• Title/Summary/Keyword: Interactive algorithm

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A Study on the Rise for Rate of Operation in Utility Interactive Photovoltaic System (계통연계형 PV시스템의 가동률 향상에 관한 연구)

  • Han Seok-Woo
    • Proceedings of the KIPE Conference
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    • 2004.07a
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    • pp.97-100
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    • 2004
  • Our country has depended on fossil fuel very much according to the Increasing of the demand of the electric power. For instance, if the reduction and freezing caused by the warm gas in earth by the regulation of international environment happen in Korea it will bring about the result of weakness in industrial activity. As a result, it will cause many problems to compete an advanced country which wants to connect environment with the activity of industrial product in their country. The photovoltaic system outputs have peak about a half past 13 o'clock(before and after) mainly in a good weather. The output decreases rapidly from a half past 17 o'clock and PV output doesn't work at six o'clock before the sun rises. The outputs of PV system stops at that time. The frequent degree of harmonics in dwelling house which lots of people live has peak from 19 o'clock to 22 o'clock Harmonics mainly happens at least at night. In recent, many researches about power quality has been studying very hard in order to solve the question, the voltage fluctuating and harmonics as one compensator. In this paper, I suggest the algorithm which can increase the power quality as a rate of operation of this system. This algorithm proves to have effectiveness through computer simulation.

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Modeling and Simulation of Evolutionary Dynamic Path Planning for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Using Repast (Repast기반 진화 알고리즘을 통한 무인 비행체의 동적 경로계획 모델링 및 시뮬레이션)

  • Kim, Yong-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.101-114
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    • 2018
  • Several different approaches and mechanisms are introduced to solve the UAV path planning problem. In this paper, we designed and implemented an agent-based simulation software using the Repast platform and Java Genetic Algorithm Package to examine an evolutionary path planning method by implementing and testing within the Repast environment. The paper demonstrates the life-cycle of an agent-based simulation software engineering project while providing a documentation strategy that allows specifying autonomous, adaptive, and interactive software entities in a Multi-Agent System. The study demonstrates how evolutionary path planning can be introduced to improve cognitive agent capabilities within an agent-based simulation environment.

Head Pose Estimation by using Morphological Property of Disparity Map

  • Jun, Se-Woong;Park, Sung-Kee;Lee, Moon-Key
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.06a
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    • pp.735-739
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    • 2005
  • This paper presents a new system to estimate the head pose of human in interactive indoor environment that has dynamic illumination change and large working space. The main idea of this system is to suggest a new morphological feature for estimating head angle from stereo disparity map. When a disparity map is obtained from stereo camera, the matching confidence value can be derived by measurements of correlation of the stereo images. Applying a threshold to the confidence value, we also obtain the specific morphology of the disparity map. Therefore, we can obtain the morphological shape of disparity map. Through the analysis of this morphological property, the head pose can be estimated. It is simple and fast algorithm in comparison with other algorithm which apply facial template, 2D, 3D models and optical flow method. Our system can automatically segment and estimate head pose in a wide range of head motion without manual initialization like other optical flow system. As the result of experiments, we obtained the reliable head orientation data under the real-time performance.

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Search of Optimal Path and Implementation using Network based Reinforcement Learning Algorithm and sharing of System Information (네트워크기반의 강화학습 알고리즘과 시스템의 정보공유화를 이용한 최단경로의 검색 및 구현)

  • Min, Seong-Joon;Oh, Kyung-Seok;Ahn, June-Young;Heo, Hoon
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2005.10b
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    • pp.174-176
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    • 2005
  • This treatise studies composing process that renew information mastered by interactive experience between environment and system via network among individuals. In the previous study map information regarding free space is learned by using of reinforced learning algorithm, which enable each individual to construct optimal action policy. Based on those action policy each individuals can obtain optimal path. Moreover decision process to distinguish best optimal path by comparing those in the network composed of each individuals is added. Also information about the finally chosen path is being updated. A self renewing method of each system information by sharing the each individual data via network is proposed Data enrichment by shilling the information of many maps not in the single map is tried Numerical simulation is conducted to confirm the propose concept. In order to prove its suitability experiment using micro-mouse by integrating and comparing the information between individuals is carried out in various types of map to reveal successful result.

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Design of RCGA-based PID controller for two-input two-output system

  • Lee, Yun-Hyung;Kwon, Seok-Kyung;So, Myung-Ok
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.39 no.10
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    • pp.1031-1036
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    • 2015
  • Proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controllers are widely used in industrial sites. Most tuning methods for PID controllers use an empirical and experimental approach; thus, the experience and intuition of a designer greatly affect the tuning of the controller. The representative methods include the closed-loop tuning method of Ziegler-Nichols (Z-N), the C-C tuning method, and the Internal Model Control tuning method. There has been considerable research on the tuning of PID controllers for single-input single-output systems but very little for multi-input multi-output systems. It is more difficult to design PID controllers for multi-input multi-output systems than for single-input single-output systems because there are interactive control loops that affect each other. This paper presents a tuning method for the PID controller for a two-input two-output system. The proposed method uses a real-coded genetic algorithm (RCGA) as an optimization tool, which optimizes the PID controller parameters for minimizing the given objective function. Three types of objective functions are selected for the RCGA, and each PID controller parameter is determined accordingly. The performance of the proposed method is compared with that of the Z-N method, and the validity of the proposed method is examined.

Improvement of Power Generation of Microbial Fuel Cells using Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) and Automatic Load Control Algorithm (최대전력점추적방법과 외부저항 제어 알고리즘을 이용한 미생물연료 전지의 전력생산 최대화)

  • Song, Young Eun;Kim, Jung Rae
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.225-231
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    • 2014
  • A microbial fuel cell (MFC) and bioelectrochemical systems are novel bioprocesses which employ exoelectrogenic biofilm on electrode as a biocatalyst for electricity generation and various useful chemical production. Previous reports show that electrogenic biofilms of MFCs are time varying systems and dynamically interactive with the electrically conductive media (carbon paper as terminal electron acceptor). It has been reported that maximum power point tracking (MPPT) method can automatically control load by algorithm so that increase power generation and columbic efficiency. In this study, we developed logic based control strategy for external load resistance by using $LabVIEW^{TM}$ which increases the power production with using flat-plate MFCs and MPPT circuit board. The flat-plate MFCs inoculated with anaerobic digester sludge were stabilized with fixed external resistance from $1000{\Omega}$ to $100{\Omega}$. Automatic load control with MPPT started load from $52{\Omega}$ during 120 hours of operation. MPPT control strategy increased approximately 2.7 times of power production and power density (1.95 mW and $13.02mW/m^3$) compared to the initial values before application of MPPT (0.72 mW and $4.79mW/m^3$).

Development of a CAD-based Utility for Topological Identification and Rasterized Mapping from Polygonal Vector Data (CAD 수단을 이용한 벡터형 공간자료의 위상 검출과 격자도면화를 위한 유틸리티 개발)

  • 조동범;임재현
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.137-142
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study is to develope a CAD-based tool for rasterization of polygonal vector map in AutoCAD. To identity the layer property of polygonal entity with user-defined coordinates as topology, algorithm in processing entity data of selection set that intersected with scan line was used, and the layers were extracted sequentially by sorted intersecting points in data-list. In addition to the functions for querying and modifying topology, two options for mapping were set up to construct plan projection type and to change meshes' properties in existing DTM data. In case of plan projection type, user-defined cell size of 3DFACE mesh is available for more detailed edge, and topological draping on landform can be executed in case of referring DTM data as an AutoCAD's drawing. The concept of algorithm was simple and clear, but some unexpectable errors were found in detecting intersected coordinates that were AutoCAD's error, not the utility's. Also, the routines to check these errors were included in algorithmic processing. Developed utility named MESHMAP was written in entity data control functions of AutoLISP language and dialog control language(DCL) for the purpose of user-oriented interactive usage. MESHMAP was proved to be more effective in data handling and time comparing with GRIDMAP module in LANDCADD which has similar function.

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Simulation of optimal arctic routes using a numerical sea ice model based on an ice-coupled ocean circulation method

  • Nam, Jong-Ho;Park, Inha;Lee, Ho Jin;Kwon, Mi Ok;Choi, Kyungsik;Seo, Young-Kyo
    • International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.210-226
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    • 2013
  • Ever since the Arctic region has opened its mysterious passage to mankind, continuous attempts to take advantage of its fastest route across the region has been made. The Arctic region is still covered by thick ice and thus finding a feasible navigating route is essential for an economical voyage. To find the optimal route, it is necessary to establish an efficient transit model that enables us to simulate every possible route in advance. In this work, an enhanced algorithm to determine the optimal route in the Arctic region is introduced. A transit model based on the simulated sea ice and environmental data numerically modeled in the Arctic is developed. By integrating the simulated data into a transit model, further applications such as route simulation, cost estimation or hindcast can be easily performed. An interactive simulation system that determines the optimal Arctic route using the transit model is developed. The simulation of optimal routes is carried out and the validity of the results is discussed.

Object Identification and Localization for Image Recognition (이미지 인식을 위한 객체 식별 및 지역화)

  • Lee, Yong-Hwan;Park, Je-Ho;Kim, Youngseop
    • Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.49-55
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    • 2012
  • This paper proposes an efficient method of object identification and localization for image recognition. The new proposed algorithm utilizes correlogram back-projection in the YCbCr chromaticity components to handle the problem of sub-region querying. Utilizing similar spatial color information enables users to detect and locate primary location and candidate regions accurately, without the need for additional information about the number of objects. Comparing this proposed algorithm to existing methods, experimental results show that improvement of 21% was observed. These results reveal that color correlogram is markedly more effective than color histogram for this task. Main contribution of this paper is that a different way of treating color spaces and a histogram measure, which involves information on spatial color, are applied in object localization. This approach opens up new opportunities for object detection for the use in the area of interactive image and 2-D based augmented reality.

Thickness and clearance visualization based on distance field of 3D objects

  • Inui, Masatomo;Umezun, Nobuyuki;Wakasaki, Kazuma;Sato, Shunsuke
    • Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.183-194
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    • 2015
  • This paper proposes a novel method for visualizing the thickness and clearance of 3D objects in a polyhedral representation. The proposed method uses the distance field of the objects in the visualization. A parallel algorithm is developed for constructing the distance field of polyhedral objects using the GPU. The distance between a voxel and the surface polygons of the model is computed many times in the distance field construction. Similar sets of polygons are usually selected as close polygons for close voxels. By using this spatial coherence, a parallel algorithm is designed to compute the distances between a cluster of close voxels and the polygons selected by the culling operation so that the fast shared memory mechanism of the GPU can be fully utilized. The thickness/clearance of the objects is visualized by distributing points on the visible surfaces of the objects and painting them with a unique color corresponding to the thickness/clearance values at those points. A modified ray casting method is developed for computing the thickness/clearance using the distance field of the objects. A system based on these algorithms can compute the distance field of complex objects within a few minutes for most cases. After the distance field construction, thickness/clearance visualization at a near interactive rate is achieved.