• Title/Summary/Keyword: Juvenile Problem

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A Study on the Promote Social Welfare Service of Juvenile Rights (청소년 인권을 위한 복지서비스 향상방안)

  • Roh Hee-Sun
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.16
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    • pp.161-175
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    • 2005
  • In the contemporary society that changes radically, the problems of Juvenile Delinquency shows a tendency to become out-rageous. Organized, intellectual and lower-aged qualitatively together with its qualitative increase to the extent that it may exceed adult crimes, and it is the circumstances that it emerges as an important social problem. Juvenile Delinqurncy is developing into one of the most pressing and critical issues. But, there is no explicit maesure in any country. Above all, Juvenile Delinqurnce is resultd from various factor. For example, personality, family relation, social and environmental problem.

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Economic benefits and management implications of reducing the harvest of juvenile mackerel in Korea

  • LEE, Jungsam;KIM, Dae-Young;SEO, Young-Il;KIM, Do-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.52 no.4
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    • pp.386-393
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    • 2016
  • It is essential to provide good environment for juvenile fish to grow and spawn in order to keep reproduction mechanism of fisheries resources. However, harvesting juvenile fish deprives adult fish of the opportunity to reproduce, thereby changing self-regulating renewable resources into non-renewable ones and preventing sustainable harvesting as well as reducing fishers' income. We reviewed the catch status of Korea on juvenile mackerel and analyzed how reducing the catch ratio of juvenile mackerel may affect the spawning stock and Korean fishermen's revenue. In addition, we analyzed the problem of caching juvenile mackerel in Korean fisheries and current efforts to protect and reduce the catch ratio of juvenile mackerel in Korea. Furthermore, we suggested future efforts to protect juvenile mackerel. The result of the study showed that reducing the catch ratio of juvenile mackerel from 44.4% to 30.0% would increase fishers' revenue by 60.6 billion KRW. We suggest the changing of purse seine fishery's catching methods from night operation to day operation, relocation of fishing vessels to move to other fishing grounds when fishing vessels meet high density of juvenile mackerel, and consumers' clever choice of consuming adult mackerel in order to accelerate the move toward protecting juvenile mackerel in Korea.

A Study on Janvenile Delinquents' View of Parental Attitudes (비행 청소년의 부모관 인식에 관한 일 연구)

  • 장선경
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.123-137
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    • 1989
  • The purpose of this study is to examine parental attitudes perceived by juvenile delinquents and to provide the basic material on the problem of juvenile delinquency. For this purpose, this study examines 1) the relation-ship between the juvenile delinquents' social demographic characteristics and the juvenile delinquents' view of parental attitudes 2) the correlation between the juvenile delinquents' social demographic characteristics and the content and the motive of delinquency, 3) the content and the motive of delinquency in accordance with the juvenile delinquents' view of parental attitudes. For the subject of this study, 318 juvenile delinquents who were in the custody of the institution in An-Yang were selected, and questionnaire sheets were used. Of 318 questionnaire sheets, 221 sheets were analyzed by statistical methods, and the data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, average, t-test, x-test, and F-test; 1. There is a significant difference in the juvenile delinquents' view of their fathers in accordance with their fathers' age. Namely, the younger the father is, the more the juvenile delinquent wants his father to be less negative. There is a significant difference in the juvenile delinquents' view of their mothers according to the existence of step-sibling. Juveniles with step-siblings deny their mothers' inconsistent attitude more than the juveniles without a step-sibling. 2. The social demographic characteristics influencing the content of juvenile delinquency are juvenile's age, the degree of education, the father's age, the style of possessing house and the region of a dwelling. The motive of delinquency show a significant difference according to the juvenile's age. 3. According to the results of studying the correlation between the view of parental attitudes and the content and the motive of delinquency, there is a significant difference in the father's protective attitude, and the content of delinquency as well as in the mother's positive denial, her rigid control, her inconsistent attitude and the content of delinquency. The subordinate domains are opposite to the traditional conception that the father is stern and the mother is peronssive. Today our society encourages the parents' equal and democratic attitude toward their children and the juvenile's view of parental attitudes is discordant with the reality. The juvenile delinquents' view of parental attitudes reflects the equalitariansim of the contemporary society but is influenced by the traditional view of the parents.

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A Case Report of Systemic Type Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis with Fever and Eruption (고열, 발진을 동반하는 전신형(systemic) 소아기 류마티스 관절염(juvenile rheumatoid arthritis; JRA) 환아 증례 1례 보고)

  • Yoo, Chang-Kil;Lee, Yun-Ju
    • The Journal of Pediatrics of Korean Medicine
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.73-83
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    • 2009
  • Objectives This study is to report a case that has an important meaning as a result of treating Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis. We investigated a patient who had to maintain his life with western medicines such as DMARDs, NSAIDs and steroids for a long time. The patient has recovered from all symptoms and his ESR, CRP has been back to normal range with oriental medicine treatment. Methods The patient had fever, especially repeated fever during the afternoon, pain and swelling of joints, generalized skin eruption, anorexia, delayed growth, weight loss, fatigue. So we treated him with herbal medicine and reduced his western medicine. The aim of treatment was recovery from Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis after discontinuance of all western medicine. Results The symptoms of systemic type Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis was vanished and the patient maintains his condition with oriental medicine treatment after stopped all DMARDs such as MTX(methotrexate) and NSAIDs. His ESR and CRP levels were back to the normal range. After this treatment the patient's height and weight has been increased which showed a significant meaning in growth to the child. Conclusions This study showed that oriental medicine can elevate the Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis patient's quality of life with continuous health care and treatment for major problem. For more accurate studies, further studies would be needed with more cases.

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Bibliotherapy for human nature therapy of the juvenile delinquent (비행청소년 인성치료를 위한 독서요법)

  • 변우열
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.26
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    • pp.131-168
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    • 1997
  • The future of a country is influenced by the youth. Sound fostering of the youth is important for the country's future. Because of mechanization, industrialization and urbanization of our society, many social problems, such as confusion of the sense of value, dehumanization, money worshi n.0, ppings, juvenile delinquency are increasing. For the solution of problems of juvenile crime and dehumanization, bibliotherapy should be practiced in juvenile reformatories, schools and societies. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness and value of reading. And also the characteristics, brief history, principles and procedures of bibliotherapy are examined. In addition, the book catalog suitable for bibliotherapy is considered. The results of the study are as follows. (1) In order to solve the problem of dehumanization, and the confusion of the sense of value among young adults, we should enrich and cultivate the characters of young adults through the bibliotherapy. So, bibliotherapy for the treatment of human nature of juveniles should be practiced in the juvenile reformatories, schools and societies. (2) The values of reading in the past were inspiration, information and recreation. But, in recent times, the interest in therapeutic value of reading is increasing. (3) Bibliotherapy is a kind of psychotherapy using selected reading materials. A n.0, pplication scopes of bibliotherapy are very wides, including mental medicine, alcoholic poisoning, drug addiction, juvenile delinquency, counselling and education for school life, etc. (4) The principles of bibliotherapy consist of identification, catharsis, insight and it has self therapeutic principles through the reading. The procedures of bibliotherapy is similar to any other kind of psychotherapy: the participant's statement, diagnosis, treatment, continuous recognition of remedial value. (5) The well suited reading materials for bibliotherapy are literature and biography. Literature and biography are familiar to everyone, because they describe the mentalities, emotions and life styles of human beings. (6) The standard reading lists for bibliotherapy for the proper guidance of juvenile delinquency should be prepared for the solution of developmental tasks, such as, drinking, smoking, friendship, family, love, money, marriage, pregnancy, violence, etc. Finally, Bibliotherapy should be introduced to our school settings and corrections institutions for the proper guidance and prevention of the malpractice of the youths. In addition, we should be endeavor to develop the standard reading lists for bibliotherapy and case study.

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A Study on the Mediating Effect of Empathetic Capabilities in the Relationship Between Attachment to Parents and Behavior Problem (북한이탈청소년의 부모애착과 문제행동의 관계에서 공감능력의 매개효과 연구)

  • Chae, Kyung-hee
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.12
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    • pp.623-634
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the structural relationship between parental attachment, behavior problem, and empathetic capabilities. For this study, the researcher chose the study participants among the North-Korean defector high school students who are currently attending high schools. The survey was conducted over the period from April 4 to June 10, 2020. A total of 257 questionnaires were used for this study. The data of this study were analyzed using SPSS 23.0 and AMOS 23.0. The findings of this study were as follows; First, the parental attachment of the juvenile North Korean defectors had a negative impact on delinquency. Second, the parental attachment of the juvenile North Korean defectors had a positive impact on empathetic capabilities. Third, the empathetic capabilities of juvenile North Korean defectors had a negative impact on delinquency. Fourth, in the relationship between parental attachment and delinquency, the empathetic capability was shown to have a significant mediating effect. This study showed that, in the perspective of social welfare or psycho-therapy, it is necessary to develop various programs to enhance the empathetic capabilities of juvenile North Korean defectors while helping them form a healthy attachment to their parents in order to reduce their delinquency.

Model Development of Affecting Factors on Health Behavior and Juvenile Delinquency of Adolescents (청소년의 건강행위와 비행의 영향 요인에 관한 모형 구축)

  • Kim, Hyeon Suk;Kim, Hwa Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.171-187
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    • 1998
  • In recent years, adolescent issues including smoking, drinking, drug abuse, juvenile delinquency, deviant sexual behavior, mental health problems, high suicide rate, juvenile delinquency and absence without due notice, etc are emerging as serious social problems and the debate on these controversial issues is heating up. The previous studies on adolescent health behavior and social juvenile delinquency such as run-away from home and absence without due notice have been conducted mostly by cause analysis utilizing social demographic factors or biological factors. In other words, the main factors analyzed were demographic and economic factors or parent's educational level, etc, which were the fixed environmental ones that were unable to cause the change in the health behavior. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to analyze factors which are changeable and fixable among the factors influencing the adolescent's health behavior and misconducts and, eventually influencing factors which can be used as the basis to establish health policies and health promotion program to reduce the health risk behavior and misconducts of adolescents. The study subjects were selected by dividing senior high school student in Seoul by region and through random sampling. The 890 subjects were selected from 10 schools including the preparatory school, vocational schools and institutional schools. The duration of the study was for July 1-5, 1997 for the first survey and the second one, for August 25-September 10. Regarding the analysis method, the SAS program was used. The adoptablity of theoretical model was tested through covariance structural analysis utilizing PC-LISREL 8.12 Program. The major findings of the study are as follows: As a result of establishing the model of factors influencing health behavior and juvenile delinquency, in case of male students as the health behavior self-efficacy, education level of fathers, economic level, self-control and the health interest of parent were higher, students were more likely to practice the health promoting behavior. Juvenile delinquency and health risk behavior were prevalent among those with the less shyness, the lower health behavior self-efficacy, lower self-control, lower self-assertiveness, lower economic level. The self-control was the most powerful factor. In case of female students, those with higher health behavior self-efficacy were more likely to practice the health promoting behavior whereas those with lower health behavior self-efficacy, lower self-control, lower self- assertiveness, less shyness were more likely to practice health risk behavior and juvenile delinquency. In case of prep schools, those with higher health behavior self-efficacy and better perceived health status were more likely to practice the health promoting behavior while those with less shyness, lower health behavior self-efficacy and lower academic achievement were more likely to engage in health risk behavior and juvenile delinquency. In case of vocational schools, as health behavior self-efficacy and economic level were higher, the practice rate of health promoting behavior was higher. As the self-control, shyness, self-assertiveness, health behavior self-efficacy were lower, the rate of health risk behavior and juvenile delinquency were higher. In case of social institutional schools, as, the health behavior self-efficacy, social support and economic level, health interest of parents were higher, the rate of health promoting behavior were higher. As the self-control, shyness, self-assertiveness, health behavior self-efficacy and social support were lower, the rate of health risk behavior and juvenile delinquency were higher. So the health promoting behavior was positively related to the health behavior self-efficacy, health interest of parents, social support, education level of fathers, level of perceived health status, economic level. The health risk behavior and juvenile delinquency were higher with the lower health behavior self-efficacy, self-control and self-assertiveness, lower health locus control, less shyness and loneliness, lower economic level and academic achievement. In conclusion, the health risk behavior and juvenile delinquency can be reduced by enhancing self-control, self-assertiveness, health behavior self-efficacy and social support. According to the final model drawn by connecting health behavior and juvenile delinquency, the reduction of health risk behavior can greatly contribute to decreasing social juvenile delinquency as the process of juvenile delinquency was extended from common behaviors to problem behaviors and further into juvenile delinquency.

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The Maltreated Runaway.Juvenile Delinquent Situation and the Police Assistance Policy (아동학대로 인한 가출.비행 청소년의 현상과 경찰의 조력 방안)

  • Park, Eun-Min
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.11
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    • pp.316-324
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    • 2009
  • Child abuse is becoming the cause of runaway young people and is related with the criminal act and the misconduct occurrence. Seriously, the social problem which raises is that the abused child has become the adult, again the children of oneself will abuse again. On the based of the research, this study reviewed the concept of the child abused, the type of the child abused, the theoretical approach of the runaway and juvenile delinquent. The runaway youth compare to the general youth that the abused child was significant p<.05. Base on the data the police officer reviewed the assistance for the abused child.

Effects of Protective and Risk Factors on Juvenile Delinquency and Aggression (청소년의 보호 요인과 위험 요인이 비행과 공격성에 미치는 영향)

  • Cho, Yoon Joo
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.52 no.5
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    • pp.495-507
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to explore the general tendencies of major variables and sex differences and to analyze the variables that affect delinquency and aggression. The protective factors considered in this study included parental education participation, parental supervision, and peer attachment, and the risk factors were academic stress and delinquency experiences of peers. The main results of this study are as follows: firstly, academic stress and parental education participation was slightly low, but parental supervision was high. Further, peer attachment showed a very high score. Delinquency experiences of peers, delinquency, and aggression of adolescents were extremely low. Secondly, the correlation of parental education participation, parental supervision, and peer attachment was negatively related to adolescent delinquency, but the delinquency experiences of peers were positively related to adolescent delinquency. The same results were obtained in the case of adolescent aggression. Further, academic stress was negatively related to adolescent aggression. Finally, hierarchical regression revealed that the variables explaining the juvenile delinquency were parental education participation, peer attachment, and delinquency experiences of peers. Adolescent aggression was explained by sex, academic stress, parental education participation, and the delinquency experiences of peers. In particular, more attention is needed for girls. Various interventions should be provided to prevent problem behaviors.

Affective Factors That Contribute to the Quality of Life of Juvenile Inmates with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Focus on Items from the Korean Youth Self Report

  • Kim, Hyesoon;Kim, Bongseog
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.161-167
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    • 2019
  • Objectives: This study investigated quality of life in Korean juvenile inmates with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and the impact of behavioral and emotional problems on quality of life. Methods: In total, 200 inmates were evaluated using the Korean version of the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview (K-MINI) and the Korean version of the Kiddie-Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia-Present and Lifetime (K-SADS-PL-K). We extracted the inmates with ADHD and evaluated their quality of life, behavioral problems, and emotional problems with the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL) and the Korean Youth Self Report (K-YSR) scale. Descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis were conducted. Results: Among the 200 total inmates, 68 were diagnosed with ADHD by the K-SADS-PL-K. Most of the correlations between PedsQL scores and K-YSR items were significant. Multiple regression analysis showed that PedsQL could be predicted by affective problems (among the DSM-oriented scales of the K-YSR) and attention problems (among the syndrome scales of the K-YSR). Conclusion: Our results demonstrate that, among juvenile inmates with ADHD, quality of life was negatively correlated with most behavioral and emotional problems. Meanwhile, the significant influence of affective and attention problems on inmates' quality of life suggests the necessity of comprehensive treatments for this group.