• Title/Summary/Keyword: Integrity Information

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  • Fattah, A.;Nishiwaki, Y.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems Conference
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    • 1993.06a
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    • pp.1051-1054
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    • 1993
  • The International Atomic Energy Agency's Statute in Article III.A.5 allows it“to establish and administer safeguards designed to ensure that special fissionable and other materials, services, equipment, facilities and information made available by the Agency or at its request or under its supervision or control are not used in such a way as to further any military purpose; and to apply safeguards, at the request of the parties, to any bilateral or multilateral arrangement, or at the request of a State, to any of that State's activities in the field of atomic energy”. Safeguards are essentially a technical means of verifying the fulfilment of political obligations undertaken by States and given a legal force in international agreements relating to the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. The main political objectives are: to assure the international community that States are complying with their non-proliferation and other peaceful undertakings; and to deter (a) the diversion of afeguarded nuclear materials to the production of nuclear explosives or for military purposes and (b) the misuse of safeguarded facilities with the aim of producing unsafeguarded nuclear material. It is clear that no international safeguards system can physically prevent diversion. The IAEA safeguards system is basically a verification measure designed to provide assurance in those cases in which diversion has not occurred. Verification is accomplished by two basic means: material accountancy and containment and surveillance measures. Nuclear material accountancy is the fundamental IAEA safeguards mechanism, while containment and surveillance serve as important complementary measures. Material accountancy refers to a collection of measurements and other determinations which enable the State and the Agency to maintain a current picture of the location and movement of nuclear material into and out of material balance areas, i. e. areas where all material entering or leaving is measurab e. A containment measure is one that is designed by taking advantage of structural characteristics, such as containers, tanks or pipes, etc. To establish the physical integrity of an area or item by preventing the undetected movement of nuclear material or equipment. Such measures involve the application of tamper-indicating or surveillance devices. Surveillance refers to both human and instrumental observation aimed at indicating the movement of nuclear material. The verification process consists of three over-lapping elements: (a) Provision by the State of information such as - design information describing nuclear installations; - accounting reports listing nuclear material inventories, receipts and shipments; - documents amplifying and clarifying reports, as applicable; - notification of international transfers of nuclear material. (b) Collection by the IAEA of information through inspection activities such as - verification of design information - examination of records and repo ts - measurement of nuclear material - examination of containment and surveillance measures - follow-up activities in case of unusual findings. (c) Evaluation of the information provided by the State and of that collected by inspectors to determine the completeness, accuracy and validity of the information provided by the State and to resolve any anomalies and discrepancies. To design an effective verification system, one must identify possible ways and means by which nuclear material could be diverted from peaceful uses, including means to conceal such diversions. These theoretical ways and means, which have become known as diversion strategies, are used as one of the basic inputs for the development of safeguards procedures, equipment and instrumentation. For analysis of implementation strategy purposes, it is assumed that non-compliance cannot be excluded a priori and that consequently there is a low but non-zero probability that a diversion could be attempted in all safeguards ituations. An important element of diversion strategies is the identification of various possible diversion paths; the amount, type and location of nuclear material involved, the physical route and conversion of the material that may take place, rate of removal and concealment methods, as appropriate. With regard to the physical route and conversion of nuclear material the following main categories may be considered: - unreported removal of nuclear material from an installation or during transit - unreported introduction of nuclear material into an installation - unreported transfer of nuclear material from one material balance area to another - unreported production of nuclear material, e. g. enrichment of uranium or production of plutonium - undeclared uses of the material within the installation. With respect to the amount of nuclear material that might be diverted in a given time (the diversion rate), the continuum between the following two limiting cases is cons dered: - one significant quantity or more in a short time, often known as abrupt diversion; and - one significant quantity or more per year, for example, by accumulation of smaller amounts each time to add up to a significant quantity over a period of one year, often called protracted diversion. Concealment methods may include: - restriction of access of inspectors - falsification of records, reports and other material balance areas - replacement of nuclear material, e. g. use of dummy objects - falsification of measurements or of their evaluation - interference with IAEA installed equipment.As a result of diversion and its concealment or other actions, anomalies will occur. All reasonable diversion routes, scenarios/strategies and concealment methods have to be taken into account in designing safeguards implementation strategies so as to provide sufficient opportunities for the IAEA to observe such anomalies. The safeguards approach for each facility will make a different use of these procedures, equipment and instrumentation according to the various diversion strategies which could be applicable to that facility and according to the detection and inspection goals which are applied. Postulated pathways sets of scenarios comprise those elements of diversion strategies which might be carried out at a facility or across a State's fuel cycle with declared or undeclared activities. All such factors, however, contain a degree of fuzziness that need a human judgment to make the ultimate conclusion that all material is being used for peaceful purposes. Safeguards has been traditionally based on verification of declared material and facilities using material accountancy as a fundamental measure. The strength of material accountancy is based on the fact that it allows to detect any diversion independent of the diversion route taken. Material accountancy detects a diversion after it actually happened and thus is powerless to physically prevent it and can only deter by the risk of early detection any contemplation by State authorities to carry out a diversion. Recently the IAEA has been faced with new challenges. To deal with these, various measures are being reconsidered to strengthen the safeguards system such as enhanced assessment of the completeness of the State's initial declaration of nuclear material and installations under its jurisdiction enhanced monitoring and analysis of open information and analysis of open information that may indicate inconsistencies with the State's safeguards obligations. Precise information vital for such enhanced assessments and analyses is normally not available or, if available, difficult and expensive collection of information would be necessary. Above all, realistic appraisal of truth needs sound human judgment.

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Building Wind Corridor Network Using Roughness Length (거칠기길이를 이용한 바람통로 네트워크 구축)

  • An, Seung Man;Lee, Kyoo-Seock;Yi, Chaeyeon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.101-113
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is increasing ventilation network usability for urban green space planning by enhancing its practicality and detail. A ventilation network feature extraction technique using roughness length($z_0$) was proposed. Continuously surfaced DZoMs generated from $z_0$(cadastral unit) using three interpolations(IDW, Spline, and Kriging) were compared to choose the most suitable interpolation method. Ventilation network features were extracted using the most suitable interpolation technique and studied with land cover and land surface temperature by spatial overlay comparison. Results show Kriging is most suitable for DZoM and feature extraction in comparison with IDW and Spline. Kriging based features are well fit to the land surface temperature(Landsat-7 ETM+) on summer and winter nights. Noteworthy is that the produced ventilation network appears to mitigate urban heat loads at night. The practical use of proposed ventilation network features are highly expected for urban green space planning, though strict validation and enhancement should follow. (1) $z_0$ enhancement, (2) additional ventilation network interpretation and editing, (3) linking disconnected ventilation network features, and (4) associated dataset enhancement with data integrity should technically preceded to enhance the applicability of a ventilation network for green space planning. The study domain will be expanded to the Seoul metropolitan area to apply the proposed ventilation network to green space planning practice.

Roles of Cancer Registries in Enhancing Oncology Drug Access in the Asia-Pacific Region

  • Soon, Swee-Sung;Lim, Hwee-Yong;Lopes, Gilberto;Ahn, Jeonghoon;Hu, Min;Ibrahim, Hishamshah Mohd;Jha, Anand;Ko, Bor-Sheng;Lee, Pak Wai;MacDonell, Diana;Sirachainan, Ekaphop;Wee, Hwee-Lin
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.2159-2165
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    • 2013
  • Cancer registries help to establish and maintain cancer incidence reporting system, serve as a resource for investigation of cancer and its causes, and provide information for planning and evaluation of preventive and control programs. However, their wider role in directly enhancing oncology drug access has not been fully explored. We examined the value of cancer registries in oncology drug access in the Asia-Pacific region on three levels: (1) specific registry variable types; (2) macroscopic strategies on the national level; and (3) a regional cancer registry network. Using literature search and proceedings from an expert forum, this paper covers recent cancer registry developments in eight economies in the Asia-Pacific region - Australia, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, and Thailand - and the ways they can contribute to oncology drug access. Specific registry variables relating to demographics, tumor characteristics, initial treatment plans, prognostic markers, risk factors, and mortality help to anticipate drug needs, identify high-priority research area and design access programs. On a national level, linking registry data with clinical, drug safety, financial, or drug utilization databases allows analyses of associations between utilization and outcomes. Concurrent efforts should also be channeled into developing and implementing data integrity and stewardship policies, and providing clear avenues to make data available. Less mature registry systems can employ modeling techniques and ad-hoc surveys while increasing coverage. Beyond local settings, a cancer registry network for the Asia-Pacific region would offer cross-learning and research opportunities that can exert leverage through the experiences and capabilities of a highly diverse region.

Study on Improvement of Weil Pairing IBE for Secret Document Distribution (기밀문서유통을 위한 Weil Pairing IBE 개선 연구)

  • Choi, Cheong-Hyeon
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.59-71
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    • 2012
  • PKI-based public key scheme is outstanding in terms of authenticity and privacy. Nevertheless its application brings big burden due to the certificate/key management. It is difficult to apply it to limited computing devices in WSN because of its high encryption complexity. The Bilinear Pairing emerged from the original IBE to eliminate the certificate, is a future significant cryptosystem as based on the DDH(Decisional DH) algorithm which is significant in terms of computation and secure enough for authentication, as well as secure and faster. The practical EC Weil Pairing presents that its encryption algorithm is simple and it satisfies IND/NM security constraints against CCA. The Random Oracle Model based IBE PKG is appropriate to the structure of our target system with one secret file server in the operational perspective. Our work proposes modification of the Weil Pairing as proper to the closed network for secret file distribution[2]. First we proposed the improved one computing both encryption and message/user authentication as fast as O(DES) level, in which our scheme satisfies privacy, authenticity and integrity. Secondly as using the public key ID as effective as PKI, our improved IBE variant reduces the key exposure risk.

Development and Analysis of Community Based Independent Home Care Nursing Service (지역사회중심의 독립형 가정간호 시범사업소 운영체계 개발 및 운영결과 분석)

  • Park, Jung-Ho;Kim, Mae-Ja;Hong, Kyung-Ja;Han, Kyung-Ja;Park, Sung-Ae;Yun, Soon-Nyoung;Lee, In-Sook;Cho, Hyun;Bang, Kyung-Sook
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.1455-1466
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to develop the framework of community-based home care nursing delivery system, and to demonstrate and evaluate the efficiency of it. The study was carned out over a period of 3years from September 1996 to August 1999. The researchers developed Standards for operations, this was all aimed toward a home care recording system, and an assessment intervention algorithm for various diseases quality control and standardization. In the center, 185 patients enrolled, and of the enrollments cerebrovascular disorder and cancer were the most prevailment diseases. Also, a home care nursing activity classification was developed in six domains. Those domains were assessment, medication, treatment, education and consultation, emotional care, and referral or follow-up care. Ten sub-domains were divided according to the systematic needs. Among these nursing activities, treatment, assessment, and education and consultation were frequently performed. In sub-domain classification, skin integrity, respiration, circulation, and immobility related care were provided most frequently. The cost of home care nursing per visit was also suggested. The cost include direct and indirect nursing care, management, and transportation cost. Also, the researchers tried to overcome the limitations of hospital-based home care to provide more accessible, efficient, safe, and stable home care nursing. Therefore, clients were referred from other patients, families, public health care centers, industries, and even hospitals. As a result of this study, several limitations of operation were found. First, it was difficult to manage and communicate with doctor in the emergency situations. Second, there was too much time spent for transportation. This was because they are only five nurses, who cover all of the areas of Seoul and nearby cities. Third, preparation for special care of home care nurses was lacking. Fourth, criteria for the termination of care and the frequency of home visits were ambiguous. Finally, interconnection with home care machinery company was so yely needed. New paragraphs' strategies for solving these problems were suggested. This study will be the basis of community-based home care nursing, and the computerized information delivery system for home care nursing in Korea.

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Digital Logic Extraction from QCA Designs (QCA 설계에서 디지털 논리 자동 추출)

  • Oh, Youn-Bo;Kim, Kyo-Sun
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.107-116
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    • 2009
  • Quantum-dot Cellular Automata (QCA) is one of the most promising next generation nanoelectronic devices which will inherit the throne of CMOS which is the domineering implementation technology for large scale low power digital systems. In late 1990s, the basic operations of the QCA cell were already demonstrated on a hardware implementation. Also, design tools and simulators were developed. Nevertheless, its design technology is not quite ready for ultra large scale designs. This paper proposes a new approach which enables the QCA designs to inherit the verification methodologies and tools of CMOS designs, as well. First, a set of disciplinary rules strictly restrict the cell arrangement not to deviate from the predefined structures but to guarantee the deterministic digital behaviors is proposed. After the gate and interconnect structures of. the QCA design are identified, the signal integrity requirements including the input path balancing of majority gates, and the prevention of the noise amplification are checked. And then the digital logic is extracted and stored in the OpenAccess common engineering database which provides a connection to a large pool of CMOS design verification tools. Towards validating the proposed approach, we designed a 2-bit adder, a bit-serial adder, and an ALU bit-slice. For each design, the digital logic is extracted, translated into the Verilog net list, and then simulated using a commercial software.

Safety Evaluation on Real Time Operating Systems for Safety-Critical Systems (안전필수(Safety-Critical) 시스템의 실시간 운영체제에 대한 안전성 평가)

  • Kang, Young-Doo;Chong, Kil-To
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.11 no.10
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    • pp.3885-3892
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    • 2010
  • Safety-Critical systems, such as Plant Protection Systems in nuclear power plant, plays a key role that the facilities can be operated without undue risk to the health and safety of public and environment, and those systems shall be designed, fabricated, installed, and tested to quality standards commensurate with the importance of the functions to be performed. Computer-based Instrumentation and Control Systems to perform the safety-critical function have Real Time Operating Systems to control and monitoring the sub-system and executing the application software. The safety-critical Real Time Operating Systems shall be designed, analyzed, tested and evaluated to have capability to maintain a high integrity and quality. However, local nuclear power plants have applied the real time operating systems on safety critical systems through Commercial Grade Item Dedication method, and this is the reason of lack of detailed methodology on assessing the safety of real time operating systems, expecially to the new developed one. This paper presents the methodology and experiences of safety evaluation on safety-critical Real Time Operating Systems based upon design requirements. This paper may useful to develop and evaluate the safety-critical Real Time Operating Systems in other industry to ensure the safety of public and environment.

A New Secure Multicast Protocol in Micro-Mobility Environments using Secure Group Key (마이크로 모빌리티 환경에서 보안 그룹키를 이용한 안전한 멀티캐스트 프로토콜)

  • Kang, Ho-Seok;Shim, Young-Chul
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.15C no.6
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    • pp.573-586
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    • 2008
  • The improved performance and miniaturization of computer and the improvement of wireless communication technology have enabled the emergence of many high quality services. Among them multicast services are receiving much attention and their usage is increasing due to the increase of Internet multimedia services such as video conference, multimedia stream, internet TV, etc. Security plays an important role in mobile multicast services. In this paper, we proposed a secure multicast protocol for a hierarchical micro-mobility environment. The proposed secure multicast protocol provides security services such as authentication, access control, confidentiality and integrity using mechanisms including symmetric/asymmetric key crypto-algorithms and capabilities. To provide forward/backward secrecy and scalability, we used sub-group keys based on the hierarchical micro-mobility environment. With this security services, it is possible to guard against all kinds of security attacks performed by illegal mobile nodes. Attacks executed by internal nodes can be thwarted except those attacks which delete packet or cause network resources to be wasted. We used simulator to measure the performance of proposed protocol. As a result, the simulation showed that effect of these security mechanisms on the multicast protocol was not too high.

Quantitative EC Signal Analysis on the Axial Notch Cracks of the SG Tubes (SG Tube 축방향 노치 균열의 정량적 EC 신호평가)

  • Min, Kyong-Mahn;Park, Jung-Am;Shin, Ki-Seok;Kim, In-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.374-382
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    • 2009
  • Steam generator(SG) tube, as a barrier isolating primary to the secondary coolant system of nuclear power plants(NPP), must maintain the structural integrity far the public safety and its efficient power generation capacity. And SG tubes bearing defects must be timely detected and taken repair measures if needed. For the accomplishment of these objectives, SG tubes have been periodically examined by eddy current testing(ECT) on the basis of administrative notices and intensified SG management program(SGMP). Stress corrosion cracking(SCC) on the SG tubes is not easily detected and even missed since it has lower signal amplitude and other disturbing factors against its detection. However once SCC is developed, that can cause detrimental affects to the SG tubes due to its rapid propagation rate. Accordingly SCC is categorized as prime damage mechanism challenging the soundness of the SG tubes. In this study, reproduced EDM notch specimens are examined for the detectability and quantitative characterization of the axial ODSCC by +PT MRPC probe, containing pancake, +PT and shielded pancake coils apart in a single plane around the circumference. The results of this study are assumed to be applicable fur providing key information of engineering evaluation of SCC and improvement of confidence level of ECT on SG tubes.

Developing Ethical Education Program for Admissions Officers (입학사정관 윤리교육 프로그램 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Jun, Kyung-Ae
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.485-494
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    • 2012
  • The role of admissions officers in universities is to evaluate applicants from a comprehensive perspective on the basis of diverse bases and materials for evaluation that include not only quantitative, but also qualitative information about applicants. Therefore, the crucial key to ensuring the success of the admissions officer system is to ensure the fairness of admission-related decisions and the integrity of individual admissions officers by urging them to render impartial evaluations based on professionalism and avoidance of bias. This study selected the major realm of the ethical education for admission officers on the basis or experts' opinions, and documentary research, and tried to secure the validity of the composed educational contents through the in-depth interviews and discussions with the incumbent admissions officers. The program must handle subjects that are intimately related to the actual experience of many admissions officers, and must be capable of inducing voluntary compliance from the officers. Therefore, the program suggested by this study focuses on three core areas of ethics: that is, 'interaction with society,' 'ethics and responsibilities involved in admission,' and 'legal obligations and roles of admissions officers.' To this end, it provides twelve sub-topics and learning materials. Providing this kind of ethical education programs for admissions officers will help not only to enhance the professionalism and ethical commitments of admissions officers, but also broadly to establish a fairer and more reliable admissions officer system.