• 제목/요약/키워드: Industrial Accidents

검색결과 1,394건 처리시간 0.027초

위험기계, 기구의 위험성 평가 및 안전인증 또는 자율안전확인의 적정성 (Risk Assessment of Industrial Machines and Devices and Appropriateness of Their Safety Certification and Self-Declaration of Conformity)

  • 최기흥;노병국
    • 한국안전학회지
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    • 제31권1호
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2016
  • Severity and frequency of industrial accidents are typically used to assess the "absolute" risk associated with the industrial machines and devices ("items") which are subject to safety certification or self-declaration of conformity. However, the "relative" risk associated with a particular item can further be assessed based on unit severity and unit frequency where the total number of item in use is taken into account. This study first attempts to estimate the total number of each item in use which was recently selected for safety certification or self-declaration of conformity. The appropriateness of such selection is recapitulated based on the relative risk involved. Analysis results indicate that depending on items, the relative risk is differentiated from the absolute risk. Recent selection of items for safety certification or self-declaration of conformity is then revisited for its validity. The relative risk based on unit severity and unit frequency of industrial accidents, together with the absolute risk, may be used to further categorize items for safety certification or self-declaration of conformity in the future.

중대재해처벌법과 재해경감활동관리체계 연계방안 연구 - 중대산업재해 중심 (A Study on the Link between the Serious Accidents Punishment Act and the Enterprise Disaster Management Standard: Focused on the Serious Industrial Accidents)

  • 이병림;김상덕;최재욱
    • 한국재난정보학회 논문집
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    • 제18권3호
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    • pp.660-671
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    • 2022
  • 연구목적: 중대재해의 업무중단 리스크를 확인하고, 재해경감활동관리체계를 활용한 중대재해처벌법 준수방안을 제시한다. 연구방법: 문헌연구와 사례조사를 통하여 중대재해처벌법, 재해경감활동관리체계, ISO 45001 각각의 요구사항과 특징을 비교 분석하고 시사점을 도출하였다. 연구결과: 산업재해로 인한 업무중단 및 재무적 악영향을 확인하였다. 이를 기반으로 재해경감활동관리체계를 활용하여 중대재해처벌법의 문서화 요구사항을 재해경감활동관리체계와 연계하고, 중대재해처벌법 의무 이행기록을 관리할 수 있는 방안을 도출하였다. 결론: 재해경감활동관리체계의 구축·운영으로 중대재해처벌법을 준수할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라, 각종 재해 예방 및 2차 피해 최소화 등을 통하여 업무연속성 유지와 ESG 경영에도 기여할 수 있다.

서비스업 기초안전보건교육의 실시방안에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Application Plan of the Basic Safety and Health Education for Service Industries)

  • 정승래;오현수;최윤정;장성록
    • 한국안전학회지
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    • 제31권1호
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    • pp.87-94
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    • 2016
  • Recently, as Korean industrial structure is moving to the service job, the number of workers engaged in the service job is increasing slowly. According to the statistics by Ministry of Employment and Labor announced in June, 2013, the number of service job workers in Korea was 7,477,135 which accounted for 48.4% of total workers. The trend of this service job is expected to increase continuously in the future. According to the 2013 statistics by Ministry of Employment and Labor, the number of industrial accidents victims of industrial accidents in the service job was 30,526 which was the biggest number among the entire businesses. The victims in the service job accounted for 33.2% among the total number of industrial accidents and represented more than those in the manufacture and construction industry. The service job had various works and employment patterns and most service jobs are petty and are small-sized establishments and it is difficult to try voluntarily to prevent the industrial accidents. However, Korean occupational safety and health act was enacted in accordance with the construction and manufacture in which industrial accidents occurred frequently in the past. The support of the government for the industrial accident prevention is focused on the construction and manufacture. Therefore, the current service job is placed on the blind spot of the safety management. Raising the safety awareness of workers through the safety education is the most important in order to prevent the industrial accidents of the service job with many conventional/repeated disasters such as the conduction by a simple mistake. Accordingly, this study analyzed the features and accidents of the domestic service jobs through the literature survey and analyzed the institutional devices for the safety management of the domestic service job, and the safety management cases of foreign service jobs and compared with domestic systems. Considering demands for the basic safety education for service job workers, a questionnaire was conducted targeting the service job workers and the execution plan of the basic safety & health education targeting the service job workers was carried out through the brainstorming of trainers of worker in the service job.

모전기제품공장(某電氣製品工場)의 재해(災害) (Industrial Accidents in A Battery Manufacturing Industry)

  • 임정택
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • 제7권2호
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    • pp.305-312
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    • 1974
  • Studies on 66 industrial accidents happened in a battery manufacturing industry during a year of 1973 were carried out. The results obtained are follows, 1. Majority of employees of this industry was occupied by yong woman aged between 20-24. 2. Incidence rate, frequency rate and severity rate of the accidents was 36.8 per 1,000, 12.8 per 100,000 labour day and 0.3% respectively. Anual average days of lost due to accidents was 18.0 days. 3. Accidents happened more frequently in male than female, and happened most frequently in age between 30-34. 4. As to type of work, 47.9% of the accidents happened on hand operating workers. This was the same in both sex. 5. Accidents happened mainly during 2-3 hours latter from work starts in both morning and afternoon work, 6. 63.6% of the accidents happened on hands in both sexes and followed by lower extremities. 7 Surface wounds like as laceration, cut and abrasion were the main types of injury occupying 31.8% and followed by burn at 24.2%. 8. 54.5% of accidents needed 1-2 weeks to heal the injury and heavy injury needed more than 5 weeks was only 9.1%. 9. Accidents happened most frequently in employees who served between 2-3 years in this industry, but observing of sex difference. it was most frequent in male who served more than 4 years whereas less than 6 months in female.

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계절 ARIMA 모형을 이용한 고령운전자의 안전운전불이행에 의한 교통사고건수 예측분석 (Predictive Analysis of Traffic Accidents caused by Negligence of Safe Driving in Elderly using Seasonal ARIMA)

  • 김재문;장성호;김성수
    • 산업경영시스템학회지
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    • 제40권1호
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    • pp.65-78
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    • 2017
  • Even though cars have a good effect on modern society, traffic accidents do not. There are traffic laws that define the regulations and aim to reduce accidents from happening; nevertheless, it is hard to determine all accident causes such as road and traffic conditions, and human related factors. If a traffic accident occurs, the traffic law classifies it as 'Negligence of Safe Driving' for cases that are not defined by specific regulations. Meanwhile, as Korea is already growing rapidly elderly population with more than 65 years, so are the number of traffic accidents caused by this group. Therefore, we studied predictive and comparative analysis of the number of traffic accidents caused by 'Negligence of Safe Driving' by dividing it into two groups : All-ages and Elderly. In this paper, we used empirical monthly data from 2007 to 2015 collected by TAAS (Traffic Accident Analysis System), identified the most suitable ARIMA forecasting model by using the four steps of the Box-Jenkins method : Identification, Estimation, Diagnostics, Forecasting. The results of this study indicate that ARIMA $(1, 1, 0)(0, 1, 1)_{12}$ is the most suitable forecasting model in the group of All-ages; and ARIMA $(0, 1, 1)(0, 1, 1)_{12}$ is the most suitable in the group of Elderly. Then, with this fitted model, we forecasted the number of traffic accidents for 2 years of both groups. There is no large fluctuation in the group of All-ages, but the group of Elderly shows a gradual increase trend. Finally, we compared two groups in terms of the forecast, suggested a countermeasure plan to reduce traffic accidents for both groups.

전북지역(全北地域) 산업근로자(産業勤勞者)의 산업재해(産業災害)에 관(關)한 조사연구(調査硏究) (A Study on Industrial Accidents of Workers in Jeonbug Areas)

  • 황인담;박영수;서석관
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.89-96
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    • 1981
  • Of 2,740 industries in Jeonbug area which are covered by industrial insurance policy, 462 facilities which the accidents related to industry occured during the year of 1979 were studied. and the results are summarized as follows: 1. The accidents related to industry occured in 462 industries of the total 2,740 industrial facilities in Jeonbug area as of 1979. 2. The incidence rate of accident per 1,000 workers was 34.3 (49.2 in male workers and 12.8 in female workers), the frequency rate of the total industries in jeonbug area was 13.36, and severity rate was 1.3. 3. The frequency rates and severity rates by type of industry in study area were quite different to compare with those of national rates. 4. The incidence rate of construction industry was 223.6 per 1,000 workers, and that of transportation-communication industries were 78.6. 5. The proportion of industrial accidents of $20{\sim}24$ age group was 22.1 per cent of the total accidents, and the proportions decreased according to age increase. 6. The incidence rate in the industry having less than 49 workers was 20.6 per 1,000 workers, that of industry with $50{\sim]99$ workers was 26.7, that of industry with $100{\sim}199$ was 51.9, that of industry with $200{\sim}499$ was 80.2 and that of with more than 500 worker was 40.7. 7. The accidents which occured in the workers with experience of less than one year was 69.4 per cent of the total accidents, otherwise, the longer the workers have worked the less accident they have. 8. The most accidents occured in tile shift between 10 to 12 o'clock, and 16 to 18 hour 9. The primary causes of the industrial accidents were found to be collisions, machinery falling objects and falls. 10. The site of injury by type of industry were quite different, and the major site of injury was finger. 11. The laceration and open injuries of the accidents related to industry were 37.2 per cent of the total cases, and fractures or dislocations were 23.5 per cent, and contusions were 6.5 per cent. 12. Death rate of industrial accident was 5.0 per 10,000 workers, and those of industry were 47.6 in transportation, 42.8 in construction industry, 24.4 in mine industry, and 2.0 in manufacturing industry.

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화학물질의 누출과 피부접촉에 의한 재해자 및 사고사망자 발생현황 조사 (Investigation of the Occurrence of Industrial Accidents and Accidental Deaths by Chemical Leakage and Skin Contact)

  • 이권섭;최현성;이하영;신경민;최흥구;이인섭
    • 한국산업보건학회지
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    • 제30권1호
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    • pp.39-49
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    • 2020
  • Objectives: We investigated the status of accidents and deaths caused by chemical leakage and skin contact in Korea. The purpose of this study was to produce and provide technical reference data for the efficient management of accidents and the rational management of accidental chemicals. Methods: Accidents and deaths caused by chemical leakage and skin contact in industry were investigated. Based on 68 accident reports related to chemical leakage and skin contact, the causes of accidental deaths were analyzed. In addition, we investigated the chemical substances and articles that caused these accidents and deaths. Based on the results of the investigation, the causes of accidents caused by chemical leakage and skin contact were identified and practical management measures for the chemicals were suggested. Results and Conclusions: In 2018, 372 people suffered from chemical leaks and skin contact, up by 123 (about 49.4%) from the previous year. The number of accident deaths was 14, an increase of five (about 55.6%) from the previous year. In the last three years (2016-2018), 91 chemical substances and article groups were involved in accidents caused by chemical leakage and skin contact. There were 16 chemical substance and article groups involved in accidental deaths. There were ten cases of accidents involving two or more casualties due to chemical leakage and skin contact, and 23 deaths occurred. Most of these accidental deaths were caused by subcontractor workers outsourcing risks. Therefore, there is an apparent need to strengthen the responsibility for safety and health among subcontractors.

안전예산-산재간 동적모델을 이용한 산업안전제어 전략 (Control Strategy for Industrial Safety Based on Dynamic Modeling of Safety Budget-Industrial Accidents Relationship)

  • 최기흥
    • 한국안전학회지
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    • 제26권6호
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2011
  • This study focuses on the control strategy for industrial safety in Korea. Specifically, the effect of safety budget such as the industrial accident prevention fund on the safety performance to prevent and reduce industrial accidents is statistically examined first and modeled as a second order system. The effectiveness of such a dynamic model is also explained with a simple PI control mechanism in a feedback loop. The simulated model, however, suggests that, without improving the efficiency of the safety system, extra safety budget needed to decrease the accident rate to a level in advanced countries is far beyond the social consensus. An efficient way of reducing industrial accidents based on such a dynamic model with more internal damping but with less elastic nature in a feedback loop framework needs to be implemented.

운반하역기계의 사고발생 원인분석과 예방대책에 관한 연구 (A Study on Analysis of Accidents Cause and Prevention Policies for the Material Handling In Korea)

  • 신용하;최진영
    • 산업경영시스템학회지
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    • 제21권47호
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    • pp.243-251
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    • 1998
  • These days material handling accidents and injuries are some of the most common in the workplace. 20-45% of all occupational injuries is taken place in the area of material handling industry. The control and management of material handling activities can have a significant impact on the workforce safety and productivity in the manufacturing industry. This paper is to suggest effective countermeasures for reducing and protecting occupational accidents in the area of material handling industry. To do so, firstly, we found out the relationship between occpational accidents and business. Secondly, we are to analyse overall occupational accidents caused by material handling tools. Thirdly, we found out important factors of occupational accidents and injuries in the area of material handling industry by analysing 10 cases in detail, which have been occured from 1994 to 1997 in the workplace.

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건설중대재해 사례 연구 (A Case Study on the Serious Accidents of Construction)

  • 장동일;이명구
    • 한국안전학회지
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    • 제11권1호
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    • pp.108-120
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    • 1996
  • It is a problems in industrial accidents that the knowledge for industrial accidents is obtained by experience, not by experiment. This experiential knowledge is obtained by Investigating accident cases and utilizing those for safety education. Therefore, in this paper, the situation about the serious accident of construction is analyzed by occupation, a kind of construction, time group, season, type of accident, and accidental cause. And the mutual · relations of these factors are studied. The most frequent type of the serious accidents of construction Is the falling accident. It happenes most frequently at apartment construction among kinds of construction and to structural worker, finishing worker, normal worker in order among occupations. And it is found that the most critical causes of the falling accident are the imperfection of safety facilities and unwearing of protection equipments, so a number of accidents can be reduced by the expansion of safety facilities and wearing of protection equipments absolutely. The counterplan of prohibition of accidents and the direction of government policy are presented by a series of nalyses for accident cases.

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