• Title/Summary/Keyword: IoT based Management

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Design and Implementation of IoT Collaboration Module Supporting User Context Management (사용자 상황 정보 관리를 지원하는 IoT 통합 제어 모듈 설계 및 구현)

  • Kum, Seung Woo;Lim, Tae Beom;Park, Jong Il
    • IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.129-137
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    • 2015
  • Various personalized services are provided based on user context these days, and IoT(Internet of Things) devices provides effective ways to collect user context. For example, user's activity such as walking steps, calories, and sleeping hours can be collected using smart activity tracker. Smart scale can sense change of user's weight or body fat percentage. However, these services are independent to each other and not easy to make them collaborate. Many standard bodies are working on the documents for this issue, but due to diversity of IoT use case scenarios, it seems that multiple IoT technologies co-exist for the time being. This paper propose a framework to collaborate heterogeneous IoT services. The proposed framework provides methods to build application for heterogeneous IoT devices and user context management in more intuitive way using HTTP. To improve compatibility and usability, gathered user contexts are based on MPEG-UD. Implementation of framework and service with real-world devices are also presented.

Database Design for IoT-based Greenhouse Systems

  • Kang, Chunghan;Yu, Seulgi;Moon, Junghoon
    • Agribusiness and Information Management
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.12-18
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    • 2015
  • Since 2000s, proper utilization of IoT (Internet of Things) technology is a key factor for a firm to become more competitive, and this stream is not exceptional for the food and agriculture industry. Along with this stream, Korea government organization, for example MAFRA (Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs), elected to adopt IoT technology, such as USN and RFID technologies, in the food and agriculture industry. Based on the IoT technology, MAFARA launched six "IoT based farm" project in 2007. IoT based farm project includes IoT based greenhouse system project, and it shows drastic efficiency in terms of cost reduction. When it comes to the productivity, however, the effect of IoT based greenhouse system is still ambiguous. In this regard, this study conducted systems analysis and design for IoT based tomato greenhouse in order to help farmers' decision making related to the productivity by establishing standardized database structure and designing output form to analyze productivity indices. Proposed systems analysis and design can be utilized as a data analysis tools by farmers. Productivity data from the proposed systems is can be used by researchers to identify the relationship among environment, plant growth and productivity. Policy makers also can refer to the data and output forms to predict the quantity of fruit during certain period and to revise production guideline more precisely.

IoT Based Disaster Mitigation and Safety Monitoring Technologies (IoT 기반 재난예방 및 안전 모니터링 기술)

  • Myeong, S.I.;Lee, H.;Lee, H.J.;Lee, K.B.
    • Electronics and Telecommunications Trends
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.101-110
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    • 2018
  • Based on the main technologies of the 4th Industrial Revolution, industries including the smart home, transportation, agriculture, factory, energy, and medical care industries are rapidly developing. Disaster management technologies and services based on state-of-the-art convergence technologies are being widely applied for the purposes of public safety. State-of-the-art scientific technologies including the Internet of Things (IoT) are expected to offer alternative solutions to pending issues of disaster and safety. Particularly in disaster management, a "prevention activity"to avoid and control disasters in advance is essential, and thus disaster prevention and safety monitoring technologies based on hyper-connected intelligence are fundamental for society during the 4th Industrial Revolution. IoT technologies are being actively applied and utilized in various fields to prevent social and natural disasters. In this article, we introduce the development trends of disaster prevention and safety monitoring technologies based on IoT technologies.

Concurrency Conflicts Resolution for IoT Using Blockchain Technology

  • Morgan, Amr;Tammam, Ashraf;Wahdan, Abdel-Moneim
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.21 no.7
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    • pp.331-340
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    • 2021
  • The Internet of Things (IoT) is a rapidly growing physical network that depends on objects, vehicles, sensors, and smart devices. IoT has recently become an important research topic as it autonomously acquires, integrates, communicates, and shares data directly across each other. The centralized architecture of IoT makes it complex to concurrently access control them and presents a new set of technological limitations when trying to manage them globally. This paper proposes a new decentralized access control architecture to manage IoT devices using blockchain, that proposes a solution to concurrency management problems and enhances resource locking to reduce the transaction conflict and avoids deadlock problems. In addition, the proposed algorithm improves performance using a fully distributed access control system for IoT based on blockchain technology. Finally, a performance comparison is provided between the proposed solution and the existing access management solutions in IoT. Deadlock detection is evaluated with the latency of requesting in order to examine various configurations of our solution for increasing scalability. The main goal of the proposed solution is concurrency problem avoidance in decentralized access control management for IoT devices.

A Study on the Structure of Research Domain for Internet of Things Based on Keyword Analysis (키워드 분석 기반 사물인터넷 연구 도메인 구조 분석)

  • Namn, Su-Hyeon
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.273-290
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    • 2017
  • Internet of Things (IoT) is considered to be the next wave of Information Technology transformation after the Internet has changed the process of doing business. Since the domain of IoT ranging from the sensor technology to service to the users is wide, the structure of the research domain is not delineated clearly. To do that we suggest to use the Technology Stack Model proposed by Porter et al.(2014) to measure the maturity level of IoT in organizations. Based on the Stack Model, for the general understandings of IoT, we do keyword analyses on the academic papers whose major research issue is IoT. It is found that the current status of IoT application from the perspectives of cloud and big data analytics is not active, meaning that the real value of IoT has not been realized. We also examine the cases which deal with the part of cloud process which is crucial for value accrual. Based on these findings, we suggest the future direction of IoT research. We also propose that IT is to value chain what IoT is to the Stack Model to derive value in organizations.

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Development and Verification of a Fishing Gear Monitoring System based on Marine IoT Technology (해상 IoT 기술 기반 어구 부이 통합 관리시스템 개발 및 검증)

  • Nam, Gyeungtae;Lee, Younggeun;Kim, Namsoo;Lim, Daeseop
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.181-185
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    • 2021
  • This study deals with the development of a phrase buoy control system that can receive and analyze phrase information using an IoT-based communication network to determine whether a phrase is normal or missing, to manage the current state of the phrase, check the status of the phrase in case of abnormal conditions in the phrase, and conduct management of the phrase. The fishing gear management system and integrated control structure design using an IoT-based communication network were developed, and a system test and verification were carried out to verify the effectiveness of the system.

Ontology-based IoT Platform for Improving Interoperability (상호운용성 향상을 위한 온톨로지 기반의 IoT 플랫폼)

  • Lee, Kangjun;Jang, Woolin;Yang, Byeongheon;Lee, Seungyeon;Jeong, Dongwon;Lee, Sukhoon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2021.10a
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    • pp.6-8
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    • 2021
  • Recently, the Internet of Things technologies are continuously advanced, and IoT devices are being used in various domain. IoT platforms should not only collect and manage data by connecting to various devices, but also monitor and control them. However, conventional IoT platforms have different data types and protocols, and have the problem of not monitoring or controlling cross-platform devices. This research proposes an ontology-based IoT platform to resolve this problem. Therefore, this research analyzes the types and characteristics of conventional IoT platforms, and this paper proposes a new platform architecture based on the analysis. The proposed platform is expected to flexible data management and improvement of interoperability between other platforms by utilizing ontology technology.

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Design of Safety Management System for IoT based in SIP (SIP기반 임베디드 IoT 안전관리 시스템 설계)

  • Kim, Sam-Taek
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.9 no.10
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    • pp.69-74
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    • 2018
  • IP and SIP public broadcasting systems developed in Korea and abroad are developed in a Windows or Linux server environments and are installed in a server-rack structure, have high power consumption, and are difficult to remotely respond to system failures. In this paper, IoT platform is designed to connect IoT device and gateway to IoT service server by using internet service structure. We also designed a server based on embedded OS that can provide a variety of public safety management services according to the order of the server with built-in call processing and broadcasting function that can handle emergency calls and emergency broadcasts in public places using this structure. This server is interoperable with a variety of SIP-based call and broadcast devices that support the standard SIP and can be integrated with an in-house phone and on-premises system.

A Study on the establishment of IoT management process in terms of business according to Paradigm Shift (패러다임 전환에 의한 기업 측면의 IoT 경영 프로세스 구축방안 연구)

  • Jeong, Min-Eui;Yu, Song-Jin
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.151-171
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    • 2015
  • This study examined the concepts of the Internet of Things(IoT), the major issue and IoT trend in the domestic and international market. also reviewed the advent of IoT era which caused a 'Paradigm Shift'. This study proposed a solution for the appropriate corresponding strategy in terms of Enterprise. Global competition began in the IoT market. So, Businesses to be competitive and responsive, the government's efforts, as well as the efforts of companies themselves is needed. In particular, in order to cope with the dynamic environment appropriately, faster and more efficient strategy is required. In other words, proposed a management strategy that can respond the IoT competitive era on tipping point through the vision of paradigm shift. We forecasted and proposed the emergence of paradigm shift through a comparative analysis of past management paradigm and IoT management paradigm as follow; I) Knowledge & learning oriented management, II) Technology & innovation oriented management, III) Demand driven management, IV) Global collaboration management. The Knowledge & learning oriented management paradigm is expected to be a new management paradigm due to the development of IT technology development and information processing technology. In addition to the rapid development such as IT infrastructure and processing of data, storage, knowledge sharing and learning has become more important. Currently Hardware-oriented management paradigm will be changed to the software-oriented paradigm. In particular, the software and platform market is a key component of the IoT ecosystem, has been estimated to be led by Technology & innovation oriented management. In 2011, Gartner announced the concept of "Demand-Driven Value Networks(DDVN)", DDVN emphasizes value of the whole of the network. Therefore, Demand driven management paradigm is creating demand for advanced process, not the process corresponding to the demand simply. Global collaboration management paradigm create the value creation through the fusion between technology, between countries, between industries. In particular, cooperation between enterprises that has financial resources and brand power and venture companies with creative ideas and technical will generate positive synergies. Through this, The large enterprises and small companies that can be win-win environment would be built. Cope with the a paradigm shift and to establish a management strategy of Enterprise process, this study utilized the 'RTE cyclone model' which proposed by Gartner. RTE concept consists of three stages, Lead, Operate, Manage. The Lead stage is utilizing capital to strengthen the business competitiveness. This stages has the goal of linking to external stimuli strategy development, also Execute the business strategy of the company for capital and investment activities and environmental changes. Manege stage is to respond appropriately to threats and internalize the goals of the enterprise. Operate stage proceeds to action for increasing the efficiency of the services across the enterprise, also achieve the integration and simplification of the process, with real-time data capture. RTE(Real Time Enterprise) concept has the value for practical use with the management strategy. Appropriately applied in this study, we propose a 'IoT-RTE Cyclone model' which emphasizes the agility of the enterprise. In addition, based on the real-time monitoring, analysis, act through IT and IoT technology. 'IoT-RTE Cyclone model' that could integrate the business processes of the enterprise each sector and support the overall service. therefore the model be used as an effective response strategy for Enterprise. In particular, IoT-RTE Cyclone Model is to respond to external events, waste elements are removed according to the process is repeated. Therefore, it is possible to model the operation of the process more efficient and agile. This IoT-RTE Cyclone Model can be used as an effective response strategy of the enterprise in terms of IoT era of rapidly changing because it supports the overall service of the enterprise. When this model leverages a collaborative system among enterprises it expects breakthrough cost savings through competitiveness, global lead time, minimizing duplication.

Smart-Coord: Enhancing Healthcare IoT-based Security by Blockchain Coordinate Systems

  • Talal Saad Albalawi
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.24 no.8
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    • pp.32-42
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    • 2024
  • The Internet of Things (IoT) is set to transform patient care by enhancing data collection, analysis, and management through medical sensors and wearable devices. However, the convergence of IoT device vulnerabilities and the sensitivity of healthcare data raises significant data integrity and privacy concerns. In response, this research introduces the Smart-Coord system, a practical and affordable solution for securing healthcare IoT. Smart-Coord leverages blockchain technology and coordinate-based access management to fortify healthcare IoT. It employs IPFS for immutable data storage and intelligent Solidity Ethereum contracts for data integrity and confidentiality, creating a hierarchical, AES-CBC-secured data transmission protocol from IoT devices to blockchain repositories. Our technique uses a unique coordinate system to embed confidentiality and integrity regulations into a single access control model, dictating data access and transfer based on subject-object pairings in a coordinate plane. This dual enforcement technique governs and secures the flow of healthcare IoT information. With its implementation on the Matic network, the Smart-Coord system's computational efficiency and cost-effectiveness are unparalleled. Smart-Coord boasts significantly lower transaction costs and data operation processing times than other blockchain networks, making it a practical and affordable solution. Smart-Coord holds the promise of enhancing IoT-based healthcare system security by managing sensitive health data in a scalable, efficient, and secure manner. The Smart-Coord framework heralds a new era in healthcare IoT adoption, expertly managing data integrity, confidentiality, and accessibility to ensure a secure, reliable digital environment for patient data management.