• Title/Summary/Keyword: Job environment

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User-friendly Automatic Polishing Robot System and Its Integrated Operating Program

  • Lee, Min-Cheol;Jung, Jin-Young;Go, Seok-Jo
    • International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.69-76
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    • 2004
  • Polishing a die that has free-form surfaces is a time-consuming and tedious job, and requires a considerable amount of high-precision skill. In order to reduce the polishing time and cope with the shortage of skilled workers, an automatic polishing robot system was developed. The polishing robot system is composed of two subsystems, a three-axis machining center and a two-axis polishing head. The machining center is controlled by a FANUC controller, and the polishing head by DSP controller. The system has five degrees of freedom and is able to keep the polishing tool normal to the die surface during operation. To easily operate the developed polishing robot system, this study developed an integrated operating program in the Windows environment. The program consists of five modules: a polishing data generation module, a code separation module, a polishing module, a graphic simulator module, and a teaching module. Also, the automatic teaching system was developed to easily obtain teaching data and it consists of a three dimensional joystick and a proximity sensor. Also, to evaluate the performance of the integrated operating program and the polishing robot system, polishing experiments of a die of shadow mask were carried out.

An Initial Practice Experience of EMT Students in Fire Station (응급구조과학생의 첫 소방 실습 경험)

  • Baek, Mi-Lye
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.19-32
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    • 2004
  • This study was conducted to identify an initial fire station experience of EMT students, so to better understand their' practice experience in fire station. The subjects were 28 EMT students of C department of Emergency Medical technology in C city, who were demonstrating at the fire station in C city. This study was approached by phenomenological method, collected data were analyzed by Colaizzi's method, the results were as a follows. From the protocol, 201 significant statements were organized into 93 formulated meanings. From the formulated meanings, 30 themes were identified, organized into 16 theme clusters, and then 7 categories. EMT students got experienced 'tension' in resulting from new training situation and at the field practice, 'comport and gratitude', in feeling of identity and a bond sympathy with senior EMT, in training environment and heartfelt care, 'stress' from lack of knowledge and skill, difficulties in field practice for 24 hours, in dealing with making interpersonal relationship with patient and staffs and from the insufficiency of instruction, 'confidence feeling' from the participation of field treatment, in improving of learning, in self-esteem of EMT job, 'confusing feeling' of conflict of the path in work, 'disappointment and doubt' by the discrepancy between learning and actuality, and disappointment of actuality, 'feeling of lack' based on the passive attitude. The results of this study are to use as basic data for students attending fire station experience for the first time.

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A Case Study of Housing Regeneration Projects in Yonnam-dong and Buk Gajwa-dong, Seoul: The Determinants of Satisfaction of Elderly Residents (정비예정구역 해제지역 재생사업의 정비요소와 고령거주자의 사업 만족도 간의 영향관계 사례연구 - 서울시 연남동, 북가좌동 시범사업지를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Ah-Leum;Koo, Ja-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.11-23
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to establish the determinants of satisfaction with the results of housing regeneration projects among their elderly residents, and to suggest the political implications. The survey included questionnaires about satisfaction levels with the projects' physical and non-physical maintenance factors. The results were statistically analyzed by correlation analysis and PLS regression analysis. As a result of the study, firstly, the physical factors rather than non-physical factors (such as home improvement and management support, community support, the economic foundations and professional support) were found to have a large effect on elderly residents' satisfaction. Secondly, the non-physical factors, such as economic factors were analyzed among senior job offers that are both highly influential in the two regions Yonnam-dong and Bukgajwa-dong. Finally, electrical maintenance work, tree planting, a "Green" parking plan, or refuse the effect of visually larger landscape improvement, such as bins installed, maintenance of local factors that contribute to the greenery of the area were judged to be important.

Enterprise Portal and the Integration of Business Information System (포털기반 기업정보시스템의 통합)

  • Kim, Se-Ihn
    • The Journal of Information Technology
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.93-111
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    • 2003
  • Enterprise portal(EP) is the emerging service and technologies in recent business area. We divided the three subportal of EP - IPP(Information Processing Porta), DPP(Decisino Processing Portal) and EKP(Enterprise Knowledge Portal). IPP include the information processing area that conduct the general business field. DPP is the area that can support the employee's decision processing and making according to their roles. The function of EKP assist the tacit knowledge management and the collaboration job among knowledge workers. If we efficiently integrate and aggregate their subportal, our business information system can achieve more efficient and effective business performance. Also we can anticipate this model that serve the system environment, supporting the user friendly circumstance, enforcing e-business activity, connecting between customer and supplier, positioning more competitive advantage.

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An Integrative Review on Mental Health-related Quality of Life for the Mental Health Management of Workers (근로자의 정신건강관리를 위한 정신건강 관련 삶의 질에 대한 통합적 고찰)

  • Ha, Yeong Mi;Han, Sang Mi
    • Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.254-261
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: Despite the importance of mental health-related quality of life among workers, its comprehensive understanding is lacking. This study aimed to identify influencing factors regarding mental health-related quality of life through a comprehensive literature review. Methods: The integrative review method of Whittemore and Knaf was used. Data search was conducted on papers published before September 2020, and RISS, NDSL, and KISS were used for the search. Results: Fourteen studies were selected for analysis. Five factors affecting the mental health-related quality of life of workers were found. Mental and physical health status, job stress, working environment, health behaviors, and other personal and socio-economic characteristics were significant influencing factors. Conclusion: Findings from the review suggest the necessity of developing a customized intervention program to improve the mental health-related quality of life of workers.

A Qualitative Study on Middle-Aged Homemakers' Daily Clothing Purchase Behavior: Clothing Consumption Values and Clothing Purchase Types (중년기 주부의 일상적 의복구매행동에 관한 질적 연구: 의복소비가치와 의복구매유형을 중심으로)

  • Oh, Hyun Jeong
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.52 no.3
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    • pp.243-253
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    • 2014
  • This qualitative case study examined the experience of middle-aged homemakers with buying and wearing clothes. Clothing benefits and clothing purchase types were observed in the homemakers' daily clothing-related behavior. This study aims to understand clothing consumption values in light of clothing benefits and to determine purchasing methods, purchasing mental states, and personal characteristics according to the clothing purchase types of middle-aged homemakers. The participants of this study were four full-time homemakers and four homemakers with a job outside the home, all in middle age. This study was conducted through in-depth interviews based on an unstructured questionnaire, and the data were collected from January 2010 to October 2010. The results were as follows: first, the clothing benefits were identified as a social stereotype, aesthetic taste, economy, wearing situation, and age perception. The most important clothing consumption values to the middle-aged homemakers based on the observed clothing benefits were, in order: social value, emotional value, epistemic value, functional value, and conditional value. Second, the type of clothing purchase was observed to be planned buying, followed by impulse buying, and compensatory buying. Even when a homemaker planned to shop regularly, when they were exposed to an attractive retailer promotion, they seized on the opportunity on impulse or made a compensatory purchase to divert oneself. Even though homemakers prefer primarily impulse buying, when they went shopping for clothing with their mother-in-law or husband, they made planned purchase also.

Transformational Experience of a Student Nurse with Diabetes: A Case Study

  • Choi, Hye-Jung;Hong, Young-Sang
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.192-200
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    • 2007
  • Purpose. The current study was aimed to investigate the transformational experience of a female student nurse living with type 1 diabetes. Methods. A case study of a 24-year-old diabetes patient was conducted, with interviews concerning the evolving process she had lived through during the period from her later high school years to her graduation from nursing college. Results. Followings were identified as 5-transformation process: With her diabetes-related limitation, the participant experienced 'conflict involving choosing a college and major'. The participant tried to be in charge of managing her diabetes and stepped forward to 'adaptation to college life as a new environment', and she learned more about the process of 'evolving awareness of caring' and developed herself further through the process of 'integration of the nurse identity into self-identity', and finally through the process of 'progression and preparation for getting a job' she achieved her goals, being positive about the future. Conclusions. The results of the study can provide individuals with diabetes a way of self-management and help the patients and their families in diabetes education. Further research will be needed to refine the results of this study and to learn more about the experiences of patients with type I diabetes in college years.

Design and Prototype Implementation of Scheduler for Consolidation Computing Environment (통합컴퓨팅 환경을 위한 스케쥴러 설계 및 Prototype 구현)

  • Sung, Jin-Woo;Lee, Sang-Dong;Kim, Sung-Jun;Lee, Young-Joo;Kim, Joong-Kwon
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.675-678
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    • 2005
  • 고성능의 컴퓨터들이 많이 보급되었으며, 또한, 클러스터 시스템 기술의 발전으로 클러스터 시스템의 활용이 크게 늘고 있다. 이러한 고성능의 시스템을 사용하는 사용자들은 다수의 시스템에서 수행하는 작업들을 관리(실행, 모니터링, 삭제, 결과물 관리 등)할 때에 반복적인 작업들이 많이 존재한다. 그러므로, 이러한 반복적인 작업을 손쉽게 수행해 줄 수 있는 기능이 제공된다면 업무를 효율적으로 처리할 수 있을 것이다. 이 논문에서는 분산된 다수의 시스템에서 작업을 수행할 때 스케쥴러(예: PBS, NQS)와 작업을 수행하는 일을 대신해줄 수 있는 통합 작업 스케쥴러(CJS, Consolidation Job Scheduler)를 설계하고, 그 prototype을 구현해 보았다. 스케쥴러의 종류가 많기 때문에 여기서는 PBS와 NQS에 한정하여 구현하였다.

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The Job Assignment Method using the Performance Index in a Grid Computing Environment (그리드 컴퓨팅 환경에서 성능지수를 사용한 작업할당 기법)

  • Kim, Young-Gyun;Cho, Kum-Won;Song, Young-Duk;Na, Jeong-Su;Ko, Soon-Heum;Oh, Gil-Ho
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.1505-1508
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    • 2005
  • 본 논문에서는 그리드 컴퓨팅 환경에서 연산자원의 성능지수를 사용한 작업할당 기법에 관해 연구하였다. 제안한 연산자원의 성능지수를 사용한 작업할당 기법은 작업을 할당하기 전에 작업을 할당하기 위한 연산자원(프로세서)의 성능지수를 구하고, 이를 바탕으로 작업할당을 수행한다. 연산자원의 성능지수를 사용한 작업 할당 기법은 동적으로 변화하는 그리드 컴퓨팅 환경에서 보다 더 효과적인 작업할당 방법이다. 성능지수를 고려한 작업할당 방법이 고려하지 않은 방법에 비해 3 차원 Euler 방정식을 이용한 CFD 연산 작업의 연산시간을 단축함을 $K{\ast}Grid$ 환경에서 실험으로 확인하였다.

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The Impact of Place Attractiveness and Social Supports on Internal Return Migration

  • NGUYEN, Thuy Thu
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.7 no.5
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    • pp.305-314
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    • 2020
  • The paper explores the return migration choice of graduates, which takes place during the transition from higher education to the labor market. Graduate students, after a short time in temporary migration to cities for studying, have to make a decision of returning back home or staying in migration in urban areas for working. Drawing on the mechanism identified in the literature on internal migration, this empirical research tests the effects of two factors: place attractiveness and social supports factors on graduates' decision to return migration to hometown. A binary logit regression analysis was conducted with data from 502 surveyed graduates in Hanoi, Vietnam. The analysis of the motives reported by graduates indicates that return migration decisions cannot be reduced to a single dimension. Perceived attractiveness of a region such as quality of living environment, job opportunities, and social context of individuals positively impact on student' decision to return migration after graduation. The research results imply that, in a collectivistic country like Vietnam, students' choice of future career is strongly influenced by their social context, and choosing a place to work is not simply a matter of earning a higher salary or enjoying better working conditions, but is also related to family issues.