• Title/Summary/Keyword: Innovation School

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A Case of Developing Performance Evaluation Model for Korean Defense Informatization (국방정보화 수준평가 모델 개발 사례)

  • Gyoo Gun Lim;Dae Chul Lee;Hyuk Jin Kwon;Sung Rim Cho
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.23-45
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    • 2017
  • The ROK military is making a great effort and investment in establishing network-centric warfare, a future battlefield concept, as a major step in the establishment of a basic plan for military innovation. In the military organization level, an advanced process is introduced to shorten the command control time of the military and the business process is improved to shorten the decision time. In the information system dimension, an efficient resource management is achieved by establishing an automated command control system and a resource management information system by using the battle management information system. However, despite these efforts, we must evaluate the present level of informatization in an objective manner and assess the current progress toward the future goal of the military by using objective indicators. In promoting informatization, we must systematically identify the correct areas of improvement and identify policy directions to supplement in the future. Therefore, by analyzing preliminary research, workshops, and expert discussions on the major informatization level evaluation models at home and abroad, this study develops an evaluation model and several indicators that systematically reflect the characteristics of military organizations. The developed informatization level evaluation model is verified by conducting a feasibility test for the troops of the operation class or higher. We expect that this model will be able to objectively diagnose the level of informatization of the ROK military by putting budget and resources into the right place at the right time and to rapidly improve the vulnerability of the information sector.

Differences in Musical Interest, Self-Efficacy, and Self-Esteem through the Convergence Education Program 'I am a Music Creator' in the Music Fairy Tale that you create yourself

  • Han, Sook-hyun
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    • v.14 no.10
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    • pp.12.1-12.13
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    • 2024
  • This study investigated the psychological effects of the creative music fairy tale 'I am a music creator' education program, which was implemented as the convergence educational program of the Seocho Innovation Education District in 2021 for a total of 8 weeks for elementary school students, on Musical Interest, Self-Efficacy, and Self-Esteem. Before verifying the effects after conducting the education program for a total of 8 weeks, a homogeneity verification of the group composition was conducted through a pre-measurement, and it was confirmed that the composition by gender and grade was homogeneous. The results of this study are as follows. First, the results of the pre-test/post-test by research subject showed that the post-test scores in Musical-Interest and Self-Efficacy were slightly higher than the pre-test scores, but there was no significant difference. When Self-Esteem was considered, There was a significant difference, and the post-test scores showed a higher average than the pre-test scores. Second, the results of the pre-test/post-test by gender of the research subject showed that the post-test scores in Musical-Interest, Self-Efficacy, and Self-Esteem for male students were slightly higher than the pre-test scores, but there was no significant difference. The post-test scores in Musical-Interest and Self-Efficacy for female students were slightly higher than the pre-test scores, but there was no real significant difference. Self-Esteem showed a significant difference, and the post-test scores showed a higher average than the pre-test scores. Third, the results of the pre-test/post-test by grade of the research subject showed that the post-test scores in Musical-Interest, Self-Efficacy, and Self-Esteem for second graders were slightly higher than the pretest scores, but there was no real significant difference. In the 3rd grade, there was a significant difference in the sub-factors of Musical-Interest, interest in music classes, and Self-Esteem, and the post-score showed a higher average than the pre-score. In the 4th grade, the post-scores were slightly higher than the pre-scores in Musical-Interest, Self-Efficacy, and Self-Esteem, but there was no significant difference. Through these results, it was confirmed that the integrated music activity approach has a positive influence on elementary school students' Musical-Interest, Self-Efficacy, and Self-Esteem, which are formed in the process of growth and development.

The Effects of Complex Attention Training on Brain Function Index and Attention Concerntration Adolescents with ADHD (ADHD 청소년의 복합 주의집중 훈련이 뇌기능 지수와 주의집중력에 미치는 영향)

  • Young-Ho Lee;Hong-Young Jang
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.22 no.9
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    • pp.69-80
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to investigate the effects of an 8-week complex attention concentration program on the brain function index and attention concentration in adolescents with ADHD. The subjects of the study were 18 male adolescents from H School located in I City, divided into three groups: 6 participants in the complex attention concentration program group, 6 in the target-related physical activity group, and 6 in the no-treatment control group. Data analysis included calculating means and standard deviations for group comparisons, and two-way (2RM×6RM) ANOVA was conducted to test differences at various measurement points. Post-hoc tests were performed to examine significant interaction effects (p<.05). The results indicated that the integrated attention training program had a more positive effect on brain function sub-indices compared to both the target-related physical activity group and the no-treatment group. Similarly, the program showed a more positive effect on attention levels compared to the other two groups. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the integrated attention training program significantly improves overall brain function in ADHD students and is advantageous due to its ease of participation. It is suggested that this program could be widely used due to these benefits.

How Teacher Agency is Achieved through Participation in a Teacher Study Group: A Grounded Theory Approach (연구회 참여 교사가 행위주체성을 성취하는 과정은 어떠한가 : 근거이론적 접근)

  • Ji-Seon Choe;Sung-Man Lim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.231-251
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    • 2024
  • This study aimed to analyze the process of teacher agency achievement among teachers participating in a teacher study group and to examine the impact of participation in the group on this process. Using a grounded theory approach based on the experiences of teachers in the study group, the research investigated the temporal progression of teacher agency achievement and the effects of teacher study group participation on this progression. The results showed that the achievement of teacher agency followed a temporal pattern of "initial phenomenon-phenomenon-result," where strategies shaped by iterational, practical-evaluative, and projective dimensions played an influential role. Initially, the teachers' practices were primarily characterized by formal and teacher-centered approaches with practical limitations. However, these evolved into purpose-driven practices, student-centered learning, and collaborative efforts for educational expansion, ultimately fostering teacher agency in two key areas: promoting the growth of students as global citizens through educational innovation and supporting school improvement and teacher assistance based on collaborative problem-solving. Participation in the teacher study group was found to significantly aid in setting educational goals, stimulating practice changes, developing professional expertise, and securing resources. Additionally, it fostered a collaborative school culture and enabled teachers to expand their roles by serving as mentors, which had a positive impact on the attainment of teacher agency. This study reaffirms the importance of teacher study groups as learning communities and underscores the need for structured support through collaborative communities for teacher empowerment.

Input-Output Analysis of the Distribution and Logistics Sector in the Yangtze River Delta Region of China (투입산출분석을 활용한 중국 양쯔강 삼각주 지역의 유통물류 산업분석)

  • Lijia Lu;Dohoon Kim
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.22 no.12
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    • pp.77-96
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    • 2024
  • The modern distribution and logistics industry goes beyond simply delivering products; it supports almost all industries and builds an extensive supply chain. In particular, the last-mile distribution and logistics section has contributed significantly to the entire Chinese economy since the 21st century. It is also one of the sectors most affected by and leading digital innovation. This study empirically analyzes the distribution and logistics sector development centered on China's last-mile over the 20 years since 2000 and its impact on other industries by applying Input-Output Analysis (IOA). In particular, by analyzing the role of the last-mile over the past 20 years, focusing on the three major regions (Zhejiang, Jiangsu, and Shanghai) in the Yangtze River basin, we will find some implications for the future development of not only the region but also the entire Chinese economy. To focus on the last-mile section, we reconstructed and reconfigured the input-output data, with which IOA was applied. As a result, it was confirmed that the last-mile section has contributed to the regions by creating more value-added compared to other distribution and logistics sectors, including the first-mile section. In addition, we also found that the last-mile section has systematically supported other industries through the forward linkage effect rather than the backward effect. By tracking and analyzing the changes in the forward and backward linkage effects over 20 years by region, we also found essential implications for profoundly understanding the regional characteristics and industrial policy directions.

A Study on the Factors of Satisfaction with Stock Investment : Focusing on the Moderating Effect of the Stock Message Framing (주식 투자 만족도 형성 요인에 관한 연구 : 주식 메시지 프레이밍에 대한 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Hae-young
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.47-59
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    • 2018
  • With the recent, rapid changes in the socio-economic environment, organizations of today are now required to present a framework of realistic consumer behaviors based on psychology, economy, and finance, in order to understand their investing customers. Stock investors show differences in terms of their decisions or evaluations in the process of investing. This is due to what is called the 'framing effect.' The decision frames of the investors are defined differently, and, as a result, this affects the decisions made by the investors. Preceding studies on stock investment rarely touched the topic of the effect of message framing on market participants in their stock investment, especially regarding the differences in terms of their risk management behaviors based on the message framing in stock investment. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the influence of stock investment message framing on market participants in their investment decision making and empirically validate whether this message framing effect has a moderating effect on the factors of investment satisfaction. For this, 494 participants with stock investment experiences were interviewed from May 1 to 26, 2018, and the results were used as the data for the empirical analysis. The analysis of the data was conducted using SPSS 22.0 statistical analysis software. The results of this study were as follows; First, of the stock investment behavioral factors, the stock comprehension, recommendation by others for a stock, and the degree of risks of a stock affected stock investment satisfaction in a positive manner. And, of the behavioral factors of stock investment, stock comprehension, stock brand, recommendation on the stocks from others, past performances, and risk levels of stocks affected the intent of continued stock investment in a positive manner. Second, message framing turned out to affect stock investment satisfaction in a positive manner, and it also had a significant moderating effect to the relationship between the stock investment behavior and stock investment satisfaction. Third, message framing was found to affect continued stock investment intent significantly, with a significant moderating effect in the relationship between stock investment behavioral factor and continued stock investment intent.

Significance and Limitations of the Public Participatory National R&D Project: A Case Study on X-Project (국민참여형 국가연구개발사업의 의미와 한계: X-프로젝트 사례를 중심으로)

  • Park, Seongwon;Jin, Seola
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.55-99
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    • 2016
  • The paper investigates X-project, in which the public was invited to participate in a national R&D project, examines how X-project attracted the public's attention and involved them in a national R&D project, and discusses the significance and limitations of X-project. X-project was executed by a 12 citizen-led committee, financially supported by the Ministry of Science, ICT, and Future Planning, and backed by the Science and Technology Policy Institute. People raised 6,212 questions that reflected the severe needs they experienced in their daily lives through the online and offline platforms of X-project. In addition, the committee members, scholars, experts, government officials, and citizens gathered together to select the fifty most provocative and novel of the questions raised by the public, and invited public participation to answer the questions in innovative ways. 310 research teams including professional researchers from universities and institutes, high-school students, lay persons, and corporate workers applied for X-project, and 54 of these teams were finally selected to receive funding from the government. Through planning and conducting X-project, as well as interviewing and surveying the participants in X-project and non-participants, we found that there was an enormous social consensus on the necessity of public participatory national R&D projects. People asserted that science and technology should put a greater focus on solving social problems and satisfying public needs. We also confirmed that the public could take part in national R&D projects. Most of all, we found that the questions raised by the public were very challenging, novel, and complex, and thus researchers need break-through approaches to address them. It can be also argued that through experiencing the X-project citizens can regard themselves as ones who are not only recipients of the benefits of the development of science and technology, but also contributors of the development of them. We finally argue that there are some limitations to X-project in terms of how to provide diverse incentives that attract more participation, how to develop the process in which people got involved in the project in more easy ways, and how to create new ways for lay persons and professional researchers to cooperate in solving social problems.

A Study on the establishment of IoT management process in terms of business according to Paradigm Shift (패러다임 전환에 의한 기업 측면의 IoT 경영 프로세스 구축방안 연구)

  • Jeong, Min-Eui;Yu, Song-Jin
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.151-171
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    • 2015
  • This study examined the concepts of the Internet of Things(IoT), the major issue and IoT trend in the domestic and international market. also reviewed the advent of IoT era which caused a 'Paradigm Shift'. This study proposed a solution for the appropriate corresponding strategy in terms of Enterprise. Global competition began in the IoT market. So, Businesses to be competitive and responsive, the government's efforts, as well as the efforts of companies themselves is needed. In particular, in order to cope with the dynamic environment appropriately, faster and more efficient strategy is required. In other words, proposed a management strategy that can respond the IoT competitive era on tipping point through the vision of paradigm shift. We forecasted and proposed the emergence of paradigm shift through a comparative analysis of past management paradigm and IoT management paradigm as follow; I) Knowledge & learning oriented management, II) Technology & innovation oriented management, III) Demand driven management, IV) Global collaboration management. The Knowledge & learning oriented management paradigm is expected to be a new management paradigm due to the development of IT technology development and information processing technology. In addition to the rapid development such as IT infrastructure and processing of data, storage, knowledge sharing and learning has become more important. Currently Hardware-oriented management paradigm will be changed to the software-oriented paradigm. In particular, the software and platform market is a key component of the IoT ecosystem, has been estimated to be led by Technology & innovation oriented management. In 2011, Gartner announced the concept of "Demand-Driven Value Networks(DDVN)", DDVN emphasizes value of the whole of the network. Therefore, Demand driven management paradigm is creating demand for advanced process, not the process corresponding to the demand simply. Global collaboration management paradigm create the value creation through the fusion between technology, between countries, between industries. In particular, cooperation between enterprises that has financial resources and brand power and venture companies with creative ideas and technical will generate positive synergies. Through this, The large enterprises and small companies that can be win-win environment would be built. Cope with the a paradigm shift and to establish a management strategy of Enterprise process, this study utilized the 'RTE cyclone model' which proposed by Gartner. RTE concept consists of three stages, Lead, Operate, Manage. The Lead stage is utilizing capital to strengthen the business competitiveness. This stages has the goal of linking to external stimuli strategy development, also Execute the business strategy of the company for capital and investment activities and environmental changes. Manege stage is to respond appropriately to threats and internalize the goals of the enterprise. Operate stage proceeds to action for increasing the efficiency of the services across the enterprise, also achieve the integration and simplification of the process, with real-time data capture. RTE(Real Time Enterprise) concept has the value for practical use with the management strategy. Appropriately applied in this study, we propose a 'IoT-RTE Cyclone model' which emphasizes the agility of the enterprise. In addition, based on the real-time monitoring, analysis, act through IT and IoT technology. 'IoT-RTE Cyclone model' that could integrate the business processes of the enterprise each sector and support the overall service. therefore the model be used as an effective response strategy for Enterprise. In particular, IoT-RTE Cyclone Model is to respond to external events, waste elements are removed according to the process is repeated. Therefore, it is possible to model the operation of the process more efficient and agile. This IoT-RTE Cyclone Model can be used as an effective response strategy of the enterprise in terms of IoT era of rapidly changing because it supports the overall service of the enterprise. When this model leverages a collaborative system among enterprises it expects breakthrough cost savings through competitiveness, global lead time, minimizing duplication.

The Influence of Education and Mentoring of Entrepreneurship on the Intentions of Business Start-Up - Focusing on Self-Efficacy and Resilience - (창업교육과 멘토링이 창업의지에 미치는 영향 - 자기효능감과 회복탄력성의 매개효과를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Young-tae
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.1-26
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to explore the factors affecting rural experience by applying the unified push-pull-mooring model. The theoretical model is an unified PPM model that introduces new variables based on PPM. The pull factor of the newly introduced variables were reconstructed based on the Schmitt's Experience model and ServQual model. The hypothesis is set as follows. The push factor will have a negative effect on experience satisfaction and the pull factor(experience attributes, service quality)will have a positive effect on experience satisfaction. Also, mooring factors will have a negative effect on experience satisfaction. The research model of this study was tested by structural equation model based on 314 effective questionnaire data. Service quality had a positive effect on experience satisfaction. Mooring factors have a negative effect on experience satisfaction. Push factor and experience attributes factor were analyzed to have a no significance effect on experience satisfaction. These results theoretically test that the mooring factors also have an important effect on the experience satisfaction in the rural experience. Based on the Schmitt's Experience model and ServQual model introduced as a pull factor, the proposed unified PPM model proved to be a useful analysis framework. In practice, it was able to provide implications on what factors should be strategically and marketingly focused to activate the 6th industry experience.This study examined the impact of start-up education and mentoring on the intentions of business start-up, and verified through empirical analysis whether self-efficacy and resilience were mediated between them. The study surveyed 178 people in their 20s to 50s. The result analysis used the IBM SPSS Statistics 21.0 Statistical Package Program. The analysis performed a regression analysis for factor analysis, correlation analysis, and hypothesis verification. Empirical Research Results. First, it was confirmed that start-up education and mentoring affect on the intentions of business start-up. Second, study shows self-efficacy and resilience has an affect on the intentions of business start-up. Third, start-up education and mentoring affect on self-efficacy and resilience. Fourth, self-efficacy and resilience have been proven to be mediated when entrepreneurship education and mentoring affect on the intentions of business start-up. The results of the research proved that start-up education and mentoring provides and acts as a major role in improving the entrepreneurs' willingness when preparing a start-up. Furthermore, the study also shows the importance of start-up education and mentoring as a proactive variable to promote their will to start-up business. In addition, it was confirmed that the self-efficacy investigated in the preceding study translated into the will to start a business. It was particularly meaningful in that it tested the role of resilience, which was mainly studied in new variables, education and psychology.

A Study on the Influence of Human Resource Management Practices of Venture Firms on Performance (벤처기업의 인적자원관리가 기업성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Weon, Jong-Ha
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.61-102
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    • 2007
  • This study empirically analyzed how human resource management(HRM) practices affect the performance of venture firms using The results of the study are as follows: First of all, several HRM practices were found to affect organizational performance significantly. Specifically, ${(1)}$ recruitment and selection practices were negatively related to turnover, which seemed to mean that effective staffing including development of good recruitment pools and rigorous selection process lower turnover, and ${(2)}$ training and development, compensation, and labor-management relations were positively related to subjective performance of the firms, which implied that as the venture firms provide more opportunities of training and development to employees, provide compensation on the basis of performance, and develop cooperative labor-management relations, the subjective performance of the venture firms Increases. Secondly, negative interaction effects were found to exist between competitive strategies and HRM practices on organizational performance. Specifically, ${(1)}$ the interaction between differentiation strategy and compensation were significantly related to turnover, ${(2)}$ HRM planning and training and development interacted with differentiation strategy to significantly affect subjective organizational performance, and ${(3)}$ HRM planning, selection, training and development, compensation and communication practices interacted with technology innovation strategy to affect subjective organizational performance. So far, there have not been many studies which deal with HRM practices of venture firms in Korea. Thus, it is hoped that this study stimulate more research efforts on theory development and empirical studies on HRM practices of venture firms. Also, it is hoped that government conduct more policy studies and provide more resources in HRM area of the venture firms. Specifically, it is suggested that government take proactive steps to improve industrial skilled staff and technical researcher systems in order to alleviate the problems of workforce shortages in venture firms. And it IS also suggested that regional human resource development programs be introduced with the participation of the firms, local governments, and universities.

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