• Title/Summary/Keyword: Integrated Image File

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Implementation and Evaluation of Integrated Viewier for Displanning Text and TIFF Image Materials on the Internet Environments (인터넷상에서 텍스트와 TIFF 이미지 자료 디스플레이를 위한 뷰어 구현 및 평가)

  • 최흥식
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.67-87
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of the study is to develop an integrated viewer which can display both text and image files on the Internet environment. Up to now, most viewers for full-text databases can be displayed documents only by image or graphic viewers. The newly developed system can compress document files in commercial word processors (e.g, 한글TM, WordTM, ExceITM, PowerpointTM, HunminJungumTM, ArirangTM, CADTM), as well as conventional TIFF image file in smaller size, which were converted into DVI(DeVice Independent) file format, and display them on computer screen. IDoc Viewer was evaluated to test its performance by user group, consisting of 5 system developers, 5 librarians, and 10 end-users. IDoc Viewer has been proved to be good or excellent at 20 out of 26 check lists.

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치과용 DICOM encoder와 viewer의 특성과 개발

  • Lee, Seung-Won;Ju, Seong-Dae;Lee, Seok-Yeong;Gang, Seung-Hun
    • The Journal of the Korean dental association
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    • v.43 no.1 s.428
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    • pp.41-52
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    • 2005
  • Information Technology has extended its scope to the medical field as well as dental field. Like medical field, network ststem for dental field requires acquisition, storage, and display of images. However, unlike the medical field, the system to integrate several information including medical images has not been developed according to industrial standard for management of digital image for medical use, so called DICOM conformance. which makes the digital environment in dental field more and more difficult and expensive for this standardization and comfortable communication in LAN and WAN. To solve this problem, the DICOM encoder and server has to be developed because the DICOM file can be easily retrieved with patient's information from the DICOM server in the system as DICOM file has the standard specification to integrate the patient's information. The information including image and other discrete data can be easily integrated in DICOM file and can be used without any difficulty for precise diagnosis and for contribution to the decision making for each treatment protocol. Therefore, the system composed of DICOM encoder and server in dental practive for DICOM file must be developed with prudent consideration of the several strategic factors: I) Enhanced diagnostic capability through the integrated information of image and clinical data. ii) Clinician-friendly interface to simulate the systemic treatment procedure in clinical practice iii) Implementation of multidisciplinary treatment protocol The development of DICOM encoder and server based on these strategic considerations will provide paperless and filmless hospital environments by the seamless integration and management of patient's history, several clinical data and clinical images through image processing for quantitative analysis. The system also allows clinicians to provide more predictable dental care for the patients.

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An Integrated File System for Guaranteeing the Quality of Service of Multimedia Stream (멀티미디어 스트림의 QoS를 보장하는 통합형 파일시스템)

  • 김태석;박경민;최정완;김두한;원유집;고건;박승민;김정기
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.31 no.9
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    • pp.527-535
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    • 2004
  • Handling mixed workload in digital set-top box or streaming server becomes an important issue as integrated file system gets momentum as the choice for the next generation file system. The next generation file system is required to handle real-time audio/video playback while being able to handle text requests such as web page, image file, etc. Legacy file system provides only best effort I/O service and thus cannot properly support the QoS of soft real-time I/O. In this paper, we would like to present our experience in developing the file system which fan guarantee the QoS of multimedia stream. We classify all application I/O requests into two category: periodic I/O and sporadic I/O. The QoS requirement of multimedia stream could be guaranteed by giving a higher priority to periodic requests than sporadic requests. The proto-type file system(Qosfs) is developed on Linux Operating System.

The development of CAI systems for an efficient education of image processing (효율적인 영상처리 교육을 위한 통합 환경 개발에 관한 연구)

  • 이정헌;안용학;채옥삼
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.127-135
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    • 2004
  • With the wide-spread use of multimedia technology, the demand for the image processing engineer is increasing in various fields. But there are few engineers who can develop practical applications in the image processing area. To teach practical image processing techniques, we need an integrated education environment which can efficiently present the image processing theory and, at the same time, provide interactive experiments for the theory presented. In this paper, we propose an integrated education environment for the image processing, which is called MTES. It consists of the theory presentation systems and the experiment systems. The theory presentation systems support multimedia data, web document and Microsoft PowerpointTM file. It is tightly integrated with the experiment systems which are developed based on the integrated image processing algorithm development system, called Hello-Vision.n.

Implementation and Design of WISD(Web Interface System based DICOM) for Efficient Sharing of Medical Information between Clinics (의료기관간 효과적인 의료정보 공유를 위한 WISD의 설계 및 구현)

  • Cho, Ik-Sung;Kwon, Hyeog-Soong
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.500-508
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    • 2008
  • For efficient compatible system between medical clinics, the medical information has to be built on a standardized protocol such as a HL7 for text data and a DICOM for image data. But it is difficult to exchange information between medical clinics because the systems and softwares are different and also a structure of data and a type of code. Therefore we analyze a structure of DICOM file and design an integrated database for effective information sharing and exchange. The WISD system suggested in this paper separate the DICOM file transmitted by medical clinics to text data and image data and store it in the integrated DB(database) by standardized protocol respectively. It is very efficient that each medical clinic can search and exchange information by web browser using the suggested system. The WISD system can not only search and control of image data and patient information through integrated database and internet, but share medical information without extra charge like construction of new system.

Development of Receiving and Image Processing System of GMS/WEFAX Using PC(II) - Software for Receiving and Image Processing - (PC를 이용한 GMS/WEFAX 수신 및 영상처리 시스템 개발(II) - 수신 및 영상처리 소프트 웨어 -)

  • ;;Yun, Gi-Joon;Park, Jong-Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.37-49
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    • 1993
  • In this research, the WEF AX and APT(Automatic Picture Transmission) data receiving and image processing software using PC/AT called WADIPS(WEFAX and APT Data Integrated Processing System) Software has been developed. The main functions of WADIPS software are follow : 1) Real time receiving and saving to hard disk of WEFAX and APT data 2) B/W(Black and White) and false color display 3) Image enhancement using histogram stretch and color control 4) 2-4 times zooming 5) Hard copy of data using dithering and patterning 6) Animation 7) File management 8) On line help. WADIPS can be used in the offices or persons need real time meteorological information and education offices to teach the image processing technique and general characteristics of meteorological satellites.

Study of Platform for Real-Time Medical Information Protection and Management (실시간 의료정보 보호 및 관리를 위한 플랫폼에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, Chang Won;Lee, Sung Gwon;Joo, Su Chong
    • KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems
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    • v.3 no.8
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    • pp.245-250
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    • 2014
  • In recent years, the developments of medical technology and emergency medical services have been changed to home from the hospital. In this regard, the researches for the prevention or early diagnosis have become actively. In particular, bio-signal monitoring is applied to a variety of u-healthcare application services. The proposed system in this paper is to provide a security technology to protect the medical information measured from the various sensors. Especially, bio-signal information is privacy-sensitive personal information that must be protected. We applied a two-dimensional code technology, QR code, for the protection and management. In the client side, it can analyze the QR code and confirm the results on devices. Finally, with this proposed platform, we show the results of application service to verify the creation and distribution of integrated image file between the bio-signal and medical image information.

A Study on Radiological Image Retrieval System (방사선 의료영상 검색 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Byung-Rae;Shin, Yong-Won
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.19-24
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to design and implement a useful annotation-based Radiological image retrieval system to accurately determine on education and image information for Radiological technologists. For better retrieval performance based on large image databases, we presented an indexing technique that integrated B+tree proposed by Bayer for indexing simple attributes and inverted file structure for text medical keywords acquired from additional description information about Radiological images. In our results, we implemented proposed retrieval system with Delphi under Windows XP environment. End users, Radiological technologists, are able to store simple attributes information such as doctor name, operator name, body parts, disease and so on, additional text-based description information, and Radiological image itself as well as to retrieve wanted results by using simple attributes and text keywords from large image databases by graphic user interface. Consequently proposed system can be used for effective clinical decision on Radiological image, reduction of education time by organizing the knowledge, and well organized education in the clinical fields. In addition, It can be expected to develop as decision support system by constructing web-based integrated imaging system included general image and special contrast image for the future.

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A Study on the Construction of a Document Input/Output system (문서 입출력 시스템의 구성에 관한 연구)

  • 함영국;도상윤;정홍규;김우성;박래홍;이창범;김상중
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics B
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    • v.29B no.10
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    • pp.100-112
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    • 1992
  • In this paper, an integrated document input/output system is developed which constructs the graphic document from a text file, converts the document into encoded facsimile data, and also recognizes printed/handwritten alphanumerics and Korean characters in a facsimile or graphic document. For an output system, we develop the method which generates bit-map patterns from the document consisting of the KSC5601 and ASCII codes. The binary graphic image, if necessary, is encoded by the G3 coding scheme for facsimile transmission. For a user friendly input system for documents consisting of alphanumerics and Korean characters obtained from a facsimile or scanner, we propose a document recognition algirithm utilizing several special features(partial projection, cross point, and distance features) and the membership function of the fuzzy set theory. In summary, we develop an integrated document input/output system and its performance is demonstrated via computer simulation.

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Applicability of Geo-spatial Processing Open Sources to Geographic Object-based Image Analysis (GEOBIA)

  • Lee, Ki-Won;Kang, Sang-Goo
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.379-388
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    • 2011
  • At present, GEOBIA (Geographic Object-based Image Analysis), heir of OBIA (Object-based Image Analysis), is regarded as an important methodology by object-oriented paradigm for remote sensing, dealing with geo-objects related to image segmentation and classification in the different view point of pixel-based processing. This also helps to directly link to GIS applications. Thus, GEOBIA software is on the booming. The main theme of this study is to look into the applicability of geo-spatial processing open source to GEOBIA. However, there is no few fully featured open source for GEOBIA which needs complicated schemes and algorithms, till It was carried out to implement a preliminary system for GEOBIA running an integrated and user-oriented environment. This work was performed by using various open sources such as OTB or PostgreSQL/PostGIS. Some points are different from the widely-used proprietary GEOBIA software. In this system, geo-objects are not file-based ones, but tightly linked with GIS layers in spatial database management system. The mean shift algorithm with parameters associated with spatial similarities or homogeneities is used for image segmentation. For classification process in this work, tree-based model of hierarchical network composing parent and child nodes is implemented by attribute join in the semi-automatic mode, unlike traditional image-based classification. Of course, this integrated GEOBIA system is on the progressing stage, and further works are necessary. It is expected that this approach helps to develop and to extend new applications such as urban mapping or change detection linked to GIS data sets using GEOBIA.