• Title/Summary/Keyword: Interrelationship

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A Study on Correlation of Sensory Processing ability With Feeding of Preterm Infants and Toddlers (조산으로 출생한 영유아의 감각처리능력과 섭식의 상관관계)

  • Kim, Mi-Su;Kim, Kyeong-Mi;Chang, Moon-Young;Hong, Eunkyoung
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Sensory Integration
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.31-40
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    • 2019
  • Purpose : The purpose of this study was to compare the difference between preterm infants and toddlers (PT) and full-term infant and toddler (FT) of sensory processing ability, feeding as well as investigate the correlation of sensory processing ability with feeding of preterm infants and toddlers. Methods : The subjects of a study were 107 including 51 PT and 56 FT. Infant/Toddler Sensory Profile 2 (ITSP 2) was used to assess sensory processing ability. The Behavioral Pediatrics Feeding Assessment (BPFAS) was used to assess feeding behavior. The collected data were analyzed by using SPSS 21.0. Independent sample t-test was used in order to compare the difference between PT group and FT group. Pearson correlation analysis was used in order to investigate the correlation of sensory processing ability with feeding of preterm infants and toddlers. Results : There was a significant difference in sensory sensitivity and oral sensory processing between with PT group and FT group (p<0.05). There was a significant difference in feeding behavior between with PT group and FT group (p<.05). In PT group, there are positive correlations of sensory avoidance (r=.443) and sensory sensitivity (r=.374) with feeding frequency. General behavior (r=.390) and oral sensory processing (r=.513) showed a positive correlation with feeding frequency. In addition, oral sensory processing (r=.529) showed a positive correlation with feeding problem. Conclusion : It is proved that the interrelationship of sensory processing ability with feeding and of preterm infants and toddlers. And it is meaningful to recognize significance of sensory processing characteristics to comprehend feeding and of preterm infants and toddlers.

Interrelationship between the Shipowner's Limitation of Liability and the Coverage of Liability Insurance: Focus on the Judgment of the Supreme Court of Canada in the Realice Case (선주의 책임제한과 책임보험의 보상 간의 상호관계: Realice호 사건에서 캐나다 대법원 판결을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Won-Jeong
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.41-53
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    • 2015
  • In Paracomon Inc. v. Telus Communication, Realice's anchor became entangled with a working fiber-optic submarine cable during its voyage and are presentative of the shipowner(the captain) cut the cable. The owner of the cable brought a claim for the repair cost against the shipowner. The shipowner then advanced a third party claim against a liability insurance underwriter. The Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) held that the shipowner was entitled to limit its liability under the 1976 Convention on the Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims. The SCC also ruled that even though the misdeed of the shipowner was insufficient to break its right to limitation of liability, its wrongdoing constituted willful misconduct under the 1993 Canada Marine Insurance Act, allowing the underwriter to deny coverage for the incident. Thecasewasthefirsttoaddresstheinterrelationship between the shipowner's right to limit liability under the international convention regime and the availability of liability insurance with respect to such limited liability. This study analyzes the reasoning behind the SCC's judgment and evaluates the appropriateness of this court's decision based on the current maritime industry as well as prevailing maritime law. It concludes that the SCC's decision to declare that the shipowner retained the right to limit its liability is appropriate under the Limitation Convention (1976). However, its declaration that the liability insurer was discharged from liability is not correct in due consideration of the common recognition in the maritime industry, the intended purpose of a third party's right against the liability insurer, and the adoption process of the conduct barring limitation. Based on the SCC's decision, this study finally reviews the issue of the shipowner's right to limit and the coverage of the liability insurer in the Sewol case (2014).

Does the Gut Microbiota Regulate a Cognitive Function? (장내미생물과 인지기능은 서로 연관되어 있는가?)

  • Choi, Jeonghyun;Jin, Yunho;Kim, Joo-Heon;Hong, Yonggeun
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.747-753
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    • 2019
  • Cognitive decline is characterized by reduced long-/short-term memory and attention span, and increased depression and anxiety. Such decline is associated with various degenerative brain disorders, especially Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Parkinson's disease (PD). The increases in elderly populations suffering from cognitive decline create social problems and impose economic burdens, and also pose safety threats; all of these problems have been extensively researched over the past several decades. Possible causes of cognitive decline include metabolic and hormone imbalance, infection, medication abuse, and neuronal changes associated with aging. However, no treatment for cognitive decline is available. In neurodegenerative diseases, changes in the gut microbiota and gut metabolites can alter molecular expression and neurobehavioral symptoms. Changes in the gut microbiota affect memory loss in AD via the downregulation of NMDA receptor expression and increased glutamate levels. Furthermore, the use of probiotics resulted in neurological improvement in an AD model. PD and gut microbiota dysbiosis are linked directly. This interrelationship affected the development of constipation, a secondary symptom in PD. In a PD model, the administration of probiotics prevented neuron death by increasing butyrate levels. Dysfunction of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) has been identified in AD and PD. Increased BBB permeability is also associated with gut microbiota dysbiosis, which led to the destruction of microtubules via systemic inflammation. Notably, metabolites of the gut microbiota may trigger either the development or attenuation of neurodegenerative disease. Here, we discuss the correlation between cognitive decline and the gut microbiota.

A Comparative Study of Zhuxi and Jeungsan's Theories of Sangsaeng (주자와 증산의 상생이론 비교 고찰)

  • An, Yoo-kyoung
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.38
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    • pp.83-114
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    • 2021
  • This paper identifies what the theoretical similarities and differences are in the concept of Sangsaeng held by Zhuxi (1130~1200) and Jeungsan (1871~1909). Human beings cannot live alone. For humans to survive, they must live with others. However, humans have an infinite desire not only for survival but also for material things, honor, and power. In other words, humans, on the one hand, seek harmony and symbiosis for survival, and on the other, constantly confront, conflict and compete with one another to satisfy their infinite desires. Thus, human-to-human interrelationship is not a co-prosperity that creates partnerships for harmony but one of adversaries within competition that must be fought and defeated. At the same time, humans can achieve harmony and cooperation by overcoming their infinite desires and realizing morality. Therefore, various social problems that originate from competitive structure, which are dominated by confrontation and conflict, can be solved through human effort and reflection, so that humans can focus on solving social problems by mobilizing their own wisdom. Jeungsan emphasized Sangsaeng as mutual beneficence and it became one of the creeds of Daesoon Thought. In the Neo-Confucianism of Zhuxi, there is an ideology of Sangsaeng as co-prosperity and this is comparable to mutual beneficence in Daesoon Thought. In Zhuxi's terminology it is called 'In (仁), humanity.' In Neo-Confucianism, a harmonious world is achieved by loving people and caring for and nurturing all things when the principles of humanity are realized. This means that when the principle of co-prosperity is realized in Daesoon Thought, there will be no conflict or grudges, and only an acquired vision of reconciliation and mutual beneficence will be achieved. Zhuxi also emphasizes the realization of humanity (cheonli) by eliminating self-interest. At this time, the relationship between humanity and 'self-interest' is similar to the relationship between the mutual beneficence and grievances in Daesoon Thought. Just as the principle of 'In' fosters love among people and the benefit of things immediately after self-interest is removed, the principle of mutual beneficence is realized immediately after grudges are resolved. This achieves an endless of paradise on earth.

The Interrelationship between Riparian Vegetation and Hydraulic Characteristics during the 2020 Summer Extreme Flood in the Seomjin-gang River, South Korea (2020 여름 섬진강 대홍수시 하안식생과 수리 특성의 상호관계)

  • Lee, Cheolho;Lee, Keonhak;Kim, Hwirae;Baek, Donghae;Kim, Won;Kim, Daehyun;Lee, Hyunjae;Woo, Hyoseop;Cho, Kang-Hyun
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.79-87
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    • 2021
  • Because active interactions occur among vegetation, hydrology, and geomorphology in riparian systems, any changes in one of these factors can significantly affect the other two. In this study, we evaluated these interactions at four sites (two in Gajeong and two in Hahan) along the Seomjin-gang River that was substantially devastated by an extreme flood in 2020. We examined the relationship between the riparian vegetation and the hydraulic characteristics of the flood using remote sensing, hydraulic modeling, and field surveys combined. The evaluation results showed that the floods caused a record-breaking rise of up to 43.1 m above sea level at the Yeseong-bridge stage gauge station (zero elevation 27.4 m) located between the Gajeong and Hahan sites, with the shear stress being four times higher in Hahan than in Gajeong. Additionally, the water level during the flood was estimated to be a maximum of 1 m higher depending on the location in the presence of riparian plants. Furthermore, both sites underwent extensive biological damage due to the flood, with 78-80% loss in vegetation, with preferential damage observed in large willow species, compared to Quercus acutissima. The above findings imply that all plant species exhibit different vulnerabilities towards extreme floods and do not induce similar behavior towards events causing a disturbance. In conclusion, we developed strategies for effectively managing riparian trees by minimizing flood hazards that could inevitably cause damage.

A Study on the Place Identity of Shin-Cheorwon with the Intrinsic Everydayness -By Using Photovoice Methodology- (일상성이 내재된 신철원 장소정체성 연구 - 포토보이스 방법론을 활용하여 -)

  • Suh, Joon Won;Chung, Da Ae;Park, Yunju
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.53-67
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    • 2022
  • This study started from recognizing the need to study place identity from the perspective of residents experiencing the place in daily life. The subject area of the study, Shin-Cheorwon, Galmal-eup, Cheorwon-gun, Gangwon-do area, had a low population until the division of Korea in 1945. Since then, the residents have created the milieu under Shin-Cheorwon's regional historic and cultural context. Thus, the study on this area can show the formation of the interrelationship of the region and residents. The purpose of this study is to understand the meaning and identity of the everyday places of Shin-Cheorwon. Photovoice was chosen as the method for successful Participatory Research; Participant's active intervention stage, 'Documentation (4th step)', Narration (5th step), researcher's analysis stage 'Ideation (6th step)' were specifically used. As a result, the following characteristic of the places chosen by participants could be found: the meaning and relationship with the residents, similarities, and differences in people shown based on their age, length of residence, etc. Through this, participants recollected the past places, found the meaning of the place of the present, and deduced the placeness that Shin-Cheorwon should have in the future. The study identified the place identity that holds the perspective of the residents in their daily life and provides implications on the follow-up studies of place identity. In addition, it is expected that it will apply to urban planning and spatial design in further studies of how residents perceive the space formed by urban development using photovoice methodology.

A Study on the Relationship between God's Image and Parental Image for the Development of Healthy Christian Identity of Children : with an Emphasis on Ana-Maria Rizzuto's Theory of God's Image (자녀의 건강한 기독교 정체성 형성을 위한 신 표상 및 부모 이미지의 상관성에 관한 연구 : 리주토(Ana-Maria Rizzuto)의 신 표상(God's image) 이론을 중심으로)

  • Gyeongsook Lee
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.77
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    • pp.203-223
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to reflect on how the experiences in the interrelationship between parents and children affect the formation of God's image and how it affects the formation of healthy Christian identity. We will explore the implications of this research on education for the formation of healthy Christian identity for children. Based on the theories of God's image by Erickson, Freud, and Rizzuto, we examine in-depth how the parental image that children acquire in their relationship with their parents is related to the image of God, which is the basis of their lives. Parents are like caregivers, guardians, and absolute beings that enable their children's survival and safety from their birth. The parental image that a child has through interaction with their parents has a close relationship with the image of God. Amid the existential limitations and restrictions faced by children and parents, negative experiences such as oppression, punishment, and anger that children receive from their parents leave various psychological wounds inside the child. What is important here is that the summation of negative experiences inflicted on the child should not exceed the appropriate level that the child can endure. In addition, children should be guided to feel the following in their relationship with their parents. Children need to be nurtured to feel basic trust from their parents. If these important premise is not observed, the distorted parental image will lead to distorted God's image. Unreliable or violent images of parents will pose a serious threat to the formation of constructive faith or healthy Christian identity. Based on this premise, this study claims a substantial shift from oppressive, authoritarian, and one-directional ways of education to those of mutual, liberational, postconventional education. Finally, this study closes its inquiry by providing constructive direction and alternatives for the development of healthy Christian identity for Children.

Distributional Characteristics of Fault Segments in Cretaceous and Tertiary Rocks from Southeastern Gyeongsang Basin (경상분지 남동부 일대의 백악기 및 제3기 암류에서 발달하는 단층분절의 분포특성)

  • Park, Deok-Won
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.109-120
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    • 2018
  • The distributional characteristics of fault segments in Cretaceous and Tertiary rocks from southeastern Gyeongsang Basin were derived. The 267 sets of fault segments showing linear type were extracted from the curved fault lines delineated on the regional geological map. First, the directional angle(${\theta}$)-length(L) chart for the whole fault segments was made. From the related chart, the general d istribution pattern of fault segments was derived. The distribution curve in the chart was divided into four sections according to its overall shape. NNE, NNW and WNW directions, corresponding to the peaks of the above sections, indicate those of the Yangsan, Ulsan and Gaeum fault systems. The fault segment population show near symmetrical distribution with respect to $N19^{\circ}E$ direction corresponding to the maximum peak. Second, the directional angle-frequency(N), mean length(Lm), total length(Lt) and density(${\rho}$) chart was made. From the related chart, whole domain of the above chart was divided into 19 domains in terms of the phases of the distribution curve. The directions corresponding to the peaks of the above domains suggest the directions of representative stresses acted on rock body. Third, the length-cumulative frequency graphs for the 18 sub-populations were made. From the related chart, the value of exponent(${\lambda}$) increase in the clockwise direction($N10{\sim}20^{\circ}E{\rightarrow}N50{\sim}60^{\circ}E$) and counterclockwise direction ($N10{\sim}20^{\circ}W{\rightarrow}N50{\sim}60^{\circ}W$). On the other hand, the width of distribution of lengths and mean length decrease. The chart for the above sub-populations having mutually different evolution characteristics, reveals a cross section of evolutionary process. Fourth, the general distribution chart for the 18 graphs was made. From the related chart, the above graphs were classified into five groups(A~E) according to the distribution area. The lengths of fault segments increase in order of group E ($N80{\sim}90^{\circ}E{\cdot}N70{\sim}80^{\circ}E{\cdot}N80{\sim}90^{\circ}W{\cdot}N50{\sim}60^{\circ}W{\cdot}N30{\sim}40^{\circ}W{\cdot}N40{\sim}50^{\circ}W$) < D ($N70{\sim}80^{\circ}W{\cdot}N60{\sim}70^{\circ}W{\cdot}N60{\sim}70^{\circ}E{\cdot}N50{\sim}60^{\circ}E{\cdot}N40{\sim}50^{\circ}E{\cdot}N0{\sim}10^{\circ}W$) < C ($N20{\sim}30^{\circ}W{\cdot}N10{\sim}20^{\circ}W$) < B ($N0{\sim}10^{\circ}E{\cdot}N30{\sim}40^{\circ}E$) < A ($N20{\sim}30^{\circ}E{\cdot}N10{\sim}20^{\circ}E$). Especially the forms of graph gradually transition from a uniform distribution to an exponential one. Lastly, the values of the six parameters for fault-segment length were divided into five groups. Among the six parameters, mean length and length of the longest fault segment decrease in the order of group III ($N10^{\circ}W{\sim}N20^{\circ}E$) > IV ($N20{\sim}60^{\circ}E$) > II ($N10{\sim}60^{\circ}W$) > I ($N60{\sim}90^{\circ}W$) > V ($N60{\sim}90^{\circ}E$). Frequency, longest length, total length, mean length and density of fault segments, belonging to group V, show the lowest values. The above order of arrangement among five groups suggests the interrelationship with the relative formation ages of fault segments.

A Study on the Illumination of Household and Research on the Actual Conditions of Wearing Spectacles in Dwellers (주택의 조명과 거주자의 면경착용 실태조사연구)

  • 석호작;남철현
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.54-66
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    • 1991
  • As a result of measuring illumination and making up a question at home visit directly by investigator who trained over twenty days period from October 4 to 24, 1990, in order to render help which illumination problem against house, society against eyes or framing of health instruction potgram by seizing natural lighting actual conditions of house and actual conditions of wearing spectacles and by investigating interrelationship, I can summarize as follows. 1) In property of investigation subject, woman 66.9%, In an age, the twenties was largest of 27.4%, the forties was 20.2%, the fifties was 18.6%, the thirties was 17.4%. In academic career, those of upper secondary school grauates was largest of 28.6%, those who possess university career was 25.9%, those who middle school career was 20.9%, decoding of Korean alphabet was 2%. 2) By a residence area, a big city was 43.3%, farming and fishing villages were 20.3%, the rest was a small town and the administrative office of town, township. In positon of house, the middle area was 43.6%, resident of suburb area was 38.0%. In form of house, a Korean-style house was 40.8%, a western-style house was 34.8%, an apartment house was 11.0%. In the a standard of living, the middle classes 77.2%, the lower classes were 15.3%. In residential house unit of area, from 21 to 30 unit of area was largest of 31.5%, from 10 to 20 unit of area was 19.9%, from 31 to 40 was 18.7%. 3) The wearing spectacles rate of study user was 44.1%. By the area, those who wearing spectacles was more than a half of 50.8% in the resident of big city area. As passing from the farm area to the city, that is being resident of big city was high wearing spectacles rate. In position of house, as being residence in central street showed high wearing spectacles rate. (central street was 51.5%, the middle area was 44.5% and the suburb area was 40.1%.) It seemed similarity difference a variable by position of house from wearing spectacles in standard of 1%. By form of house, wearing spectacles rate those who resident in apartment house was 49.5%, that rate those who resident in a western-style house was high of 49.0%, that rate those who resident in a Korean-style house was the lowest 39.0%. By social position of resident in room, in students case who study showed very high, as university students were very high of 62.3% idn wearing spectacles rate, middle and high school students 'were 50.0%, members of society were 47.6%, workers 20.3%. It seemed similarity difference from academic career in standard of 1%. By an age, the thirties was high of 54.1% in wearing spectacles rate, the twenties was 43.2%, the teenage was the lowest of 11.8%. 4) In illumination of study, over 200Lux was high of 40.1%. but below 99Lux which inappropriate illumination to see the books was 32.4%. Average by area, below 99Lux was 22.7% and over 400Lux was 50.0% in case of wooden floor. As examine by area, below 99Lux was high of 27.0% a case of wooden floor in the big city area, it was not good in illumination passing from the farm area(15.0%) to the city(19.0%). Average illlumination by area of the main living room below 99Lux was high of 37.5%, less than 200Lux was 58.5% of whole. In general, illumination of the main livingroom was inappropriate. By area, the big city was 32.5% below 99Lux, the middle and small city area were 33.8%, town and township area were 45.0%, farming and fishing area were 42.8%. By area, in the big city, illumination of study was 52.5% over 200Lux and 28.9% below 99Lux. In case of the middle and small city, study user of below 99Lux was 38.8% and over 200Lux was 46.9%. In case of the seat of town township, below 99Lux was 34.1% and over 200Lux was 39.7%. In case of farming and fishing area, illumination of study was 33.4% below 99Lux and 48.4% over 200Lux. It tends to high rate of inappropriate illumination. 5) By position of house, in case of wooden floor, less than 100Lux was 24.5% in central street. It was bad illumination than others position of house. In case of the main livingroom, less than 100Lux was 40.4% in the suburb area. It was bad iliumnation than others position of house. In case of study, less than 100Lux was 35.4% in the middle area, it was worse in illumination. In case of the main living room, is seemed similarity difference in standard of 1%. 6) By form of house, in case of wooden floor, illumination of less than 100Lux was 23.8% in a western-style house, it was bad illumination than others form of house. In case of the main livingroom, illumination of less than 100Lux was 47.4% in a Korean-style house, it was remarkably bad illumination than others form of house. In case of study, a Korean-style house was 38.8%, it was very bad illumination than others form of house. In case of the main livingroom and study, it seemed similatrity difference each as P < 0.01 and P < 0.05 in standard of 1%. 7) The wearing spectacles rate of those who use room of illumination over 400Lux was 40.7%, and that of those who use room of illumination less than 100Lux was 28.1%. It seemed similarity differecce in standard of 1%. 8) In period of wearing spectacles, 21.3% of total investigator-highest-was from before five years, 8.6% was from before three years. Among those who use of illumintion less than 99Lux, 34.0% began to wear spectacles from before two years 31.7% was from before five years, 30.3% was from before four years. It seemed similarity difference from period of wearing spectacles by illumination in standard of 1 %. 9) Among cause which sight grow worse, the first was that it was each 33.2% and 27.4% in response rate because watch TV nearly to wearing spectacles person and non-wearing person. The second was that a lot of seeing books was 25.3% in wearing spectacles person and response rate for dark illumination was 7.4% in nonwearing spectacles person. It seemed similarity difference in standard of 1%. (P < 0.01). 10) In experience which take medicine good for eyes, it was 50.1% in wearing spectacles person and 8.5% in non-wearing spectacles person. It seemed similarity difference in standard of 1%(P < 0.01). As we have seen above, inappropriate illumination can be a cause of wearing spectacles. Nevertheless, actually, is realities to indifferent against illumination of house. So it must learn knowledge about health obstacle of illumination through society instruction and school eduction against students as well as general residents. In case that natural lighting is inappropriate structural of house, we must be able to maintain appropriate illumination through artificial illumination. And so eyes which is core of human life have to be protected, related the authorities, related group, and all health medical personnel will organically cooperate with and make efforts.

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Developmental Plans and Research on Private Security in Korea (한국 민간경비 실태 및 발전방안)

  • Kim, Tea-Hwan;Park, Ok-Cheol
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.9
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    • pp.69-98
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    • 2005
  • The security industry for civilians (Private Security), was first introduced to Korea via the US army's security system in the early 1960's. Shortly after then, official police laws were enforced in 1973, and private security finally started to develop with the passing of the 'service security industry' law in 1976. Korea's Private Security industry grew rapidly in the 1980's with the support of foreign funds and products, and now there are thought to be approximately 2000 private security enterprises currently running in Korea. However, nowadays the majority of these enterprises are experiencing difficulties such as lack of funds, insufficient management, and lack of control over employees, as a result, it seems difficult for some enterprises to avoid the low production output and bankruptcy. As a result of this these enterprises often settle these matters illegally, such as excessive dumping or avoiding problems by hiring inappropriate employees who don't have the right skills or qualifications for the jobs. The main problem with the establishment of this kind of security service is that it is so easy to make inroads into this private service market. All these hindering factors inhibit the market growth and impede qualitative development. Based on these main reasons, I researched this area, and will analyze and criticize the present condition of Korea's private security. I will present a possible development plan for the private security of Korea by referring to cases from the US and Japan. My method of researching was to investigate any related documentary records and articles and to interview people for necessary evidence. The theoretical study, involves investigation books and dissertations which are published from inside and outside of the country, and studying the complete collection of laws and regulations, internet data, various study reports, and the documentary records and the statistical data of many institutions such as the National Police Office, judicial training institute, and the enterprises of private security. Also, in addition, the contents of professionals who are in charge of practical affairs on the spot in order to overcomes the critical points of documentary records when investigating dissertation. I tried to get a firm grasp of the problems and difficulties which people in these work enterprises experience, this I thought would be most effective by interviewing the workers, for example: how they feel in the work places and what are the elements which inpede development? And I also interviewed policemen who are in charge of supervising the private escort enterprises, in an effort to figure out the problems and differences in opinion between domestic private security service and the police. From this investigation and research I will try to pin point the major problems of the private security and present a developmental plan. Firstly-Companies should unify the private police law and private security service law. Secondly-It is essential to introduce the 'specialty certificate' system for the quality improvement of private security service. Thirdly-must open up a new private security market by improving old system. Fourth-must build up the competitive power of the security service enterprises which is based on an efficient management. Fifth-needs special marketing strategy to hold customers Sixth-needs positive research based on theoretical studies. Seventh-needs the consistent and even training according to effective market demand. Eighth-Must maintain interrelationship with the police department. Ninth-must reinforce the system of Korean private security service association. Tenth-must establish private security laboratory. Based on these suggestions there should be improvement of private security service.

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