• Title/Summary/Keyword: Instructional Strategy

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Lesson Design of Upper Secondary Home Economics education (고등학교에서의 가정과교육 -고등학교 가정과 단시수업 설계- (1990년도 제 2차 학술대회))

  • 전귀연;서영숙
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.123-142
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    • 1990
  • The aim of this study is to apply lesson design of high school home economics to model which consists of six steps of instructional procedure among various models for instructional design, Through thesis, central content of each step was written as follows; 1) At the step of establishment of terminal instructional objectives, educational objectives, terminal instructional objectives was analyzed and specific instructional objectives was extracted. 3) At the step of diagnosis of entering behavior, ability of prior learning and ability of preliminary learning were evaluated, which was used as establishing instructional strategy and doing individual guidance. 4)At the step of determining instructional strategy, instructional strategy should be extracted by considering instructional event which is adequate to content of instruction. Instructional strategy consists of five main factor, factors, those are, activity of introduction of instruction, presentation of content of instruction and information, participation of learner and learning activity, identification of learning result, and subsequent treatment after evaluation. 5)Specific activity at the step of selection and development of instructional media consists of reidentification of instructional objectives determination of learning type, drawing up instructional media analysis sheet, synthesis of selected media, and explanatory note of selected media. In order to increase efficiency of instruction at the step of determining instructional strategy, this step should be considered simultaneously. 6)The step of try-out and evaluation of instructional design should be efficient when designed instruction was inputted at class after evaluation of each step of instructional design.

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Development and Validation of Distributed Cognition Theory Based Instructional Strategy in Science Class Using Technology (테크놀로지 활용 과학 수업에서 분산인지 이론 기반 수업 전략의 개발 및 타당화)

  • Ja-Heon Noh;Jun-Ho Son;Jong-Hee Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.1-19
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    • 2024
  • This study is a design and development study that developed instructional strategies based on distributed cognitive theory for science classes using technology according to procedures that ensured reliability and validity. To develop instructional strategies, development study and validation study were conducted according to design and development research methodology procedures. In the development study, an initial instructional strategy was developed through prior literature review and prior expert review. In the validation study, the instructional strategy was validated using internal validation (expert validation, usability evaluation) and external validation (field application evaluation) methods, and the final instructional strategy was developed. The final instructional strategy consisted of 3 instructional principles, 9 instructional strategies, and 38 detailed guidelines. Through this study, the researcher suggested the suitability of instructional strategies for science classes using technology, the usefulness of blocks and teaching and learning processes, the possibility of using technology as a cognitive tool, the need for teachers' efforts to cultivate teaching capabilities using technology, and the needs lesson plan that takes into account conditions affecting the application of instructional strategies.

Development Method for Teaching-Learning Plan of Computer Education using Concrete Instructional Model Framework

  • Lee, Jaemu
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.22 no.10
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    • pp.129-135
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    • 2017
  • This research is to identify an easy and effective method of teaching-learning plan. The teaching-learning plan is a blue_print applied for designing effective lessons. However, most of the teachers regard it as a difficult and inefficient job. This study proposed the concrete instructional model framework as a tool to develop the teaching-learning plan easily and effectively. The concrete instructional model framework will represent a decomposed instructional strategy applied for each step of the instructional model developed by educational researchers. This method is applied to develop a computer teaching-learning plan. Therefore, the proposed method will expand an easier teaching-learning plan. Furthermore, the proposed method develops a teaching-learning plan with fluent content in detail based on low-level instruction strategies applied in the concrete instruction model framework.

The Development and Application of Instructional Strategy for Science Writing using Newspaper Articles (신문기사를 활용한 과학글쓰기 수업 전략의 개발과 적용)

  • Lee, Chi-Yun;Park, Jae-Keun
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.710-723
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to develop instructional strategy for newspaper-based science writing and to examine the effect of its application. The target unit was 'change of weather' and 'a variety of gas' in the sixth grade of elementary school, and the teaching strategy was composed of 3 stages-writing including realistic, interpretative and comprehensive writing. The result of applying this strategy into actual classrooms was as follows. First, it was proven that the science writing strategy using newspaper articles actually helped improving science process skills of learners, in particular, integrated process skills. Second, this strategy for science writing changed the scientific attitude of learners positively. While they read the newspaper articles, their thinking became more elaborate and systemized, which seemed to serve to foster their openness, criticism, and perseverance. Third, the science writing strategy did not contribute to the improvement of learners' science study achievement. To improve the understanding of scientific concepts and principles of learners, it is needed that teaching program combines with argument-based activity organically. The above-mentioned findings show that this instructional strategy using newspaper articles can be applicable as one of effective methods in science writing.

Development of an Effective Strategy to Teach Evolution

  • Ha, Min-Su;Cha, Hee-Young
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.440-454
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    • 2011
  • This study proposes a new instructional strategy and corresponding materials designed from various alternative frameworks to help students understand evolution as a biologically acceptable theory. Biology teachers have normally taught the evolutionary mechanism by means of comparing Lamarckism with natural selection. In this study, a new instructional strategy in which the Lamarckian explanation is first excluded because Lamarckism is known to be subsumed in a learner's cognitive structure as a strong preconception of evolution is suggested for teaching evolution. After mutation theory is introduced, Darwinism including natural selection is explained separately during the next class hour. Corresponding instructional materials that aid student understanding of the evolutionary mechanism were developed using recently published articles on human genetic traits as scientific evolutionary evidence instead of the traditional evolutionary subject matter, giraffe neck. Evolutionary evidence from human genetic traits allows students to exclude anthropocentric thoughts effectively and raise concern for the phenomenon of evolution positively. The administered instructional strategy and materials in this research improved student conception, concern, and belief of evolution and it is believed that they helped students understand the evolutionary mechanism effectively.

The Effects of Instructional Strategy for Development of Constructivist-Thinking Ability in Earth Science (지구과학에서 구성주의적 사고력 신장을 위한 수업전략의 효과)

  • Kim, Soo-Jin;Kim, Chan-Ki;Kim, Sang-Dal
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.118-123
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    • 2010
  • This study is aiming to structure progressive instructional strategy for development of constructivist-thinking into the beginning stage, developmental stage, and advanced stage, then organize multiple choice, completion, descriptive, and essay problems to be suitable for each stage of the strategy, and finally, to evaluate what effects this instructional strategy has on the students' academic achievements and enhancement of their scientific essay writing skills. The results of the study are as follows. First, lessons applying the strategy for developing constructivist-thinking were more effective in enhancing student' academic achievement than the text book-oriented lecture type lessons. In changes in academic achievement, the test group, for both high and low levels, displayed a higher average than the control group, however, changes in the high level was not statistically significant and changes in the low level students were found to be statistically significant. Second, scientific essay writing skills were found to be effective in all levels of the test group and the averages in both high and low groups of the test group were higher than those of the control group and were also found to be statistically significant.

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Instructional Strategy Utilizing Information Communication & Technology (ICT) in Home Economics Education - Centering on the development of Instructional Model and Lesson Plan - (가정과교육에서 정보통신기술 활용 교수.학습전략 - 교수.학습 모형 및 교수.학습지도안 개발을 중심으로 -)

  • 왕석순
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.25-37
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    • 2001
  • This study is based on education reforms related to strengthening information education in curriculums. This study develops and presents ' General Economics'Model Utilizing ICT(Information Communication & Technology) in Home Economics'which could be used as a concrete guidance and direction in teaching and learning Economics education in schools. To do so, this study reviews the necessity of adopting ICT in Home Economics instructional activities and it also reviews and analyzes previous studies of how ICT contribute to instructional activities. Such analysis was used as a theoretical basis for the Instructional Model. The Tool of ICT is a useful instructional strategy because it allows the learners'self-lead learning and Performance Assessment. Therefore the 'General Instructional Model Utilizing ICT'interprets the role of ICT tools to adequate class activities in each step of instruction which includes the conventional steps of introduction. development review and evaluation. It also develops and presents Lesson Plan that can be adopted in school education and thereby shows the possibility of practical application of the theory. This study has limits in that the Instructional Model and Lesson Plan are theoretical in nature. Therefore, in future studies it is desirable to critically review the Instructional Model an Lesson Plan and prove their applicability in real classes and the real learning effects.

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A Relationship between students' perceived instructional strategies and their use of learning strategies in Engineering Courses (공학수업에서 학생들이 지각하는 교수전략과 학습전략 간의 관계)

  • Lee, Sunghye;Choi, Kyoung Ae
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.20-31
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between instructional strategies applied to engineering courses and students' learning strategies. As a result, students perceived that the application principle was the most applied and then the problem-centered principle was applied to engineering courses. In addition, the students showed that rehearsal strategies are the most used in courses. The most important instructional principle in this study was the problem-centered principle, and the higher the degree of application of problem-centered principle in engineering course, the students were likely to use more deep learning strategies such as elaboration and organization strategy, critical thinking strategy, and metacognitive strategy.

A Courseware Design using Metacognitive Strategy (메타인지 전략에 기반한 코스웨어 설계)

  • Lee, Jaemu
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.101-108
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    • 2016
  • Most of a courseware evaluated negatively by short of instructional strategy to improve learning effects. Designing a courseware is a time-taking and challenging task. Therefore, a method is required that helps to easily design courseware that is effective to learning. This study proposed a method for designing and management courseware by utilizing a metacognitive strategy. We made a design the coursewase efficiently using concrete instructional model frameworks as metacognitive stragety and tried to improve the quality of courseware for learning effects. We applied our proposed method to teacher's college students in Korea who were taking the "Courseware Development" course. After analyzing it's effects, the responds can design courseware easily and monitor the design direction while their designing. Also, they can design the courseware systematically and implement detail instructional strategy by using concrete instruction model frameworks as metacognitive strategy. However, they were not easy to develop concrete instructional model frameworks at first and we need sharing it among the designers.

The Effects of Blended Learning Instructional Strategies and Flipped-Learning Instructional Strategies on Undergraduate Students' Social Presence and Group Cohesion (블렌디드 러닝 수업전략과 플립러닝 수업전략이 대학생의 사회적 실재감과 집단 응집력에 미치는 효과)

  • Nam, Changwoo;Shin, Dongmin
    • Journal of Creative Information Culture
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2019
  • This study investigated how general blended learning strategies and flipped-learning instructional strategy affect college students' social presence and group cohesion. The main results of this study were summarized as follows. First, the group of flipped-learning instructional strategy was more effective in college students' social presence than general blended learning. Second, it was found that groups using flipped-learning instruction strategy had more positive effects on improving group cohesion among college students than those using the general blended learning instructional strategy. The results of this study can influence the identification and verification of the main components to be considered when using flipped-learning instruction strategy in blended learning environment. The results of this study can influence the identification and verification of the main components to be considered when using flipped-learning instruction strategy in blended learning environment.