Smart-Coord: Enhancing Healthcare IoT-based Security by Blockchain Coordinate Systems

  • Talal Saad Albalawi (College of Computer and Information Sciences, Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University (IMSIU))
  • Received : 2024.08.05
  • Published : 2024.08.30


The Internet of Things (IoT) is set to transform patient care by enhancing data collection, analysis, and management through medical sensors and wearable devices. However, the convergence of IoT device vulnerabilities and the sensitivity of healthcare data raises significant data integrity and privacy concerns. In response, this research introduces the Smart-Coord system, a practical and affordable solution for securing healthcare IoT. Smart-Coord leverages blockchain technology and coordinate-based access management to fortify healthcare IoT. It employs IPFS for immutable data storage and intelligent Solidity Ethereum contracts for data integrity and confidentiality, creating a hierarchical, AES-CBC-secured data transmission protocol from IoT devices to blockchain repositories. Our technique uses a unique coordinate system to embed confidentiality and integrity regulations into a single access control model, dictating data access and transfer based on subject-object pairings in a coordinate plane. This dual enforcement technique governs and secures the flow of healthcare IoT information. With its implementation on the Matic network, the Smart-Coord system's computational efficiency and cost-effectiveness are unparalleled. Smart-Coord boasts significantly lower transaction costs and data operation processing times than other blockchain networks, making it a practical and affordable solution. Smart-Coord holds the promise of enhancing IoT-based healthcare system security by managing sensitive health data in a scalable, efficient, and secure manner. The Smart-Coord framework heralds a new era in healthcare IoT adoption, expertly managing data integrity, confidentiality, and accessibility to ensure a secure, reliable digital environment for patient data management.



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