• 제목/요약/키워드: Information message

검색결과 3,325건 처리시간 0.028초

Design Considerations for KPS Navigation Message

  • Noh, Jae Hee;Lim, Deok Won;Heo, Moon Beom;Jo, Gwang Hee;Lee, Sang Jeong
    • Journal of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing
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    • 제9권4호
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    • pp.305-317
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    • 2020
  • The navigation message is composed of the information contained in the message and the structure for transmitting this information. In order to design a navigation message, considerations in terms of message content and message structure must be elicited. For designing a Korea Positioning System (KPS) navigation message, this paper explains performance indicators in terms of message structure and message content. Most of the performance analysis of GNSS navigation messages already in operation was performed only for Time-to-first-fix-Data (TTFFD). However, in the navigation message, the message content is composed of Clock-Ephemeris Data (CED) and additional information. So, this paper proposes a new performance indicator R_(Non-CED) that can be analyzed from the viewpoint of receiving additional information along with an explanation of TTFFD focusing on the CED reception time. This paper analyze the performance in terms of message structure using these two performance indicators. The message structures used for analysis are the packetized message protocol like GPS CNAV and the packetized and fixed pattern message protocol like GPS CNAV-2. From the results, it is possible to proffer how KPS navigation messages can have better performance than GPS navigation messages. And, these two performance indicators, TTFFD and RNon-CED, can help to design the minimum TTFF required performance of KPS navigation messages.

심리적 소유감에 따른 메시지 프레이밍 효과: 온라인 서비스에서의 사용자 정보보안 행동을 중심으로 (The Effect of Message Framing Depending on Psychological Ownership: Focusing on Information Security Behavior in Online Service)

  • 서봉군;박도형
    • 지식경영연구
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    • 제19권1호
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2018
  • As the online space becomes more active, interest in protecting personal information is increasing. From this point of view, it is important to prevent personal information from being leaked in advance. As a precaution, it is suggested that users change their password periodically to protect their personal information effectively. Currently, various online services provide a request message that prompts users to periodically change their password. These messages are expressed as positive-centric or negative-centric. This message can be seen as a powerful way to trigger users' behavior. In this context, this study suggests that message framing type can be applied to the password change request message, and to investigate the difference between the positive-centric message and the negative-centric message. In addition, this study concluded that the effect of message type may be different depending on the degree of psychological ownership of the individual on the online service. As a result, users with high psychological ownership in online service were more effective when positive-centric message was presented than negative-centric message. On the other hand, users with low psychological ownership in online service were more effective when negative-centric message was presented than positive-centric message.

메시지 유형의 브랜드태도효과에서 자긍심을 느낀 소비자의 객체관련성의 역할 (Effects of Pride, Object Relevance and Message Type on Brand Attitude)

  • 최낙환
    • 유통과학연구
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    • 제15권6호
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    • pp.57-64
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    • 2017
  • Purpose - The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of brand message type on the object relevance between consumers and brands and to identify the mediation role of the object relevance in the effect of the message type on brand attitude. Research design, data, and methodology - Types of pride are classified into hubristic pride and authentic pride, and brand message types are divided into ability message and warmth message. Restaurant brand was selected by empirical study, and the experiment was performed with 2 (pride type: hubristic versus authentic) × 2 (message type: ability message versus warmth message) between-subjects design. The subjects of the experiment consisted of the undergraduates taking courses related to marketing. A preliminary step was taken to explore the difference in the perceived level of object relevance induced from each type of message between the consumer group that felt hubristic pride and the other group that felt authentic pride. This study analyzed the mediating role of the object relevance in the effects of the message type on brand attitude by means of Bootstrap method for each of the pride groups. Results - The results from the empirical analysis are summed up as follows. Regardless of pride types they felt in advance, consumers perceived their object relevance to be higher in the warmth information message than in the ability information message, and object relevance was analyzed to have a positive effect on brand attitude. It was analyzed that, regardless of pride types, object relevance played full mediation roles in the effect of warmth information versus ability information message on brand attitude. Conclusions - Based on the results, it may be suggested that marketers of a brand should endeavor to develop a warmth information message rather than a ability information message to prompt consumers to perceive the object relevance between their own brands and consumers, regardless of pride types, as long as a consumer feels pride in advance. In order to increase the consumers' attitude toward their brand, the brand marketers are solicited to check the object relevance between their brand and consumers, then, seek for the managerial ways to promote such object relevance.

온라인 주식게시판 정보와 주식시장 활동에 관한 상관관계 연구 (A Study about the Correlation between Information on Stock Message Boards and Stock Market Activity)

  • 김현모;윤호영;소리;박재홍
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • 제24권4호
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    • pp.559-575
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    • 2014
  • Individual investors are increasingly flocking to message boards to seek, clarify, and exchange information. Businesses like Seekingalpha.com and business magazines like Fortune are evaluating, synthesizing, and reporting the comments made on message boards or blogs. In March of 2012, Yahoo! Finance Message Boards recorded 45 million unique visitors per month followed by AOL Money and Finance (19.8 million), and Google Finance (1.6 million) [McIntyre, 2012]. Previous studies in the finance literature suggest that online communities often provide more accurate information than analyst forecasts [Bagnoli et al., 1999; Clarkson et al., 2006]. Some studies empirically show that the volume of posts in online communities have a positive relationship with market activities (e.g., trading volumes) [Antweiler and Frank, 2004; Bagnoli et al., 1999; Das and Chen, 2007; Tumarkin and Whitelaw, 2001]. The findings indicate that information in online communities does impact investors' investment decisions and trading behaviors. However, research explicating the correlation between information on online communities and stock market activities (e.g., trading volume) is still evolving. Thus, it is important to ask whether a volume of posts on online communities influences trading volumes and whether trading volumes also influence these communities. Online stock message boards offer two different types of information, which can be explained using an economic and a psychological perspective. From a purely economic perspective, one would expect that stock message boards would have a beneficial effect, since they provide timely information at a much lower cost [Bagnoli et al., 1999; Clarkson et al., 2006; Birchler and Butler, 2007]. This indicates that information in stock message boards may provide valuable information investors can use to predict stock market activities and thus may use to make better investment decisions. On the other hand, psychological studies have shown that stock message boards may not necessarily make investors more informed. The related literature argues that confirmation bias causes investors to seek other investors with the same opinions on these stock message boards [Chen and Gu, 2009; Park et al., 2013]. For example, investors may want to share their painful investment experiences with others on stock message boards and are relieved to find they are not alone. In this case, the information on these stock message boards mainly reflects past experience or past information and not valuable and predictable information for market activities. This study thus investigates the two roles of stock message boards-providing valuable information to make future investment decisions or sharing past experiences that reflect mainly investors' painful or boastful stories. If stock message boards do provide valuable information for stock investment decisions, then investors will use this information and thereby influence stock market activities (e.g., trading volume). On the contrary, if investors made investment decisions and visit stock message boards later, they will mainly share their past experiences with others. In this case, past activities in the stock market will influence the stock message boards. These arguments indicate that there is a correlation between information posted on stock message boards and stock market activities. The previous literature has examined the impact of stock sentiments or the number of posts on stock market activities (e.g., trading volume, volatility, stock prices). However, the studies related to stock sentiments found it difficult to obtain significant results. It is not easy to identify useful information among the millions of posts, many of which can be just noise. As a result, the overall sentiments of stock message boards often carry little information for future stock movements [Das and Chen, 2001; Antweiler and Frank, 2004]. This study notes that as a dependent variable, trading volume is more reliable for capturing the effect of stock message board activities. The finance literature argues that trading volume is an indicator of stock price movements [Das et al., 2005; Das and Chen, 2007]. In this regard, this study investigates the correlation between a number of posts (information on stock message boards) and trading volume (stock market activity). We collected about 100,000 messages of 40 companies at KOSPI (Korea Composite Stock Price Index) from Paxnet, the most popular Korean online stock message board. The messages we collected were divided into in-trading and after-trading hours to examine the correlation between the numbers of posts and trading volumes in detail. Also we collected the volume of the stock of the 40 companies. The vector regression analysis and the granger causality test, 3SLS analysis were performed on our panel data sets. We found that the number of posts on online stock message boards is positively related to prior stock trade volume. Also, we found that the impact of the number of posts on stock trading volumes is not statistically significant. Also, we empirically showed the correlation between stock trading volumes and the number of posts on stock message boards. The results of this study contribute to the IS and finance literature in that we identified online stock message board's two roles. Also, this study suggests that stock trading managers should carefully monitor information on stock message boards to understand stock market activities in advance.

온라인 구전의 긍정 또는 부정 제시 순서에 따른 커뮤니케이션 효과 (Research on the difference of verbal effect on sequences of positive indication and negative indication of verbal message : Based on replies on shopping mall)

  • 류춘열;진홍근;한광석
    • 경영과정보연구
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    • 제25권
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    • pp.171-201
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    • 2008
  • Previous research on negative contents of verbal message being more influential has a two broad streams as impression formation theory and negative information having an more diagnostic informational value. Therefore, this research was intended to obtain consistent results from researches by message frame segmentation of verbal message and to determine the medium of verbal message. It was proven from the research that objects influencing verbal message are being effected by the participation ratio of products and the positive indication is having more meaningful difference than the negative indication statistically unlike to the results of previous researches. Unlike just a biased positive message or negative message as the result of previous research, it was proven that the positive indication is influential regardless of sequences according to participation ratio and site participation in case of positive and negative being existing together.

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가변 길이 정보 메시지 최적화 방법 (An optimization method for variable length information messages)

  • 김진규;강성원;정필수;김정민;백하은;권구형;김상수
    • 소프트웨어공학소사이어티 논문지
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    • 제26권1호
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2013
  • 가변 길이 정보 메시지는 컴퓨터 네트워크 시스템을 통하여 효율적인 정보 제공을 하기 위하여 개발된 통신 프로토콜 표준이다. 이러한 가변 길이 정보 메시지는 정보 수신자의 정보 요구 수준 및 정보 수신자의 정보 접근 수준에 따라 정보의 상세함을 가변적으로 조절 할 수 있도록 설계된 메시지이다. 정보 메시지 최적화 기술은 정보 메시지를 다양한 데이터 압축 기술을 사용하여, 메시지 전체의 물리적인 사이즈를 줄이려고 노력하였다. 정보 메시지 최적화에서는 정보의 정확성을 최우선으로 고려하고 있어, 최적화 전/후가 동일한 비손실 압축 기법을 응용하여 사용하고 있다. 하지만, 이러한 비손실 압축 기법만을 사용하면, 압축효율성이 현저하게 떨어져, 제한된 대역폭을 갖는 무선 네트워크 환경에서의 효율적인 전송이 이루어지지 않는다. 본 논문에서는 가변 길이 정보 메시지를 대상으로, 메시지 필드 단위로 정보의 최적화를 수행하여 메시지의 길이를 물리적으로 좀 더 효과적으로 최적화하도록 시도하였다. 또한, 본 논문에서 제시한 최적화 방법의 효율성을 보이기 위하여, 가변 길이 정보 메시지에 대한 최적화 실험을 수행하였다.

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고정 메시지 형식에서 가변 메시지 형식으로 메시지 변환에 관한 사례 연구 (A Case Study on Message Conversion from Fixed Message Format to Variable Message Format)

  • 황용일;김영길
    • 한국정보통신학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국정보통신학회 2013년도 춘계학술대회
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    • pp.155-158
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    • 2013
  • 본 논문에서는 다수의 표적정보를 전송할 때 메시지 전송 효율을 최대화하기 위하여 고정 메시지 형식의 메시지 송수신 규약인 Link-16 표준에서 항적 (Air Track) 메시지를 가변 메시지 형식인 VMF (Variable Message Format)으로 변환하고 이에 대한 신뢰도를 평가하여 보완함으로써 가변 메시지 형식의 장점인 메시지 크기를 최소화하는 메시지를 설계할 수 있는 방법에 대해 연구하였다.

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전자상거래(電子商去來)의 계약성립(契約成立)에 관한 고찰(考察) (A Study on the Contract Formation in the Electronic Commerce)

  • 정쾌영
    • 경영과정보연구
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    • 제6권
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    • pp.21-43
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    • 2001
  • Contract requires, on principle, a meeting of minds. The basic elements of that contact are an offer by one party and an acceptance of the terms of the offer by the other party. In the electronic commerce an offer and the acceptance of an offer may be expressed by dispach or receipt of data messages. The contract which a data messages is used in the formation may be called electronic contract. The formation of the electronic contract is regulated by the Civil Code or the Commerce Code. The time of the contract formation is regulated by the Civil Code and the Commerce Code. But the time of dispach and receipt of the data message is stated in Article 9 of the Fundamental Law on Electronic Commerce. In this article the dispatch of a data message occurs when it enters an information system outside the control of the originator or of the person who sent the date message on behalf of the originator. The time of receipt of a data message, if the adressee has designated an information system for the purpose of receiving data message, is at the time when the data message enters the designated information system; or if the data message is sent to an information system of the adressee that is not the designated information system, at the time when the data message is retrieved by the addressee; if the addressee has not designated an information system, receipt occurs when the data message enters an information system of the addressee. The time of the electronic contract formation depends on the Civil Code or the Commerce Code and this Article 9 of the Fundamental Law on Electronic Commerce. An electronic contract may be formed by an offer and the acceptance of an offer by dispach or receipt of data message. An offer can not be withdrawn after it is accepted. But in mail-order sales and installment dealing an offer can be revoked after the goods were delivered. In this case the contract is lapsed.

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The Impact of Senders' Identity to the Acceptance of Electronic Word-of-Mouth of Consumers in Vietnam

  • DINH, Hung;DOAN, Thanh Ha
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • 제7권2호
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    • pp.213-219
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    • 2020
  • Studies related to Electronic Word-of-Mouth (eWOM) show that the acceptance of eWOM information is an important factor in customer purchase decisions. When consumers accept eWOM information, they tend to use that information in considering before making purchase decisions. In Viet Nam, there are few studies about eWOM information, especially on the acceptance of eWOM information. Research is conducted to test the influence of consumers on the perception of the senders' identity to the acceptance of online reviews (a kind of eWOM) in Viet Nam - a case study in Ho Chi Minh City. Using adjustment techniques, inspecting the scales and a theoretical model represent the relationship among the influential factors. The research is based on a sample of 522 consumers who use the Internet to search for product reviews before buying and used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to test the relationships among the variables. The research results show that the scales of the variables: Message Quality, Source Credibility, Perceived Message Usefulness, Perceived Senders' Identity, Perceived Message Credibility, Message Acceptance attain the validity and reliability in the research. The research contributes to the understanding of the determinants that influence the acceptance of eWOM information, which are informational factors, and factors related to consumer skepticism.

IP Design of Corrected Block TEA Cipher with Variable-Length Message for Smart IoT

  • Yeo, Hyeopgoo;Sonh, Seungil;Kang, Mingoo
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • 제14권2호
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    • pp.724-737
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    • 2020
  • Corrected Block TEA(or XXTEA) is a block cipher designed to correct security weakness in the original block TEA in 1998. In this paper, XXTEA cipher hardware which can encrypt or decrypt between 64-bit and 256-bit messages using 128-bit master key is implemented. Minimum message block size is 64-bit wide and maximal message block size is 256-bit wide. The designed XXTEA can encrypt and decrypt variable-length message blocks which are some arbitrary multiple of 32 bits in message block sizes. XXTEA core of this paper is described using Verilog-HDL and downloaded on Vertex4. The operation frequency is 177MHz. The maximum throughput for 64-bit message blocks is 174Mbps and that of 256-bit message blocks is 467Mbps. The cryptographic IP of this paper is applicable as security module of the mobile areas such as smart card, internet banking, e-commerce and IoT.