• Title/Summary/Keyword: Inelastic problem

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Viscoplasticity model stochastic parameter identification: Multi-scale approach and Bayesian inference

  • Nguyen, Cong-Uy;Hoang, Truong-Vinh;Hadzalic, Emina;Dobrilla, Simona;Matthies, Hermann G.;Ibrahimbegovic, Adnan
    • Coupled systems mechanics
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.411-438
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    • 2022
  • In this paper, we present the parameter identification for inelastic and multi-scale problems. First, the theoretical background of several fundamental methods used in the upscaling process is reviewed. Several key definitions including random field, Bayesian theorem, Polynomial chaos expansion (PCE), and Gauss-Markov-Kalman filter are briefly summarized. An illustrative example is given to assimilate fracture energy in a simple inelastic problem with linear hardening and softening phases. Second, the parameter identification using the Gauss-Markov-Kalman filter is employed for a multi-scale problem to identify bulk and shear moduli and other material properties in a macro-scale with the data from a micro-scale as quantities of interest (QoI). The problem can also be viewed as upscaling homogenization.

Earthquake induced torsion in buildings: critical review and state of the art

  • Anagnostopoulos, S.A.;Kyrkos, M.T.;Stathopoulos, K.G.
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.305-377
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    • 2015
  • The problem of earthquake induced torsion in buildings is quite old and although it has received a lot of attention in the past several decades, it is still open. This is evident not only from the variability of the pertinent provisions in various modern codes but also from conflicting results debated in the literature. Most of the conducted research on this problem has been based on very simplified, highly idealized models of eccentric one-story systems, with single or double eccentricity and with load bearing elements of the shear beam type, sized only for earthquake action. Initially, elastic models were used but were gradually replaced by inelastic models, since building response under design level earthquakes is expected to be inelastic. Code provisions till today have been based mostly on results from one-story inelastic models or on results from elastic multistory idealizations. In the past decade, however, more accurate multi story inelastic building response has been studied using the well-known and far more accurate plastic hinge model for flexural members. On the basis of such research some interesting conclusions have been drawn, revising older views about the inelastic response of buildings based on one-story simplified model results. The present paper traces these developments and presents new findings that can explain long lasting controversies in this area and at the same time may raise questions about the adequacy of code provisions based on results from questionable models. To organize this review better it was necessary to group the various publications into a number of subtopics and within each subtopic to separate them into smaller groups according to the basic assumptions and/or limitations used. Capacity assessment of irregular buildings and new technologies to control torsional motion have also been included.

Inelastic Constitutive Modeling for Viscoplastcity Using Neural Networks

  • Lee, Joon-Seong;Lee, Yang-Chang;Furukawa, Tomonari
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.251-256
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    • 2005
  • Up to now, a number of models have been proposed and discussed to describe a wide range of inelastic behaviors of materials. The fetal problem of using such models is however the existence of model errors, and the problem remains inevitably as far as a material model is written explicitly. In this paper, the authors define the implicit constitutive model and propose an implicit viscoplastic constitutive model using neural networks. In their modeling, inelastic material behaviors are generalized in a state space representation and the state space form is constructed by a neural network using input output data sets. A technique to extract the input-output data from experimental data is also described. The proposed model was first generated from pseudo-experimental data created by one of the widely used constitutive models and was found to replace the model well. Then, having been tested with the actual experimental data, the proposed model resulted in a negligible amount of model errors indicating its superiority to all the existing explicit models in accuracy.

Design Technique of Steel Structures using Practical Nonlinear Inelastic Analysis (실용적인 비선형 비탄성해석을 이용한 강구조 설계기술)

  • Kim Seung-Eock;Lee Dong-Ho;Jang Eun-Seok
    • Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference
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    • 2006.04a
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    • pp.971-976
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    • 2006
  • This paper presents a design technique of steel structures subjected to static and dynamic loadings using practical nonlinear inelastic analysis software. The beam-column approach using the stability functions and the plastic hinge concept enables the software to suitably predict second-order effects and inelastic behavior of beam-columns. For dynamic analysis. the incremental from of the equation of motion is solved by the use of a step-by-step numerical integration procedure in which the assumption of constant acceleration over a small time step is employed. The accuracy of the analysis program is validated using the results of ABAQUS program and experimental tests. A user-friendly graphic interface of the software is developed to facilitate the modeling process and result interpretation of the problem. A design example of large span bridge is presented to detail the direct design process using the practical advanced analysis software.

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Analysis of Kinetic Differences According to Ankle Taping Types in Drop Landing (드롭랜딩 시 발목테이핑 유형에 따른 운동역학적 차이 분석)

  • Lee, Kyung-Ill;Hong, Wan-Ki
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.51-57
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to compare and analyze kinetic variables of lower limbs according to types of ankle taping in drop landing. For this, targeting seven male basketball players (average age: $20.8{\pm}0.74yrs$, average height: $187.4{\pm}3.92cm$, average weight: $79.8{\pm}7.62kg$) with no instability of ankle joints, the drop landing motion was conducted according to three types of inelastic taping (C-type), elastic taping (K-type), and no treatment (N-taping). Based on the result, the next conclusion was reached. First, the effect of taping for the players with stable ankles was minimal and the high load on ankle joints offset the fixing effect of inelastic taping. Thus the inelastic taping for the players with stable ankles did not have an effect on the control of dorsal flexion during one-foot landing. Second, increasing angular velocity by increasing the movable range of knee joints disperses impact forces, yet inelastic taping restricted the range of knee joint motion and at the same time increased angular velocity, adding to a negative effect on knee joints. Third, inelastic taping induced inefficient motion of Lower limbs and unstable impact force control of ankle joints at the moment of landing and produced maximum vertical ground reaction force, which led to an increase of load. Therefore, inelastic ankle taping of players whose jump actions occur very often should be reconsidered. Also, it is thought that this study has a great meaning in proving the problem of inelastic taping related to knee pain with unknown causes.

A force-based element for direct analysis using stress-resultant plasticity model

  • Du, Zuo-Lei;Liu, Yao-Peng;Chan, Siu-Lai
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.175-186
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    • 2018
  • The plastic hinge method and the plastic zone method are extensively adopted in displacement-based elements and force-based elements respectively for second-order inelastic analysis. The former enhances the computational efficiency with relatively less accurate results while the latter precisely predicts the structural behavior but generally requires more computer time. The displacement-based elements receive criticism mainly on plasticity dominated problems not only in accuracy but also in longer computer time to redistribute the forces due to formation of plastic hinges. The multi-element-per-member model relieves this problem to some extent but will induce a new problem in modeling of member initial imperfections required in design codes for direct analysis. On the contrary, a force-based element with several integration points is sufficient for material yielding. However, use of more integration points or elements associated with fiber section reduces computational efficiency. In this paper, a new force-based element equipped with stress-resultant plasticity model with minimal computational cost is proposed for second-order inelastic analysis. This element is able to take the member initial bowing into account such that one-element-per-member model is adequate and complied with the codified requirements of direct analysis. This innovative solution is new and practical for routine design. Finally, several examples demonstrate the validity and accuracy of the proposed method.

Formulation of the Neural Network for Implicit Constitutive Model (I) : Application to Implicit Vioscoplastic Model

  • Lee, Joon-Seong;Lee, Ho-Jeong;Furukawa, Tomonari
    • International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.191-197
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    • 2009
  • Up to now, a number of models have been proposed and discussed to describe a wide range of inelastic behaviors of materials. The fatal problem of using such models is however the existence of model errors, and the problem remains inevitably as far as a material model is written explicitly. In this paper, the authors define the implicit constitutive model and propose an implicit viscoplastic constitutive model using neural networks. In their modeling, inelastic material behaviors are generalized in a state space representation and the state space form is constructed by a neural network using input-output data sets. A technique to extract the input-output data from experimental data is also described. The proposed model was first generated from pseudo-experimental data created by one of the widely used constitutive models and was found to replace the model well. Then, having been tested with the actual experimental data, the proposed model resulted in a negligible amount of model errors indicating its superiority to all the existing explicit models in accuracy.

Inelastic vector finite element analysis of RC shells

  • Min, Chang-Shik;Gupta, Ajaya Kumar
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.139-148
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    • 1996
  • Vector algorithms and the relative importance of the four basic modules (computation of element stiffness matrices, assembly of the global stiffness matrix, solution of the system of linear simultaneous equations, and calculation of stresses and strains) of a finite element computer program for inelastic analysis of reinforced concrete shells are presented. Performance of the vector program is compared with a scalar program. For a cooling tower problem, the speedup factor from the scalar to the vector program is 34 for the element stiffness matrices calculation, 25.3 for the assembly of global stiffness matrix, 27.5 for the equation solver, and 37.8 for stresses, strains and nodal forces computations on a Gray Y-MP. The overall speedup factor is 30.9. When the equation solver alone is vectorized, which is computationally the most intensive part of a finite element program, a speedup factor of only 1.9 is achieved. When the rest of the program is also vectorized, a large additional speedup factor of 15.9 is attained. Therefore, it is very important that all the modules in a nonlinear program are vectorized to gain the full potential of the supercomputers. The vector finite element computer program for inelastic analysis of RC shells with layered elements developed in the present study enabled us to perform mesh convergence studies. The vector program can be used for studying the ultimate behavior of RC shells and used as a design tool.

A Comparative Study of LRFD Methods Using Linear Elastic and Nonlinear Inelastic Analysis (선형탄성해석 및 비선형비탄성해석을 이용한 LRFD 설계법의 비교 연구)

  • Jang, Eun Seok;Park, Jung Woong;Kim, Seung Eock
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.633-642
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    • 2007
  • Although the Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) method is an advanced design approach, it does not accurately capture the interaction between individual members and structural system. A nonlinear inelastic analysis for the entire structure is required to solve this problem. According to many design codes of advanced countries, a nonlinear inelastic analysis can be applied to predict the structural behavior and strength reasonably. In this study, an LRFD design method using practical nonlinear inelastic analysis was proposed. Design examples using the proposed method waspresented, and the economical efficiency and adequacy of the proposed method was investigated by comparing the design results with that of the AISC-LRFD. It has been consequently demonstrated that the proposed method can reduce the construction cost through savings in steel.