• Title/Summary/Keyword: Information matrix

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An Analysis of Privacy and Accuracy for Privacy-Preserving Techniques by Matrix-based Randomization (행렬 기반 랜덤화를 적용한 프라이버시 보호 기술의 안전성 및 정확성 분석)

  • Kang, Ju-Sung;An, A-Ron;Hong, Do-Won
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.53-68
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    • 2008
  • We study on the practical privacy-preserving techniques by matrix-based randomization approach. We clearly examine the relationship between the two parameters associated with the measure of privacy breach and the condition number of matrix in order to achieve the optimal transition matrix. We propose a simple formula for efficiently calculating the inverse of transition matrix which are needed in the re-construction process of random substitution algorithm, and deduce some useful connections among standard error and another parameters by obtaining condition numbers according to norms of matrix and the expectation and variance of the transformed data. Moreover we give some experimental results about our theoretical expressions by implementing random substitution algorithm.

Construction of an Exposure Matrix Using a Risk Assessment of Industries and Processes Involving Dichloromethane (작업환경측정 자료를 활용한 Dichloromethane 노출 매트릭스 구축에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Jae-Hwan;Park, Dong-Uk;Hong, Sung-Chul;Ha, Kwon-Chul
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.391-401
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    • 2010
  • A reduction in risk of occupational exposure to chemical hazards within the workplace has been the focus of attention both through industry initiatives and legislation. The aims of this study were to develop an exposure matrix by industry and process, and to apply this matrix to control the risk of occupational exposure to Dichloromethane (DCM). The exposure matrix is a tool to convert information on industry and process into information on occupational risk. The exposure matrix comprised industries and processes involving DCM, based on an exposure database provided by KOSHA (the Korean Occupational Safety and Health Agency), which was gathered from a workplace hazards evaluation program in Korea. The risk assessment of the exposure matrix was performed using Hallmark risk assessment tool. The results of the risk assessment were indicated by a Danger Value (DV) calculated from the combination of hazard rating (HR), duration of use rating (DUR), and risk probability rating (RPR) of exposure to the chemical, and were divided into four control bands which were related to control measures. The applicability of the risk assessment of the exposure matrix was evaluated by a field study, and survey of the employees of the exposure matrix groups. Among 45 industries examined, this study found that greater attention should be paid to two industries: the manufacture of other optical instruments and photographic equipment, and the manufacture of printing ink, and to one process among 47 examined, the packing process in the manufacture of printing ink, because these were regarded as carrying the highest risk. This tool of a risk assessment for the exposure matrix can be applied as a general exposure information system for hazard control, risk quantification, setting the occupational exposure limit, and hazard surveillance. The exposure matrix includes workforce data, and it provides information on the numbers of exposed workers in Korea by agent, occupation, and level of exposure and risk.

A comparative study of low-complexity MMSE signal detection for massive MIMO systems

  • Zhao, Shufeng;Shen, Bin;Hua, Quan
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.1504-1526
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    • 2018
  • For uplink multi-user massive MIMO systems, conventional minimum mean square error (MMSE) linear detection method achieves near-optimal performance when the number of antennas at base station is much larger than that of the single-antenna users. However, MMSE detection involves complicated matrix inversion, thus making it cumbersome to be implemented cost-effectively and rapidly. In this paper, we first summarize in detail the state-of-the-art simplified MMSE detection algorithms that circumvent the complicated matrix inversion and hence reduce the computation complexity from ${\mathcal{O}}(K^3)$ to ${\mathcal{O}}(K^2)$ or ${\mathcal{O}}(NK)$ with some certain performance sacrifice. Meanwhile, we divide the simplified algorithms into two categories, namely the matrix inversion approximation and the classical iterative linear equation solving methods, and make comparisons between them in terms of detection performance and computation complexity. In order to further optimize the detection performance of the existing detection algorithms, we propose more proper solutions to set the initial values and relaxation parameters, and present a new way of reconstructing the exact effective noise variance to accelerate the convergence speed. Analysis and simulation results verify that with the help of proper initial values and parameters, the simplified matrix inversion based detection algorithms can achieve detection performance quite close to that of the ideal matrix inversion based MMSE algorithm with only a small number of series expansions or iterations.

A Novel Redundant Data Storage Algorithm Based on Minimum Spanning Tree and Quasi-randomized Matrix

  • Wang, Jun;Yi, Qiong;Chen, Yunfei;Wang, Yue
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.227-247
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    • 2018
  • For intermittently connected wireless sensor networks deployed in hash environments, sensor nodes may fail due to internal or external reasons at any time. In the process of data collection and recovery, we need to speed up as much as possible so that all the sensory data can be restored by accessing as few survivors as possible. In this paper a novel redundant data storage algorithm based on minimum spanning tree and quasi-randomized matrix-QRNCDS is proposed. QRNCDS disseminates k source data packets to n sensor nodes in the network (n>k) according to the minimum spanning tree traversal mechanism. Every node stores only one encoded data packet in its storage which is the XOR result of the received source data packets in accordance with the quasi-randomized matrix theory. The algorithm adopts the minimum spanning tree traversal rule to reduce the complexity of the traversal message of the source packets. In order to solve the problem that some source packets cannot be restored if the random matrix is not full column rank, the semi-randomized network coding method is used in QRNCDS. Each source node only needs to store its own source data packet, and the storage nodes choose to receive or not. In the decoding phase, Gaussian Elimination and Belief Propagation are combined to improve the probability and efficiency of data decoding. As a result, part of the source data can be recovered in the case of semi-random matrix without full column rank. The simulation results show that QRNCDS has lower energy consumption, higher data collection efficiency, higher decoding efficiency, smaller data storage redundancy and larger network fault tolerance.

Automatic Generic Summarization Based on Non-negative Semantic Variable Matrix (비음수 의미 가변 행렬을 기반으로 한 자동 포괄적 문서 요약)

  • Park Sun;Lee Ju-Hong;Ahn Chan-Min;Park Tae-Su;Kim Deok-Hwan
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2006.06a
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    • pp.391-393
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    • 2006
  • 인터넷의 급속한 확산과 대량 정보의 이동은 문서의 요약을 더욱 필요로 하고 있다. 본 논문은 비음수 행렬 인수분해로(NMF, non-negative matrix factorization) 얻어진 비음수 의미 가변 행렬(NSVM, non-negative semantic variable matrix)을 이용하여 자동으로 포괄적 문서요약 하는 새로운 방범을 제안하였다. 제안된 방법은 인간의 인식 과정과 유사한 비음수 제약을 사용한다. 이 결과 잠재의미색인에 비해 더욱 의미 있는 문장을 선택하여 문서를 요약할 수 있다. 또한, 비지도 학습에 의한 문서요약으로 사전 전문가에 의한 학습문장이 필요 없으며, 적은 계산비용을 통하여 쉽게 문장을 추출할 수 있는 장점을 갖는다.

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Multivariate EWMA Control Charts for the Variance-Covariance Matrix with Variable Sampling Intervals (가변추출간격상(假變抽出間格上)에서 분산(分散)-공분산(共分散) 행례(行例)에 대한 다변량(多變量) 기하이동평균(幾何移動平均) 처리원(處理圓))

  • Cho, Gyo-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.4
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    • pp.31-44
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    • 1993
  • Multivariate exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) control charts for monitoring the variance-covariance matrix are investigated. A variable sampling interval (VSI) feature is considered in these charts. Multivariate EWMA control charts for monitoring the variance-covariance matrix are compared on the basis of their average time to signal (ATS) performances. The numerical results show that multivariate VSI EWMA control charts are more efficient than corrsponding multivariate fixed sampling interval (FSI) EWMA control charts.

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A Study on Intelligent Decentralized Active Suspension Control System with Descriptor LMI Design Method

  • Park, Jung-Hyen
    • Journal of information and communication convergence engineering
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.198-203
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    • 2008
  • An Intelligent optimal control system design algorithm in active suspension equipment adopting linear matrix inequalities control system design theory with representing by descriptor system form is presented. The validity of the linear matrix inequalities intelligent decentralized control system design with representing by descriptor system form in active suspension system through the numerical examples is also investigated.

Vertical class fragmentation in distributed object-oriented databases (분산 객체 지향 데이타베이스에서 클래스의 기법)

  • 이순미;임해철
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.215-224
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    • 1997
  • This paper addresses the vertical class fragmentation in distributed object-oriented databases. In the proposed vertical fragmentation, after producing the attribute fragment by partitioning attributes, then the method fragment is produced by gathering methods referring the attribute in each fragment. For partitioning attributes, we define query access matrix(QAM) and method access matrix(MAM) to express attributes that method refers, and extend QAM, MAM and attribute usage matrix(AUM) to universal class environment for representing relationship among other classes through class hierarchy and class composite hierarchy.

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On the Multivariate Poisson Distribution with Specific Covariance Matrix

  • Kim, Dae-Hak;Jeong, Heong-Chul;Jung, Byoung-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.161-171
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, we consider the random number generation method for multivariate Poisson distribution with specific covariance matrix. Random number generating method for the multivariate Poisson distribution is considered into two part, by first solving the linear equation to determine the univariate Poisson parameter, then convoluting independent univariate Poisson variates with appropriate expectations. We propose a numerical algorithm to solve the linear equation given the specific covariance matrix.

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Recent developments of constructing adjacency matrix in network analysis

  • Hong, Younghee;Kim, Choongrak
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.1107-1116
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, we review recent developments in network analysis using the graph theory, and introduce ongoing research area with relevant theoretical results. In specific, we introduce basic notations in graph, and conditional and marginal approach in constructing the adjacency matrix. Also, we introduce the Marcenko-Pastur law, the Tracy-Widom law, the white Wishart distribution, and the spiked distribution. Finally, we mention the relationship between degrees and eigenvalues for the detection of hubs in a network.