• 제목/요약/키워드: Korean cities

검색결과 3,976건 처리시간 0.033초

Status, Trend and Strategy on Municipal Wastewater Management in China

  • Wang, Baozhen;Wang, Lin;Liu, Shuo;Wang, Li;Wang, Zheng
    • 한국습지학회지
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.47-60
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    • 2007
  • The rapid development of economy in China at the expense of consuming huge amount of energy and resources, water resource in particular, which has resulted in the production and discharge of increasing amount of wastewater to the water environment. In order to effectively control the increasing water pollution trend, the State Council has stipulated that all the cities with population over 500,000 should reach wastewater treatment rate of 60% by 2005, and all the cities should reach the rate of 60% by 2010, of which Capital Beijing and all the province capital cities and important tourism cities should reach 70% then. By the end of 2005, of the 661 cities in China, 393 have built and operated municipal wastewater treatments with a total number of 790 sets, total treatment capacity of $80.91{\times}106m^3/d$ and total treatment rate of > 48%. Other 73 cities have started the construction of municipal wastewater treatment plants, and other 168 cities have started to prepare, planning and design of wastewater treatment plants. Most of municipal wastewater treatment plants in big cities in China operate normally and perform well with good quality of effluent in terms of wastewater treatment train, but the sewage sludge treatment is usually poor with big problems. It has been found that the small scale WWTPs using activated sludge process in the towns are usually operated and maintained abnormally because of lack of fund, skilled operators and energy. It is therefore suggested that the small scale MWWTPs in small cities and towns adopt appropriate technologies, of which the most available ones are multi-stage ponds, constructed wetlands and the combination of them for further purification and reuse of treated wastewater.

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Defining the Patterns and Factors of Urban Crime in Korean Cities Based on the Analysis of Social Statistical Data

  • Chang, Dong-Kuk;Shim, Jae-Choon;Park, Joo-Hee
    • Architectural research
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    • 제14권2호
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    • pp.45-56
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    • 2012
  • The high rate of urban crime is a main issue that needs to be dealt with in this high-tech society. With the rapid increase of urban crime, research has mainly focused on topics either on a global or a local scale, such as cities or communities and houses or buildings, without reliable observational data. This study makes the best use of the nationwide surveys carried out by Korean government agencies for the analysis of urban crime patterns and factors in major Korean cities. The aims of this research are threefold: understanding the relationship between urban crime patterns and socio-economic differences in cities, determining the effect of residence types on the urban crime patterns; and uncovering potential influential factors of a crime victim's individual characteristics. The statistical methods used for the analysis of social statistical data are as follows: simple regression, logistic regression, one-way ANOVA and post-hoc test. This research found that the patterns of urban crime rate in cities have a certain tendency toward the cities' socio-economic and geographical differences. The residence type is an influential factor showing a close relation to the crime rate. Personal issues, such as the types of occupation, education, marriage, etc., are directly relevant to victims of crime.

도시공원의 경관생태학적 분석-패취의 형태지수와 분산도 분석을 중심으로- (Landscape ecological analysis of urban parks -analysis of index of patch shape and the dispersion of patches-)

  • 김명수;안동만
    • 한국조경학회지
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    • 제23권4호
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    • pp.12-19
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    • 1996
  • Urban parks, as remnant patches, of two older cities and two new towns can be analyzed by a landscape ecological approach. The index of patch shape, the dispersion of patches, the mean edge length, and the mean patch size of parks of each city are ocmpared. The findings of this study are as follows : 1) The mean edge length of urban parks of older cities is longer than that of new towns : Seoul>Suwon>Bundang>Ansan. 2) The mean patch size of urban parks in Seoul is much greater than those of other cities : Seoul> Ansan>Suwon>Bundang. 3) The index of patch shape of urban parks of older cities is greater than that of new towns : Seoul>Suwon>BundangAnsan. 4) The dispersion of patches is in the order of Bundang >Ansan>Seoul>Suwon. The new towns have relatively even distributions of urban parks than older cities. Further research is required to find out the relationship between the index of patch shape and patch interior dynamics.

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우리나라 대도시 주차특성과 정비방안 (A study on the parking characteristics and rational parking management tactics in large cities of Korea)

  • 임승달
    • 대한교통학회지
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    • 제4권2호
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    • pp.15-35
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    • 1986
  • As the population of persons and automobiles rapidly grows, parking problems also grow in large cities of Korea. The purpose of this paper is to first grasp the status of parking facilities and characteristics in large cities of Korea; and introduce new directions of CBD parking policies in north America cities: and finally recommend the adequate parking management strategies and tactics for improving parking problems in Korea. For this purpose, field survey for parking inventories, patrol survey for parking usage as observed demand and drive interview survey for parking behavior were conducted. Compared with the parking characteristics and polices of foreign cities, many differences of characteristics were found, and existing parking management policies, which should be improved, were identified. Five categories of parking management strategies were set on; a) Reasonable control of CBD parking demand, b) securing of the public parking facilities c) Promotion of privately operated parking facilities d) expansion of financial resources for parking facilities construction and e) Improvement of existing parking management system. And actural seventeen tactics to attain the above strategies were recommended.

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경기도 안성 도시구조의 근대화과정에 관한 기초연구 (A Basic Study on the Urban Structure's Modernization Process of Anseong, Gyeonggi-do, Korea)

  • 조용훈;이을규
    • 한국농촌건축학회논문집
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.101-110
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    • 2006
  • During high speed economic growth period in Korea, our society has focused it's energy on the economic and social development based on the strategy of demolition and destruction of all our natural and man-made environment. In progress with that trend, our small cities in Korea also have just followed the metropolitan physical development pattern and considered that imitation of those metropolitan cities' or western cities' changes be the same meaning of "modernization". Therefore, our valuable urban and architectural heritages have been constantly destructed and that situation has been same in Anseong. Now in the new trend of environmentally sustainable urban design and at the new millenium period, we have to focus our attention on the retaining strategy of city's historicity as a city planner or an architect, and the first step for this strategy shall be to clarify the transition process of urban structure, especially of C.B.D. area of small cities since pre-industrial period.

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도시계획에 있어서 준농림지 성장관리의 문제점과 대책 (A Issue of Semi-agricultural Zones Management and Countermeasure in City Planning)

  • 임명구
    • 한국디지털건축인테리어학회논문집
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    • 제7권2호
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2007
  • Cities should be developed and managed deliberately since reckless development and selfish expansion deteriorate the quality of life in the cities by creating various problems in transportation, residence and environment. In particular, the semi-agricultural zones have been designated in order to address such problems as the overpopulation caused by the influx of people into the cities and promote balanced regional development and eco-friendly cultivation of the land across the nation. But the problems of metropolitan areas, such as the overpopulation and lack of infrastructure, are spreading even to the semi-agricultural zones, which should be the last areas to be developed into cities. We should blame the indolence of our policies on land first, rather than the selfish cities that slip from the grip of the law. This study concludes that the self-agricultural zones should be developed and managed with plans by the public sector rather than the autonomous development by the private sector.

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독일의 도시 외부 공간 발달에 관한 연구;제2차 세계대전 직후까지 (A Study on the Development of Urban Openspace in German Cities;until just after the Second World War)

  • 정찬용;鄭讚容
    • 한국조경학회지
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    • 제20권3호
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    • pp.44-44
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    • 1992
  • The existing urban open space system of the German cities has an exellent frame, which is a result of the long history of its developing. The beginning time of that goes back to the end of the 18th century, as pri-vate gardens of feudal lords and the nobility became more and more public and public open space plannedwas appearing. Through the change from the feudal age to the civil society, the people's values on the urbanopenspace were growing. so that it had more social meanings. Since the Industrial Revolution in the secondhalf of the 19th century the environment of cities was getting miserable, what was the important cause ofthe birth of ideas and concepts of the urban open space type and its system.The fo1lowing concepts are they. which have influenced modern open space concepts of the cities InGermany decisively :'Garden Cities'.'Neighborhood'. 'The Model of Mohring, Eberstadt and Petersen','The Model of Langen'. "The Classified City','The Classified and Loosened City'etc.

한국 도시의 환경효율성과 오염물 잠재가격 비교 (Comparison of Environmental Efficiencies and Shadow Prices of Pollutants in Korean Cities)

  • 강상목
    • 한국경제지리학회지
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    • 제13권3호
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    • pp.398-415
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    • 2010
  • 본 연구의 목적은 한국 도시를 대상으로 오염물별 효율성과 잠재가격을 측정함으로써 도시별로 오염처리 부담의 정도를 살펴보고자 함이다. 특히 수도권 도시와 비수도권 도시로 나누어서 오염물의 잠재가격을 비교한다. 1999-2005년간 수도권 도시의 오염 한단위의 연평균 잠재가격은 질산화물 0.846, 황산화물 0.318, PM10 0.816이다. 동 기간 비수도권의 동일한 세 가지 오염물 한 단위당 잠재가격은 연평균 0.848, 0.272, 0.789로 나타났다. 수도권 도시와 비수도권 도시 간에 질산화물의 잠재가격은 비슷한 반면 황산화물과 PM10의 잠재가격은 수도권 도시가 더 높다. 질산화물 배출량은 수도권과 비수도권에 무관하게 교통수단과 관련된 이동오염원이 전국적으로 증가하므로 차이가 없다. 다른 두 오염물에서는 수도권 도시의 오염잠재가격이 높은 것은 수도권의 환경규제가 강하고 상대적으로 산출물 증가에 비하여 오염저감량이 많아서 오염물 배출이 작은 업종으로 구성되었기 때문으로 보인다. 생산가능영역의 우하향 영역에 위치한 도시들에 대해서는 전반적인 산업구조의 변화와 도시의 에너지 소비패턴, 생활공간의 배치에 대한 재검토 등 다양한 관점에서 저감노력이 필요하다.

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우리나라 자가용 승용차의 공간적 확산과정 (Spatial Diffusion Process of Private Passenger Cars in Korea)

  • 李種起;韓柱成
    • 대한지리학회지
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    • 제36권1호
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    • pp.52-65
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    • 2001
  • 1985-1997년 사이에 자가용 승용차는 소득수준이 높고 서비스업이 발달한 서울.부산.대수시 등 대도시등 서울시의 위성도시에서 보급이 먼저 이루어지고 점차 공업도시와 지상 중심도시로 확산하는 한편, 대도시에서의 보급률 증가는 둔화되었다. 이와 같은 현상은 1985년과 1991년 모두 금융, 보험, 부동산 및 사업 서비스업 종사율이 가장 크게 영향을 주었다 1997년에는 농업, 수렵업, 임업 및 어업 종사율이 새롭게 가장 큰 영향력을 미쳤다. 자가용 승용차 보급의 시.공간적 분포패턴은 1991년을 기준으로, 1985-1990년은 서울시나 그 위성도시 및 지방 중심도시에서 보급률이 높았고 보급률의 지역간 격차가 켰던 시기이며, 1991-1997년은 지역적 보급이 평준화되면서 수도권지역 및 지방 주요 도시에 보급률이 높았던 시기이다. 자가용 보급 지역 유형의 결정에 영향을 미친 중요한 요인은 대도시에서는 서비스업 종사율과 소득이, 군 지역에서의 서울시로부터의 거리와 인구규모이다.

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대도시와 중소지방도시에서 공동주택시장에 적용가능한 지구단위 계획의 인센티브 적용에 환한 인구 (Effects of Incentive System of the District Unit Plan on the Apartment Housing Market in MetropolitanCitiesandRuralCities)

  • 김지훈;한규환;;황지욱
    • 한국디지털건축인테리어학회논문집
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.15-21
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    • 2008
  • The district unit planning (DUP) in Korea is a planning instrument. One of the key methods is the incentive system focused on the mitigation of the financial charge of business proprietors with use of various planning deregulation. Here in this paper, it is examined whether the incentive system is indiscriminately applied not only in the metropolitan cities but also in the rural cities. The analysis is carried out with six indicators in relation to the effect on the incentive system on the market of Apartment Housing Development. The indicators are a. the building-to-land ratio(BLR), b. the floor area ratio(FAR) c. the publicly assessed value of land(PAVL), d. the sale price of land(SPL), e. the sale/lease price of apartment house(SLPH) and f. the ratio of housing subscription(RHS). The final result is that the incentive system has different effects between metropolitan cities and rural cities. One of reasons lies on the too high FAR in rural cities to be given basically. Another reason lies on the difference between the cost for purchasing public installation and the profit of the sale & lease price of apartment house. In rural cities their difference becomes much narrow. Finally, the low ratio of housing subscription(RHS) in rural cities makes the effect of the incentive system nearby meaningless.

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