased, as welfare services seem not to delivered to them. In order to improve this totally low level of social welfare, major tasks should be pursued to formulate as basic principles an integral approach for community-based welfare and ultimately a restoration of rural community; to construct a mobilization system of diverse resources within community, to develop connections between welfare demanders and providers, and networks of institutes and facilities for community welfare; and to find out and to extend financial sources for welfare policies.

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