• Title/Summary/Keyword: Integrated Thinking

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The Development of the Convergence Education Program based on the Creation of Scientific and Cultural Content (과학문화콘텐츠 구성을 기반으로 한 융합형 교육 프로그램의 개발 방안)

  • Cho, Nam-Min;Kim, So-Ryun;Son, Dal-Lim
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.506-518
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    • 2015
  • Recently there are growing needs and demand to enhance 'Unity of knowledge' as the concept of "Creating new value through integration and convergence" is developing rapidly in many different areas in the society. This also has significant implication to education. Especially, it requires paradigm shift in terms of required capabilities and qualifications for the students with science major. To accommodate this trend, Natural Sciences and Engineering's College has been increasing convergence education which focus on cultivating creative and cooperative learning capabilities as well as acquiring fundamental knowledge of individual majors. However, convergence education developed and implemented by Sciences college or liberal education so far has been mechanical combination of knowledge from different academic fields - not effectively integrated and interdisciplinary education. Given this situation, this research is to develop and propose a "convergence education program based on the development of scientific and cultural contents" as an education tool to enhance capabilities to apply and re-create integrated knowledge as well as acquire and learn existing knowledge. Education program developed in this research aims to achieve two different and sequential capabilities. First is to understand 'Science and Technology' and 'Cultural Archetype' which would be essential and useful to create cultural contents. Second is to develop capabilities to convert this understanding into cultural contents - a storytelling capability. This education program is differentiated in that it defines cultural contents as a medium to converge and integrate science and technology and humanities. By leveraging the concept of cultural content and storytelling, this education program would be able to overcome restrictions of existing interdisciplinary approach. Also, this program would encourage students to try in-depth research and new applications, and develop logical and creative thinking.

Development of Bachelor Nursing Programme (일 대학 간호학과 교육 과정 개발 연구)

  • Chung, Bok-Yae;Kim, Mi-Ye;Suh, Soon-Rim;Hong, Hae-Sook
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.298-309
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    • 2003
  • The educational preparation of nurses has been the focus of considerable debate globally. It is needed the change of the basic nursing education for professional nurse to prepare the trends of the health care needs of clients for coming new generation. And also it is believed that educational preparation for being nurses is to be responsible to clients' needs. The purpose of the study was to develop a baccalaureate program in nursing. This study were implemented through three stages from April 2001, to April 2002.: preparation stage which were consisted of reviewing of the literatures, interviewing the fellow nurses in a variety workplace, and consulting professors who were concerned with the nursing education to identify the present educational problems, and analyzing the contents of seven major courses in nursing education, evaluation stage about a new developed curriculum with the directors of the five nursing schools, and confirmation stage of new developed education programme. The developed education programme was designed as a four year program with 126 credit hours including 39 credit hours of liberal arts, 34 credit hours of supplementary courses, and 53 credit hours of nursing major based on the four basic nursing dimensions of human, health, environment and nursing. Nursing majors were consisted of Nursing Ⅰ(oxygenation), Nursing Ⅱ(nutrition elimination), Nursing Ⅲ(activity rest), Nursing Ⅳ(neurologic- endocrine protection), Nursing Ⅴ(fluids electrolytes/sex reproductive), Nursing Ⅵ(psycho-social), Community Health Nursing, Fundamental Nursing, School Health, and Emergency care. This new nursing programme was focused on the nursing education for prevention and rehabilitation nursing care as well as the acute and chronic nursing care at hospital, on the integrated nursing programme to become effective, and the nursing process to encourage the critical thinking. The new education programme focused on the professional nurses who are responsible the nursing ethics, communication skills, and professional beliefs to suit the future trends in health. And also it will be needed for faculties to manage the integrated curriculum, to analyze the contents of each subject, and to communicate with each other before a new education programme apply to their education programme in future. This research was supported by the Han Kok Medical Science Foundation

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A Case Study of Service Education Activities Applying Mathematics into a Place-Based Earth Science Program: Measuring the Earth's Size (수학과 연계한 장소기반 지구과학 프로그램에 대한 교육봉사활동 사례 연구: 지구의 크기 측정)

  • Yu, Eun-Jeong;Kim, Kyung Hwa
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.40 no.5
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    • pp.518-537
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    • 2019
  • This study examined the implications of a place-based earth science program integrated with Mathematics. 11 pre-service earth science teachers and 22 middle school students participated in the service education activities of earth science for 30 hours focusing on the measurement of the earth's size through earth science experiments as part of the middle school curriculum. In order to minimize errors that may occur during the earth's size measurement experiments using Eratosthenes's shadows length method of the ancient Greek era, the actual data were collected after triangulation ratios were conducted in the locations of two middle schools: one in remote metropolitan and the other in rural area. The two schools' students shared the final estimate result. Through this process, they learned the mathematical method to express the actual data effectively. Participants, experienced the importance and difficulty of the repetitive and accurate data acquisition process, and also discussed the causes of errors included in the final results. It implies that a Place-Based Earth Science Program activity can contribute to students' increased-understanding of the characteristics of earth science inquiry and to developing their problem solving skills, thinking ability, and communication skills as well, which are commonly emphasized in science and mathematics in the 2015 reunion curriculum. It is expected that a place-based science program can provide a foundation for developing an integrated curriculum of mathematics and science.

A Study on the Policies Evaluation Framework for Environmentally Friendly City (환경친화적 도시 조성을 위한 정책평가체계에 관한 연구 - 저부하형 도시 조성을 중심으로 -)

  • Yoon, So Won
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.8-16
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    • 2003
  • In terms of climate change communities have only during the 1990s begun to recognize that all greenhouse gas(GHG) emissions are directly or indirectly generated locally, through acts of agency, production or consumption. This has provided a boost to the role of local places in the debate since GHGs can be allocated and made understood locally and hence form the basis for specific policies, programs, plans and projects. The objectives of this study are to define a framework for making Environmentally Friendly City through enhancing integrated energy-urban policies and present framework to do comprehensive evaluation on energy related policies response and also explore the interrelation between energy related activities in each sector and policy and applies to Seoul mega city in Korea. Despite the growing recognition of the seriousness of urban environmental problems and their contribution to global environmental and social concerns, most analysts continue to study cities in parts rather than as a whole; we study sectoral sub-systems such as transport, air pollution or energy. While specialization is useful for detailed thinking, we also need to see each issue in the context of how each city works environmentally, economically, socially and politically. We therefore need integrative approaches to study of cities and need to understand how they function as systems. These framework presented in this study allows an organized and systematic analysis. These research results can provide useful, credible and timely input into the urban planning process. This study will be a helpful exercise to draw some policy implications of other cities in Korea and also East Asia that are in a similar stage with the these cities and developing plans on how to address them.

Simulation Nursing Education Research Topics Trends Using Text Network Analysis (텍스트네트워크분석을 적용하여 탐색한 국내 시뮬레이션간호교육 연구주제 동향)

  • Park, Chan Sook
    • Journal of East-West Nursing Research
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.118-129
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze the topic trend of domestic simulation nursing education research using text network analysis(TNA). Methods: This study was conducted in four steps. TNA was performed using the NetMiner (version 4.4.1) program. Firstly, 245 articles from 4 databases (RISS, KCI, KISS, DBpia) published from 2008 to 2018, were collected. Secondly, keyword-forms were unified and representative words were selected. Thirdly, co-occurrence matrices of keywords with a frequency of 2 or higher were generated. Finally, social network-related measures-indices of degree centrality and betweenness centrality-were obtained. The topic trend over time was visualized as a sociogram and presented. Results: 178 author keywords were extracted. Keywords with high degree centrality were "Nursing student", "Clinical competency", "Knowledge", "Critical thinking", "Communication", and "Problem-solving ability." Keywords with high betweenness centrality were "CPR", "Knowledge", "Attitude", "Self-efficacy", "Performance ability", and "Nurse." Over time, the topic trends on simulation nursing education have diversified. For example, topics such as "Neonatal nursing", "Obstetric nursing", "Pediatric nursing", "Blood transfusion", "Community visit nursing", and "Core basic nursing skill" appeared. The core-topics that emerged only recently (2017-2018) were "High-fidelity", "Heart arrest", "Clinical judgment", "Reflection", "Core basic nursing skill." Conclusion: Although simulation nursing education research has been increasing, it is necessary to continue studies on integrated simulation learning designs based on various nursing settings. Additionally, in simulation nursing education, research is required not only on learner-centered educational outcomes, but also factors that influence educational outcomes from the perspective of the instructors.

Non-Major Students' Perceptions of Programming Education Using the Scratch Programming Language (스크래치 프로그램을 활용한 프로그래밍 교육에 대한 비전공자의 인식 연구)

  • Oh, Mi-Ja
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2017
  • As an emphasis has been put on the importance of computational thinking, universities have opened software educational programs as required basic courses.. Therefore this study aimed to examine non-major students' perceptions of programming before and after they had programing education. To this end, this study performed programming education for 15 weeks using the Scratch programming language, and then conducted a questionnaire survey. This study analyzed responses from 214 students. According to the results of the analysis, 74 % of the non-major students had no previous experience with programming, 87% felt that programming was difficult, and 69.7% answered that they did not need programming education. To change these negative perceptions of programming, this study made the following suggestions. First, the professor should clearly convey the needs, purposes, and content of programming education to students prior to class. Second, programming should be designated as an optional course rather than required one. Third, it is necessary to develop content integrated with majors, or educational programs or content connected to getting a job or starting a business.

The Effects of STEAM-based Programming Education with Robot on Creativity and Character of Elementary School Students (로봇을 활용한 STEAM기반 프로그래밍교육이 초등학생의 창의성 및 인성에 미치는 효과)

  • Chai, Soophung;Chun, Seokju
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.159-166
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    • 2015
  • STEAM is a multidisciplinary education program which intended to promote creative thinking by combining studies in the arts and STEM(Science, Technology, Engineer, Mathematics) fields. STEAM education can bring out creativities in students through educational activities of integrating and combining diverse studies. In this research, we integrated the educational elements of science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and arts using robots and then developed an educational program that raises the creative and character (focused on collaboration and communication) of students in a more fun and effective way. Using our developed educational program, we taught 6th grade students of an elementary school located in Seoul. As the result, most of students were found to be enhanced in their creativity and character after participating in the STEAM-based programming education course.

Instructional Effects of a Problem Solving Model on Students' Achievement, Science Process Skills, and Perceptions of Science Activities (문제 해결식 교수 방법이 학생의 성취도, 과학 과정 기술, 과학 활동 인식에 미치는 효과)

  • Noh, Tae-Hee;Kim, Dong-Youn;Kim, Hye-Kyung;Hong, Eun-Kyung;Kang, Suk-Jin;Chae, Woo-Ki;Noh, Suk-Goo
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.45-53
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the instructional effects of a problem solving model on students' achievement, science process skills, and perceptions of science activities. The problem solving model was developed on the basis of the SSCS (Search, Solve, Create, Share) problem solving model while considering Korean educational situations under a national curriculum. The model developed is composed of 4 stages; identify, solve, create, and share. In this research, the treatment and control groups (6 classes) were selected from a middle school in Seoul and taught about the separation of mixture for four weeks. Prior to instruction, the Group Assessment of Logical Thinking and the Learning Approach Questionnaire were administered, and their scores were used as covariate and blocking variable, respectively. During instruction, classroom observations for each group were conducted with a researcher-made checklist. Immediately following the instructions, students' achievement, science process skills, and perceptions of science activities were measured by a researcher-made achievement test, the Middle Grades Integrated Science Process Skills Test(MIPT), and the Perceptions of Science Activities Questionnaire, respectively. The results indicated that students in the treatment group achieved significantly better than those in the control group. Although students in the treatment group were found to use more science process skills correctly during their science activities, the MIPT scores of the treatment group were not significantly higher than those of the control group. No interaction with students' learning approach was found for both students' achievement and science process skills. On the questionnaire of students' perceptions of science activities, the treatment group showed more positive perceptions and interest than the control group. Educational implications are discussed.

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A Study on the MIS curriculum directions and courses based on the MIS identity and IS core competency (MIS 정체성과 IS 핵심 역량 관점의 MIS 교육과정 방향 및 내용에 관한 연구)

  • Chang, Yun-Hee
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.253-270
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    • 2012
  • In a rapidly changing IT and business management environment the demand for competent IS personnels is increasing. However, it is ironic that the number of IT and IS majors has sharply decreased as well as the widespread skepticism of IS identity. This research suggests directions to differentiate MIS to other IT majors, diversify IS core competency and make general improvements in MIS curriculum. The research recommend the courses of IS Strategy and policy, ITA/EA, Global IT Management, Emerging Technologies, DW/DM, BI, IT Service Science, Project Management, IT Consulting and integrated capstone which are few in Kore universities. This research also stress the course of soft skills like business communication, team building, analytic/logical thinking, rational problem solving and so on as a important IS competency. The pedagogy of course is important, so the research recommend the internship, mentoring programme, lecturers in industry according to industrial - educational cooperation.

Suffering and Hospice Care (고통과 호스피스 케어)

  • Kim, Myung-Ja;Jung, In-Sook
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2007
  • Although hospice care includes palliative care technology in terminally ill person for pain, it is much more holistic including emotional, spiritual and other life dimension. Human suffering that experiencing the hospice client must be reconsidered whether one starts with an objective side or a subjective side of suffering, the strategies about the expanded consciousness is important. In the hospice caring perspectives, the body, mind and spirit are integrated so the objectivity and subjectivity can merge; the extended awareness with inner resource or energy, and the positive thinking about the God is meaningful especially dying person, family member, and the hospice team.

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