• Title/Summary/Keyword: Jeju pigs

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Congenital swinepox of neonatal pigs in a Korean domestic farm (국내 신생 자돈에서 발생한 선천성 돈두 증례보고)

  • Kang, Sang Chul;Kim, Jung Hee;Kim, Byungjun;Song, Joong Ki;Lee, Hae-yeong;Shin, Seongho;Kim, Hyunil;Kim, Jae-Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.60 no.4
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    • pp.241-244
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    • 2020
  • Three neonatal pigs from the same litter in a domestic farm were born with skin lesions. Grossly, multiple well-circumscribed, round papules distributed over the skin of the three piglets. Two piglets were submitted for a diagnosis of skin disease. Microscopically, epidermal hyperplasia with ballooning degeneration of stratum spinosum keratinocytes was observed. Some keratinocytes contained eosinophilic intracytoplasmic inclusions and a central nuclear vacuole and chromatin margination. Swinepox (SWP) virus was detected by polymerase chain reaction and nucleotide sequencing, and Staphylococcus hyicus was isolated in skin lesions. Based on the gross findings and laboratory results, these piglets were diagnosed with congenital SWP with a secondary staphylococcal infection.

Amino Acid Contents and Meat Quality Properties on the Loin from Crossbred Black and Crossbred Black and Crossbred Pigs Reared in Jejudo (제주도에서 사육된 개량 흑돼지와 비육돈 등심의 아미노산 함량 및 육질 특성)

  • Yang Seung-Joo;Kim Young-Kil;Hyon Jae-Suk;Moon Yoon-Hee;Jung In-Chul
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.7-12
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    • 2005
  • The amino acid contents, physical and sensory properties for the loins of crossbred pigs (JJ90: live weight of 90∼100 kg; and JJ110: live weight of 110∼120 kg) and crossbred Jeju black pig (JB90: live weight of 90∼100 kg) were evaluated to investigate their quality. The total contents of structural amino acid, which were 18.15∼20.22% for all the samples without showing significant differences, included significant amount of glutamic acid, aspartic acid, lysine and leucine. The free amino acid content was 0.486% for JB90, which was greater than JJ90 and JJ110. Also, significant amount of taurine, serine, glycine, alanine, valine, and leucine could be observed in the free amino acid content of the samples. The redness (a/sup */) and yellowness (b/sup */) of JB90 were significantly higher titan those of JJ90 and JJ110. The water holding capacity, hardness, chewiness, juiciness and palatability of JJ110 and JB90 were higher than those of JJ90, but their difference was not significant.

Effects of barley and barley bran contaminated with Fusarium spp. on the growth and feed efficiency of fattening and growing pigs (푸사리움속 곰팡이에 오염된 보리와 보리겨의 급여가 비육돈 및 육성빈돈의 생산성 및 사료이용효율에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Wang-Shik;Lee, Hyun-June;Ki, Kwang-Seok;Noh, Hwan-Gook;Kang, Seok-Jin;Jung, Young-Hun;Baek, Kwang-Soo;Hur, Tai-Young
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.45-52
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    • 2012
  • The present study was carried out to investigate the effect of barley and barley bran contaminated with Fusarium spp on growth performance and feed efficiency of fattening and growing pigs. In experiment 1, total 48 fattening Landrace pigs were used in a fattening trial for 71 days. Pigs weighing around 75 kg were allocated into different substitution groups containing 0, 10, 20 and 30% of barley contaminated Fusarium spp. In experiment 2, total 16 growing Landrace pigs were used in a growing trial for 45 days. Pigs weighing around 29.4 kg were allocated into different substitution groups containing 0, 5, 10 and 20% of barley bran contaminated Fusarium spp. Mycotoxin concentrations of barley and barley bran contaminated with 30% Fusarium spp were 0.452 and 1.049 ppm for deoxynivalenol, 8.125 and 17.646 ppm for nivalenol and 0.023 and 0.029 ppm for zearalenone, respectively. In experiment 1, no differences were found in weight gain and feed intake between control group (0%) and 10 or 20% substitution groups, but in 30% substitution group, weight gain and feed intake were significantly lower (p < 0.05) than those in control group. After slaughtering, the extended haemorrhage of the fundus region in stomach was observed in 20 or 30% substitution groups. In experiment 2, weight gain and feed intake were not significantly different among treatment groups. After slaughtering of experimental pigs, the extended haemorrhage of the fundus region in stomach was observed in pigs fed diet with 20% substitution group. These results suggest that the feeding of diet with contaminated highly levels of Fusarium spp was negative effect on growth and feed efficiency in growing and fattening pig.

Association between Numerical Variations of Vertebrae and Carcass Traits in Jeju Native Black Pigs, Landrace Pigs, and Crossbred F2 Population (제주재래흑돼지와 Landrace, 교배집단 F2에서 척추의 수적 변이와 도체형질의 상관관계)

  • Cho, In-Cheol;Kim, Sang-Keum;Kim, Yoo-Kyung;Kang, Yong-Jun;Yang, Sung-Nyun;Park, Yong-Sang;Cho, Won-Mo;Cho, Sang-Rae;Kim, Nam-Young;Chae, Hyun-Seok;Seong, Pil-Nam;Park, Beom-Young;Lee, Jun-Heon;Lee, Jae-Bong;Yoo, Chae-Kyoung;Han, Sang-Hyun;Ko, Moon-Suck
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.23 no.7
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    • pp.854-862
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    • 2013
  • The number of thoracic and lumbar vertebrae is known to be an unfixed trait among mammals. This study focused on the relationship between numerical variations of cervical (CER), thoracic (THO), and lumbar (LUM) vertebrae and the total number of vertebrae (TNV) and carcass traits in Jejunative black pigs (JBPs), Landrace pigs, and their intercrossed $F_2$ population. There were no numerical variations in CER vertebrae. On the other hand, the numbers of THO and LUM vertebrae and the TNV varied in all three populations. Of the traits investigated in the three populations, only the means${\pm}$SE of the LUM vertebrae did not show statistical significance (p>0.05). The carcass weights (CW), meat color (MC), marbling score (MS), backfat thickness (BFT), carcass length (CLE), THO vertebrae, and TNV all showed statistical significance (p<0.05). The JBP had 14-16 THO vertebrae, 5-6 LUM vertebrae, and 27-29 TNV. The Landrace pigs had 15-16 THO vertebrae, 5-7 LUM vertebrae, and 28-29 TNV. The $F_2$ population had 14-17 THO vertebrae, 5-7 LUM vertebrae, and 27-30 TNV. In the F2 population, increased numbers of THO vertebrae and TNV were associated with a significant increase in the CW, CLE, and BFT (p<0.05). In particular, the increase in the TNV was caused by an increase in the number of THO rather than LUM vertebrae. Although the animals with a greater number of THO and TNV had thicker backfat, they had a longer CLE and a heavier CW. Both these traits are economically more important than the level of backfat when determining the productivity level. These results suggest that genetic selection to increase the number of vertebrae, especially in Landrace pigs, JBPs, and their related populations, may be an excellent strategy for improving productivity.

Studies for the Pathogenesis and Pathogenicity for the Porcine Circovirus Type 2 Korean Isolates in Weaned Pigs

  • Roh, In-soon;Lee, Ji-youn;Lee, Kyoung-woo;Kim, Jae-hoon;Jean, Young-hwa
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Veterinary Pathology Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.49-49
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    • 2003
  • PMWS is characterised by weight loss and dyspnea combined with pathological findings of interstitial pneumonia and generalized enlarged lymph nodes. Typical histological lesions include multifocal granulomatous pneumonia, and lymphocyte depletion and multinucleated giant cell formation in lymph nodes[1,2]. (omitted)

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Genome scan linkage analysis identifies a major quantitative trait loci for fatty acid composition in longissimus dorsi muscle in an F2 intercross between Landrace and Korean native pigs

  • Park, Hee-Bok;Han, Sang-Hyun;Yoo, Chae-Kyoung;Lee, Jae-Bong;Kim, Ji-Hyang;Baek, Kwang-Soo;Son, Jun-Kyu;Shin, Sang-Min;Lim, Hyun-Tae;Cho, In-Cheol
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.30 no.8
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    • pp.1061-1065
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    • 2017
  • Objective: This study was conducted to locate quantitative trait loci (QTL) influencing fatty acid (FA) composition in a large $F_2$ intercross between Landrace and Korean native pigs. Methods: Eighteen FA composition traits were measured in more than 960 $F_2$ progeny. All experimental animals were genotyped with 165 microsatellite markers located throughout the pig autosomes. Results: We detected 112 QTLs for the FA composition; Forty seven QTLs reached the genome-wide significant threshold. In particular, we identified a cluster of highly significant QTLs for FA composition on SSC12. QTL for polyunsaturated fatty acid on pig chromosome 12 (F-value = 97.2 under additive and dominance model, nominal p-value $3.6{\times}10^{-39}$) accounted for 16.9% of phenotypic variance. In addition, four more QTLs for C18:1, C18:2, C20:4, and monounsaturated fatty acids on the similar position explained more than 10% of phenotypic variance. Conclusion: Our findings of a major QTL for FA composition presented here could provide helpful information to locate causative variants to improve meat quality traits in pigs.

QTL Analysis of Teat Number Traits in an F2 Intercross between Landrace And Korean Native Pigs

  • Park, Hee-Bok;Han, Sang-Hyun;Yoo, Chae-Kyoung;Lee, Jae-Bong;Cho, Sang-Rae;Cho, In-Cheol
    • Journal of Embryo Transfer
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.313-318
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    • 2016
  • The aim of this study was to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) influencing teat number traits in an $F_2$ intercross between Landrace and Korean native pigs (KNP). Three teat number traits (left;right;and total) were measured in 1105 $F_2$ progeny. All experimental animals were genotyped with 173 informative microsatellite markers located throughout the pig genome. We detect that seven chromosomes harbored QTLs for teat number traits: genome regions on SSC1;3;7;8;10;11;and 13. Six of fourteen identified QTL reached genome-wide significance. In SSC7;we identified a major QTL affecting total teat number that accounted for 5.6 % of the phenotypic variance;which was the highest test statistic (F-ratio = 61.1 under the additive model;nominal $P=1.3{\times}10^{-14}$) observed in this study. In this region;QTL for left and right teat number were also detected with genome-wide significance. With exception of the QTL in SSC10;the allele from KNP in all 6 identified QTLs was associated with decreased phenotypic values. In conclusion;our study identified both previously reported and novel QTL affecting teat number traits. These results can play an important role in determining the genetic structure underlying the variation of teat number in pigs.

The Image Processing System for Volume Gains Rate Measurement of Pigs

  • Kwak, Ho-Young;Chang, Jin-Wook
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.24 no.12
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    • pp.127-134
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, we designed and implemented a system for automatically measuring pig growth rate using image. Pig breeding is a very important factor because the breeding rate of pigs is directly linked to the rancher's economic interests in order to raise them in livestock farms. Therefore, there is a demand for a method for easily measuring the growth rate of each pig. As a method for this, an image analysis algorithm for measuring the growth rate of pigs is presented by taking a plan view of the pig. In addition, the proposed algorithm was implemented to measure the surface area of swine and to express it as the rate of gain. The proposed method in this paper makes it possible to easily measure the individual growth rate of pigs to meet the needs of farmers. In the future, we will improve the algorithm to calculate the volume so that the same value as the actual measurement can be obtained.

Effects of Dietary Canola Oil on Growth, Feed Efficiency, and Fatty Acid Profile of Bacon in Finishing Pigs and of Longissimus Muscle in Fattening Horses

  • Joo, Eun-Sook;Yang, Young-Hoon;Lee, Seung-Chul;Lee, Chong-Eon;Cheoung, Chang-Cho;Kim, Kyu-Il
    • Nutritional Sciences
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.92-96
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    • 2006
  • Studies were carried out to determine the effect of feeding diet containing 5% canola oil on growth, feed efficiency, and fatty acid profile of bacon in finishing pigs and of longissimus muscle in horses fattening for meat production. In experiment 1, twenty cross-bred barrows and twenty cross-bred gilts (average weight, 80 kg) were blocked by sex and weight, and five barrows or five gilts were allotted to one of eight pens $(6.25m^2/pen)$, respectively. Four pens (two with barrows and two with gilts) randomly selected were assigned to a control diet containing 5% tallow and the remaining four pens to a diet containing 5% canola oil. The average daily weight gain, daily feed intake and feed efficiency over a 6-wk feeding period were not different (p>0.05) between the two diets, nor was backfat thickness. Fatty acid profile in bacon fat showed that the 0-3 fatty acid ($\alpha-linolenic$ acid) content in pigs fed diet containing 5% canola oil was approximately three times (P<0.01) as much as in pigs fed tallow. In experiment 2, thirty-two Jeju horses (average $weight{\pm}SE,\;244{\pm}5kg$) were blocked by sex and weight, and two horses of the same sex and similar body weight were allotted to one $(15m^2/pen)$ of eight pens. Eight pens (four with males and four with females) selected randomly were assigned to a control diet containing 5% tallow and the remaining eight pens to a diet containing 5% canola oil. The average daily weight gain, daily feed intake and feed efficiency for concentrates without roughages over a 5-month feeding period were not different (P>0.05) between the two diet groups. Fatty acid profile in the muscle fat showed that the 0-3 fatty acid (a-linolenic acid) content in horses fed diet containing 5% canola oil was approximately two times (P<0.01) that in horses fed tallow. The increased (P<0.01) 0-3 fatty acid content in pigs and horses fed canola oil decreased the ratio of n-6 to n-3 fatty acids compared to the control, indicating a significant improvement in pork and horsemeat fatty acid profile for health benefit. Our study demonstrated that feeding diet containing 5% canola oil may help produce pork and horsemeat with more health benefit, increasing their $\alpha-linolenic$ acid content without deleterious effects on growth of pigs and horses.

Physicochemical Properties and Palatability of Pork Fed with Tangerine-Peel (감귤 껍질을 급여한 돈육의 물리화학적 특성 및 기호성)

  • Jung In-Chul;Park Kyung-Sook;Yang Tae-Ik;Moon Yoon-Hee;Yang Seung-Joo;Youn Dong-Hwa
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.174-179
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    • 2006
  • This study was carried out to investigate the possible for utilization of garbage in pig feed by investigating the functional characteristics of pork from pigs fed tangerine-peels. The samples consisted of the pork loin from pigs not fed with tangerine-peel (control), the pork loin fed with 3% and 5% tangerine-peel during growing and finishing period (TP-1), and fed with 6% and 10% tangerine-peel during growing and finishing period (TP-2) there is no respective comparison here. The pH, VBN content TBARS value, bacterial counts, surface color, water holding capacity, loss degree and rheological properties of the samples were determined by physicochemical properties, and the sensory scores were evaluated. The pH, TBARS value, surface color, water holding capacity and loss degree were not different among the samples, but the VBN content and bacterial counts of TP-1 and TP-2 were significantly lower than those of the control (p<0.05). The hardness, springiness, cohesiveness, gumminess and chewiness, taste, aroma, tenderness and juiciness were not different among the samples, but the shear force value and palatability of TP-1 were the highest among the samples (p<0.05).

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