• Title/Summary/Keyword: Informatization Evaluation

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A Study on the Service and Performance factors of Public EA (공공부문 EA 서비스요인과 성과에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Daul;Park, Joo-Seok;Park, JaeHong
    • Journal of Information Technology and Architecture
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.409-426
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    • 2014
  • Korea has won 3 times in a row in the evaluation of e-government services in 2014. And the last year, the government-EA has been awarded the UN Public Service Award. Because of the development and execution of personalized integrated services based on the government-EA, Korea has won the two award from the UN. EA has been selected and proceeded as one of the 31 e-Government projects in early period, in 2005 the law which public sector must adopt the EA for efficient informatization had been enacted. Many public agencies in which actively utilized to derive such as internal and external performance through the EA. On the other hand, in the last 10 years, some public agencies have still been as recognized level of management in the EA. In this study, the main purpose is that to find out what is a major factor for successful use and result of EA, what is the EA success Model and how to examine it. To do that, this study will study the related prior research such as EA services, information systems success factors, performance measures, and develop the success model for EA and then examine the model. This study will contribute great implications in practical and theoretical in EA success model because this is the nation's first research that SERVQUAL model and the IS Success Model(DeLone & McLean 2003) has been combined and examined.

International Comparative Study of the Use of ICT by Middle School Teachers (중학교 과학 교사의 ICT 활용 실태 국제 비교)

  • Lee, Jaebong
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.885-893
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    • 2015
  • In this study, we compared the use of information and communications technology (ICT) by middle school teachers in Korea and other countries utilizing the teacher survey data of the IEA International Computer and Information Literacy Study (ICILS) 2013. The ICILS target population consisted of all students in the eighth grade. We compared Korea with Australia, the Czech Republic, Norway, and Poland, which are nations showing the highest achievements in computer and information literacy. We selected nine questions from the teacher questionnaire and divided them into the categories of computer use, use of ICT for teaching and learning, and the ICT support environment in school. In comparison to their counterparts in other countries, Korean middle school science teachers used computers frequently and also had high ICT self-efficacy. They were confident in their ability to use computers for general tasks, but not in their ability to use computers for teaching and learning. The Korean teachers also had a high percentage of utilization of presentation and graphics software. Also, the proportion of activities concerning the information provided and teacher-led tasks was high, but the proportion of activities for student collaboration or peer interaction was low. In Korea, middle school science teachers had more negative than positive views of using ICT in teaching and learning. The teachers thought that computer-related resource support and digital learning materials were insufficient and that the computer model was outdated in schools. Therefore, we propose to build an ICT infrastructure and to develop and disseminate ICT teaching and learning methods for student activities.

A Study on the Relationship Among Motivation for, Attitude toward, and Performance from the Use of Digital Devices in Middle-Aged and Elderly People: Focusing on Path Analyses (중고령자의 디지털기기 이용동기, 이용태도, 이용성과 간의 관계 연구: 경로분석을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Su-Kyoung;Shin, Hye-Ri;Kim, Young-Sun
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.39-55
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    • 2020
  • This study was designed to analyze the relationship among the motivations for the use of digital devices, attitudes toward the use of digital devices and performance resulting from the use of digital devices in middle-aged and elderly groups by using a path analysis. For an empirical analysis, the 2018 Survey on the Digital Divide by the National Information Society Agency was referenced, analyzing the data of 1,664 people, selected through listwise deletion from total 2,303 people aged 55 or over. A close examination of how measuring variables reflect potential variables (motivations for, attitudes toward and performance resulting from the use of digital devices) showed a significance of 0.001, which suggests that each individual measuring variable does reflect the potential variables. Evaluation of the pathway factors of the structural model from the motivations for the use of digital devices to the attitudes toward the use of digital devices (β=0.847) and from the attitudes toward the use of digital devices to the performance resulting from the use of digital devices (β= 0.745) revealed significant statistical effects. The results of this study suggest that the motivations for the use of digital devices does not directly enhance the digital device use performance, but that it can improve the attitudes toward the use of digital devices, which can in turn increase the performance resulting from the use of digital devices. The analysis holds significance that it has presented practical and policy implications.

Defining, Measuring, and Forecasting Telecommuting (원격근무의 정의, 현황, 그리고 전망)

  • Kim, Seungnam;Ju, Jongwng
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.89-110
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    • 2014
  • As a travel demand management and environmental policy, the government actively promotes alternative work arrangements such as telecommuting. Against this backdrop, several empirical studies, which aim to verify the benefits of telecommuting, have been recently conducted. Little consensus, however, exists with respect to the defining, measuring, and forecasting telecommuting, although these are fundamental basis of policy evaluation and academic research. As a fundamental research for analyzing telecommuting impacts, this paper reviews various definitions regarding telecommuting, examines telecommuting penetration and level of telecommuting through review of available survey data in Korea, and forecasts future penetration. The result suggests that current home-based telecommuting penetration and level of telecommuting is approximately 0.5 to 1.1% and 0.2 to 0.5%, respectively, and is approximately 0.2% and 0.1%, respectively, for the center-based telecommuting. In addition, shift-share analysis shows that home-based telecommuting penetration in the Seoul Metropolitan Area in 2020 will be 1.3%, not much different with the current value. Consequently, current telecommuting penetration is much lower than the value that is fed to us by the media (10~20%), and the future prospect is also much lower than the goal of government (30~45%); thus, we can conclude that government's goal of telecommuting promotion is difficult to meet if active encouragement policy will not be introduced.

Effect of Expectancy-Value and Self-Efficacy on the Satisfaction with Metaverse Learning (메타버스를 활용한 교육에 대한 학습자의 기대 - 가치와 자기효능감이 교육 만족도에 미치는 영향)

  • Shin, Ji-Hee;Chung, Dong-Hun
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.26-42
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    • 2022
  • In order to evaluate the usefulness of metaverse learning from the learner's point of view, this study 1) evaluated whether the expectancy-value of the class was satisfied before and after the learner used the metaverse learning platform and 2) verified factors affecting metaverse learning satisfaction with regard to the self-efficacy and expectancy-value of learners. Expectancy-value was evaluated by the learning effect, communication, class involvement, and learning attitude, whereas self-efficacy was evaluated by preference for task difficulty, self-regulation efficacy, and self-confidence. As a result of a study targeting 70 college students who applied for a few courses using the metaverse platform at a university in the northeastern part of Seoul, learners were found to have high expectations and values for learning before using the metaverse platform, but both were not statistically satisfied after use. In addition, the higher the self-efficacy of the learner, the higher the satisfaction with the metaverse learning, and statistically significant results were found in the task-difficulty preference and self-regulatory efficacy among the sub-factors of self-efficacy. There is a negative causal relationship between expectancy-value factors and satisfaction with metaverse learning. This study implies that it is a learner-centered evaluation of metaverse learning, revealing the expectancy-value effect and factors influencing the satisfaction with metaverse learning.

Demonstration of Disaster Information and Evacuation Support Model for the Safety Vulnerable Groups (안전취약계층을 위한 재난정보 및 대피지원 모델 실증)

  • Son, Min Ho;Kweon, Il Ryong;Jung, Tae Ho;Lee, Han Jun
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.465-486
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: Since most disaster information systems are centered on non-disabled people, the reality is that there is a lack of disaster information delivery systems for the vulnerable, such as the disabled, the elderly, and children, who are relatively vulnerable to disasters. The purpose of the service is to improve the safety of the disabled and the elderly by eliminating blind spots of informatization and establishing customized disaster information services to respond to disasters through IoT-based integrated control technology. Method: The model at the core of this study is the disaster alert propagation model and evacuation support model, and it shall be developed by reflecting the behavioral characteristics of the disabled and the elderly in the event of a disaster. The disaster alert propagation model spreads disaster situations collected using IoT technology, and the evacuation support model uses geomagnetic field-based measuring technology to identify the user's indoor location and help the disabled and the elderly evacuate safely. Results: Demonstration model demonstration resulted in an efficient qualitative evaluation of indoor location accuracy, such as the suitability of evacuation route guidance and satisfaction of services from the user's perspective. Conclusion: Disaster information and evacuation support services were established for the safety vulnerable groups of mobile app for model verification. The disaster situation was demonstrated through experts in the related fields and the disabled by limiting it to the fire situation. It was evaluated as "satisfaction" in the adequacy of disaster information delivery and evacuation support, and its functional satisfaction and user UI were evaluated as "normal" due to the nature of the pilot model. Through this, the disaster information and evacuation support services presented in this study were evaluated to support the safety vulnerable groups to a faster disaster evacuation without missing the golden time of disaster evacuation.

A Contemplation on Measures to Advance Logistics Centers (물류센터 선진화를 위한 발전 방안에 대한 소고)

  • Sun, Il-Suck;Lee, Won-Dong
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.17-27
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    • 2011
  • As the world becomes more globalized, business competition becomes fiercer, while consumers' needs for less expensive quality products are on the increase. Business operations make an effort to secure a competitive edge in costs and services, and the logistics industry, that is, the industry operating the storing and transporting of goods, once thought to be an expense, begins to be considered as the third cash cow, a source of new income. Logistics centers are central to storage, loading and unloading of deliveries, packaging operations, and dispensing goods' information. As hubs for various deliveries, they also serve as a core infrastructure to smoothly coordinate manufacturing and selling, using varied information and operation systems. Logistics centers are increasingly on the rise as centers of business supply activities, growing beyond their previous role of primarily storing goods. They are no longer just facilities; they have become logistics strongholds that encompass various features from demand forecast to the regulation of supply, manufacturing, and sales by realizing SCM, taking into account marketability and the operation of service and products. However, despite these changes in logistics operations, some centers have been unable to shed their past roles as warehouses. For the continuous development of logistics centers, various measures would be needed, including a revision of current supporting policies, formulating effective management plans, and establishing systematic standards for founding, managing, and controlling logistics centers. To this end, the research explored previous studies on the use and effectiveness of logistics centers. From a theoretical perspective, an evaluation of the overall introduction, purposes, and transitions in the use of logistics centers found issues to ponder and suggested measures to promote and further advance logistics centers. First, a fact-finding survey to establish demand forecast and standardization is needed. As logistics newspapers predicted that after 2012 supply would exceed demand, causing rents to fall, the business environment for logistics centers has faltered. However, since there is a shortage of fact-finding surveys regarding actual demand for domestic logistic centers, it is hard to predict what the future holds for this industry. Accordingly, the first priority should be to get to the essence of the current market situation by conducting accurate domestic and international fact-finding surveys. Based on those, management and evaluation indicators should be developed to build the foundation for the consistent advancement of logistics centers. Second, many policies for logistics centers should be revised or developed. Above all, a guideline for fair trade between a shipper and a commercial logistics center should be enacted. Since there are no standards for fair trade between them, rampant unfair trades according to market practices have brought chaos to market orders, and now the logistics industry is confronting its own difficulties. Therefore, unfair trade cases that currently plague logistics centers should be gathered by the industry and fair trade guidelines should be established and implemented. In addition, restrictive employment regulations for foreign workers should be eased, and logistics centers should be charged industry rates for the use of electricity. Third, various measures should be taken to improve the management environment. First, we need to find out how to activate value-added logistics. Because the traditional purpose of logistics centers was storage and loading/unloading of goods, their profitability had a limit, and the need arose to find a new angle to create a value added service. Logistic centers have been perceived as support for a company's storage, manufacturing, and sales needs, not as creators of profits. The center's role in the company's economics has been lowering costs. However, as the logistics' management environment spiraled, along with its storage purpose, developing a new feature of profit creation should be a desirable goal, and to achieve that, value added logistics should be promoted. Logistics centers can also be improved through cost estimation. In the meantime, they have achieved some strides in facility development but have still fallen behind in others, particularly in management functioning. Lax management has been rampant because the industry has not developed a concept of cost estimation. The centers have since made an effort toward unification, standardization, and informatization while realizing cost reductions by establishing systems for effective management, but it has been hard to produce profits. Thus, there is an urgent need to estimate costs by determining a basic cost range for each division of work at logistics centers. This undertaking can be the first step to improving the ineffective aspects of how they operate. Ongoing research and constant efforts have been made to improve the level of effectiveness in the manufacturing industry, but studies on resource management in logistics centers are hardly enough. Thus, a plan to calculate the optimal level of resources necessary to operate a logistics center should be developed and implemented in management behavior, for example, by standardizing the hours of operation. If logistics centers, shippers, related trade groups, academic figures, and other experts could launch a committee to work with the government and maintain an ongoing relationship, the constraint and cooperation among members would help lead to coherent development plans for logistics centers. If the government continues its efforts to provide financial support, nurture professional workers, and maintain safety management, we can anticipate the continuous advancement of logistics centers.

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