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Developing Ethical Education Program for Admissions Officers  

Jun, Kyung-Ae (국민대학교)
Publication Information
The role of admissions officers in universities is to evaluate applicants from a comprehensive perspective on the basis of diverse bases and materials for evaluation that include not only quantitative, but also qualitative information about applicants. Therefore, the crucial key to ensuring the success of the admissions officer system is to ensure the fairness of admission-related decisions and the integrity of individual admissions officers by urging them to render impartial evaluations based on professionalism and avoidance of bias. This study selected the major realm of the ethical education for admission officers on the basis or experts' opinions, and documentary research, and tried to secure the validity of the composed educational contents through the in-depth interviews and discussions with the incumbent admissions officers. The program must handle subjects that are intimately related to the actual experience of many admissions officers, and must be capable of inducing voluntary compliance from the officers. Therefore, the program suggested by this study focuses on three core areas of ethics: that is, 'interaction with society,' 'ethics and responsibilities involved in admission,' and 'legal obligations and roles of admissions officers.' To this end, it provides twelve sub-topics and learning materials. Providing this kind of ethical education programs for admissions officers will help not only to enhance the professionalism and ethical commitments of admissions officers, but also broadly to establish a fairer and more reliable admissions officer system.
Admissions Officer System; Admissions Officer; Ethical Education Program for Admissions Officer;
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  • Reference
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