• 제목/요약/키워드: Job environment

검색결과 2,110건 처리시간 0.035초

A Study of Nurses Burden and Attitude on Terminal Cancer Patients (말기암 환자에 대한 간호사의 부담감과 태도 연구)

  • Kim, Yun-Hee
    • Asian Oncology Nursing
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.65-74
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    • 2001
  • This study was to investigate the degree of the nurses' burden and the attitude on the terminal cancer patients, as well as the relationship between two variables using questionnaire. The non-randomized convenient samples were 252 nurses with the experiences in caring the terminal cancer patients more than 1year in 5 university hospitals in Seoul and Inchon city. The cross-sectional one time survey was conduced by using the modified questionnaires on the burden and the attitude on the terminal cancer patients at October, 2000. n SPSS for Window, the demographic information and the degree of the burden and the attitude of subjects were analyzed with descriptive statistics. Pearson correlation coefficiency was used to investigate the relationship between the degree of the burden and the attitude from subjects. The additional analysis were performed to examine the differences the degree of the burden and the attitude by the general characteristics of the nurses using t-test and ANOVA. The result was as follow: 1) The degree of the nurses' burden on the terminal cancer patients was the mean of 2.91 ranged from 2.08 to 3.96. 2) The degree of the nurses' attitude on the terminal cancer patients was the mean of 3.52 ranged from 1.83 to 4.68. 3) There was no significant relationship between the degree of the burden and the attitude on the terminal cancer patients(r=.08, p=.23). However, the burden and. the nursing environment among 4 aspects of the attitude showed a significantly positive relationship each other (r=.16, p=.01). 4) The degree of the nurses' burden was different by the nursing specialties (F=2.79, p=.03) and the professional perspectives on nursing(F=3.52, p=.02). 5) The degree of the nurses' attitude was different by the age(F=5.33, p=.01), the married status(t=3.93, p=.05), nursing specialties (F=7.42, p=.00), the amount clinical experience(F=2.85, p=.04), the job satisfaction (F=10.58, p=.00) and, the professional perspectives on nursing (F=6.30, p=.01).

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The Relationship among Structure, Process, and Outcome Dimensions of Nursing Department in Hospitals (병원 간호조직의 구조, 과정, 결과적 차원의 관계)

  • Cho, Mee-Kyung
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • 제6권1호
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    • pp.19-29
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship and the importance of relevant variables among structure, process, and outcome dimensions of nursing department in hospitals. The subject for this study was the registered nurses(N=400) working in medical, intensive care, and surgical units at 5 general hospitals with more than 500beds in Chungnam and Chungbuk. The research design was cross-sectional correlation among the variables based on their self description. The survey instrument was based on eleven structured questionnaires. The data were collected from April 26 to May 26, 1999. The SPSS/PC+ program and LISREL 8.12a program were used to analyze the data. Based on the data collected, the following results were obtained. The relationship among structural, procedural, and outcome dimensions 1. Structural dimension had a relationship with procedural dimension relating to decision-making of caregiving and working conditions, in particular, participation of the problem identification. 2. The extent of participation in decision-making had a relationship with organizational commitment and group effectiveness through the selection process among the total decision-making processes. 3. The structural dimension had a large direct effect rather than indirect effect through decision making processes on organizational commitment and group effectiveness. The relationship of structure, process, outcome dimensions was partially supported by this study. The information obtained from surveys in the field form the basis for the following recommendations for improving organizational effectiveness with in the nursing department in an hospitals. 1) Establishment of decentralized structure, environment, and culture in organizational settings would be desirable so that their members may actively participate in decision-making process. 2) Continuous education and training of nurses with theoretical Knowledge and skill of decision making, practical knowledge, and upright role perception should be highly emphasized for persons in nursing schools and in on-the-job training.

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A Study on Career Commitment in Korean Public Sector (공공조직 구성원들의 경력몰입에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Kyu-Man;Park, Yong-Sun
    • Korean Business Review
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    • 제20권2호
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    • pp.29-45
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    • 2007
  • In today's rapidly changing business environment, corporations need to have flexibility in order to survive. This was especially true of Korean firms that were affected by the policies of the International Monetary Fund(IMF) since 1997. IMF requirements became a catalyst that helped Korean firms design their HR practices more rational and efficient. Although these changes increased the firms flexibility and global competitiveness, they also brought some harmful effects. Job insecurity is one of the most serious problems in Korean firms and in the greater Korean society, As today's organizations no longer lifelong employment, individuals put stress on psychological satisfaction with the need to manage one's career and employability in the open labor market rather than rapid promotion or high compensation in a organizations. Theoretically and empirically, the topics of career choice and career development were extensively developed. On the other hand, the issue of career commitment received little attention. The purpose of this study is to examine the preceding factors career commitment among public officials in Korea.

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Directions for Professional Development of Agricultural Extension Educators in Korea (농촌지도공무원(農村指導公務員)의 전문성(專門性) 향상(向上) 방안(方案))

  • Kim, Sung-Soo
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • 제1권2호
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    • pp.147-163
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    • 1994
  • Agricultural extension programs in Korea had focused mainly on increased production, and the biggest pride of extension was the achievement of rice self-sufficency in 1970s and abundant vegetable and animal production in 1980s. Farming in Korea has changed rapidly in recent years and extension system on commercialized crops have not been satisfactorily developed to mete farmers` demands. Facing the emerging challenges of international competition and trade liberalization for agricultural commodities, the goals of extension should be focused on increased income and the welfare of coral communities. The transfering of agricultural extension educator from central government jobs to local ones has emerged recently under the trends of localization which resulted unstable job environment of extension educator. Intensive pre-service and in-service training of extension workers on current and advanced techologies are essential to upgrade the quality of extension services, and the future directions for professional development of agricultural extension educators in Korea were suggested as follows: 1. Establishing a national network on agricultural extension system to promote exchanges of information among counties and provinces, to conduct meetings and to publish information on agricultural extension. 2. Determining the implications of recent national and global trends on agricultural extension, and strenthening communication at local, national and international levels for an effective extension system in the era of localization, internationalization and globalization; 3. Recognizing the effect of number and quality of extension staff on the impact of extension and providing opportunities development and advancement of extension personnel through education, training, incentives and rewards; 4. Giving a higher priority to agricultural extension in national policies in order to ensure the adequacy of budgetary support and recognition of importance of extension by the ministries concerned and mass communications.

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  • Vayssier, George
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제44권3호
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    • pp.225-236
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    • 2012
  • The Fukushima-Daiichi accident shook the world, as a well-known plant design, the General Electric BWR Mark I, was heavily damaged in the tsunami, which followed the Great Japanese Earthquake of 11 March 2011. Plant safety functions were lost and, as both AC and DC failed, manoeuvrability of the plants at the site virtually came to a full stop. The traditional system of Emergency Operating Procedures (EOPs) and Severe Accident Management Guidelines (SAMG) failed to protect core and containment, and severe core damage resulted, followed by devastating hydrogen explosions and, finally, considerable radioactive releases. The root cause may not only have been that the design against tsunamis was incorrect, but that the defence against accidents in most power plants is based on traditional assumptions, such as Large Break LOCA as the limiting event, whereas there is no engineered design against severe accidents in most plants. Accidents beyond the licensed design basis have hardly been considered in the various designs, and if they were included, they often were not classified for their safety role, as most system safety classifications considered only design basis accidents. It is, hence, time to again consider the Design Basis Accident, and ask ourselves whether the time has not come to consider engineered safety functions to mitigate core damage accidents. Associated is a proper classification of those systems that do the job. Also associated are safety criteria, which so far are only related to 'public health and safety'; in reality, nuclear accidents cause few casualties, but create immense economical and societal effects-for which there are no criteria to be met. Severe accidents create an environment far surpassing the imagination of those who developed EOPs and SAMG, most of which was developed after Three Mile Island - an accident where all was still in place, except the insight in the event was lost. It requires fundamental changes in our present safety approach and safety thinking and, hence, also in our EOPs and SAMG, in order to prevent future 'Fukushimas'.

A Study of the Dead Man's Switch considering bio-response (생체 신호를 이용한 기관사 감시시스템 연구)

  • Song, Yong-Soo;Baek, Jong-Hyen;Ko, Tae-Kyun;Kim, Yong-Kyu
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 한국철도학회 2011년도 정기총회 및 추계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.165-171
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    • 2011
  • A Consider the dead man's switch installed in each and every locomotive cab, which support operational safety on railways around the world. The concept is very simple - every 150 to 180 seconds an illuminated push-button demands to be acknowledged so as to know that the Train Driver is alive and active. In the absence of a response over a period of minutes, the vigilance control will automatically apply the train brakes and bring the train to a stand. If we multiply the resetting of the vigilance control 60 times per hour by a 10-hour shift it equals 600 presses of the button during the shift that a Train Driver must pay attention to and acknowledge. This adds a fair bit of pressure on the train driver's job, particularly when he/she is driving through stations, with passengers moving about on platforms in an environment of complex signaling arrangements - all the while looking out for restricting signals. From this perspective, the Vigilance System's demand to be acknowledged every 150/180 seconds is disturbing and can unnecessarily take a driver's attention away from what is happening outside the confines of the cab. A much more dramatic situation can happen when a train driver is driving hour after hour at night when, by Mother's Nature request - people need to sleep. Experience and research shows that the the dead man's switch can be pressed by train driver in a state of deep relaxation and 'micro-sleep'. The vigilance control system which is applied to reduce the drive load considering bio-response multiple unit train is proposed.

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Design and Implementation of the Specialized Business-Work Management System(WMS) Using Mobile App and GPS (모바일 앱과 GPS를 이용한 특화된 근무관리시스템(WMS) 설계 및 구현에 대한 연구)

  • Koo, MinJeong;Yoon, KyungBae;Ko, ChangBae
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • 제11권8호
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    • pp.359-365
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    • 2013
  • Companies recently tend to move their business sites to a customer-centered location and the work place is changed from specific time and place to a working environment of anytime and anywhere the job can be done. Therefore, the design and implementation of business-work management system using mobile applications has been actively researched. In this study, the business-work management system, a mobile application using GPS, is immediately transmitted to ERP system and is stored into a company's formula DB, at such sites outside the company as business trip destinations, training institutions, and outside meetings, through smartphone-based GPS location information using WiFi, 3G, LTE, or 4G. In this way, it is aimed to design and develop the mobile application system to obtain rapid authorization in connection with electro nic document approval system. Also, this study is to measure the system's productivity and expected effects through the users' survey results by actual application of the designed and developed system to companies.

Development and Validation of Korean Academic Burnout Scale for Elementary School Students (한국형 초등학생용 학업소진척도(KABS-ESS) 개발 및 타당화 연구)

  • Cho, Jooyon;Kim, Myoung So
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • 제52권1호
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    • pp.43-53
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to 1) investigate the characteristics of burnout of Korean elementary school students and 2) develop and validate the Korean Academic Burnout Scale-Elementary School Students (KABS-ESS). Fifty-one behavioral descriptions of burnout extracted through a preliminary survey, focus group interview, and literature review were administered to a sample of 531 elementary students of the 4th to 6th grade in Gyeonggi Province. The results of an exploratory factor analysis indicated that the structure of the burnout of Korean elementary school students consists of seven factors (i.e., inefficacy, avoidance, cynicism, emotional exhaustion, physical exhaustion, antipathy and cognitive exhaustion), and this structure of final 28 items was confirmed by the confirmatory factor analysis. The KABS-ESS showed a correlation of .771 with a representative academic burnout scale, Maslach Burnout Inventory-Student Survey, and -.561 with the academic engagement scale, indicating that both convergent and discriminant validities were confirmed. Furthermore, all fit indices of the structural equation model of the Schaufeli and Bakker's job demands-resources in an academic setting were satisfactory, and the possibility of the validity generalization of the model was supported. The demand variables predicting academic burnout and engagement were academic overload and parental pressure, while self-resilience, self-regulated learning strategies, and parental and the teacher's support were identified as the resource variables. Lastly, the implications and future direction of the present study were discussed.

Analysis on Wandering Space Design of Elderly Care Facilities for the Elderly with Dementia (치매노인을 위한 노인요양시설의 배회 공간 특성 분석)

  • Kim, Mi-Jung;Lee, So-Young
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • 제20권6호
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    • pp.331-339
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to examine wandering behaviors of the elderly with dementia at elderly care facilities, thus finding out the current status of supportability and safety of wandering space for facility residents and looking into the convenience of management for the control and Support of the elderly with dementia in wandering space, from the aspect of managers. Study methods consisted of literature examination, on-site assessment and investigation, observation and questionnaire survey. And via a questionnaire survey of facility workers at study subject facilities, the current status and facility workers' perception of wandering space and their job-satisfaction were examined. Collected data of 133 respondents were used for analysis. Data were processed with the SPSS 18.0 program, and such analytic techniques as frequency, percentage, mean, multiple response analysis, chi-square test and correlation analysis were carried out. The problems of physical environment of wandering space for the elderly with dementia: First, it is urgent to establish wandering space. Second, thoughtlessly installed chairs in the corridor impeded wandering behaviors. Third, the grips installed in the corridor space were irregular, thus causing inconvenience for wandering behaviors. Thus making residents' use of it difficult. In order to improve these problems, it is necessary to newly or additionally establish wandering space and modify the location of chairs or establish alcoves, thus reducing impedimentary elements for wandering behaviors. Providing a proper wandering space is important for facility residents. And it is also important for facility workers to manage facility residents.

The Effects of Psychosocial Stress and Job Characteristics on Low Back Injury (사회심리적 스트레스 및 작업특성 요인이 직업성요통에 미치는 영향)

  • Heo, Guk-Gang;Park, Dong-Hyeon
    • Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.15-31
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    • 2000
  • The aim was to evaluate the prevailing ergonomic and psychosocial conditions regarding low back injury in an automobile assembly system. This study consisted of two parts. In the first part of the study, analytic biomechanical model and NIOSH guidelines were applied to evaluate risk levels of low back injury for automobile assembly jobs. Total of 246 workers were analysed. There were 20 jobs having greater back compressive forces than 300kg at L5/S1. Also, there were 44 jobs over Action Limit with respect to 1981 NIOSH guidelines. This might in part be explained by the ergonomic conditions of the company analysed generally being good, with a relatively low duration of 'combined' extreme work posture. The relationship between psychosocial factors and low back injury was examined in the second part of the study. It has recently been recognized that overall reaction to working conditions was influenced by a range of factors, some of which were physical and some psychosocial. The psychosocial environment surrounding the work place may contribute to the perception of risk and eventual ill-health. A battery of questionnaires concerning the psychosocial stress based on PWI(Psychosocial Well-being Index) and musculoskeletal pain symptoms at low back was completed by 246 workers at the same plant. Results showed that 207 out 246 workers experienced the symptoms and 27 workers were diagnosed as patients. Two groups(low stressed, high stressed) based on PWI score had no significant relationships with both symptoms and results of diagnosis. However, sensitivities for symptoms and diagnosis by PWI were 91.3% and 92.6% respectively. Finally, relationships between physical work load and psychosocial stress were analysed. Specifically, some postural factors {vertical deviation angle of forearm, horizontal deviation angle of upperarm, vertical deviation angle of thigh, etc) were highly correlated with psychosocial stress. The results illustrated that PWI scores were associated with some physical workloads. However, psychosocial stress levels couldn't be well related with the pain symptom as well as the actual incidence of low back injury since pain or discomfort regarding low back injury were more complex than that of other musculoskeletal disorders.

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