• Title/Summary/Keyword: International competition

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Landscape Design Proposal for Seoul Yeouido Riverside Park (여의도 한강공원 조성계획)

  • Kim, Do-Kyong;Choi, Won-Man;Hong, Hyoung-Soon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.14-23
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    • 2008
  • Ran Gang is a huge, attractive river which meanders through Seoul, the capital of South Korea. However, during the modernization of Seoul, the river gradually lost its natural beauty and healthy condition. Han Gang Renaissance is a project to upgrade the look of the Seoul waterfront, by overcoming this disaster and reorganizing the surroundings of Han Gang. This research articulates the design strategies and description of the prizewinning work of the International Design Competition for Yeouido Riverside Park that was linked to the Han Gang Renaissance Project. There are three key points that basically speak to the identity of the new waterfront, Yeouido Riverside Park. First, the current day Yeouido was recreated as an artificial island through the rapid expansion of the city and the initiation of the shore protection works. However, because it is the only island still remaining that shows the history of Han Gang, the park was designed to be the place which preserves the lyric of sand island and the emotional memory of riverside. Secondly, among the six districts of the Han Gang Renaissance Project, the two districts that are facing each other, Yongsan and Yeouido, are the central areas promoting international finance and business. Despite Yongsan's complete urban image, the exquisite harmony of pastoral scenes and skyscrapers of the Yeouido waterfront is presented to develop an active mutual relation with Yongsan. Lastly, this design scheme re-establishes the relationship between this competition's site, Yeouido Riverside Park, and a neighboring site, Yeouido Park.

Political Economy of Privatization of Public Utilities (공익산업의 민영화에 대한 정치$\cdot$경제적 접근)

  • Lee Heng;Chae Doo-Byoung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.5 no.4 s.16
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    • pp.8-20
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    • 2001
  • Neoliberalism became a catch word of a post-cold war era. It began to develop in the middle of welfare state crisis in developed countries. It promoted both a unified world market through mutual penetration of national boundaries in International scene and maximization of efficiency through market competition in domestic scene. Privatization of public corporations is a major policy to pursue market efficiency through deregulation. Two reasons are often adduced to support the cause The socio-economic changes diminished the necessity to establish public corporation on the one hand. On the other hand gross inefficiency has been observed in the management of public corporation. 'Government failure' is an apt expression of the inefficiency. In analysing the experiences of privatization of utility industries of some other countries we found a couple of lessons for a Korean case. First, it is doubtful if privatization, that is a change in the form of ownership, is a necessary condition for achieving market efficiency. Because it is possible to operate a mechanism of market competition while maintaining competition among public corporations and with private actors. Second, the patron-agent dilemma is often cited as a major culprit of an inefficient management of public corporations. But it is without saying that the dilemma is also found in the management of private firms. So, the issue is not the privatization per se but to realize responsible management through discipline and incentives.

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The 21st Century Maritime Strategies in the Northeast Asia - US, China, Japan and Russia - (21세기 동북아 해양전략 - 미·중·일·러를 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Nam-Tae;Jung, Jae-Ho;Oh, Soon-Kun;Lim, Kyung-Han
    • Strategy21
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    • s.38
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    • pp.250-286
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    • 2015
  • The main purpose of this article is to provide an understanding on current maritime issues in the Northeast Asia, and thereby help formulating the right strategy for our national security. The article summarizes core arguments in the recently published 『The 21st Century Maritime Strategies in the Northeast Asia: Dilemma between Competition and Cooperation』. It will help readers to comprehend historical backgrounds as well as recent updates related to maritime issues and strategies in the region. Also, readers may find guidance to conceive their own maritime strategies for the Republic of Korea. Currently, the U.S. is shifting its focus from Atlantic to Pacific, and increasing its naval presence in Asia-Pacific region. Meanwhile, the 21st century China views the maritime interests as the top priority in its national security and prosperity. PLA Navy's offensive maritime strategies and naval building such as aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines are unprecedented. Japan is another naval power in the region. During the Cold War JMSDF faithfully fulfilled the mission of deterring Soviet navy, and now it is doing its job against China. Lastly, Putin has been emphasizing to build the strong Russia since 2000, and putting further efforts to reinforce current naval capabilities of Pacific Fleet. The keyword in the naval and maritime relations among these powers can be summarized with "competition and cooperation." The recent security developments in the South China Sea(SCS) clearly represent each state's strategic motivations and movements. China shows clear and strong intention to nationalize the islands in SCS by building artificial facilities - possibly military purpose. Obviously, the U.S. strongly opposes China by insisting the freedom of navigation(FON) in international waters as recent USS-Lassen's FON operation indicate. The conflict between China and the U.S. surrounding the SCS seems to be heading towards climax as Russia and Japan are searching for their own national interests within the conflict. Also, the neighboring small and middle powers are calculating their own economic and security interests. This is no exception for us in establishing timely strategies to maximize our own national security. Hopefully, this article leads the readers to the right direction.

Marketing Strategies in the Film Industry: Investment Decision Game Model (영화산업에서의 마케팅 전략 : 투자 결정 게임 모형을 중심으로)

  • Hwang, Hee-Joong
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.13 no.10
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    • pp.109-114
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    • 2015
  • Purpose - The movie market has the characteristics of being a perfectly competitive market as well as a pure monopolistic market at the same time. This is because there are competitors in the industry but prices, although not fixed, have not changed a lot. Price competition may not have spread, but the competition is focused on artistic value, and the degree of box office success is most important. The artistic value is determined in the course of the production process. However, the degree of box office success is dependent upon the marketing manager. The marketing strategy represents the difference in the standard or quality of the movie. Inherently, the marketing manager adopts the entertainment strategy based on the quality of the foundation of the completed movie. At this time, the marketing manager knows the pertinent information (high quality/low quality) regarding the movie. This research study tries to reveal what should be the reasonable movie marketing expense, dependent on the quality of the movie. Research design, data, and methodology - Using a game scenario with different market players, the goal of the research analysis is to find out the following. First, the marketing expense is determined to maximize the profits after film production. Second, after the production costs are already committed, the manufacturer gets to choose the marketing level. At this time, there will be a profit maximization point, considering the competition. The premise of the research is as follows: if it is a good movie of quality, positive word of mouth increasing the audience continuously slows down the speed of the demand curve. If the movie quality is bad, the negative word of mouth decreasing the audience gradually hastens the speed of the demand curve. On the marketing side, when the manufacturer invests heavily in the marketing expense of the movie, consumer expectations increase to drive up the audience numbers. On the other hand, it is difficult to improve the profits excessively. When the manufacturer invests in marketing a little bit, the marketing expense is only relatively committed, therefore a lot of demand cannot be gained. Results - If a fixed market share is in a competitive situation, a low quality manufacturer expends relatively more marketing expense. If the situation assumes two manufacturers spend the same for the cost of production, the high quality manufacturer takes more profit. If the manufacturer expends less marketing budget to save costs, the optimum profit cannot be achieved since the other party (opponent) grabs the initial market share. Conclusions - In conclusion, investment is essential for market share to increase. We must refrain from a zero-sum game and have models where the game participants pursue the creative profits together. In the current film industry, there is the dominating logic of winner and loser but we have to create a film industry environment where the participants can be altogether satisfied and live together.

The Effect of Marine Sport Event Visitors' Satisfactions and City Image on Revisit and Recommendation: Focusing on 2015 Busan Cup Women's International Match Race (해양스포츠 이벤트 관람자의 이미지, 만족도가 재방문 및 추천의도에 미치는 영향: 2015부산컵 세계여자매치레이스 요트대회를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Chan-Ryong;Lee, Jae Bin;Jang, Seung-Hyun
    • 한국체육학회지인문사회과학편
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    • v.56 no.1
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    • pp.53-65
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    • 2017
  • This study was conducted to examine how marine sport event visitors' satisfactions and city image effect on revisit and recommendation. To do this, we analyzed the socio-statistical characteristics of spectators, and examined the influence relationship among city image, satisfaction, revisit and recommendation intention. The results were as follows: First, 'family and relatives' as the companions of spectators of yacht competition were the most, and the route of acquiring the competition information was 'the other', in other words, that most of the respondents learned directly in the field, and 'car' as transportation means was the most. In addition, "local tourism" as watching purposes was the most and 'the day' as the period of stay was the most. Second, the image and satisfaction of spectators of yacht competition showed significant influence on revisit and recommendation intention. Specifically, program satisfaction and program agent satisfaction, which are a sub-factors of satisfaction, have a significant positive effect on revisit and recommendation intention. Through these research results, we were able to confirm inadequacy(lack of attractiveness, connections and public relations) of this event, and see what parts should be improved in order to be born again a sustainable event.

The Dynamics of Film Genre Box Office Success: Macro-Economic Conditions, Fashion Momentum, and Inter-Genre Competition (영화 장르 흥행의 동학: 거시경제, 유행의 동력, 장르 간 경쟁의 효과)

  • Dong-Il Jung;Yeseul Kim;Chaewon Ahn;Youngmin Park
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.389-397
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    • 2023
  • This study examines how macro-economic conditions, fashion momentum, and inter-genre competition affect movie genre's popularity, thus shaping fashion trends in the feature film market in Korea. Using panel data analysis of genre-specific audience sizes with 6 genre cateories and 132 monthly time points, we found that favorable economic conditions generate the fashion trend in the action/crime genre, while the deterioration of the economic conditions leads to the decline of action/crime genre. The finding implies that economic situations influence cultural consumers' psychological states, which in turn shape the fashion trend in certain direction. Furthermore, we found that the action/crime genre has a greater fashion momentum and its competitive power is stronger than other genres, suggesting that this genre has longer fashion cycle even if other genres rise to the top in their popularity. We argue that such enlengthened fahion cycle and competitive stength of the action/crime genre are associated with its breadth of niche width and audience loyalty. Scholarly and practical implications are discussed.

The Influences of Venture Firms' Motives of Foreign Market Entry on International Preparing Activities and Business Performances - Comparison of Taiwanese and Korean Firms - (벤처기업의 해외진출동기가 국제화준비활동과 경영성과에 미치는 영향 - 대만과 한국기업의 비교 -)

  • Cho, Dae-Woo
    • International Area Studies Review
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.418-445
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    • 2009
  • This paper shows that the motives of foreign market entry is classified into the motive of overseas propensity(Motive(M) 1) and of the limited competition of domestic market(Motive(M) 2). International preparing activities are also divided into the activity of ex-ante forecasting and market research(Activity(A) 1), and of ex-ante cooperation and business experience with local firms(Activity(A) 2). M 1 and M2 of Taiwanese ventures can not explain the local performance, but both the influence of M 1 on international preparing activity and business performance, and inter-relationship between Performance(P) 1 and 2 are statistically significant at the 5 % level of significance. On the other hand, Korean ventures in Deadeok Innopolis show that the influence of Activity 1 such as ex-ante forecasting and market research on business performance(P 1) is statistically significant at the 5 % level of significance, but both the relationship between the motive of foreign market entry and P 1 or P 2, and inter-relationship between P 1 and P 2 are not statistically significant. This study finds out there exists the distinct difference owing to their own nationality between Taiwanese and Korean ventures.

A Study on Mediating Effect of International Marketing Activity between R&D and Network Capabilities and Performance of Korean INNOBIZs (기술개발·네트워크 역량과 경영성과간 관계에서 국제마케팅 활동의 매개적 역할에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Ki-Chang;Kim, Moon-Hong
    • International Area Studies Review
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.181-204
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    • 2010
  • This study researched relationship between R&D capability(TC), Network capability(NC), International marketing activity(IMA) and effect to performance of Korean globalizing INNOBIZs. In former research, they found out that TC, NC, IMA effect to performance directly. But they didn't focus on the relationship between the variables and Korean INNOBIZs. Recently, Global environment of competition is getting more and more complicated. So even the companies develop the excellent product, the companies can not get superior performance than competitor as long as the company combine with IMA or NC. In this study, empirical analysis performed using covariance structural analysis for Korean INNOBIZs. As we know in former research, TC and IMA have a positive effect on performance directly. But NC does not have a direct effect on performance. Also we found out TC and NC intermediated by MC have positive effect on performance. This result is theoretically and practically suggestive that using the company developed NC in International IMA effect on Performance.

Directions for Professional Development of Agricultural Extension Educators in Korea (농촌지도공무원(農村指導公務員)의 전문성(專門性) 향상(向上) 방안(方案))

  • Kim, Sung-Soo
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.147-163
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    • 1994
  • Agricultural extension programs in Korea had focused mainly on increased production, and the biggest pride of extension was the achievement of rice self-sufficency in 1970s and abundant vegetable and animal production in 1980s. Farming in Korea has changed rapidly in recent years and extension system on commercialized crops have not been satisfactorily developed to mete farmers` demands. Facing the emerging challenges of international competition and trade liberalization for agricultural commodities, the goals of extension should be focused on increased income and the welfare of coral communities. The transfering of agricultural extension educator from central government jobs to local ones has emerged recently under the trends of localization which resulted unstable job environment of extension educator. Intensive pre-service and in-service training of extension workers on current and advanced techologies are essential to upgrade the quality of extension services, and the future directions for professional development of agricultural extension educators in Korea were suggested as follows: 1. Establishing a national network on agricultural extension system to promote exchanges of information among counties and provinces, to conduct meetings and to publish information on agricultural extension. 2. Determining the implications of recent national and global trends on agricultural extension, and strenthening communication at local, national and international levels for an effective extension system in the era of localization, internationalization and globalization; 3. Recognizing the effect of number and quality of extension staff on the impact of extension and providing opportunities development and advancement of extension personnel through education, training, incentives and rewards; 4. Giving a higher priority to agricultural extension in national policies in order to ensure the adequacy of budgetary support and recognition of importance of extension by the ministries concerned and mass communications.

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An Empirical Study on User's Continuance Intention Towards Mobile IM Service in China (중국 모바일 인스턴트 메시징 서비스의 지속사용 의도에 관한 실증연구)

  • Luo, Weiyi;Shao, Jing;Lee, Young-Chan
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.91-110
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    • 2013
  • Due to the intense competition and low switching cost, to find out which factors will significantly impact on user's continuance intention is very important for mobile instant messaging (IM) practitioners. In this study, we adopted network externalities and perceived service quality as independent variables based on the definition of mobile IM service. Network externalities also include direct externalities (referent network size) and indirect externalities (perceived complementarity). The result of this study shows that referent network size has a critical influence on perceived usefulness and perceived complementarity has a critical influence on perceived enjoyment; perceived service quality, as we expected, has significantly impact on not only customer's satisfaction but also perceived usefulness and perceived enjoyment. Meanwhile, both perceived usefulness and perceived enjoyment have directly critical influences on customer's continuance intention.

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