• 제목/요약/키워드: Interpretation Work

검색결과 374건 처리시간 0.021초

The Interpretation of Separation Mechanism of Ridge-Cut Explosive Bolt Using Software Simulation Program

  • Lee, Y. J.;Kim, D. J.
    • 한국추진공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국추진공학회 2004년도 제22회 춘계학술대회논문집
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    • pp.532-543
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    • 2004
  • The present work have been developed the interpretation processor including the behavior of material failure and the separation phenomena under transient dynamic loading (the operation of explosive bolt) using AUTODYN V4.3, SoildWork 2003 and TrueGrid V2.1 programs. It has been demonstrated that the interpretation in ridge-cut explosive bolt under dynamic loading condition should be necessary to the appropriate failure model and the basic stress of bolt failure is the principal stress. The use of this interpretation processor developing the present work could be extensively helped to design the shape and the amount of explosives in the explosive bolt having a complex geometry. It is also proved that the interpretation processor approach is an accurate and effective analysis technique to evaluate the separation mechanism in explosive bolts.

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Quantitative representation for EEG interpretation and its automatic scoring

  • Nakamura, Masatoshi;Shibasaki, Hiroshi;Imajoh, Kaoru;Nishida, Shigeto;Neshige, Ryuji
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 제어로봇시스템학회 1990년도 한국자동제어학술회의논문집(국제학술편); KOEX, Seoul; 26-27 Oct. 1990
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    • pp.1190-1195
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    • 1990
  • A new system for automatic interpretation of the awake electroencephalogram(EEG) was developed in this work. We first clarified all the necessary items for EEG interpretation in accordance with an analysis of visual inspection of the rhythms by a qualified electroencephalographer (EEGer), and then defined each item quantitatively. Concerning the automatic interpretation, we made an effort to find out specific EEG parameters which faithfully represent the procedure of visual interpretation by the qualified EEGer. Those specific EEG parameters were calculated from periodograms of the EEG time series. By using EEG data of 14 subjects, the automatic EEG interpretation system was constructed and compared with the visual interpretation done by the EEGer. The automatic EEG interpretation thus established was proved to be in agreement with the visual interpretation by the EEGer.

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Ronchamp 성당의 건축해석 (Archlitectural Interpretation of Ronchamp chapel)

  • 이정규
    • 건축역사연구
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    • 제6권3호
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    • pp.167-182
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    • 1997
  • The process of interpretation comprises the passage from blindness to pre-canonical responses, then the canonical interpretation and its dissemination. and finally silence and oblivion. But oblivion does not necessarily imply the conclusion of the interpretative process of work. A reinterpretation may follow. This study aims at searching the source of reinterpretation of Ronchamp Chapel. I analyzed the canonical interpretation. the site, function, and form of the chapel. I concluded that the contextualism, semiology, regionalism and other architectural conception may be the frame of reference for reinterpretation of Ronchamp Chapel.

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해석프로시져를 이용한 리치컷형 폭발볼트 분리기구 해석 (The Interpretation of Separation Mechanism of Ridge-Cut Explosive Bolt Using Simulation Programs)

  • Lee, Yeung-Jo
    • 한국추진공학회지
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    • 제8권2호
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    • pp.102-114
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    • 2004
  • 리치컷형 폭발볼트 모델에서, 3차원 솔리드 모델링을 통한 형상모델의 작성, 요소분할 방법, 경계조건의 부과 및 해석방법. 계산결과의 처리 등 폭발볼트의 수치해석에 필요한 모든 과정을 정립하고, 해석결과와 이미 수행된 시험결과의 비교를 통하여 볼트의 파손해석에 사용될 수 있는 파손모델과 파손응력을 선정하였다. 해석에는 볼트의 파손응력을 결정할 때 사용한 모델과, 시험결과와 해석결과로부터 설정된 파손모델의 타당성 평가를 위한 추가 모델들을 사용하였으며, 정립된 해석 프로시져의 적용으로 기존에 의존하였던 성능시험 평가 횟수를 대폭 줄일 수 있을 것으로 생각되며. 이에 따른 개발기간의 단축도 함에 고려할 수 있다. 특히, 기존의 폭발볼트 설계할 때 어려운 점으로 여겨졌던 폭발볼트의 최종 성능에 미치는 여러 가지 인자의 영향을 쉽게 평가할 수 있어, 이러한 설계능력향상, 시제품 제작 횟수의 감소, 개발기간의 단축 등은 최종적으로 시제개발 원가절감의 효과를 갖다 줄 것으로 판단된다.


  • Nakamura, Masatoshi;Shibasaki, Hiroshi
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 제어로봇시스템학회 1996년도 Proceedings of the Korea Automatic Control Conference, 11th (KACC); Pohang, Korea; 24-26 Oct. 1996
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    • pp.19-23
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    • 1996
  • A full automatic interpretation of awake electroencephalogram (EEG) had been developed by the authors and presented at the past KACCs in series. The automatic EEG interpretation consists of four main parts: quantitative EEG interpretation, EEG report making, preprocessing of EEG data and adaptable EEG interpretation. The automatic EEG interpretation reveals essentially the same findings as the electroencephalographer's (EEG's), and then would be applicable in clinical use as an assistant tool for EEGer. The method had been developed through collaboration works between the engineering field (Saga University) and the medical field (Kyoto University). This work can be understood as an artificial realization of human expert skill. The procedure for the artificial realization was summarized in a methodology for artificial realization of human skill which will be applicable in other fields of systems control.

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전력IT용어의 표준화를 위한 새로운 매트릭스 분류체계 및 뜻풀이 작업 방법에 대한 연구 (A Study on the New Classification System and Interpretation Work Methods for Standardization of Power IT Terminologies)

  • 김정훈
    • 전기학회논문지
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    • 제59권2호
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    • pp.277-284
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    • 2010
  • As technology is developed, the quantity of new vocabularies is increasing more rapidly. So many vocabularies of technology have various meanings for each part and are used diversely according to circumstances. Therefore, the necessity of reasonable methods of standardization and purification is increasing and it is necessary to establish a classification system of terminology for the first phase of the standardization. Firstly, based on classification systems of power and IT standard dictionaries, scientific and technological standard, SPARK, power IT fields of IEC and organization units of corporations, we propose a new classification system for the standardization of power IT terminologies. The classification system consists of a hierarchical structure with general classification, application fields and specific technologies while keeping the conventional matrix-type classification system. And interpretation methods of power IT terminologies, which are classified according to the new classification system for the standardization of power IT terminologies, is proposed. The interpretation works of the power IT terminologies confirm that the classification system is systematic and the interpretation process is efficient.

Rudi Gernreich의 작품에 나타난 시대정신 (Designer's Interpretation of the Zeitgeist as shown in the Works of Rudi Gernreich)

  • 최현숙
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제16권4호
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    • pp.457-470
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    • 1992
  • Several scholars have discussed the relationship between fine art and fashion in meaning and expression. They have established that fashion and fine art are different branches from the same root, the Zeitgeist (time spirit), and that the Zeitgeist is materialized by various expres-sion techniques. The objective of this paper is to discuss how designers' interpretation of the Zeitgeist is expressed in their work, focusing on the 60's American society and designer Rudi Gernreich. The 60's were the period with revolutionary changes both in society itself and clothing. Rudi is the representative of the 60's designers who is called the most avant-garde and American household designer at the same time. Despite his prominent status as an avant-garde designer and social commentator, however, he has not been discussed in depth in the Korean clothing society. The consistent theme of his work was young and free spirit, and women's liberation which reflected the time he lived in. His successful interpretation of the Zeitgeist of the 60's made him establish the American-look, simple and free to move.

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퍼스널 컴퓨터를 이용한 비저항 물리검층자료의 자동해석 (Automatic Interpretation of the Borehole Normal Resistivity Data by Using a Personal Computer)

  • 김진후
    • 한국해양공학회지
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    • 제2권2호
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    • pp.51-60
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    • 1988
  • A data transform is performed by using a point-electrode focusing method in order to obtain accurate and objective interpretation of the borehole normal resistivity data. Two new synthetic curves can be generated through the data transform. The one is an approximate apparent resistivity curve, which would be used to predict the true resistivity of the formation. The other one is a bed boundary coefficient curve, which would be used to distinguish bed boundaries. The accuracy of the normal data interpretation can be improved and this method takes much less computational time than a linear inversion technique. Moreover, this method does not require an initial guess model and limitation of number of unknown parameters. Since this algorithm can be run on a personal computer, an immediate interpretation would be possible at the field work site. If an additional set of electrodes(a=125cm)is attached to a normal resistivity tool which is being used (a=25cm, 50cm, 100cm), the apparent resistivity for the point-electrode focusing device can be calculated, and it would maximize the use of short and long normal resistivity data and promote the accuracy of the interpretation.

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국제거래상 신의성실의 원칙에 관한 연구 - CISG를 중심으로 - (A Study on the Principles of Good Faith under International Transaction -Focused on the CISG-)

  • 한낙현
    • 무역상무연구
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    • 제46권
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    • pp.61-104
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this work aims to analyse the principles of good faith under international transaction with CLOUT and UNILEX cases. Article 7(1) CISG sets the stage for the interpretation by promoting a uniform approach using good faith and the international charter of the convention. In other words, article 7(1) defines the purpose and the principle of interpretation and is applied to the Convention as a whole. As such, it also includes article 7(2), which goes beyond the big picture and settles the problems of gap filling. It is also important to understanding that the mandate of the CISG is to look for a solution, which is not only restricted to interpretation but extends to solving a problem. The problem in this work is to find out how gap filling is achieved and, because of the autonomous mandate of interpretation, to explain and understand its relationship with domestic law. The solution to the interpretation of article 7(2) must be found within the four corners of the CISG. To restate, article 7(2) describes two situations where gap filling is needed. First, if the matter is governed by the Convention but not expressly settled, then a gap must be filled in conformity with general principles on which it is based. Second, if the matter is not covered then the gap must be filled taking domestic law into consideration. There are two reasons why a matter may not be covered by the Convention. First and most obviously, it has been specifically exclude from the sphere of Application by the CISG itself, such as validity in article 4. Second, changes in business methods will lead to gaps. The United Nations has established a service known as CLOUT. This contains abstracts of hundreds of selected decisions of both courts and arbitration tribunals. And UNILEX is cosponsored by the Italian Centre for Comparative and Foreign Law Studies and UNIDROIT Contract Principles. The cases are in abstract format, but, when available, the full text of the case in the original language is also supplied.

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"설문 해자익징" 연구 (A Study of the Sulmunhaejaikjing)

  • 김순희
    • 한국문헌정보학회지
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    • 제30권1호
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    • pp.69-88
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    • 1996
  • 본 논문은 조선말의 공증학자인 박선수가 저술한 $\ulcorner$설문 해자익징$\lrcorner$에 대하여 저자 및 저작 배경, 체재와 구성 문자해설 방식 등을 고찰하고 정조의 대표적인 설문학 저술과 비교 연구하였다. $\ulcorner$설문 해자익징$\lrcorner$은 허진의 $\ulcorner$설문 해자$\lrcorner$의 오류를 수정 보완하고자 저술된 것으로 문자 해설 순서는 $\ulcorner$설문 해자$\lrcorner$의 14권 540부를 그대로 따르고 있으나 고찰의 대상으로 삼은 문자에는 차이가 있다. 즉 허진은 소전을 대상으로 한 반면, 박선수는 소전 이전의 문자인 고대한자를 대상으로 했다는 점이다. 설문학 분야 저술중 가장 주목되는 은옥재의 $\ulcorner$설문해자주$\lrcorner$는 허진의 해설을 대부분 수용하면서 그것을 주석하는데 역점을 두었으므로 박선수의 문자 해설과는 차이가 보인다. 허진과 마찬가로 은옥재도 소전이전의 고대한자에 대해서는 크게 관심을 갖지 않았기 때문이다. 고대한자에 관한여 크게 관심을 갖고 저술된 저작으로는 오대징의 $\ulcorner$설문고적보$\lrcorner$가 있다. 글나 오대징은 설문해자의 해설을 수정하는데 중점을 두기보다는 $\ulcorner$설문 해자$\lrcorner$에서 해설한 문자 중에서 확인 가능한 고대한자들을 모두 수록하는데 목적이 있었으므로 각각의 운자에 대하여 독자적인 해설은 미흡하다. 비록 박선수가 근거로 제시한 문자의 수는 오대징보다는 적지만 신빙할 수 있는 자료를 근거로 깊이 연구하여 독자적인 방식으로 새로운 해설을 전개했다는 점에서 보다 발전적인 면모를 갖고 있다고 하겠다.

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