• Title/Summary/Keyword: Junior engineering

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Miscibility and Specific Intermolecular Interaction Strength of PBl/Pl Blends Depending on Polyimide Structures (폴리이미드의 구조에 따른 방향족 PBI/PI 블렌드의 상용성 및 상호작용의 세기)

  • Ahn, Tae-Kwang
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.185-192
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    • 1998
  • Four kinds of polyamicacids(PAAs) were prepared by the condensation reaction of four diamines with different linkages, 3,3'-diaminodiphenyl sulfone(3,3'-$DDSO_2$), 4,4'-diaminodiphenyl sulfone(4,4'-$DDSO_2$), 4,4'-methylene dianiline(4,4'-MDA) and 4,4'-oxydianiline(4,4'-ODA), and dianhydride, 3,3', 4,4'-benzophenone tetracarboxylic dianhydride (BTDA) using the solvent, dimethylacetamide(DMAc). These four PAAs were blended with poly[2,2-(m-phenylene)-5,5'-bibenzimidazole](PBI) from the solution blending. Then called as Blend-I, II, III, and IV, respectively. Cast films or precipitated powders of the PBI/PAA blends were cured at a higher temperature than expected Tg to transform into PBI/PIs blends. Miscibility, specific intermolecular interaction for miscibility and their relative strength as a function of polyimide chemical structure with different four diamines in the PBI/PI systems were investigated. Four blends used in this study were all miscible, and the specific intermolecular interactions existing in these blends was thought to be the hydrogen bonding between the N-H of PBI and the C=O of PIs. The hydrogen bonding in the blends were shown to be stronger in the Blend-III and Blend-IV than Blend-I and II. It is speculated that the differences of hydrogen bonding strength of PBI/PI blends are dependent upon chemical structures of PIs, that is, PIs consisting of $SO_2$ group have a weaker hydrogen bonding strength than those of O or $CH_2$ group because the former has a larger spacer than the latter.

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The Decomposition of Cyanide by the Electrodeposited Lead Dioxide Electrode (전착이산화납전극에 의한 시안염 분해)

  • Han, Man Seok;Tak, Yongsug;Lee, Choong Young;Nam, Chong Woo
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.438-445
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    • 1997
  • ${\beta}-PbO_2$ electrode, which was electrodeposited on Ti madras, was prepared and for the decomposition of cyanide in electroplating wastewater. After the investigation of temperature and pH conditions for no hydrogen cyanide evolution during the decomposition of cyanide, the optimum current densities of ${\beta}-PbO_2$ electrodeposition and cyanide decomposition were determined in 500ppm NaCN solution, and durability of ${\beta}-PbO_2$ electrode was also investigated. Hydrogen cyanide was actively generated above $40^{\circ}C$ and was not evolved above pH 13. ${\beta}-PbO_2$ electrode electodeposited at $5A/dm^2$ showed the best cyanide decomposition efficiency The decompostion efficiency was about 70% at low decomposition current density ($0.08A/dm^2$), and it decreased gradually to about 10% as the decomposition current density increased up to $4A/dm^2$. The film of ${\beta}-PbO_2$ electrodeposited was corrosive at $20A/dm^2$ and was broken at $50A/dm^2$.

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Distribution of Sulfate-reducing Bacteria in Landfill Leachate and their Role on Insolubilization of Heavy metals (폐기물매립지 침출수에서 황산염환원균의 분포와 중금속 불용화역할)

  • Jung, Kweon;Shin, Jai-Young;Jung, Il-Hyun;Takamizawa, Kazuhiro;Yoo, Young-Sik
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.27-39
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    • 1997
  • This study, collaborated Gifu University, Japan, was performed to analyze chemical pollutants and microorganism and to clarify the distribution of sulfate-reducing bacteria and their insolubilization of heavy metal ions in leachates sampled seasonally between 1994 and 1996 from Nanjido waste landfill site, sampled 4 times between 1995 and 1996 from Pusan and Daejeon waste landfill site, and sampled 1 time between 1992 and 1994 from Hokkaido, Nagoya, Osaka and Hukuoka waste landfill site in Japan. The results were as follows: 1. The temperatures of internal leachate and leachate effluent were 40$\circ$C and 30$\circ$C, respectively, and the pH values of both leachates were about 8.0 at Nanjido waste landfill site. The concentration of SO$_4^{-2}$ gradually increased with the degree of stabilization and that of NO$_3$-N was detected in a part of sampling sites at one and half years, and in all sampling sites at 3 years after completion of landfill. 2. The organic substances in leachate of Nanjido waste landfill site decreased with the degree of stabilization and they were very fluctuated with measuring point and time. The concentration of organic substance and heavy metals in internal leachate were higher than in leachate effluent and those of Cd, Hg, and Pb were lower than detection limit except a part of samples in 1996. 3. APCs in internal leachate and leachate effluent were not much different and the minimum of APCs in internal leachate and leachate effluent were $1.0\times 10^4$/ml and $4.0\times 10^1$/ml, respectively. 4. The maximums of SRBs in Nanjido, Pusan, and Daejeon waste landfill site were 9180 MPN/ml, 24000 MPN/ml, and 348 MPN/ml, respectively and the maximum of SRBs in Japan waste landfill site was 9300 MPN/ml. 5. During 2-week-SRB culture, the values of MPN were high at 50$\circ$C for initial culture period and at 30$\circ$C for last culture period. MPN started to appear at first day and rapidly increased between 7th day and 9th day. 6. Cadmium and copper were insolubilized by SRB within 6 hr and iron and zinc were done within 48 hr. The rates of insolubilization of Cd, Cu, Fe, Zn, T-Cr were 100%, 99.5%, 95.0%, 99.8%, 16.1% after 48 hr treatment with SRB, respectively.

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A Study on the Kinetics of Copper Ions Reduction and Deposition Morphology with the Rotating Disk Electrode (RDE를 이용한 구리이온의 환원속도 및 전착형태에 관한 고찰)

  • Nam, Sang Cheol;Um, Sung Hyun;Lee, Choong Young;Tak, Yongsug;Nam, Chong Woo
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.645-652
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    • 1997
  • Electrochemical characteristics and kinetic parameters of copper ion reduction were investigated with a platinum rotating disk electrode (RDE) in a diffusion controlled region. Reduction of Cu(II) in sulfate had one-step two-xelectron process, while the reduction of Cu(II) in chloride solution was involved two one-electron processes. The transfer coefficient of Cu(II) in sulfate solution was lowest, and the transfer coefficient of Cu(I) in halide solutions had the value of nearly one. In chloride solutions, electrodeposition rate of Cu(II) was about one hundred times faster than Cu(I). Diffusion coefficient increased in the order of Cu(II) in chloride solution, Cu(I) in the iodide, bromide, chloride solution, Cu(II) in sulfate solution. The calculated ionic radii and activation energy for diffusion decreased in the same order as above. Morphological study on the copper electrodeposition indicated that the electrode surface became rougher as both concentration and reduction potential increases, and the roughness of the surface was analyzed with UV/VIS spectrophotometer.

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A study of myopia progression status for a diverse school group (초·중·고 학생들의 근시진행정도에 대한 고찰)

  • Shim, Hyun-Seog;Shim, Moon-Sik;Jung, Ju-Hyun;Ju, Seok-Hui
    • Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.29-33
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    • 2003
  • There are reports that the myopia progression have been difference according to myopia degree and age. In this studies, we divided into three investigated groups. The A group is the lower elementary school(50), the B group is the high elementary school(50), the C group is the junior high school(50) and the D group is the high school students(50). The myopia progression have been compared with each group and most variable terms have been investigated. We have analyzed the refraction inspection record that were investigated to put on spectacles in three years(visiting three times or more). The subject of study were 200 persons(men 100, women 100), 1. The distribution of equivalence with ages : A group -2.72D, B group -2.90D, C group -3.53D, D group -3.96D. 2. The pupillary distance have been 57.4mm(A), 59.9mm(B), 61.6mm(C), 63.4mm(D). 3. On a monthly variation : -0.02D(A), -0.045(B), -0.050D(C), -0.025(D) in men, and -0.06D(A), -0.06D(B), -0.045(C), -0.04D(D) in women. 4. After due considering monthly variation and suppose that the variatting times of spectacles degress were time of refracting inspection. The result : 3.6 month for A group, 4.8 month for B group, 5.3 month for C group and 7.7 month for D group.

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Comparison of Feature Performance in Off-line Hanwritten Korean Alphabet Recognition (오프라인 필기체 한글 자소 인식에 있어서 특징성능의 비교)

  • Ko, Tae-Seog;Kim, Jong-Ryeol;Chung, Kyu-Sik
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.57-74
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    • 1996
  • This paper presents a comparison of recognition performance of the features used inthe recent handwritten korean character recognition.This research aims at providing the basis for feature selecion in order to improve not only the recognition rate but also the efficiency of recognition system.For the comparison of feature performace,we analyzed the characteristics of theose features and then,classified them into three rypes:global feature(image transformation)type,statistical feature type,and local/ topological feature type.For each type,we selected four or five features which seem more suitable to represent the characteristics of korean alphabet,and performed recongition experiments for the first consonant,horizontal vowel,and vertical vowel of a korean character, respectively.The classifier used in our experiments is a multi-layered perceptron with one hidden layer which is trained with backpropagation algorithm.The training and test data in the experiment are taken from 30sets of PE92. Experimental results show that 1)local/topological features outperform the other two type features in terms of recognition rates 2)mesh and projection features in statical feature type,walsh and DCT features in global feature type,and gradient and concavity features in local/topological feature type outperform the others in each type, respectively.

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Removal of Ammonia-N by using the Immobilized Nitrifier Consortium in Aquaculture System (양어장에서 고정화된 질화세균군을 이용한 암모니아 질소 제거)

  • SUH Kuen-Hack;KIM Yong-Ha;AHN Kab-Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.868-873
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    • 1997
  • Nitrifier consortium entrapped in Ca and Ba-alginate beads were packed into two reactors and studied for removing ammonia-nitrogen in aquaculture system. The ammonia-nitrogen concentration of the influent was continually kept about 2 ppm. At the hydraulic residence time of 0.6 hours, ammonia-nitrogen removal amount of two reactors was about 52.6 and 51.0 g $NH_3-N/m^3/day$, respectively. The ability of adjusting to an impulsive leading which was happened according to variations of HRT was better at Ba-alginate reactor, but its discrepancy was not so large. At the respect of removing ammonium-nitrogen, two reactors showed the similar ability of treating recirculating water.

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A Change of Surface Properties of Carbon Black by Surface Treatment (표면처리에 의한 Carbon Black의 표면물성변화)

  • Lee, Chang-Woo;Lee, Chang-Il;Hong, Young-Ho;Hong, In-Kwon;Jang, Yun-Ho;Hahm, Yeong-Min
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.768-776
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    • 1996
  • Carbon Black has various advantageous properties such as reinforcement, tinting, weathering, chemical resistance, electrical resistance, etc., but it has poor affinity in the solution. The purpose of this study is to enhance dispersion in the aqueous solution by altering the surface characteristics. Two different treatments were applied for both channel black and furnace black respectively. Channel black was treated in alkaline solution to replace hydrogen of the carboxyl group with alkaline metal, Li, Na, K. Furnace black has few functional groups, and it was treated with $HNO_3$ to increase the number of functional group on carbon black. It was seen that the substitution of alkaline metal on the surface of channel black enhances the degree of dispersion. Also the higher the acid concentration and reaction temperature, the more the number of some functional groups on the furnace black. Reaction time was not seen to be effective.

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Performance Analysis of QPSK and QDPSK Signals with Diversity Reception and Coding Techniques in Fading Plus Impulsive Noise Environments (임펄스 잡음과 페이딩이 함께 존재하는 환경에서 다이버시티 수신 기법과 부호화 기법을 채용하는 QPSK 및 QDPSK 신호의 성능 해석)

  • Leem, Kill-Yong;Cho, Sung-Joon;Lee, Jin
    • The Proceeding of the Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.3-17
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    • 1994
  • The error probability of QPSK and DPSK signals with diversity reception technique in m-distribution fading plus impulsive noise environments has been derived and the error probability is evaluated and compared with that in Gaussian noise environment. The error performance degrades as impulsive noise becomes strong and degree of degradation of signal performance in QDPSK signal is larger than that in QPSK signal. The diversity reception technique can improve the error performance not only in fading plus Gaussian noise environment but in fading plus impulsive noise environment. When diversity reception technique is used, the improvement of error performance attains about 10dB to 15dB in terms of CNR as compared with that in non diversity reception. Among diversity techniques the maximal ratio combining is must effective. When diversity reception and coding techniques are used together in impulsive noise plus Rayleigh fading environments, the improvement of error performance attains about 12dB to 15dB in terms of CNR as compared with that of only diversity reception technique case and the improvement of error perform- ance in RS coding attains about 2dB in terms of CNR as compared with that of BCH coding case.

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Flexure and tension tests of newly developed ceramic woven fabric/ceramic matrix composites (새로 개발된 세라믹 직포 보강 세라믹 기지 복합체의 인장 및 곡강도 시험)

  • Dong-Woo Shin;Jin-Sung Lee;Chang-Sung Lim
    • Journal of the Korean Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.73-87
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    • 1996
  • The mechanical properties of 2D ceramic composites fabricated bythe newly developed powder infiltration and subsequent multiple impregnation process were characterised by both 3-point flexure and tensile tests. These tests were performed with strain gauge and acoustic emission instrument. The woven fabric composites used for the test have the basic combinations of $Al_{2}$$O_{3}$ fabric/$Al_{2}$$O_{3}$ and SiC fabric (Tyranno)/SiC. Uniaxially aligned SiC fibre(Textron SCS-6)/SiC composites were also tested for comparison, The ultimate flexural strength and first-matrix cracking stress of SiC fabric/SiC composite with 73% of theoretical density were about 300 MPa and 77 MPa respectively. However, the ultimate tensile strengths of composite were generally one third of flexural strengths, and first-matrix cracking stress in a tension test was also much lower than the value obtained from flexure test. The lower mechanical properties measured by tension test were analysed quantitatively bythe differences in stressed volume using Weibull statistics. This showed that the ultimate strength and the firs-tmatrix cracking stress of woven laminate composites were mainly determined bythe gauge length of fibres and the stressed volume of matrix respectively. Incorporation of SiC whiskers into the matrix increased first-matrix cracking stress by increasing the matrix failure strain of composites.

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