• Title/Summary/Keyword: Korean festival

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Revisit Intention of Visitors to Cultural Festival using Logit Model (로짓모형을 이용한 축제참가자의 재방문 의사 분석)

  • Heo, Chung-Uk
    • Korean Business Review
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.139-156
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    • 2009
  • This article investigates the relationships between motivation and revisit intention of visitors to Gangneung Danoje Festival as cultural festival with social demand. Out of 550 questionnaires distributed, a total of 514 usable questionnaires were collected. The hypothesized causal model was tested by logit model, which included satisfaction model to each program as well as overall satisfaction model to cultural festival. Model 1 is constructed with satisfaction and revisit intention to each program, and Model 2 with overall satisfaction and revisit intention to cultural festival. In this models causal variables were inputted including satisfaction to festival programs, frequency of visitation, days of stay, time required to destination. In Model 1 positive sign were shown by causal variables as satisfaction to each program, frequency of visitation, days of stay but negative signs was shown by time required to festival place. In Model 2 sign directions of causal variables were same in Model 1. In comparison, Model 2 is more significant than Model 1 on the basis of statistical theory as significance level and coefficient of determination. Consequently, cultural festival managers should test the satisfaction level of visitors to each program of cultural festival and make efforts to establish advanced program in order to attract more visitors.

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A Study on Structual Relationship among Service Quality, Festival Satisfaction, After Behavioral Intention in Regional Festival - A Case of Iksan National Stone Culture Festival - (지역축제의 서비스품질과 축제만족도, 사후행동의도 간의 구조관계에 관한 연구 - 익산 전국돌문화축제를 사례로-)

  • Kim, Hong-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.326-335
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study id to identify service quality of national stone culture festival, to find relationship service quality to festival satisfaction and after behavioral intention of festival participants. To achieve the purpose of this study, 13 elements of service quality was chosen through previous literature study. And 3 factors were extracted by 1st factor analysis, these are hardware, software, and humanware factor. And second factor analysis was performed to identify validity and reliability these factors. And 5th hypothesis was established and adopted in three hypothesis. That is Hardware service quality factor have a influence to festival satisfaction of participants, festival satisfaction of participants have a influence to revisitation and recommendation intention. This paper indicates that results of this study is useful to regional festival planning to settle down as a sustainable events, necessary to retain service quality and satisfaction as a precedent condition.

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A Study on Brand Recognition of BICOF : Comparative Analysis on the Visitor and Non-Visitor (부천 국제만화축제 브랜드 인식에 관한 연구: 참관자와 비참관자 비교분석을 중심으로)

  • Yoon, Ji-Young;Yim, Hak-Soon
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.26
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    • pp.131-156
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    • 2012
  • As the Global Age has arrived, the domain of festivals has expanded to fulfill the role of being not only a tourist attraction but of being a factor that determines the image and identity of cities, and the factor of enhancing the brand value of a particular city is being focused upon. The city of Bucheon, which aims to be a culture oriented city, is attempting to utilize the Bucheon International Comics Festival as a cultural asset for the revitalization of the city. This study has as its purpose the development of an evaluation index model on the brand value of the Bucheon International Comics Festival and research being conducted based on the developed evaluation index model on the awareness level of the citizens of Bucheon of the festival. In regards to this, the theoretical background was examined and the index model was developed based on precedent research. Based on this, a survey of 1,000 citizens of Bucheon was conducted in this study. This study conducted a survey targeting 500 persons, dividing them into 2 groups according to whether they participated in the festival. The survey of this study established 9 evaluation categories for the International Comics Festival evaluation index model which consists of demographic research and participation motivation, value of comics, festival brand awareness and association image, perceived product quality and loyalty for the festival, internationality of the festival and urban activation. Each survey question is composed of 5 points scale measurement. As a result of the survey, 'for an education of children' was the highest for the participation motivation, and 'not knowing of the festival information' was the highest for the reason of not having participated. The industrial value was evaluated as the highest among the value of comics by the both two groups, and it was studied that there was perception gap for the festival according to whether they participated in the festival for each survey question. It was revealed that the level of awareness of the Bucheon International Comics Festival was "normal," the "city revitalization" index and the "value of comics" index were relatively high and the "international character of the festival" index was the lowest. Furthermore, it was shown that there were differences in the awareness of the established categories of the developed evaluation index model based on whether or not there was participation in the festival. This study comprehensively organizes these analytical results and derives implications which can be used as data for the criteria of the development of future strategy for the Bucheon International Comics Festival.

A Survey on the Perception and Preparation of Traditional Korean Festival Foods in Seoul and the Kyonggi Area (서울.경기 지역 대학생들의 세시음식에 대한 인지도와 이용에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Jae-Hee;Yoon, Sook-Ja
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.473-488
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    • 2008
  • This study was conducted to analyze the perception and observance of traditional Korean holidays and preparation of traditional Korean holiday foods among university students in Seoul and the Gyeonggi area in order to further develop modernize and globalize the foods. The analysis revealed that the traditional Korean holidays with the highest perception and observance was Seollal, followed by Chuseok, Jeongwaldaeboreum, Dongji, Dano and Sambok. Traditional Korean festival foods such as Ddukgook, Mandoogook, Sikhye, Injeolmi, Yookgeijang, Kalgooksoo, Songpyon, Galbizzim, Soondubu and Samgyetang also scored high in perception and preparation. Schools were the most frequent route of introduction to Korean traditional festival foods at a rate of 41.6%. Special educational institutions and schools were also high at introduction rates of 38.3% and 19.5% respectively. The results of this study show that traditional Korean festival foods need to be further developed, as the succession of traditional food culture was the highest among 61.4% and 41.3% of the respondents who answered that the 'standardization of flavor, nutrition and cookery' is the most necessary action to popularize seasonal specialty foods.

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The Effect of Tourists' Participative Motivation of a Festival on Satisfaction and Behavior Intention : Case of Baekjae Cultural Festival (관광객의 축제 참여동기가 만족도 및 행동의도에 미치는 영향 - 백제문화제를 대상으로 -)

  • Kim, Si-Joong
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.433-444
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    • 2012
  • This study aims to examine the effect of tourists' participative motivation of a festival on satisfaction and behavior intention in terms of satisfaction, revisit intention, and recommendation based on Baekjae Cultural Festival. For this study, frequency analysis, reliability analysis, factor analysis, and multiple regression analysis were made. The survey was conducted among 287 samples for the study. The results are as follows: According to the factor analysis, five factors were drawn such as new experience, deviation from daily life, family harmony, amusement & novelty, cultural tour of Baekjae, and sociability. Festival satisfaction was affected by amusement & novelty, new experience & deviation from daily life, and cultural tour of Baekjae, while revisit intention was influenced by cultural tour of Baekjae, amusement & novelty, family harmony, and new experience & deviation from daily life respectively. On the other hand, recommendation was affected by cultural tour of Baekjae, sociability, amusement & novelty, and family harmony respectively.

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Five Voices about Science Month Festival (과학의 달 행사에 대한 다섯 목소리)

  • Maeng, Seung-Ho;Lee, Sun-Kyung;Kim, Chan-Jong;Lee, Jeong-A
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.27 no.7
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    • pp.609-622
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    • 2007
  • The Science Month Festival which is held in our schools provides students with more access to science to expand their science base. However current Science Month Festival is recognized as a pro forma event without it's educational ideal. For this reason, the Science Month Festival has been criticized. This study was aimed to reconsider Science Month Festival by straining at the voices of subjects which were connected to it directly or indirectly. The results showed that every subject didn't make public discourse which makes mutual connections dialectically. Therefore, the voices of dissatisfaction couldn't make alternative plans to solve the problems. Finally, we proposed transaction between private and public discourses in subjects for substance for the Science Month Festival.

Problems of Each Category of Gyeongsanjain Dano Festival and Solutions (경산자인단오제 연행의 분야별 문제와 종합적 개선방안)

  • Lee, Byoung Ok
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.19
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    • pp.88-123
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    • 2009
  • Gyeongsanjain Dano Festival is a local festival of Yeongnam that was initially designated as Intangible Cultural Heritage No. 44 "Hanjanggun Nori" in 1971 and finally became Gyeongsanjain Dano Festival in 2007. At first, few parts of it were designated for preservation and it was succeeded as a whole without connections between each part. Problems also rise from the fact that it has not been closely studied. Gyeongsanjain Dano Festival is mostly classified into five parts: Keungut, Yeowonmu, Hojanggut, Hanmyoje, and Jainpalgwangdae. This study has closely discussed each part as follows: 1. Keungut 1) Process and Contents of Keungut - Characteristics of Gut in Daegu and Gyeongsan 2) Presence of Performers that can Execute Traditional Gut of Local Area 3) Problems with the Name of Keungut - Ex: 'Hanjanggungut' or 'Keungut' 4) Problems of Dano Festival without Parts to Summon and Send off Spirits before and After Keungut and Restoration Measures 2. Yeowonmu 1) Essence of Yeowonmu and Yeowonhwa 2) Problems with the Mass Game of Hundreds of High School Girls 3) Origin and Succession of Yeowonmu 3. Hojanggut 1) Changes in Characters of Hojanggut 2) Composition and Characteristics of Hojanggut 3) Problems with the Name and Characteristics of Hojanggut 4. Jainpalgwangdae Nori 1) Similarity with Newly Created Shows 2) Problems with the Name of Palgwangdae 3) Difference with the Composition of Other Mask Dances 4) Dances and Movements Distinguished from Other Mask Dances in Yeongnam The following are the solutions suggested for Gyeongsan Jain Dano Festival. First, for the restoration of Gyeongsanjain Dano Festival, Dano festivals and Byeolsinje of nearby areas with clear traditions could be benchmarked. Second, the major content of Gyeongsanjain Dano Festival is 'Hanjanggungut,' and it has to be the leading content of the festival. Third, the structural principle of Korean festival must be adopted and the process and principle must correspond to those of other traditional shows. Fourth, as Gyeongsanjain Dano Festival is the comprehensive form of art, folk, and festival, each part must be closely related in a well-planned scenario. Fifth, Intangible talents and successful training must be widely acknowledged for successful transmission and responsible performances. Sixth, traditional festivals must be restored along with the discovery and development of various festival repertories and spectacles such as tour programs and experiential tours that contribute to local economy.

A Study of Foods for Korean Festival Days (우리나라 절식(節食)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Im, Yang-Soon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.1 no.4
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    • pp.361-370
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    • 1986
  • A review was made about the foods for korean festival days through such literature as kyongdojapji ( 京都雜誌 ), youlyangsesiki ( 洌陽歲時記 ) and Dongkooksesiki ( 東國歲時記 ). The focus was on the 'gala foods' in Kangweon province. A survey was made on two separate areas; urban and rural district, The result showed that there was no difference in celebrating gala days between two separate area. Those festival days which are celebrating are seolnal (New Year's day) (98.5%), chusok (mid-autumn festival) (97.7%), Sangwonnal (the 15th day of January) (95.1%), and dongjee (one of 24 seasons by lunar calender) (83.1%) in the order of higher percentages. Only less than 10% of the subjects for this survey are keeping on celebrating napyong (3.5%), baikjong (the 15th day of July) (5.4%), jungyang (the 9th days of September) (6.7%) samjinnal (8.6%) and yoodooil (the 15th day of June) (9.2%). Gala foods, such as dduggook, mandoogook, injulmi (glutinous rice cake) and sikhe (sweet rice beverage) on Seolnal, ogokbab (the rice made of five kinds of cereals), jinchas (various kinds of boiled vegetables) and buryum (chestnut, pinenut and walnut) on sangwonnal, songpyun (rice cake of chusok) on chusok, patjook (rice-gruel mixed with red beans) on dongjii were being enjoyed by most people. Gala foods on seolnal and chusok had a greater variety, compared with those enjoyed on other festival days. I think it is a pity that other gala foods except those just mentioned are enjoyed in a lower percentage or almost forgotten.

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A Study on the Reproduction of Baekje Costumes Exhibited in Korean and Japanese Festivals: Focusing on Parade Costumes from Baekje Cultural and Sacheonwangsawasso Festivals (한국과 일본 축제의 백제복식 재현에 관한 연구: 백제문화제와 사천왕사왔소축제의 행렬복식을 중심으로)

  • Ma, Yoo-Ree;Kim, Eun-Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.49 no.5
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    • pp.11-22
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    • 2011
  • This study aimed to suggest more appropriate and accurate festival costumes based on a comparative analysis on various reproduced costumes and a period review of traditional festival costumes. In particular, the comparative analysis examined festival costumes which appeared in Korean and Japanese festival parades during the Baekje Period. The Baekje Cultural and Sacheonwangsawasso Festivals were examined. A literature review as well as field research and digital restorative techniques were used in the study. The reproduction patterns of Baekje costumes from both festivals were compared with original Baekje costumes, demonstrating several differences in the configuration, material, color, and shape of the costumes in addition to the way they were worn. Based on the comparative analysis, Baekje costumes used in Festivals were grouped into three categories: King's Costume, Queen's Costume, and Government Official's Costume. Dress sketches and 3D illustrations also have been presented.