• Title/Summary/Keyword: Internal structure and external structure

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Reliability Estimation of Gas Pipelines Damaged by External Corrosion (외부부식에 의해 손상된 배관의 신뢰성평가)

  • Jin, Yeung-Jun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.21 no.2 s.74
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2006
  • It is well known that pipelines have the highest capacity and are the safest and least environmentally disruptive form of transporting oil and gas. However, pipeline damage caused by both internal and external corrosion is a major concern threatening the reliability of oil and gas transportation and the soundness of the pipeline structure. In this study, we estimate the allowable damage by comparing the ASTM B31G code to a modified theory considering diverse detailed corrosive forms. The ASTM B31 G code has been developed as the evaluation method for reliability and incident prevention of damaged pipelines based on the amount of loss due to corrosion and the yield strength of materials. Furthermore, we suggest a method for estimating the expected life span of used pipelines by utilizing the reliability method based on major variables such as the depth and length of damage and the corrosion rate affecting the life expectancy of the pipelines.

Grooming Behavior and a Possible Morphological Structure for Secretions from Abdominal Glands of a Korean Wood-eating Cockroach, Cryptocercus kyebangensis (Insecta: Blattodea)

  • Park, Yung-Chul;Kim, Joo-Pil;Choe, Jae-Chun
    • Animal Systematics, Evolution and Diversity
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.17-22
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    • 2006
  • Cryptocercus nymphs periodically groom ventral surface of their parents. The grooming might be licking-behavior to obtain secretions from the ventral surface of their parents, and some essential nutrients or hormones that facilitate nymphal development might be included in the secretions. We tried to find morphological structures for secretion outlets on the ventral surface. The deep depressions around setae were present, and their shape was an external morphological structure that liquid secretions from internal glands are likely to be well seized. There were also small holes on the depressions that might be external openings for secretions from the sternal glands. Another possible region on body surface for outlets of secretions might be the apophyses. In Cryptocercus individuals, mucous liquid on body surface was relatively highly present around coxa. The intercoxal apodemes, to which muscles are attached and which open externally between the mid and hindcoxae, might have evolved a secondary function of producing nourishment for the young.

The Impacts of External and Internal Environmental Factors on External Collaboration-From the Perspective of Foreign Direct Investment (기업환경요인이 협력활동에 미치는 영향에 관한 실증연구 -해외직접투자 여부에 따른 비교-)

  • Lee, Seung A
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.132-142
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    • 2018
  • This study attempts to identify the external and internal factors which affect collaboration motives and investigates their respective impacts from the perspective of foreign direct investment(FDI). Although there has been much research on collaboration motives, so far, few studies have associated collaboration motives with FDI. The findings suggest that while price competitiveness and cost structure uncertainty have a positive and significant impact on collaboration motives, the gross added value to property as well as plant and equipment have a significant negative impact. Furthermore, in the case of gross added value to both property and plant and equipment, managers tend to collaborate with others to enhance the value of these factors. For both FDI and non-FDI firms, internal factors such as price competitiveness and investment within three years are significant determinants for the decision to collaborate. The difference between FDI and non-FDI firms is that for the former, the gross added value to property, an internal factor, is a critical factor, while for the latter, the cost structure uncertainty, an external factor, is critical for collaboration. To summarize, this study suggests the following managerial implication: the enhancement of the internal competency of a firm broadens the window of opportunity for collaboration with others, and consequently provides a chance to boost management efficiency.

The Influence of Business Environment Factors on the Characteristics of Management Accounting System(MAS) - Focusing on small and mid-sized enterprises (기업의 경영환경요인이 관리회계시스템에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: 중소기업을 대상으로)

  • Lee, JeongEun;Lee, ChanHo
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.127-144
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    • 2022
  • This study attempted to analyze the influence of both internal and external business environment factors on the characteristics of the management accounting system (MAS). For this, external business environment factors were divided into environmental uncertainty and market competition while internal factors were classified into management strategy, organizational structure and advanced manufacturing technology. In addition, the characteristics of the MAS were categorized into information scope, timeliness, integration and aggregation. The study results found the followings: Among business environment factors, environmental uncertainty had a relatively significant effect on the scope, integration and aggregation of information while organizational structure revealed the largest influence on timeliness. However, market competition had no particular effect on the characteristics of the MAS.

Ship Collision Analysis Technique considering Surrounding Water (주변 유체를 고려한 선박 충돌해석 기법 연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Gab;Lee, Jeong-Dae
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.44 no.2 s.152
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    • pp.166-173
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    • 2007
  • Collision analysis problems between ship to ship can be generally classified into the external mechanics(outer dynamics) and internal mechanics(inner dynamics). The former can be also dealt with the concept of fluid-structure interaction and the use of rigid body dynamic program, depending on the ways handling the hydrodynamic pressure due to surrounding water. In this study, full scale ship collision simulation was carried out, such as a DWT 75,000 ton striking ship collided at right angle to the middle of a DWT 150,000 struck ship with 10 knots velocity, coupling MCOL, a rigid body mechanics program for modeling the dynamics of ships, to hydrocode LS-DYNA. It could be confirmed that more suitable damage estimation would be performed in the case of the collision simulations with consideration of surrounding water through the comparison with the collision simulation results of fixed struck ships without it. Through this study, the opportunity could be obtained to establish a more effective ship collision simulation technique between ship to ship.

Effects of Business Environmental Factors on 4P Mix of Eco-friendly Textile in Textile Fashion Firms (섬유패션기업에서 기업환경요인이 친환경 소재 에 4P Mix 미치는 영향 연구)

  • Shin, Sangmoo;Lee, Song H.
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.36-52
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    • 2015
  • Nowadays, firms face the challenge of how to balance between the environmental request and business profit under the circumstances of being eco-friendly and sustainable. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of business environmental factors on the 4p mix of an eco-friendly textile in the textile fashion firms. This research was conducted by a questionnaire method, in which the questionnaires were distributed to the textile fashion firms. Of the returned questionnaires, one hundred of them were selected to be included in the analysis by developing descriptive statistics, factor analysis, cronbach's alpha, and regression analysis using SPSS18.0. The results of this study were as follows: There were significant effects of the firms' environmental management, organizational structure, and CEOs' environmental sensitivity in descending order of the business internal factors on the textile fashion firms' eco-friendly textile product. The factors of the firms' environmental management, organizational structure(internal factors), and legal regulation(external factor), in descending order, significantly affected the promotion of the eco-friendly textile. The factor of firms' environmental management (internal factor) significantly affected the distribution of the eco-friendly textile. The factors of CEOs' environmental sensitivity(internal factor), legal regulation(external factor), and firms' environmental management(internal factor), in descending order, significantly affected the price of the eco-friendly textile.

Analysis of Electric Field Distribution of High Voltage Polymeric Bushing with Structure (초고압 폴리머 부싱의 구조에 따른 전계분포 해석)

  • Cho, Han-Goo;Yoo, Dae-Hoon;Kang, Hyung-Kyung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2008.06a
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    • pp.489-490
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    • 2008
  • This paper describes the analysis of electric field distribution of high voltage polymeric bushing with structure. The high voltage bushing consists of FRP tube and housing made of LSR. The field control can be achieved by means of the design of such internal field shaper and top corona ring as grading electrodes. In accordance, the optimized design uses both internal and external elements for electric stress grading at critical parts of the bushing. Maxwell 2D simulator based on the boundary element method was also introduced in order to verify the reliability of the polymeric bushing.

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Solution-processible corrugated structure and scattering layer for enhanced light extraction from organic light-emitting diodes

  • Hyun, Woo Jin;Im, Sang Hyuk;Park, O Ok;Chin, Byung Doo
    • Journal of Information Display
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.151-157
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    • 2012
  • A simple method of fabricating out-coupling structures was demonstrated via solution-processing to enhance light extraction from organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs). Scattering layers were easily obtained by spin-coating an $SiO_2$ sol solution that contained $TiO_2$ particles. By introducing the scattering layer and the solution-processible corrugated structure as internal and external extraction layers, the OLEDs showed increased external quantum efficiency without a change in the electroluminescence spectrum compared to conventional devices. Using these solution-processible out-coupling structures, nearly all-solution-processed OLEDs with enhanced light extraction could be fabricated. The light extraction enhancement is attributed to the suppression by the out-coupling structures of the light-trapping that arose at the interface of the glass substrate and the air.

Correlations of Internal Nozzle Flow in Circular and Elliptical Nozzles with External Flow (원형 및 타원형 노즐 내부유동과 외부유동의 상관관계)

  • Ku, Kun-Woo;Hong, Jung-Goo;Park, Cheol-Won;Lee, Choong-Won
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.325-333
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    • 2012
  • An experimental study was carried out to determine the correlation between the internal flow in a circular nozzle and elliptical nozzles with the external flow. The flow rate, spray angle and drop size were measured under various conditions of the injection pressure. Numerical simulations were attempted to investigate the internal flow structure in the elliptical nozzles, because the experimental study was limited in its measurements of flow velocity and pressure distributions in the relatively small orifice. In the case of the elliptical nozzles, the disintegration characteristics of the liquid jet were significantly different from those of the circular nozzle. Surface breakup was observed at the jet issued from the elliptical nozzles with injection pressure. This is due to the internal flow structure, which is reattached to the orifice wall at the minor axis plane of the elliptical nozzle, unlike that observed with the circular nozzle.

The Fitness and Organizational performance Analysis of Hospital Specialization Strategy Types (병원전문화 전략유형의 적합성과 조직성과 분석)

  • Kim, Han-Sung;Kim, Young-Hoon;Woo, Jung-Sik;Lee, Hae-Jong;Yoon, Byoung-Jun;Han, Whiejong;Choi, Young-Jin
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.87-115
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    • 2012
  • This research classified hospital specialization strategy types through cluster analysis, analyzed fitness of hospital specialization strategy types for external environment or organizational structure, and examined relation between hospital specialization strategy types and organizational performance. This research surveyed 1,437 hospitals which have more than 30 patient's bed and practice national health service in Korea. Specifically, this research divided into two part : external fit - analysis of relation between external environment and specialization strategy, internal fit-analysis of relation between organizational structure factors and specialization strategy. also, as the organizational performance for achieving specialization strategic purpose, not only the productivity, efficiency, profit but also the medical quality was considered. In case of external fit, many hospitals chose integration type if there are a lot of competitive hospitals and regional population. Particularly, if there are many competitive hospitals, concentration type is chosen. In contrast, if there are many doctors in the region, differentiation type is chosen. In case of internal fit, according to organization type and patient's bed number, hospitals chose different types. If it is a general hospital and has a few bed number, generalization or concentration type is chosen. Tertiary hospital or the hospital with many patient's bed chose differentiation type. According to the number of specialists, if there are a few specialists, generalization or concentration type is chosen. If there are many specialists, differentiation type has high fitness for the hospital. In relation to strategy types and organizational performance, differentiation type has best result. Differentiation type has a good result in 7 items out of 11.

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