• Title/Summary/Keyword: Korea geodetic system

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Performance Analysis of Short Baseline Integer PPP (IPPP) for Time Comparison

  • Lee, Young Kyu;Yang, Sung-hoon;Lee, Ho Seong;Lee, Jong Koo;Hwang, Sang-wook;Rhee, Joon Hyo
    • Journal of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.379-385
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    • 2021
  • In order to synchronize a remote system time to the reference time like Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), it is required to compare the time difference between the two clocks. GNSS Precise Point Positioning (PPP) is one of the most general geodetic positioning methods and can be used for time and frequency transfer applications which require more precise time comparison performance than GNSS code. However, the PPP technique has a main drawback of day-boundary discontinuity which comes from the PPP model that the code measurements are applied to resolve the floating carrier-phase ambiguities. The Integer PPP (IPPP) technique is one of the methods which has been studied to compensate the day-boundary discontinuities exited in the conventional PPP. In this paper, we investigate the time and frequency capabilities of PPP and IPPP by using the measurement data obtained from two time transfer receivers which are closely located and using common reference 1 Pulse Per Second (PPS) and RF signals. From the experiment, it is investigated that the IPPP method can effectively compensate the day-boundary discontinuities without producing frequency offset. However, the PPP method can generating frequency offset which can severely degrade the time comparison performance with long-term period data.

Baseline Refinement for Topographic Phase Estimation using External DEM

  • Lee, Chang-Won;Moon, Wooil-M.
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.460-464
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    • 2002
  • Multitemporal interferometric SAR has became an useful geodetic tool for monitoring Earth's surface deformation, generation of precise DEM, and land cover classification even though there still exist certain constraints such as temporal and spatial decorrelation effects, atmospheric artifacts and inaccurate orbit information. The Korea where nearly all areas are heavily vegetated, JERS-1 SAR has advantages in monitoring surface deformations and environmental changes in that it uses 4-times longer wavelength than ERS-l/2 or RADARSAT SAR system. For generating differential SAR interferogram and differential coherence image fer deformation mapping and temporal change detection, respectively, topographic phase removal process is required utilizing a reference inteferogram or external DEM simulation. Because the SAR antenna baseline parameter for JERS-1 is less accurate than those of ERS-l/2, one can not estimate topographic phases from an external DEM and the residual phase appears in differential interferogram. In this paper, we examined topographic phase retrieval method utilizing an external DEM. The baseline refinement is carried out by minimizing the differences between the measured unwrapped phase and the reference points of the DEM.

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A study on the reduction of the distance on reference ellipsoid to the distance on geoid (타원체상 거리의 지오이드면상 거리로의 보정에 관한 연구)

  • 김형태;김용일;어양담;김창재
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.137-143
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    • 1999
  • The straight spatial distance or geodesic distance on WGS84 ellipsoid measured by GPS should be reduced on geoid to be used in Korean Geodetic System. The factors for this reduction are geoidal height and mean radius of the earth. On this study the effects of these factors on reducing distance were analyzed and the result showed that mean geoidal height should be multiplied by $1.6\times{10}^{-7}$ per unit distance for reducing geodesic distance on reference ellipsoid to that on geoid. Condsidering that the geoidal height on Bessel ellipsoid in Korea is -45 m in northeast and -75 m in middle west. It also showed that the difference of geodesic distance between on reference ellipsoid and on geoid is about 7-12 mm per km.

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Precise Geoid Model for Korea from Gravity and GPS Data

  • Choi, Kwang-Sun;Won, Ji-Hoon;Shin, Young-Hong
    • Journal of the Korean Geophysical Society
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.181-188
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    • 2006
  • The data, methodology, and the resulting accurate gravimetric geoid model for the Korean Peninsula (latitude from 32˚ N to 40˚ N and longitude from 124˚ E to 131˚ E) are presented in this study. The types of used data were a high degree geopotential model (the EGM96 spherical harmonic coefficient set), a set of 12,615 land gravity observations, 1,056,075 shipborne gravity observations, and KMS2002 gravity anomalies from satellite altimetry. The remove-restore technique was successfully applied to combining the above mentioned data sets using up to degree and order 112 of the EGM96 coefficient. The residual geoid was calculated with residual Free-Air anomaly values using the spherical Stokes' formula with a 37-km integration cap radius. The geoid model was referred to WGS84 geodetic system and was tested using a set of GPS/levelling geoid undulations. The absolute accuracy is 0.132 m and some improvement compared to the PNU95 geoid model was found.

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The Improvement of Real-time Updating Methods of the National Base Map Using Building Layout Drawing (건물배치도를 이용한 국가기본도 수시수정 방법 개선)

  • Shin, Chang Soo;Park, Moon Jae;Choi, Yun Soo;Baek, kyu Yeong;Kim, Jaemyeong
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.139-151
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    • 2018
  • The National Base Map construction consists of the regular correction work of dividing the whole country into two regions and carrying out the modification Plotting by aerial photographs every two years as well as the real time updating work of correcting the major change feature within two weeks by the field survey and the As-Built Drawing. In the case of the Building Layout Drawing of Korea Real estate Administration intelligence System(KRAS) used for real time updating work of the National base map, the coordinate transformation error is included in the positional error when applied to the National Base Map based on the World Geodetic Reference System as the coordinate system based on the Regional Geodetic Reference System. In addition, National Base Map is registered based on the outline(eaves line) of the building in the Digital Topographic Map, and the Cadastral and Architecture are registered based on the building center line. Therefore, the Building Object management standard is inconsistent. In order to investigate the improvement method, the network RTK survey was conducted directly on a location of the Building Layout Drawing of Korea Real estate Administration intelligence System(KRAS) and the problems were analyzed by comparing with the plane plotting position reference in National Base Map. In the case of the general structure with the difference on the Building center line and the eaves line, beside the location information was different also the difference in the ratio of the building object was different between Building center line and the eave. In conclusion, it is necessary to provide the Base data of the double layer of the Building center line and the outline of the building(eaves line) in order to utilize the Building Layout Drawing of Korea Real estate Administration intelligence System(KRAS). In addition, it is necessary to study an organic map update process that can acquire the up-to-dateness and the accuracy at the same time.

The Study on the Delineation of the Busan Metropolitan Region, Korea (부산광역도시권 설정에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hee-Yul;Ju, Mee-Soon
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.167-181
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    • 2007
  • The newly adopted Korea Geodetic Datum (a.k.a. KGD2002) calls for massive reengineering work on geospatial dataset. The main focus of our study is placed on the strategy and system implementations of the required data reengineering with a keen attention to integrated approaches to interoperability, standardization, and database utilization. Our reengineering strategy includes file-to-file, file-to-DB, DB-to-file, and DB-to-DB conversion for the coordinate transformation of KGD2002. In addition to the map formats of existing standards such as DXF and Shapefile, the newly recommended standards such as GML and SVG are also accommodated in our reengineering environment. These four types of standard format may be imported into and exported from spatial database via KGD2002 transformation component. The DB-to-DB conversion, in particular, includes not only intra-database conversion but also inter-database conversion between SDE/Oracle and Oracle Spatial. All these implementations were carried out in multiple computing environments: desktop and the Web. The feasibility test of our system shows that the coordinate differences between Bessel and GRS80 ellipsoid agree with the criteria presented in the existing researches.

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A Study of Modular Dome Structural Modeling with Highly Filled Extrusion Wood-Plastic Composite Member (고충진 압출성형 합성목재를 이용한 모듈러 돔의 구조모델링에 관한 연구)

  • Shon, Su-Deok;Kwak, Eui-Shin;Lee, Seung-Jae
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.76-83
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    • 2015
  • This paper aims at developing an environmentally friendly modular dome structure system with highly filled extrusion wood-plastic composite (WPC) member, and manufacturing a real-size specimen by modularizing members and nodes. The member used in the model is the WPC member with 70% wooden fiber contests, which is higher then previous WPC one. Its members and nodes are modularized by analyzing geometric characteristics of icosahedral-based geodetic dome. Applicapability of the 6ea prototype nodes and 3ea prototype members to the modular dome is examined with the results of the modulaization and the making process for the real-size specimen. Besides, from the analysis results, the lowest buckling mode is expected to be a nodal buckling on a node near the boundary.

Development of flow measurement method using drones in flood season (I) - aerial photogrammetry technique (드론을 이용한 홍수기 유량측정방법 개발(I) - 항공사진측량 기법 적용)

  • Lee, Tae Hee;Lim, Hyeokjin;Yun, Seong Hak;Kang, Jong Wan
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.53 no.12
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    • pp.1049-1057
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    • 2020
  • This study aimed to develop a flow measurement method using drone in flood season. Measuring flow in all branches is difficult to conduct annually due to budget and labor limitation, safety and river works. Especially when heavy rain like storm comes, changes in stage-discharge relationship should be reviewed; however, it is usually impeded by the aforementioned issues. To solve the problem, it developed a simple measuring method with a minimum of labor and time. A numeric map and numeric orthophoto coordinate of South Korea are mostly based on Transverse Mercator Projection (TM) in accordance with rectangular coordinate system and use World Geodetic Reference System 1980 (GRS80) oval figure for conversion. Applying a concept of aerial photogrammetry, it located four visible Ground Control Points (GCP) near the river at Uijeongbu-si (Singok Bridge) and Yeongdong-gun (Youngdong 2nd Bridge) station and measured the coordinates using VRS DGPS. Hovering at a same level, drones took orthophoto of water surface at an interval of 3 seconds. It defined the pictures with GRS80 TM coordinate system, a rectangular coordinate system and then conducted an orthometric correction using GCP coordinates. According to X and Y coordinate analysis, it estimated the distance between the floating positions at 3 seconds-intervals and calculated the flow through the flow area according to the flow path. This study attested applicability of the flow measurement method using drone in flood season by applying the rectangular coordinate system based on the concept of aerial photogrammetry.

A Comparative Study of Transverse Cylindrical Projection Functions by A Series of Numerical Simulations (수치시험을 통한 횡원통 상사 투영함수 비교 연구)

  • Lee, Hungkyu;Seo, Wansoo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.121-134
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    • 2013
  • The transverse cylindrical projection has been used in Korea since 1910s when the nationwide geodetic network was firstly established. However, the projection has a number of different types of functions according to a way of its mathematical derivation as well as a section of its coefficients and terms, for instance Gauss- Schreiber(GS) and Gauss-Kruger(GK) types. Although the transverse cylindrical projection itself is assigned to a system, projected coordinates would be diverse with respect to the function used in the actual calculation. In order to investigate impact of functions used in the computation, five different equations (i.e., 2 GS and 3 GK) were implemented in this study by using MATLAB. A series of numerical simulation tests has been carried out to compare and characterize them in terms of projection accuracy, difference of projected coordinates and distortion. Furthermore, a comparison between GS and GK function was made under the Korean gridding system, consisting of four zones. Results from the numerical computations were qualitatively analyzed and summarized in this paper.

Integrated Management of Digital Topographic Map and Digital Nautical Chart Using Analysis of Control Points in Precise DGPS Surveying (정밀 DGPS측량의 기준점 분석에 따른 수치지형도와 수치해도의 통합관리)

  • Jang Yong-Gu;Kim Sang-Seok
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.29 no.3 s.99
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    • pp.269-274
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    • 2005
  • Geodetic surveying using precise GPS equipment are used without analysis with a statistical verification of GPS observed value and it was preformed by necessity to integration projection of digital topographic map and nautical Chart for integration geographic information system construction. The purpose of this study proposes method that improve accuracy of GPS observed value and direction that integrally manage digital topographic map and electronic nautical chart in analyzing the boundary line error between digital topographic map and nautical Chart. For improvement of the precision of GPS observed value, the author studied precision-analysis of GPS observed value by geometric strength and variance factor in 3 control points used in GPS network adjustment. And like this, produce EDM measurement using this GPS observation results and compare the whole boundary point error when set digital topographic map and nautical chart by these boundary.