• Title/Summary/Keyword: IoT based Management

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System of gas sensor for conbinating wire and wireless using Internet of Things (IOT기술을 이용한 유무선 통합 가스검출 시스템 구현)

  • Bang, Yong-Ki;Kang, Kyung-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.297-304
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    • 2015
  • This study concerns the integrated gas sensor system of wire and wireless communication by using IoT(Internet of Things) technology. First, communication part is that it delivers the detection information, which transferred by wire or wireless communication and required control procedure based on a wireless module that receives the gas leakage information from wired or wireless detector, to administrator or user's terminal. Second, receiver part is that it shows the location and information, which received from the wired detector formed by a detecting sensor's node as linking with the communication part, and transfers these to the communication part. Third, wireless detector formed as a communication module of a detecting sensor node is that it detects gas leakage and transfers the information through wireless as a packet.Fourth, wired detector communicated with the receiver part and formed as a communication module of a detecting sensor node is that it detects gas leakage, transfers and shows the information as a packet. Fifth, administrator's terminal is that it receives gas leakage information by the communication part, transfers the signal by remote-control, and shut off a gas valve as responding the information. Sixth, database is that it is connected with the communication part; it sets and stores the default values for detecting smoke, CO., and temperature; it transfers this information to the communication part or sends a gas detecting signal to user's terminal. Seventh, user's terminal is that it receives each location's default value which stored and set at the database; it manages emergency situation as shutting off a gas valve through remote control by corresponding each location's gas leakage information, which transferred from the detector to the communication part by wireless.It is possible to process a high quality data regarding flammable or toxic gas by transferring the data, which measured by a sensor module of detector, to the communication part through wire and wireless. And, it allows a user to find the location by a smart phone where gas leaks. Eventually, it minimizes human life or property loss by having stability on gas leakage as well as corresponding each location's information quickly.

A Study on the Regional Characteristics of Broadband Internet Termination by Coupling Type using Spatial Information based Clustering (공간정보기반 클러스터링을 이용한 초고속인터넷 결합유형별 해지의 지역별 특성연구)

  • Park, Janghyuk;Park, Sangun;Kim, Wooju
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.45-67
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    • 2017
  • According to the Internet Usage Research performed in 2016, the number of internet users and the internet usage have been increasing. Smartphone, compared to the computer, is taking a more dominant role as an internet access device. As the number of smart devices have been increasing, some views that the demand on high-speed internet will decrease; however, Despite the increase in smart devices, the high-speed Internet market is expected to slightly increase for a while due to the speedup of Giga Internet and the growth of the IoT market. As the broadband Internet market saturates, telecom operators are over-competing to win new customers, but if they know the cause of customer exit, it is expected to reduce marketing costs by more effective marketing. In this study, we analyzed the relationship between the cancellation rates of telecommunication products and the factors affecting them by combining the data of 3 cities, Anyang, Gunpo, and Uiwang owned by a telecommunication company with the regional data from KOSIS(Korean Statistical Information Service). Especially, we focused on the assumption that the neighboring areas affect the distribution of the cancellation rates by coupling type, so we conducted spatial cluster analysis on the 3 types of cancellation rates of each region using the spatial analysis tool, SatScan, and analyzed the various relationships between the cancellation rates and the regional data. In the analysis phase, we first summarized the characteristics of the clusters derived by combining spatial information and the cancellation data. Next, based on the results of the cluster analysis, Variance analysis, Correlation analysis, and regression analysis were used to analyze the relationship between the cancellation rates data and regional data. Based on the results of analysis, we proposed appropriate marketing methods according to the region. Unlike previous studies on regional characteristics analysis, In this study has academic differentiation in that it performs clustering based on spatial information so that the regions with similar cancellation types on adjacent regions. In addition, there have been few studies considering the regional characteristics in the previous study on the determinants of subscription to high-speed Internet services, In this study, we tried to analyze the relationship between the clusters and the regional characteristics data, assuming that there are different factors depending on the region. In this study, we tried to get more efficient marketing method considering the characteristics of each region in the new subscription and customer management in high-speed internet. As a result of analysis of variance, it was confirmed that there were significant differences in regional characteristics among the clusters, Correlation analysis shows that there is a stronger correlation the clusters than all region. and Regression analysis was used to analyze the relationship between the cancellation rate and the regional characteristics. As a result, we found that there is a difference in the cancellation rate depending on the regional characteristics, and it is possible to target differentiated marketing each region. As the biggest limitation of this study and it was difficult to obtain enough data to carry out the analyze. In particular, it is difficult to find the variables that represent the regional characteristics in the Dong unit. In other words, most of the data was disclosed to the city rather than the Dong unit, so it was limited to analyze it in detail. The data such as income, card usage information and telecommunications company policies or characteristics that could affect its cause are not available at that time. The most urgent part for a more sophisticated analysis is to obtain the Dong unit data for the regional characteristics. Direction of the next studies be target marketing based on the results. It is also meaningful to analyze the effect of marketing by comparing and analyzing the difference of results before and after target marketing. It is also effective to use clusters based on new subscription data as well as cancellation data.

A Study on Efficient Access Point Installation Based on Fixed Radio Wave Radius for WSN Configuration at Subway Station (지하철 역사 내 WSN 환경구축을 위한 고정 전파범위 기반의 효율적인 AP설치에 관한 연구)

  • An, Taeki;Ahn, Chihyung;Lee, Youngseok;Nam, Myungwoo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.7
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    • pp.740-748
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    • 2016
  • IT and communication technologies has contributed significantly to the convenience of passengers and the financial management of stations in accordance with the task automation in the field of the urban railway system. The foundation of the above development is based on the large amounts of data from various sensors installed in railways, trains, and stations. In particular, the sensor network that is installed in the station and train has played an important role in the railway information system. The performance of AP is affected by the number of APs and their locations installed in the station. In the installation of APs in stations, the intensity of the radio wave of the AP on its underlying position is considered to determine the number and position of APs. This paper proposes a method to estimate the number of APs and their position based on the structure of the underlying station and implemented a simulator to simulate the performance of the proposed method. The implemented simulator was applied to the decision of AP installation at Busan Seomyeon station to evaluate its performance.

Image Processing System based on Deep Learning for Safety of Heat Treatment Equipment (열처리 장비의 Safety를 위한 딥러닝 기반 영상처리 시스템)

  • Lee, Jeong-Hoon;Lee, Ro-Woon;Hong, Seung-Taek;Kim, Young-Gon
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.77-83
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    • 2020
  • The heat treatment facility is in a situation where the scope of application of the remote IOT system is expanding due to the harsh environment caused by high heat and long working hours among the root industries. In this heat treatment process environment, the IOT middleware is required to play a pivotal role in interpreting, managing and controlling data information of IoT devices (sensors, etc.). Until now, the system controlled by the heat treatment remotely was operated with the command of the operator's batch system without overall monitoring of the site situation. However, for the safety and precise control of the heat treatment facility, it is necessary to control various sensors and recognize the surrounding work environment. As a solution to this, the heat treatment safety support system presented in this paper proposes a support system that can detect the access of the work manpower to the heat treatment furnace through thermal image detection and operate safely when ordering work from a remote location. In addition, an OPEN CV-based deterioration analysis system using DNN deep learning network was constructed for faster and more accurate recognition than general fixed hot spot monitoring-based thermal image analysis. Through this, we would like to propose a system that can be used universally in the heat treatment environment and support the safety management specialized in the heat treatment industry.

Service Issues and Policy Directions for Promoting the O2O Industry in Korea (국내 O2O 서비스 이슈 진단 및 산업활성화 정책 방향 제안)

  • Kim, Dongsoo;Kim, Kwanho;Choe, Donguk;Jung, Jae-Yoon
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.137-150
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    • 2016
  • A variety of O2O (Online to Offline) services such as Uber, Airbnb, and KakaoTaxi that create new values by connecting offline and online have emerged in the world. O2O services support the convenience of online services and the real-life capability of offline services simultaneously. Thanks to the development of ICTs such as mobility, IoT (Internet of Things), Fin-tech, and big data technologies, the market size of O2O industry is growing very rapidly. This paper reviews various O2O services and industry trends in Korea. In addition, important issues on O2O services and industry promotion are reviewed and presented. Specifically, legislative issues regulating the O2O industry in Korea, interest conflicts between new O2O platform providers and existing traditional offline service providers, current technology infrastructures for O2O services, and negative or side effects of O2O services are reviewed and summarized. Finally, comprehensive policy directions are proposed based on these reviewed issues. It is expected that the proposed policy directions would be adopted by the government and this research could consequently contribute to strengthening the competitiveness of the O2O industry in Korea.

A Study on the Introduction of Performance Certification System of Inspection and Diagnostic Equipment for Infrastructure (시설물 진단장비의 성능인증제 도입에 관한 연구)

  • Hong, Sung-Ho;Kim, Jung-Gon;Cho, Jae-Young;Kim, Do-Hyoung;Kim, Jung-Yeol;Kim, Young-Min
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.104-115
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: Infrastructure inspection and its diagnostics technique have been rapidly developing recently. Therefore, it is important to secure the reliability of diagnostic equipment, and this paper deals with inspection of diagnostic equipment, introduction to a certification system and development plans for infrastructure. Method: Several certification systems are established and introduction plans are reviewed through experts by synthesizing the contents of certification research for existing infrastructure diagnosis equipment. In addition, the revision of the law for introduction of the system is reviewed, detailed operation regulations are prepared and phased development plans are reviewed, which are based on the operation scenario. Result: Inspection and certification plans were constructed through four routes in order to consider infrastructure inspection and diagnostic equipment in use, and new diagnostic equipment using state-of-the-art technology. Furthermore, market confusion depending on the introduction of a new certification system is minimized and reliability is secured by transforming a simple inspection system in the short term into a formal certification system in the long term. The law amendments according to the introduction of the system were reviewed and detailed operation regulations were developed. Also, phased development plans, which are based on the long-term development scenario including manpower, infrastructure and specifications, were presented. Conclusion: It is important to secure reliability through the distribution and certification of diagnostic equipment using 4th industrial technology to strengthen the safety management of infrastructure at the national level since the infrastructure is various in type and increasingly large in size. It is also essential to train human resources who can use new technology with inspection and diagnosis system in order to enhance the safety management of all infrastructures. Moreover, it is necessary to introduce a regular inspection system for infrastructure that combines loT technology in the long-term point of view and to promote the introduction by giving active incentives to institutions that actively accept it.

Classification of Environmental Industry and Technology Competitiveness Evaluation (환경산업기술 분류체계 및 기술 경쟁력 평가)

  • Han, Daegun;Bae, Young Hye;Kim, Tae-Yong;Jung, Jaewon;Lee, Choongke;Kim, Hung Soo
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.245-256
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to evaluate the technological competitiveness of the environmental industry with developed countries in order to establish an international market expansion strategy of the Korean environmental industry and technology. In order to evaluate the competitiveness of the environmental industry and technology, core technologies were classified by the environmental industry sectors based on the classification system of the domestic and international environmental industry and technology. After developing the evaluation index data, the Delphi analysis, journal and patent analysis, as well as the export and import analysis were carried out and the standardization analysis was performed on the index data. Moreover, the weights of each evaluation index were calculated using the AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) method and the evaluation results of competitiveness of the environmental industry and technology in Korea, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, and France were derived. As a result of the evaluation, the United States was rated with the highest technological competitiveness in all the environmental industry sectors, while Korea got the lowest technological competitiveness rating compared to the 4 developed countries. In particular, Korea got the lowest level of technological competitiveness in the sector of multi-media environmental management and development for a sustainable social system. Therefore, in order for the Korean environmental industry and technology to enter the global advanced market, it is necessary to strengthen the competitiveness through the development of the fourth environmental industry based on IoT(Internet of Things), cloud, big data, mobile, and AI(Artificial Intelligence), which are currently the country's domestic strengths.

Investigating Key Security Factors in Smart Factory: Focusing on Priority Analysis Using AHP Method (스마트팩토리의 주요 보안요인 연구: AHP를 활용한 우선순위 분석을 중심으로)

  • Jin Hoh;Ae Ri Lee
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.185-203
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    • 2020
  • With the advent of 4th industrial revolution, the manufacturing industry is converging with ICT and changing into the era of smart manufacturing. In the smart factory, all machines and facilities are connected based on ICT, and thus security should be further strengthened as it is exposed to complex security threats that were not previously recognized. To reduce the risk of security incidents and successfully implement smart factories, it is necessary to identify key security factors to be applied, taking into account the characteristics of the industrial environment of smart factories utilizing ICT. In this study, we propose a 'hierarchical classification model of security factors in smart factory' that includes terminal, network, platform/service categories and analyze the importance of security factors to be applied when developing smart factories. We conducted an assessment of importance of security factors to the groups of smart factories and security experts. In this study, the relative importance of security factors of smart factory was derived by using AHP technique, and the priority among the security factors is presented. Based on the results of this research, it contributes to building the smart factory more securely and establishing information security required in the era of smart manufacturing.

Design of Cloud-Based Data Analysis System for Culture Medium Management in Smart Greenhouses (스마트온실 배양액 관리를 위한 클라우드 기반 데이터 분석시스템 설계)

  • Heo, Jeong-Wook;Park, Kyeong-Hun;Lee, Jae-Su;Hong, Seung-Gil;Lee, Gong-In;Baek, Jeong-Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.251-259
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    • 2018
  • BACKGROUND: Various culture media have been used for hydroponic cultures of horticultural plants under the smart greenhouses with natural and artificial light types. Management of the culture medium for the control of medium amounts and/or necessary components absorbed by plants during the cultivation period is performed with ICT (Information and Communication Technology) and/or IoT (Internet of Things) in a smart farm system. This study was conducted to develop the cloud-based data analysis system for effective management of culture medium applying to hydroponic culture and plant growth in smart greenhouses. METHODS AND RESULTS: Conventional inorganic Yamazaki and organic media derived from agricultural byproducts such as a immature fruit, leaf, or stem were used for hydroponic culture media. Component changes of the solutions according to the growth stage were monitored and plant growth was observed. Red and green lettuce seedlings (Lactuca sativa L.) which developed 2~3 true leaves were considered as plant materials. The seedlings were hydroponically grown in the smart greenhouse with fluorescent and light-emitting diodes (LEDs) lights of 150μmol/m2/s light intensity for 35 days. Growth data of the seedlings were classified and stored to develop the relational database in the virtual machine which was generated from an open stack cloud system on the base of growth parameter. Relation of the plant growth and nutrient absorption pattern of 9 inorganic components inside the media during the cultivation period was investigated. The stored data associated with component changes and growth parameters were visualized on the web through the web framework and Node JS. CONCLUSION: Time-series changes of inorganic components in the culture media were observed. The increases of the unfolded leaves or fresh weight of the seedlings were mainly dependent on the macroelements such as a NO3N, and affected by the different inorganic and organic media. Though the data analysis system was developed, actual measurement data were offered by using the user smart device, and analysis and comparison of the data were visualized graphically in time series based on the cloud database. Agricultural management in data visualization and/or plant growth can be implemented by the data analysis system under whole agricultural sites regardless of various culture environmental changes.

An Analysis of Big Video Data with Cloud Computing in Ubiquitous City (클라우드 컴퓨팅을 이용한 유시티 비디오 빅데이터 분석)

  • Lee, Hak Geon;Yun, Chang Ho;Park, Jong Won;Lee, Yong Woo
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.45-52
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    • 2014
  • The Ubiquitous-City (U-City) is a smart or intelligent city to satisfy human beings' desire to enjoy IT services with any device, anytime, anywhere. It is a future city model based on Internet of everything or things (IoE or IoT). It includes a lot of video cameras which are networked together. The networked video cameras support a lot of U-City services as one of the main input data together with sensors. They generate huge amount of video information, real big data for the U-City all the time. It is usually required that the U-City manipulates the big data in real-time. And it is not easy at all. Also, many times, it is required that the accumulated video data are analyzed to detect an event or find a figure among them. It requires a lot of computational power and usually takes a lot of time. Currently we can find researches which try to reduce the processing time of the big video data. Cloud computing can be a good solution to address this matter. There are many cloud computing methodologies which can be used to address the matter. MapReduce is an interesting and attractive methodology for it. It has many advantages and is getting popularity in many areas. Video cameras evolve day by day so that the resolution improves sharply. It leads to the exponential growth of the produced data by the networked video cameras. We are coping with real big data when we have to deal with video image data which are produced by the good quality video cameras. A video surveillance system was not useful until we find the cloud computing. But it is now being widely spread in U-Cities since we find some useful methodologies. Video data are unstructured data thus it is not easy to find a good research result of analyzing the data with MapReduce. This paper presents an analyzing system for the video surveillance system, which is a cloud-computing based video data management system. It is easy to deploy, flexible and reliable. It consists of the video manager, the video monitors, the storage for the video images, the storage client and streaming IN component. The "video monitor" for the video images consists of "video translater" and "protocol manager". The "storage" contains MapReduce analyzer. All components were designed according to the functional requirement of video surveillance system. The "streaming IN" component receives the video data from the networked video cameras and delivers them to the "storage client". It also manages the bottleneck of the network to smooth the data stream. The "storage client" receives the video data from the "streaming IN" component and stores them to the storage. It also helps other components to access the storage. The "video monitor" component transfers the video data by smoothly streaming and manages the protocol. The "video translator" sub-component enables users to manage the resolution, the codec and the frame rate of the video image. The "protocol" sub-component manages the Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) and Real Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP). We use Hadoop Distributed File System(HDFS) for the storage of cloud computing. Hadoop stores the data in HDFS and provides the platform that can process data with simple MapReduce programming model. We suggest our own methodology to analyze the video images using MapReduce in this paper. That is, the workflow of video analysis is presented and detailed explanation is given in this paper. The performance evaluation was experiment and we found that our proposed system worked well. The performance evaluation results are presented in this paper with analysis. With our cluster system, we used compressed 1920×1080(FHD) resolution video data, H.264 codec and HDFS as video storage. We measured the processing time according to the number of frame per mapper. Tracing the optimal splitting size of input data and the processing time according to the number of node, we found the linearity of the system performance.