• Title/Summary/Keyword: Internal structure and external structure

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Experimental study of rigid beam-to-box column connections with types of internal/external stiffeners

  • Rezaifar, Omid;Nazari, Mohammad;Gholhaki, Majid
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.535-544
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    • 2017
  • Box sections are symmetrical sections and they have high moment of inertia in both directions, therefore they are good members in tall building structures. For the rigid connection in structures with box column continuity plates are used on level of beam flanges in column. Assembly of the continuity plates is a difficult and unreliable work due to lack of weld or high welding and cutting in the fourth side of column in panel zone, so the use of experimental stiffeners have been considered by researchers. This paper presented an experimental investigation on connection in box columns. The proposed connection has been investigated in four cases which contain connection without internal and external stiffeners(C-0-00), connection with continuity plates(C-I-CP), connection with external vase shape stiffener (C-E-VP) and connection with surrounding plates(C-E-SP). The results show that the connections with vase plates and surrounding plates can respectively increase the ultimate strength of the connection up to 366% and 518% than the connection without stiffeners, in case connection with the continuity plates this parameter increases about 39%. In addition, the proposed C-E-VP and C-E-SP connection provide a rigid and safe connection to acquire rigidity of 95% and 98% respectively. But C-I-CP connection is classified as semi-rigid connections.

A Study on the Temperature Change of Green House using Aerogel (에어로젤을 사용한 시설하우스의 온도 변화에 대한 연구)

  • Yang, Ji-Ung;Lee, Eun-Suk;Ko, Joon-Young;Kim, Won-Kyung;Byun, Jae-Young;Park, Jin-Gyu;Choi, Won-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.23 no.6_2
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    • pp.1067-1074
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    • 2020
  • Green houses provide a more conditioned and warmer environment than the outside environment due to insulation. Currently used insulation materials include soft film (PVC, PE, EVA), foamed PE sheet, non-woven fabric, reflective film, and multi-layer insulation curtain, but there are many disadvantages and to compensate for this, silica aerogel insulation material with excellent warmth, light weight, and small volume Research using is in progress. In this study, the temperature change of the quadruple-structure green house and the temperature change in the dual-structure green house of soft film and silica airgel were investigated. The daytime temperature change was highest in A and A2 (soft film) at 10 to 16:00 after sunrise, but showed the lowest temperature at 17 to 18:00, which is the sunset time, showing the greatest change. The airgels of D and D2 showed the smallest change in temperature after sunrise and right after sunset. That is, it can be said that the airgel is hardly affected by external temperature. The temperature change at night was highest in D and D2 (aerogel) for both quadruple and dual structures. The temperature at night was measured higher in the quadruple structure than in the double structure. As for the ratio of the internal temperature to the external temperature for the quadruple structure and the double structure, D (aerogel) was not affected by the external temperature during the day in the quadruple structure and the double structure. D (Aerogel) seems to be able to reduce the damage caused by high temperatures in summer due to the high thermal insulation effect of the airgel, as the temperature rises above 4℃ at night. And in winter, it helps to save heating costs due to less heat emitted to the outside.

Dynamic Analysis of Topside Module in Lifting Installation Phase

  • Lee, Jong-Hyun
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.7-11
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    • 2011
  • The installation phase for a topside module suggested can be divided into 9 stages, which include start, pre-lifting, lifting, lifted, rotating, positioning, lowering, mating, and end of installation. The transfer of the topside module from a transport barge to a crane vessel takes place in the first three stages, from start to lifting, while the transfer of the module onto a floating spar hull occurs in the last three stages, from lowering to the end. The coupled multi-body motions are calculated in both calm water and in irregular waves with significant wave height (1.52m), with suggested force equilibrium diagrams. The effects of the hydrodynamic interactions between the crane vessel and barge during the lifting stage have been considered. The internal forces caused by the load transfer and ballasting are derived for the lifting phases. The results of these internal forces for the calm water condition are compared with those in the irregular sea condition. Although the effect of pitch motion on the relative vertical motion between the deck of the floating structure and the topside module is significant in the lifting phases, the internal force induced pitch motion is too small to show its influence. However, the effect of the internal force on the wave-induced heave responses in the lifting phases is noticeable in the irregular sea condition because the transfer mass-induced draught changes in the floating structure are observed to have higher amplitudes than the external force induced responses.

Translation and psychometric evaluation of the Korean version of the fertility awareness and attitudes towards parenthood questionnaire

  • Shin, Hyewon;Hong, Minjoo;Jo, Minjeong;Lee, Jungmin
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.256-265
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: This study presents a translation, cultural adaptation, and psychometric evaluation of two instruments of the Fertility Awareness and Attitudes Towards Parenthood (FAAP) questionnaire (Conditions and Life changes) for use in South Korea. Methods: This methodological study included 166 university students for psychometric evaluation in the sixth step. The first five steps included forward translation, backward translation, committee review, assessment of content validity, and a pre-test. In the sixth step, psychometric properties, including internal consistency, construct validity, and criterion validity, were evaluated. Exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were conducted to identify the structure of the tool and to assess its validity. Results: The Korean version showed acceptable internal consistency. Cronbach's α was .73 for FAAP-Conditions and .83 for FAAP-Life changes. FAAP-Conditions showed a four-factor structure (social conditions, relationship with partner, external environment, and child-rearing support) and FAAP-Life changes had a two-factor structure (reward and burden). In the confirmatory analysis, CMIN/DF, TLI, IFI, SRMR, CFI, and RMSEA were satisfactory. Conclusion: This study provided preliminary evidence of the acceptability, reliability, and validity of the Korean version of the FAAP questionnaire in university students in South Korea. Nonetheless, further evaluation among Korean young adults is warranted to validate this instrument.

Stability evaluation of reinforced earth walls based on large-scale modular blocks (대형 축조블록을 이용한 보강토옹벽의 안정성 평가)

  • Han, Jung-Geun;Kim, Min-Woo;Hong, Kikwon;Yun, Jung-Mann
    • Journal of the Korean Geosynthetics Society
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.143-151
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    • 2014
  • This paper describes external and internal stability of reinforced earth wall using large-scale modular block and geogrid reinforcement. The evaluation for external and internal stability was conducted to analyze effect of wall height, reinforced soil (or backfill soils) and reinforcement strength. The external stability showed that the analysis cases were satisfied with design criteria, when the required minimum length and vertical spacing of reinforcement were 0.7H and 1m, respectively. The internal stability conformed that some cases were satisfied with design criteria in $25^{\circ}$ of internal friction angle of reinforced soil. Expecially, it will be applicable as wall structure considering a structural stability and economic efficiency based on evaluation of internal stability.

A Psychoanalytic Study on the Phantasy Freud and Klein (환상에 대한 정신분석적 고찰 : 프로이트와 클라인을 중심으로)

  • Park Seon-Young
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.137-153
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    • 2005
  • Phantasy is the psychic reality in which drive, sadism and anxiety are represented and constructed. It is one of important metapsychological concepts of the psychoanalysis which explains the formations of symptoms, internal psychic structure, and the mutual relationship between internal subjective world of man and external world. Through the understanding of phantasy we can approach the man's unconsciousness and fathom the structure of the subject itself. Especially S. Freud and M. Klein's psychoanalysis give us the deep insight into the phantasy, on the basis of which we can investigate the cause and structure of the pathological phenomena of the man.

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Machine learning-based evaluation technology of 3D spatial distribution of residual radioactivity in large-scale radioactive structures

  • UkJae Lee;Phillip Chang;Nam-Suk Jung;Jonghun Jang;Jimin Lee;Hee-Seock Lee
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.56 no.8
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    • pp.3199-3209
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    • 2024
  • During the decommissioning of nuclear and particle accelerator facilities, a considerable amount of large-scale radioactive waste may be generated. Accurately defining the activation level of the waste is crucial for proper disposal. However, directly measuring the internal radioactivity distribution poses challenges. This study introduced a novel technology employing machine learning to assess the internal radioactivity distribution based on external measurements. Random radioactivity distribution within a structure were established, and the photon spectrum measured by detectors from outside the structure was simulated using the FLUKA Monte-Carlo code. Through training with spectrum data corresponding to various radioactivity distributions, an evaluation model for radioactivity using simulated data was developed by above Monte-Carlo simulation. Convolutional Neural Network and Transformer methods were utilized to establish the evaluation model. The machine learning construction involves 5425 simulation datasets, and 603 datasets, which were used to obtain the evaluated results. Preprocessing was applied to the datasets, but the evaluation model using raw spectrum data showed the best evaluation results. The estimation of the intensity and shape of the radioactivity distribution inside the structure was achieved with a relative error of 10%. Additionally, the evaluation based on the constructed model takes only a few seconds to complete the process.

Evaluation of Effectiveness of Anatomical Rotation Change Image by Aid Tool in Shoulder MRArthrography (Shoulder MRArthography 검사 시 보조기구를 이용한 해부학적 회전 변화 영상에 대한 유용성 평가)

  • Kim, Hyeong-Gyun;Jung, Jae-Eun;Jung, Hong-Moon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.299-303
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    • 2012
  • Shoulder MRArthrography was performed to get an accurate diagnosis about complex anatomical structure in shoulder joint. We carried out how the changes of anatomical rotations in shoulder joint could bring certain diagnosis effects on MRI images for various shoulder humerus positions; Neutral position, Internal rotation position and External rotation position. In addition, we prepared an aid tool in oder to maintain the right posture of a patient. This aid tool was made by adapting Modeling Design Program. By virtue of this aid, we obtained the following result. Shoulder MR Arthrography by the External rotation position for anatomical structure diagnosis was the most suitable in diagnostic evaluations of important anatomical structures in shoulder joint such as Biceps tendon, Supera-spiatus tendon, Sub-scapularis tendon, Labrum and Sub-acromial space.

Design of Shrinkage Margin for Thin Panel Welded Structure during Manufacturing Process

  • Lee D. J.;Shin S. B.
    • International Journal of Korean Welding Society
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.44-52
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to establish a design tool for the shrinkage margin of a deckhouse caused by welding and flame straightening. In order to do it, the effects of heat intensity and internal/external restraint condition on the shrinkage of the simple weldments were investigated, in order to identity the principal factors controlling shrinkage caused by welding process and flame straightening. Based on the results, predictive equations for longitudinal and transverse shrinkage at the welded structure were formulated as the function of heat intensity and in-plane rigidity. These equations were verified by comparing predicted results with the measured results at a panel structure of deckhouse.

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A Study on Communication Protocol for Railway Signalling between LDTS and EIS equipments (역정보전송장치와 전자연동장치간 통신 프로토콜에 관한 연구)

  • 황종규;이재호;김종기;박영수
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2002.05a
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    • pp.516-521
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    • 2002
  • According as railway signalling equipments are computerized recently, necessity of communication protocol for interface between these equipments is increasing, Therefore the research about communication protocol structure that is need according to computerization trend of these signalling goes, especially communication protocol structure for interface between LDTS(Local Data Transmission System) and EIS(Electronic Interlocking System). Analyzed existent protocols that is applied currently for interfaces between above two signalling for this research and also technology analysis of internal/external similar protocols and operator and maker's requirement. With these study finding plain in this paper, explained summary of communication protocol structure for interface between LDTS and EIS.

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