• Title/Summary/Keyword: Information Management Structure

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A Machine-Learning Based Approach for Extracting Logical Structure of a Styled Document

  • Kim, Tae-young;Kim, Suntae;Choi, Sangchul;Kim, Jeong-Ah;Choi, Jae-Young;Ko, Jong-Won;Lee, Jee-Huong;Cho, Youngwha
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.1043-1056
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    • 2017
  • A styled document is a document that contains diverse decorating functions such as different font, colors, tables and images generally authored in a word processor (e.g., MS-WORD, Open Office). Compared to a plain-text document, a styled document enables a human to easily recognize a logical structure such as section, subsection and contents of a document. However, it is difficult for a computer to recognize the structure if a writer does not explicitly specify a type of an element by using the styling functions of a word processor. It is one of the obstacles to enhance document version management systems because they currently manage the document with a file as a unit, not the document elements as a management unit. This paper proposes a machine learning based approach to analyzing the logical structure of a styled document composing of sections, subsections and contents. We first suggest a feature vector for characterizing document elements from a styled document, composing of eight features such as font size, indentation and period, each of which is a frequently discovered item in a styled document. Then, we trained machine learning classifiers such as Random Forest and Support Vector Machine using the suggested feature vector. The trained classifiers are used to automatically identify logical structure of a styled document. Our experiment obtained 92.78% of precision and 94.02% of recall for analyzing the logical structure of 50 styled documents.

Expertise Service Model Aiding Local Information Writing on the Web (PC통신과 웹에서 지역알림정보의 작성을 돕는 전문가적인 서비스 모형에 관한 연구: 지역주민의 견문을 중심으로)

  • 이태영
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.89-117
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    • 1999
  • (1) structure of writings, (2) construction of paragraphs. (3) structure of sentences, (4) use of words were most important things on local information composition. To be expertise system, the Knowledge-base had the writing frames for essay structure and paragraph frames for construction of paragraph. To refer to the clause and sentence structure and to the use of words, Example dictionaries were offered. It is necessary to make nore precise rule for (1) extracting subject name of the frames and (2) making representative word of sentences for advanced system in the future.

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  • 유사라
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.37-56
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    • 1989
  • This study is a structural analysis of a multi-type and multi-level library network within the framework of a regional interlibrary loan (ILL) system. The study monitored to information network structure for resource sharing of academic and research library materials transmitted through the ILL. The local flow of academic and research information was measured by a survey of the filled ILL transactions by individual libraries in the Western 3Rs region. The major findings were as follows: 1) the regional ILL network showed less than half of participation of the total subject libraries, 2) existing structure surveyed was identified as a composite centralized network with three communication groups, 3) depending on the types of materials transacted, the structure were changed, 4) statewide and multi-state library cooperatives had direct interactions with some of the local libraries, 5) individual libraries participated in the ILL network more for periodicals than book materials, 6) academic libraries throughout the total six structure analyzed showed the highest percentage of participation.

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A Study on Location-based Routing Technique for Improving the Performance of P2P in MANET (MANET에서 P2P 성능 향상을 위한 위치기반 라우팅 기법에 관한 연구)

  • Yang, Hwanseok
    • Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.37-45
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    • 2015
  • The technology development of MANET and dissemination of P2P services has been made very widely. In particular, the development of many application services for the integration of P2P services in MANET has been made actively. P2P networks are commonly used because of the advantages of efficient use of network bandwidth and rapid information exchange. In P2P network, the infrastructure managing each node in the middle does not exist and each node is a structure playing a role as the sender and receiver. Such a structure is very similar to the structure of the MANET. However, it is difficult to provide reliable P2P service due to the high mobility of mobile nodes. In this paper, we propose location-based routing technique in order to provide efficient file sharing and management between nodes. GMN managing the group is elected after network is configured to the area of a certain size. Each node is assigned an identifier of 12 bit dynamically to provide routing which uses location information to the identifier. ZGT is managed in the GMN in order to provide management of group nodes and distributed cache information. The distributed cache technique is applied to provide a rapid retrieval of the sharing files in the each node. The excellent performance of the proposed technique was confirmed through experiments.

Decision Making Framework for Achieving Successful Knowledge Management (지식경영의 성공적인 실행을 위한 전략적 의사결정 프레임워크 구축)

  • Lee, Young-Chan;Kwon, Kee-Taec
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.135-154
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    • 2009
  • As the knowledge is recognized as a core factor of organization's competitiveness and creation of value added, the importance of knowledge management is also increased. To achieve the successful knowledge management, it is important to establish strategy that consider essential purpose of knowledge management such as creating and sharing of knowledge resource, improving performance, and continuing organizational innovation within the organization and influence factor inside and outside of organization. Until now, however, the research for knowledge management strategy was mostly limited to the statistical analysis based on the unilinear causality model, and systematic access and analysis that consider interaction and feedback structure between factors. In this paper, we developed the novel decision-making framework for successful strategy establishment by applying the analytic network process(ANP). Specifically. we derive clusters and components to decide the interaction and feedback structure between the elements of knowledge management by literature studies. And we produced relative importance and preference of clusters, components and alternatives dealing with feedback structure through the survey of experts in the field or related one of knowledge management. In result of this study, we expect that it will help the knowledge officer to decide establishing knowledge management strategy.

Exploring the Functional Breakdown Structure (FBS) of Facility Asset Management (FAM) for Smart Factories

  • Zhenhui JIN;Dagem D. GEBREMICHAEL;Seunghee KANG;Yunsub LEE;Youngsoo JUNG
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2024.07a
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    • pp.965-972
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    • 2024
  • Smart factories represent the Fourth Industrial Revolution and related emerging technologies across all industries. Among those emerging technologies, digital twin (DTw) enables smart manufacturing, resembling the factory's physical components and functional services. Nevertheless, from the owner-operator perspective, there has been only a paucity of studies defining the functional services of 'facility' and 'equipment' for the smart factory. This fact has also encouraged the construction industry to expand its role into factory operations by supporting digitalized production equipment and facilities. In order to address this issue, this study uses the proposed list of three-level facility asset management (FAM) breakdown structure by Jin et al. [12] that is under review for possible publication. The FAM breakdown structure is then validated with function lists from previous studies and existing ISO standards. It selectively covers the areas of traditional construction management (CM), asset management (AM), facility management (FM), and production operation management (OM). A mapping table with practical information systems used in the four areas (CM, AM, FM, OM) is also analyzed to verify the proposed FAM breakdown structure. It is expected that the result of this study can be used as a standard function to develop a smart factory FAM digital twin for researchers and practitioners.

A Study on the Analysis of Informational Structure of University Websites (국내 대학 웹사이트의 정보구조 분석에 관한 연구)

  • 이승민;김혜경
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.127-152
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    • 2004
  • In the current information environment, the concept of a website has been transformed from the repository of information to means of accessing information which can communicate and interact with users. To function well as an accessing tool to information, the information embedded in a website should be organized in a way that users can easily understand the whole informational structure. This aspect of a website might be more important to a university's website. However, the informational structures which current university's websites adopt do not reflect their users' information needs. They construct their structure uniformly, and it causes the decrease of the websites' usability. To solve these problems, this study proposes a new and systematical way of constructing a university's website which can reflect users' information needs and ensure the usability of the websites.

A Methodology for Searching Frequent Pattern Using Graph-Mining Technique (그래프마이닝을 활용한 빈발 패턴 탐색에 관한 연구)

  • Hong, June Seok
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.65-75
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    • 2019
  • As the use of semantic web based on XML increases in the field of data management, a lot of studies to extract useful information from the data stored in ontology have been tried based on association rule mining. Ontology data is advantageous in that data can be freely expressed because it has a flexible and scalable structure unlike a conventional database having a predefined structure. On the contrary, it is difficult to find frequent patterns in a uniformized analysis method. The goal of this study is to provide a basis for extracting useful knowledge from ontology by searching for frequently occurring subgraph patterns by applying transaction-based graph mining techniques to ontology schema graph data and instance graph data constituting ontology. In order to overcome the structural limitations of the existing ontology mining, the frequent pattern search methodology in this study uses the methodology used in graph mining to apply the frequent pattern in the graph data structure to the ontology by applying iterative node chunking method. Our suggested methodology will play an important role in knowledge extraction.

A Comparative Study on the Management in KDC, DDC, and NDC. (KDC, DDC, NDC의 비교 분석적 연구 -경영학 영역을 중심으로-)

  • Kim Myung-Ok
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.14
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    • pp.19-65
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    • 1987
  • Library classification schedule IS based on the classification theory, principle and the system of the classification of science. It should be consisted of the basic principle of library classification which should use the library materials effectively. Continuous study and research on the each subject field of the discipline are essential for keeping up with the transformation of each learning field and the change of modern society. In this paper, I studied comparatively the sections and subsections of the management in KDC, DDC and NDC and reviewed the academic systems of each subject area in the management. I tried to compare the relationship beween the structure of library classifications and academic systems for the more specialized subsections of the management. KDC is influenced by the principle and structure of DDC, but I found that KDC is more similar to NDC than DDC in the sections and subsections of the management. Being un sufficient of subsections of KDC and NDC, they are not enough for the expansion and specialization of the subsections in the management. DDC is necessary to re-schedule for the proper expansion of 650 and 658 with reflection of the importance of that sections and academic systems. In this study, I adoped 9 sections of management, (1) Management policy (2) Administrative organization (3) Personnel (4) Office management and business information management (5) Marketing (6) Financial management (7) Production management (8) Accounting (9) International management. It would be necessary for us to study continuously about the specilized subsubsections of the management for the more professional classification.

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Integration of Strategic Issue Management and Knowledge Management in View of Strategic Information Process

  • Yum, Ji-Hwan
    • 한국디지털정책학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2004.05a
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    • pp.383-400
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    • 2004
  • Knowledge management is an essential part for gaining competitive advantage. The knowledge management system deals with information gathering, process, and implementation for the organizational performance advantage. The study integrates knowledge management in view of an internal organizational information processing structure and external strategic issue management system. This means that the coordination between internal systematic process and external scanning mechanism is essential for organizational success.

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