This paper provides an overview of political ecology, a body of theory that focuses on the links between political and economic inequality on the one hand, and environmental degradation on the other. Adopting a tripartite classification scheme that identifies three political ecology traditions -'classical', 'democratic' and 'poststructuralist'- the discussion shows the need for a move within the poststructuralist tradition away from a narrow and quasi-idealistic focus on discourse to a more robust philosophical engagement with ontological and epistemological issues grounded in Gilles Deleuze's development of Nietzschean materialism. From there. the author draws on numerous examples from Canada, and surveys the available literature on 'bioregionalism', a relatively new intellectual tradition evolved from the North American environmental social movements of the 1970s and 1980s. The so-called 'bioregional approach' stresses that administrative units need to reflect (rather than transect) eco-geographical and cultural features. Bioregionalism is described and assessed as a potential pragmatic research framework for geographers and other planners wishing to respond proactively to the call for a revamped, poststructuralist political ecology. The paper concludes that a bioregional approach to political ecology avoids the weaknesses identified by certain critics, provides scope for consideration of fundamental philosophical ideas, and as such, represents a practical development of a poststructuralist political ecology.
This study aims to examine eligibilities, services and delivery of services for the current end-of-life care and analyze the quality control of services for end-of-life care. We analyzed the literature and laws on end-of-life systems in Korean and the United States. Current end-of-life care, hospice and palliative care in Korea is being provided mainly in hospital setting. Quality control for the services focuses on setting the criteria for structures in hospitals (i.e. staffing, facilities and equipment). Whereas American end-of-life care system has much broader eligibility for service beneficiaries and provides care mostly at home. Also quality control for services includes process (delivering service) and outcomes, such as monitoring performance indicators and consumer's satisfaction. This is linked to annual payment. The comparative analysis findings contributed to give the next direction of current Korean end-of-life care system. It is nessary to establish the better and extensive end-of-life care system in Korea in considering other countries' end-of-life care systems based on more future research.
In 1959, Satomura used spectral Doppler ultrasound to express the velocity of red blood cells according to time change, and Kato defined a zero-base line that could tell the direction of blood flow, making it possible to know the direction of blood flow. This became the basis for the widely used classifications of Triphasic, Biphasic, and Monophasic. However, the above classification has limitations that confuse users with the meaning and timing of use in a clinical environment. As a result, the American Society for Vascular Medicine (SVM) and the Society for Vascular Ultrasound (SVU) A consensus document on Doppler waveform analysis was declared by the joint committee. This study tried to review this consensus and to suggest nomenclature and modifiers that can be used in the domestic vascular ultrasound clinical field. The joint committee formed by SVM and SVU recommended that the use of the triphasic waveform and the biphasic waveform be used as a multiphasic waveform rather than being used due to the ambiguity of interpretation. In addition, it was agreed to name the hybrid-type waveform, which is a monophasic and high-resistance waveform, which has always been a problem of interpretation in a clinical environment, as an intermediate resistive waveform. In addition, in order to increase the communication efficiency between the interpreter and the sonographer, waveform analysis was classified into a main descriptor and a modifier, and it was recommended to use a single nomenclature by unifying various synonyms. It is expected that this literature review will provide accurate arterial spectral Doppler waveform interpretation and an agreed-upon nomenclature to radiologists performing vascular ultrasound examination in clinical practice, and will be utilized as basic data that can contribute to the improvement of public health.
This study reviews empirical studies that investigated the impact of marketization of long-term care services on quality of care in Korea, England, Sweden, United States, and Japan. The trend and characteristics of marketization and regulatory system in those countries were compared. Since 2008 when long-term care insurance was introduced in Korea, we selected and reviewed empirical studies which were listed in the National Research Foundation, PubMed and Web of Science and examined the relationship between marketization and quality of care. Seven Korean, three English, two Swedish, seven American studies and one Japan study were identified and there was little evidence supporting that marketization would lead to better quality of care. Specifically, competition had no consistent relationship with quality of care while there was little evidence supporting that for-profit nursing homes tended to exhibit greater quality of care compared to non-for-profit nursing homes. The chains of for-profit nursing homes were revealed to have greater deficiencies. The findings of this review imply that improvement of quality of care may not be achieved by making for-profit nursing homes have chains. Reconstruction of nursing home markets should be needed, and the number and the proportion of public and non-for-profit nursing homes should be increased.
Choice and use of color are very important field for designer. Present color sprang by central field of design business unlike past. Color is used mainly by three fields of sensitivity, administration, mind. But, do substantial design including all of three fields at use. Practical research field that is based on basic research when see as actuality of domestic color design is been behind real condition. Specially, color sensitivity field and color management field are very important field, it can speak that color name arid related area are most important among two. Because collar name includes sensitivity and color management. This research constructs correct data because investigate and analyze and search all compatible color names that is announced in existing or is recorded in public cosmopolitanly. As a result, it is to promise accuracy when produce creation of idea and result of design using color name. Examined laying stress on color that domestic data that is used in research is basis with Korean industrial Standard, connection literature, on-the-spot probe. International data investigated American ISCC-NBS to base. Other abroad color name data examined official data of each country all systematically with Japan, Europe. Findings about 11,000 basis color names and 33,000 application color names sorted collection. Collection method and classification system follow in international standard and arranged for user's tile convenience. Also, use frequency did laying stress on Munsell that is high color system so that can aid in industrial design business. Improved to write all international standard color values sue as RGB, CMYK, XYZ and can be applied all in each field of design. Is applying and get along with continuation improvement and development in homepage of present KIDP, it may become more worth research.
Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
Eighteen catholic churches, built in the Chungbuk area(Cheongju diocese) under the jurisdiction of the American Maryknoll missioners in 1953-1969, are not constrained by specific architectural styles, unlike those built by other foreign Catholic missionary organizations. The same is true of Naedeok-dong cathedral in Cheongju, which is the highest hierarchy and representative church of the diocese. Nevertheless, it has unique architectural features that distinguish it from other churches in the diocese. This study examined what those features were, how they were embodied, and their origins. This study also shows that the features are common in the missioners' churches in Pyeogyang diocese in 1923-1942 and that Father James V. Pardy and the architect Tae-Bong Park, played a bridging role in having the same features between the Pyeogyang and Cheongju diocese. In conclusion, this study summarizes the significance of Naedeok-dong cathedral in relation to the missioners' ideology, in the history of the churches in 1923-1969 and Korean modern Catholic church architecture. To this end, a literature search that utilized mainly primary sources, such as newly discovered architectural drawings, photographs, and text related to the cathedral, was performed.
Park, Junhyun;Ho, YeJi;Lee, Yerim;Lee, Duck Hee;Choi, Jaesoon
Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
The existing Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation(ECMO) and Cardiopulmonary bypass system(CPB) have been developed and applied to various devices according to their respective indications. However, due to the complicated configuration and difficult usage method, it causes inconvenience to users and there is a risk of an accident. Therefore, smart all-in-one cardiopulmonary circulation device is being developed recently. The smart all-in-one cardiopulmonary assist device consists of a blood pump for cardiopulmonary bypass, a blood oxidizer for cardiopulmonary bypass, a blood circuit for cardiopulmonary bypass, and an artificial cardiopulmonary device. It is an integrated cardiopulmonary bypass device that can be used for a variety of purposes such as emergency, intraoperative, post-operative intensive care, and long-term cardiopulmonary assist, combined with CPB used in open heart surgery and ECMO used when patient's cardiopulmonary function does not work normally. The smart all-in-one cardiopulmonary assist device does not exist as a standard and international standard applicable to advanced medical devices. Therefore, in this study, we will refer to the International Standard for Blood Components, the International Standard for Blood, the Guideline for Blood Products, and prepare applicable performance and safety guidelines to help quality control of medical devices, and contribute to the improvement of the health of people. The guideline, which is the result of conducted a survey of the method of safety and performance test, is based on the principle of all-in-one cardiopulmonary aiding device, related domestic foreign standards, the status of domestic and foreign patents, related literature, blood pump(ISO 18242), blood oxygenator (ISO 7199), and blood circuit (ISO 15676) for cardiopulmonary bypass.The items on blood safety are as follows: American Society for Testing and Materials ASTM F1841-97R17), and in the 2010 Food and Drug Administration's Safety Assessment Guidelines for Medical Assisted Circulatory Devices. In addition, after reviewing the guidelines drawn up through expert consultation bodies including manufacturers / importers, testing inspectors, academia, etc. the final guideline was established through revision and supplementation process. Therefore, we propose guidelines for evaluating the safety and performance of smart all-in-one cardiopulmonary assist devices in line with growing technology.
This paper attempts to examine complicated relations which the nineteenth-century English novel of female development has with the Bildungsroman genre, and to discuss that the story of female development effectively realizes the potential dynamics of the genre. It looks into the history of discussions on the Bildungsroman which began at the end of the nineteenth-century in Germany and developed among twentieth-century Anglo-American critics, and those on the female development which didn't start until feminist criticism ventured out at the end of 1970s, and have developed into various perspectives ever since in accordance to the progress of feminist criticism. In general, Bildungsroman criticism considers that it portrays the process how the protagonist develops self and achieves an accommodation with society. However, this paper points out that the Bildungsroman is the narrative form which represents conflicts between self and society caused by idealizing the infinitive possibility of self-determination while simultaneously presenting the limited goal of social integration. It argues that the subversive dynamics of the genre can give full play to its potential when it reveals contradictions and tensions between individual subjectivity and integration into society and connects them with criticism of political and social structures. It is the stories of female Bildungshelds depicted by nineteenth-century female writers that exquisitely embody the subversive potential of the Bildungsroman. They acutely experience alienation from society where independency or autonomy is fundamentally impossible because the ideology of separate spheres does not allow them to live a meaningful life economically and sociologically outside the marriage. An example of a female Bildungsheld whose conflicts between development of self and integration with society are doubled by gender is Jane Eyre. Jane Eyre is a representative Bildungsroman with subversive dynamics, which tells the story of female development but splits itself through various techniques inserting contradictory and opposite meanings, thus resignifying female development and questioning social and political structures.
South Korea's state health insurer, the National Health Insurance Service (NHIS), is in the process of a compensation suit against tobacco industry. The tobacco companies have habitually endeavored to ensure favorable outcomes in litigation by misusing scientific evidence or recruiting scientists to support its interests. This study analyzed strategies that tobacco companies have used during the NHIS litigation, which has been receiving world-wide attention. To understand the litigation strategies of tobacco companies, the present study reviewed the existing literature and carried out content analysis of petitions, preparatory documents, and supporting evidence submitted to the court by the NHIS and the tobacco companies during the suit. Tobacco companies misrepresented the World Health Organization (WHO) report's argument and misused scientific evidence, and removed the word "deadly" from the title of the citation. Tobacco companies submitted the research results of scientists who had worked as a consultant for the tobacco industry as evidence. Such litigation strategies employed by the tobacco companies internationally were applied similarly in Korean lawsuits. Results of tobacco litigation have a huge influence on tobacco control policies. For desirable outcomes of the suits, healthcare professionals need to pay a great deal of attention to the enormous volume of written opinions and supporting evidence that tobacco companies submit. They also need to face the fact that the companies engage in recruitment of scientists. Healthcare professionals should refuse to partner with tobacco industry, as recommended by Article 5.3 of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.
Introduction. Despite the fact that half of premature deaths are caused by unhealthy lifestyles such as smoking tobacco, sedentary lifestyle, alcohol and drug abuse and poor nutrition, there are no theoretical models which accurately explain these health promotion related behaviors. This study tests a new model of health behavior called the Model of Health Promotion Behavior. This model draws on elements and frameworks suggested by the Health Belief Model, Social Cognitive Theory, the Theory of Planned Action and the Health Promotion Model. This model is intended as a general model of behavior but this first test of the model uses amount of exercise as the outcome behavior. Design. This study utilized a cross sectional mail-out, mail-back survey design to determine the elements within the model that best explained intentions to exercise and those that best explained amount of exercise. A follow-up questionnaire was mailed to all respondents to the first questionnaire about 10 months after the initial survey. A pretest was conducted to refine the questionnaire and a pilot study to test the protocols and assumptions used to calculate the required sample size. Sample. The sample was drawn from 2000 eligible participants at two blue collar (utility company and part of a hospital) and two white collar (bank and pharmaceutical) companies located in Southeastern Michigan. Both white collar site had employee fitness centers and all four sites offered health promotion programs. In the first survey, 982 responses were received (49.1%) after two mailings to non-respondents and one additional mailing to secure answers to missing data, with 845 usable cases for the analyzing current intentions and 918 usable cases for the explaining of amount of current exercise analysis. In the follow-up survey, questionnaires were mailed to the 982 employees who responded to the initial survey. After one follow-up mailing to non-respondents, and one mailing to secure answers to missing data, 697 (71.0%) responses were received, with 627 (63.8%) usable cases to predict intentions and 673 (68.5%) usable cases to predict amount of exercise. Measures. The questionnaire in the initial survey had 15 scales and 134 items; these scales measured each of the variables in the model. Thirteen of the scales were drawn from the literature, all had Cronbach's alpha scores above .74 and all but three had scores above .80. The questionnaire in the second mailing had only 10 items, and measured only outcome variables. Analysis. The analysis included calculation of scale scores, Cronbach's alpha, zero order correlations, and factor analysis, ordinary least square analysis, hierarchical tests of interaction terms and path analysis, and comparisons of results based on a random split of the data and splits based on gender and employer site. The power of the regression analysis was .99 at the .01 significance level for the model as a whole. Results. Self efficacy and Non-Health Benefits emerged as the most powerful predictors of Intentions to exercise, together explaining approximately 19% of the variance in future Intentions. Intentions, and the interaction of Intentions with Barriers, with Support of Friends, and with Self Efficacy were the most consistent predictors of amount of future exercise, together explaining 38% of the variance. With the inclusion of Prior Exercise History the model explained 52% of the variance in amount of exercise 10 months later. There were very few differences in the variables that emerged as important predictors of intentions or exercise in the different employer sites or between males and females. Discussion. This new model is viable in predicting intentions to exercise and amount of exercise, both in absolute terms and when compared to existing models.
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회원이 이용계약을 해지하고자 하는 때에는 [가입해지] 메뉴를 이용해 직접 해지해야 합니다.
제 16 조 (서비스 이용제한)
① 당 사이트는 회원이 서비스 이용내용에 있어서 본 약관 제 11조 내용을 위반하거나, 다음 각 호에 해당하는
경우 서비스 이용을 제한할 수 있습니다.
- 2년 이상 서비스를 이용한 적이 없는 경우
- 기타 정상적인 서비스 운영에 방해가 될 경우
② 상기 이용제한 규정에 따라 서비스를 이용하는 회원에게 서비스 이용에 대하여 별도 공지 없이 서비스 이용의
일시정지, 이용계약 해지 할 수 있습니다.
제 17 조 (전자우편주소 수집 금지)
회원은 전자우편주소 추출기 등을 이용하여 전자우편주소를 수집 또는 제3자에게 제공할 수 없습니다.
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당 사이트는 무료로 제공되는 서비스와 관련하여 회원에게 어떠한 손해가 발생하더라도 당 사이트가 고의 또는 과실로 인한 손해발생을 제외하고는 이에 대하여 책임을 부담하지 아니합니다.
제 19 조 (관할 법원)
서비스 이용으로 발생한 분쟁에 대해 소송이 제기되는 경우 민사 소송법상의 관할 법원에 제기합니다.
[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.