• Title/Summary/Keyword: Innovation in S&T

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Knowledge, Knowledge… Knowledge for My Economy

    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.1-21
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    • 2015
  • The creation of S&T knowledge and development of S&T- based innovation has spread worldwide from traditionally advanced countries to traditionally developing countries, often under the direction of governments. Korea is an exemplar in this new locus. Korea's burst in Science and Technology during the last three decades has made Korea a substantive player in the global production of S&T knowledge and its application to business. Although Korea still trails the US and other top countries in the quality of research, it has leaped from its 1980s standing as bit player in the knowledge economy to being among the leaders in the early 21st Century. This paper shows that Korea's advance benefited from its active participation in the global market in higher education, in international research collaborations, and its close ties to the U.S. Korea's experience offers lessons for other countries who seek to advance by becoming knowledge economies. Korea proves that a developing country can gain comparative advantage in knowledge production and use; that government policy can stimulate such a development; and that openness to the world of higher education and research is the best way to move forward and overcome the middle income trap.

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Relevance Analysis of Performance Evaluation Systems of Government S&T Research Groups (출연연구기관의 연구회 단위 기관평가제도의 적합성 분석)

  • Nam, Yeong-Ho;Kim, Byeong-Tae
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.117-154
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    • 2006
  • This research examines performance evaluatees' opinions regarding the current institutional performance evaluation systems of Government S&T Research Institutes (GRIs). Under the current evaluation systems, twenty GRIs are grouped into three Research Groups and each Group has its own evaluation systems. One problem of the current institutional evaluation systems is that the systems cannot reflect individual GRIs' characteristics. The following methods are used. First, based on four perspectives of Kaplan & Norton(1992)'s Balanced Scorecard(BSC) model, six perspectives appropriate to GRUs' characteristics are derived. Second, experts classify current performance evaluation measures into the six perspectives. This enables different evaluation systems of three GRI Research Groups to be compared under the same evaluation measures. Third, GRIs' evaluatees are asked to allocate appropriate weights on the performance measures. Evaluatees' weights of a GRI are compared with average weights of the related Group. Finally in every BSC's perspective, GRIs that have extraordinarily over-scored or under-scored weights are analyzed in terms of GRIs' missions, customers, capability of human resources, etc. In the Basic Research Group, the Korea Basic Science Institute is deviated in the financial perspective and the strategic direction perspectives. In the Public Research Group, Korea Institute of Construction Technology is significantly different from other GRIs in three perspectives. Five out of eight GRIs in the Industrial Research Group, GRIs are significantly different each other in several perspectives. It could be concluded that the current institutional evaluation systems are least appropriate in measuring performance of the GRIs of the Industrial Research Group.

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A Study on the Individual Issue and Organizational Issue of Organizational Innovation (개인혁신과 조직혁신의 이슈에 관한 연구)

  • Song Kyung-Soo;Kim Hye-Jung
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.16
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    • pp.59-76
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    • 2005
  • The inner and outer environment surrounding companies becomes more insecure and unpredictable due to sudden changes. Because the change of environment surrounding companies can deeply affect the existence of companies, continuous innovation of organization is required to develope management ability. Also, to conquer insecure present and future of companies effectively, organizations of companies have voluntarily coped with insecurities and intense competitions through endless organization innovation. Externally, globalization, openness, and relaxed regulation intensify competitions; consumers' requests get varied; consciousness of members of organizations have changed. Due to those factors, companies are placed in a situation that they should practice endless inner innovation. Internally, competitive power has weakened due to decline in productivity and inefficiency of indirect parts of company has increased. From those factors, managers increasingly request inner innovation and pursue organization innovation for the purpose of effective usage of extra resources and being prepared for the future. The managers who operate organization innovation think that systematized approach to organization innovation is the most practical, and actually operate the thought. However, the negative side of the thought is not neglectable. To minimize inner and outer resistance and to operate organization innovation successfully, some innovation strategies that properly reflect several issues related to organization innovation should be prepared. Another words, organization innovation should be operated differently by cases that if it focuses on personal perspective or on organization's. For many cases of our country, several techniques of organization innovation have been adopted in a short time and operated without making its original use. Therefore, this study looks into major Issues that should be considered for more successful operation of organization innovation, from both personal aspect and organizational aspect. When considering such aspects and operate organization innovation, there is more possibility to succeed on organization innovation. Now, Korean companies have overcame trial period and reborn as global companies. Take warnings by the ordeal under IMF administration, this is time to secure international competitive power by using developed innovation techniques and transform to superior company. Managers need to recognize that to try successful organization innovation is the shortcut to reborn as competitive company, and should take a continuous and profound search for decisive factors to succeed on organization innovation. To operate successful organization innovation, first, at the step of planning organization. innovation, the company should understand the company's capability, position in market and relationship with competitors. Then, the company should establish a distinguished innovation strategy which is of the whole company's aspect, so that the company can freely choose various technique of organization innovation that suits for the company's capability and needs, and unfold the organization innovation movement. Establishing strategy in the aspect of the total company is very important because it offers clear focus of the purpose of adopt, priority and distribution of resources. Second, at the step of operating organization innovation, the company should define concrete purpose and method to evaluate the results that are expected to obtain by adopting organization innovation in advance. While pushing forward, the company should set proper time of examination(milestone) and inspect if expected results are shown. Third, at the step of afterward management of operating organization innovation, the company requires a thorough afterwards verification if targeted results are obtained and of confirmation of successful or failure factors. Also, the company should cultivate specialists in the company who can accumulate and continuously spread the know-how learned during organization innovation promotion, so the know-how don't remain only in certain departments or to a few people in charge. The company should also give effort to maintain the accumulated innovation techniques to be continued.

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과학기술정책을 위한 국가학습조직모형

  • 오형식;신상문
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.22-47
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    • 1997
  • This paper suggests a model of Living & Learning Nation as a new ploicy framework. It is a combination of Living Nation and Learning Nation. Living Nation model takes the nation as a living entity composed of spirit, resource, and communication : it grows but healthy and balanced growth is needed, its organs are closely connected, it has a circulation system, the 'spirit' factor plays the central role, etc.. Learning Nation model is a national level version of learning organization concept. The model defines new perspectives on the objectives, span of means, and the role of government in S&T policy. Therefore, the model can be used to give new insights to policymakers of developing countries facing the knowledge-based economy.

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Technology Innovation, Human Capital and R&D Effects on Economic Growth

  • Lim, Woo-Ri;Yi, Chae-Deug
    • International Area Studies Review
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.201-219
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    • 2017
  • This paper analyzes the economic effects of the S&T Innovation, R&D, human resources and investment on the economic growth using 18 countries. We have obtained the somewhat mixed results on the existence of unit root roots in variables. While most of Pedroni cointegration tests show that there are no panel cointegration among the variables, Kao cointegration test shows that there is the panel cointegration among the variables such as GDP, human capital, R&D investment and patent. Kao cointegration test result shows that human capital, R&D investment, patent economic growth seem to have the panel cointegration or the long-run relationship among them as a whole. The estimation results of individual OLS and panel estimation show that the human capital, R&D investment and technology innovation or patent had positively significant effects on economic growth or GDP.

Extreme Value of Moving Average Processes with Negative Binomial Noise Distribution

  • Park, You-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Statistical Society
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.167-177
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    • 1992
  • In this paper, we investigate the limiting distribution of $M_n = max (X_1, X-2, \cdots, X_n)$ in the infinite moving average process ${X_t = \sum c_i Z_{t-i}}$ generated from i.i.d. negative binomial variables $Z_i$'s. While no limit result is possible, nonetheless asymptotic bounds are derived. We also present the tail behavior of $X_t$, i.e., weighted sum of i.i.d. random variables. This continues a study made by Rootzen (1986) for discrete innovation sequences.

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Design and Fabrication of the 0.1${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$ Г-Shaped Gate PHEMT`s for Millimeter-Waves

  • Lee, Seong-Dae;Kim, Sung-Chan;Lee, Bok-Hyoung;Sul, Woo-Suk;Lim, Byeong-Ok;Dan-An;Yoon, yong-soon;kim, Sam-Dong;Shin, Dong-Hoon;Rhee, Jin-koo
    • Journal of electromagnetic engineering and science
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.73-77
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    • 2001
  • We studied the fabrication of GaAs-based pseudomorphic high electron mobility transistors(PHEMT`s) for the purpose of millimeter- wave applications. To fabricate the high performance GaAs-based PHEMT`s, we performed the simulation to analyze the designed epitaxial-structures. Each unit processes, such as 0.1 m$\mu$$\Gamma$-gate lithography, silicon nitride passivation and air-bridge process were developed to achieve high performance device characteristics. The DC characteristics of the PHEMT`s were measured at a 70 $\mu$m unit gate width of 2 gate fingers, and showed a good pinch-off property ($V_p$= -1.75 V) and a drain-source saturation current density ($I_{dss}$) of 450 mA/mm. Maximum extrinsic transconductance $(g_m)$ was 363.6 mS/mm at $V_{gs}$ = -0.7 V, $V_{ds}$ = 1.5 V, and $I_{ds}$ =0.5 $I_{dss}$. The RF measurements were performed in the frequency range of 1.0~50 GHz. For this measurement, the drain and gate voltage were 1.5 V and -0.7 V, respectively. At 50 GHz, 9.2 dB of maximum stable gain (MSG) and 3.2 dB of $S_{21}$ gain were obtained, respectively. A current gain cut-off frequency $(f_T)$ of 106 GHz and a maximum frequency of oscillation $(f_{max})$ of 160 GHz were achieved from the fabricated PHEMT\\`s of 0.1 m$\mu$ gate length.h.

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A Study on the Five Functions of the NSI-Tth Development of a conceptual Framework for NSI- (국가혁신시스템의 다섯 가지 기능에 관한 연구-국가혁신시스템의 개념적 분석 틀 개발-)

  • 임윤철
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.150-180
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    • 1997
  • This article introduces the five functions of the national innovation system(NIS). As one of social systems in the national level, the five generic functions of open system - production, boundary spanning, maintenance, adaptation, management functions - are applied to the NIS. The production function is the primary process, which produces innovative products and services of the NIS. The boundary spanning function is the function of procuring input and disposing the innovation output or aiding in these processes. Experienced R&D human resources, R&D funds, technology etc. are some of the components of the input of the NIS. The maintenance function is responsible for maintaining smooth operation and upkeeping the system in terms of various conditions. The adaptation function is to help the system change and adapt, and scan the environment for problems, opportunites, and technological developments. It has outward orientation, from the long-term view for the survival of the system. The management function carries out planning and control of the overall activities for the other four functions in order to effectiving run the system as a whole. Finally, this article discusses implications of the diagnosis of the national innovation system and the decision making process of S&T policy.

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A Redesign of the Military Education Structure of General Universities based on Defense Innovation 4.0 -Focused on Capabilities of Tech-Intensive Junior Officers based on Advanced S&T- (국방혁신4.0 기반의 일반대학의 군사학 교육체계 재설계 방안 -첨단과학기술 기반의 기술집약형 초급 간부 역량 중심으로-)

  • Jung-Ho Eom;Keun-Seog Park;Sang-Pil Chun
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.35-44
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    • 2022
  • Among the five promotion strategies of Defense Innovation 4.0(DI 4.0), the military structure/operation optimization strategy aims to innovate the military structure based on advanced science&technology(S&T), and to integrate advanced S&T in the field of defense operation such as education&training and human resource development. As the future battlefield expands to AI-based unmanned/robot combat systems, space, cyberspace, and electromagnetic fields, it is necessary to train officers with the capabilities required in these battlefields. It is necessary to develop capabilities from junior officers who will lead the future battlefield to operating core advanced power based on the 4th industrial revolution S&T. We review the education system of the military in universities and propose a method of redesigning the education system that is compatible with DI 4.0 and can develop technology-intensive capabilities based on advanced S&T. We propose a operation plan of major and extra-programs that can develop the capabilities of junior officers required for the future battlefield, and also suggest ways to support the army's practical training.

Evaluation of Lipid Accumulation's Inhibitory Activity on 3T3-L1 Cells with Red Yeast Barley Extracts (홍맥 추출물의 3T3-L1세포에 대한 지방 축적 저해 활성평가)

  • Kwon, Gi-Seok;Kim, Byung-Hyuk;Lee, Jun-Hyeong;Hwang, Hak-Soo;Lee, Jung-Bok
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.192-198
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    • 2021
  • Red yeast rice has been extensively used as food and traditional medicine for thousands of years in East Asian countries. It is produced by the fermentation of a particular yeast (in general, Monascus purpureus) as rice and various cereals (barley, soybean, etc.). Monascus sp. produces many secondary metabolites during its growth, including pigments, monacolins, and γ-aminobutyric acid. Some metabolites―specifically, monacolin K, γ-aminobutyric acid, dimerumic acid, and monascus pigments―have been reported to lower cholesterol and blood pressure while showing anti-obesity effects. In this study, we investigated the anti-obesity effect of ethanol extract from red yeast barley (RYB) fermented with Monascus sp. BHN-MK 2 on 3T3-L1 cells. The anti-obesity effects of RYB extract were examined: its lipid accumulation inhibitory effect was tested by Oil Red O staining, and obesity-related mRNA expression levels were tested by real-time RT-PCR in MDI stimulated 3T3-L1 cells. The intracellular lipid content of MDI-stimulated 3T3-L1 cells decreased significantly to 5.04%, 12.24%, and 23.52% in response to 200, 400, and 800 ㎍/ml RYB, respectively. Moreovers, we evaluated that RYB extract significantly downregulated the expression of C/EBPα, SREBP-1, and PPAR-γ gene in a dose-dependent manner. As a result, red yeast barley ethanol extracts exerted the strongest anti-obesity effects. Also, the results indicate that red yeast barley could be used as a functional anti-obesity food material.