• Title/Summary/Keyword: IoT 기반 관리

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Device Mutual Authentication and Key Management Techniques in a Smart Home Environment (스마트 홈 환경에서 디바이스 상호 인증 및 키 관리 기법)

  • Min, So-Yeon;Lee, Jae-Seung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.10
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    • pp.661-667
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    • 2018
  • Recently, the smart home market is growing due to the development of wireless communication technology and sensor devices, and various devices are being utilized. Such an IoT environment collects various vast amount of device information for intelligent services, receives services based on user information, controls various devices, and provides communication between different types of devices. However, with this growth, various security threats are occurring in the smart home environment. In fact, Proofpoint and HP warned about the cases of damage in a smart home environment and the severity of security vulnerabilities, and cases of infringement in various environments were announced. Therefore, in this paper, we have studied secure mutual authentication method between smart nodes used in smart home to solve security problems that may occur in smart home environment. In the case of the proposed thesis, security evaluations are performed using random numbers and frequently updated session keys and secret keys for well-known vulnerabilities that can occur in IoT environments and sensor devices such as sniffing, spoofing, device mutual authentication, And safety. In addition, it is confirmed that it is superior in security and key management through comparison with existing smart home security protocol.

A Design Study on Smart APP./Web for Construction of Companion Animal Management and Emergency Relief System (반려동물 관리 및 긴급구조 시스템의 구축을 위한 스마트 앱/웹의 설계 연구)

  • Park, Seung-Chang;Lee, Rae-deuk;Park, Jin-soo;Park, Jong-hyun;Choi, Soo-rahm
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2017.11a
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    • pp.81-84
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    • 2017
  • 본 논문은 반려동물 강아지를 위한 전용 관리 및 지역 애완동물 병원과의 연동을 통한 긴급 조치 서비스망의 구축, 반려동물 강아지를 키우는 사람들의 커뮤니티 운영을 위하여 필요한 스마트 App.과 Web Site에 관한 설계 연구이다. 먼저, 본 논문은 서론에서 기존의 반려동물 강아지의 관리 및 긴급 구조 시스템에 관련된 상표출원 동향을 조사한다. 본론으로, 본 논문은 한이음 프로젝트로서 반려동물 강아지 서비스/시스템/콘텐츠의 설계, 대학생 멘티들이 참여하는 역할분담을 연구한다. 결론적으로, 본 논문은 반려동물의 평상시 관리와 비상시의 긴급구조에 필요한 IoT기반의 스마트시스템과 Web Page, 스마트 단말기에서 작동하는 App.의 설계, 제작, 시험, 인증에 관하여 필요한 준비사항, 시스템 개발의 절차와 지식재산권, 기술문서의 작성법에 관하여 연구한다.

Sensor Information Collection Method and System for on-site Management based on Digital-twin (디지털트윈 기반 현장 관리를 위한 센서 정보 수집 기법 및 시스템)

  • Minjae Seo;Jun-woo Ha;Hyeon-kyu Lim;Jihye Jeon
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2023
  • Recently, there is an increasing demand to quickly identify changes in the field by applying Digital-twin for on-site management control and analyzing changes in real-time data transmitted. When technologies such as Digital-twin are applied, early problem response and quick response to situations are possible. However, in order to maximize the advantages of digital twin technology, a method of collecting and managing sensor data that collects field information at an appropriate period is required. need. In addition, it is necessary to consider how sensor information is transmitted to each management domain and how to identify and respond to abnormal situations so that it can be visualized for each management purpose. In this paper, we propose a method for collecting heterogeneous sensor information and related system configuration for on-site inspection management based on digital twin.

A Design of Smart Sensor Framework for Smart Home System Bsed on Layered Architecture (계층 구조에 기반을 둔 스마트 홈 시스템를 위한 스마트 센서 프레임워크의 설계)

  • Chung, Won-Ho;Kim, Yu-Bin
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.49-59
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    • 2017
  • Smart sensing plays a key role in a variety of IoT applications, and its importance is growing more and more together with the development of artificial intelligence. Therefore the importance of smart sensors cannot be overemphasized. However, most studies related to smart sensors have been focusing on specific application purposes, for example, security, energy saving, monitoring, and there are not much effort on researches on how to efficiently configure various types of smart sensors to be needed in the future. In this paper, a component-based framework with hierarchical structure for efficient construction of smart sensor is proposed and its application to smart home is designed and implemented. The proposed method shows that various types of smart sensors to be appeared in the near future can be configured through the design and development of necessary components within the proposed software framework. In addition, since it has a layered architecture, the configuration of the smart sensor can be expanded by inserting the internal or external layers. In particular, it is possible to independently design the internal and external modules when designing an IoT application service through connection with the external device layer. A small-scale smart home system is designed and implemented using the proposed method, and a home cloud operating as an external layer, is further designed to accommodate and manage multiple smart homes. By developing and thus adding the components of each layer, it will be possible to efficiently extend the range of applications such as smart cars, smart buildings, smart factories an so on.

Apriori Based Big Data Processing System for Improve Sensor Data Throughput in IoT Environments (IoT 환경에서 센서 데이터 처리율 향상을 위한 Apriori 기반 빅데이터 처리 시스템)

  • Song, Jin Su;Kim, Soo Jin;Shin, Young Tae
    • KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems
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    • v.10 no.10
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    • pp.277-284
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    • 2021
  • Recently, the smart home environment is expected to be a platform that collects, integrates, and utilizes various data through convergence with wireless information and communication technology. In fact, the number of smart devices with various sensors is increasing inside smart homes. The amount of data that needs to be processed by the increased number of smart devices is also increasing, and big data processing systems are actively being introduced to handle it effectively. However, traditional big data processing systems have all requests directed to cluster drivers before they are allocated to distributed nodes, leading to reduced cluster-wide performance sharing as cluster drivers managing segmentation tasks become bottlenecks. In particular, there is a greater delay rate on smart home devices that constantly request small data processing. Thus, in this paper, we design a Apriori-based big data system for effective data processing in smart home environments where frequent requests occur at the same time. According to the performance evaluation results of the proposed system, the data processing time was reduced by up to 38.6% from at least 19.2% compared to the existing system. The reason for this result is related to the type of data being measured. Because the amount of data collected in a smart home environment is large, the use of cache servers plays a major role in data processing, and association analysis with Apriori algorithms stores highly relevant sensor data in the cache.

A Study of Bigdata Platform for Supporting Engineering Services (엔지니어링 서비스 지원을 위한 클라우드 기반 빅데이터 플랫폼 개발 연구)

  • Seo, Dongwoo;Kim, Myungil;Park, Sangjin;Kim, Jaesung;Jeong, Seok Chan
    • The Journal of Bigdata
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.119-127
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    • 2019
  • This study explains how to solve engineering problems easily and efficiently by using cloud based big data platform. To do this, we propose a cloud based big data analysis platform. The application helps users easily create models for data analysis using cloud based big data analysis platform. Analytical models modeled using components are analyzed through an analysis engine. Our platform include pre-processing, analysis, and visualization algorithms required for data analysis. Finally, we show an application of effluent concentration in a sewage treatment process.

  • PDF

ARM: Adaptive Resource Management for Wireless Network Reliability (무선 네트워크의 신뢰성 보장을 위한 적응적 자원 관리 기법)

  • Lee, Kisong;Lee, Howon
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.18 no.10
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    • pp.2382-2388
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    • 2014
  • To provide network reliability in indoor wireless communication systems, we should resolve the problem of unexpected network failure rapidly. In this paper, we propose an adaptive resource management (ARM) scheme to support seamless connectivity to users. In consideration of system throughput and user fairness simultaneously, the ARM scheme adaptively determines the set of healing channels, and performs scheduling and power allocation iteratively based on a constrained non-convex optimization technique. Through intensive simulations, we demonstrate the superior performance results of the proposed ARM scheme in terms of the average cell capacity and user fairness.

A Smart Air Care and Alarm System Using Arduino (아두이노를 활용한 스마트 공기 관리 및 경보 시스템)

  • Kim, Ju-Hyeon;Kim, Jung-Su;Lee, Da-Jeong;Park, Jong-Kyung;Park, Jang-Woo;Cho, Young-Yun;Shin, Chang-Sun
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2015.10a
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    • pp.137-139
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    • 2015
  • 최근 IoT 기술의 발전에 따라, 사용자는 외부에서 스마트폰을 통해 가정 내 기기 및 환경을 관리할 수 있게 되었다. 본 논문에서는 가정 내 다양한 상태 정보를 이용하여 최적의 환기 서비스를 제공하고, 최적의 내부 공기 환경을 지원하는 아두이노 기반 가정 내 공기 관리 및 경보 시스템을 제안한다. 본 시스템을 통해 사용자는 외부에서 편리하게 가정 내 공기 환경정보를 얻을 수 있고 자동 제어가 가능하며, 향후 다양한 가정 내/외부 환경정보 및 상태정보를 활용하는 고도화된 지능형 홈 서비스 연구에 도움이 될 것으로 기대한다.

A study on the Construction of a Big Data-based Urban Information and Public Transportation Accessibility Analysis Platforms- Focused on Gwangju Metropolitan City - (빅데이터 기반의 도시정보·접대중교통근성 분석 플랫폼 구축 방안에 관한 연구 -광주광역시를 중심으로-)

  • Sangkeun Lee;Seungmin Yu;Jun Lee;Daeill Kim
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.11 no.11
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    • pp.49-62
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    • 2022
  • Recently, with the development of Smart City Solutions such as Big data, AI, IoT, Autonomous driving, and Digital twins around the world, the proliferation of various smart devices and social media, and the record of the deeds that people have left everywhere, the construction of Smart Cities using the "Big Data" environment in which so much information and data is produced that it is impossible to gauge the scale is actively underway. The Purpose of this study is to construct an objective and systematic analysis Model based on Big Data to improve the transportation convenience of citizens and formulate efficient policies in Urban Information and Public Transportation accessibility in sustainable Smart Cities following the 4th Industrial Revolution. It is also to derive the methodology of developing a Big Data-Based public transport accessibility and policy management Platform using a sustainable Urban Public DB and a Private DB. To this end, Detailed Living Areas made a division and the accessibility of basic living amenities of Gwangju Metropolitan City, and the Public Transportation system based on Big Data were analyzed. As a result, it was Proposed to construct a Big Data-based Urban Information and Public Transportation accessibility Platform, such as 1) Using Big Data for public transportation network evaluation, 2) Supporting Transportation means/service decision-making based on Big Data, 3) Providing urban traffic network monitoring services, and 4) Analyzing parking demand sources and providing improvement measures.

Study on Voice Interconnection Method of Heterogeneous Radio based on All-IP (All-IP 기반의 이종 재난통신 무전기 음성 연동 방법 연구)

  • Park, Jin-Hee;Lee, Soon-Hwa
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.17-22
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    • 2013
  • Heterogeneous radios are used in disaster management agencies for a variety of reasons though the radio must have the same radio frequency and protocol for voice communication. For this reason, the variety of heterogeneous radio voice connection methods have been studied but these are simple analog voice line cross connection or partial networked based on digitalization. In this paper, we suggest the method of voice packet transmission method based on All-IP per radio through IP network using SIP/RTP for scalability and openness and developed a prototype of the proposed method was verified.