• 제목/요약/키워드: Incremental Dynamic Analysis (IDA)

검색결과 103건 처리시간 0.022초

Seismic evaluation of self-centering energy dissipating braces using fragility curves

  • Kharrazi, Hossein;Zahrai, Seyed Mehdi
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • 제37권6호
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    • pp.679-693
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    • 2020
  • This paper investigates the seismic response of buildings equipped with Self-Centering Energy Dissipating (SCED) braces. Two-dimensional models of 3, 6, 12 and 16-story SCED buildings considering both material and geometric nonlinearities are investigated by carrying out pushover and nonlinear time-history analyses. The response indicators of the buildings are studied for weight-scaled ground motions to represent the Design Basis Earthquake (DBE) level and the Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCE) event. The fragility curves of the buildings for two Immediate Occupancy (IO) and Life Safety (LS) performance levels are developed using Incremental Dynamic Analysis (IDA). Results of the nonlinear response history analyses indicate that the maximum inter-story drift occurs at the taller buildings. The mean peak inter-story drift is less than 2% in both hazard levels. High floor acceleration peaks are observed in all the SCED frames regardless of the building height. The overall ductility and ductility demand increase when the number of stories reduces. The results also showed the residual displacement is negligible for all of case study buildings. The 3 and 6-story buildings exhibit desirable performance in IO and LS performance levels according to fragility curves results, while 12 and 16-story frames show poor performance especially in IO level. The results indicated the SCED braces performance is generally better in lower-rise buildings.

Steel frame fragility curve evaluation under the impact of two various category of earthquakes

  • Wang, Feipeng;Miao, Jie;Fang, Zhichun;Wu, Siqi;Li, Xulong;Momeni, Younes
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • 제22권1호
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    • pp.15-23
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    • 2022
  • One of the key tools in assessing the seismic vulnerability of the structures is the use of fragile functions, which is the possibility of damage from a particular damage surface for several levels of risk from the seismic movements of the earth. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of two categories of earthquake events on the fragile curve (FRC) of the steel construction system. In this study, the relative lateral displacement of the structures is considered as a damage criterion. The limits set for modifying the relative lateral position in the HAZUS instruction are used to determine the failure modes, which include: slight, moderate, extensive and complete. The results show, as time strong-motion increases, the probability of exceeding (PoE) increases (for Peak ground acceleration (PGA) less than 0.5). The increase in seismic demand increases the probability of exceeding. In other words, it increases the probability of exceeding, if the maximum earthquake acceleration increases. Also, 7-storey model in extensive mode has 20 and 26.5% PoE larger than 5- and 3-storey models, respectively.

Seismic vulnerability of sliding isolation concrete rectangular liquid storage tanks

  • Cheng, Xuansheng;Yin, Siyuan;Chen, Wenjun;Jing, Wei
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제84권4호
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    • pp.503-515
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    • 2022
  • Based on the sliding isolation concrete LSS (liquid-storage structure), the specific seismic vulnerability is analyzed according to the general failure mode. In this study, 12 seismic inputs with different characteristics are used, and their acceleration peak values are modulated. By inputting these waves to the sliding isolation concrete storage structure, the finite-element models of different concrete rectangular LSSs are obtained and analyzed, and the failure probabilities are obtained according to the IDA (incremental dynamic analysis) curves of the structure. The results show that when the seismic acceleration peak value gradually increases from 0.1 g to 1.0 g, the failure probability of LSS gradually increases with the increase in friction coefficient. However, the failure probability of a sliding isolation LSS is less than 100% and far less than the failure probability of a non-isolated rectangular LSS, which shows that an isolated liquid storage structure continues working under a big earthquake. Thus, the sliding isolation for the concrete LSS has a significant damping effect.

Evaluation of genetic algorithms for the optimum distribution of viscous dampers in steel frames under strong earthquakes

  • Huang, Xiameng
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • 제14권3호
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    • pp.215-227
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    • 2018
  • Supplemental passive control devices are widely considered as an important tool to mitigate the dynamic response of a building under seismic excitation. Nevertheless, a systematic method for strategically placing dampers in the buildings is not prescribed in building codes and guidelines. Many deterministic and stochastic methods have been proposed by previous researchers to investigate the optimum distribution of the viscous dampers in the steel frames. However, the seismic performances of the retrofitted buildings that are under large earthquake intensity levels or near collapse state have not been evaluated by any seismic research. Recent years, an increasing number of studies utilize genetic algorithms (GA) to explore the complex engineering optimization problems. GA interfaced with nonlinear response history (NRH) analysis is considered as one of the most powerful and popular stochastic methods to deal with the nonlinear optimization problem of damper distribution. In this paper, the effectiveness and the efficiency of GA on optimizing damper distribution are first evaluated by strong ground motions associated with the collapse failure. A practical optimization framework using GA and NRH analysis is proposed for optimizing the distribution of the fluid viscous dampers within the moment resisting frames (MRF) regarding the improvements of large drifts under intensive seismic context. Both a 10-storey and a 20-storey building are involved to explore higher mode effect. A far-fault and a near-fault earthquake environment are also considered for the frames under different seismic intensity levels. To evaluate the improvements obtained from the GA optimization regarding the collapse performance of the buildings, Incremental Dynamic Analysis (IDA) is conducted and comparisons are made between the GA damper distribution and stiffness proportional damping distribution on the collapse probability of the retrofitted frames.

Seismic fragility analysis of a new type of reinforced concrete energy dissipation structure

  • Penghui Yang;Xingwen Liang;Ren Xin;Huajing Zhao
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제92권3호
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    • pp.285-295
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    • 2024
  • In order to improve the seismic performance of reinforced concrete (RC) frame structure, high performance fiber reinforced concrete (HPFRC) energy dissipation walls were installed in RC frame to form a new aseismic structure. Two half-scale HPFRC energy dissipation wall-RC frame specimens were designed and constructed. Quasi-static tests were performed to study the failure mechanism, deformation performance, and energy dissipation performance. The test results indicate that HPFRC energy dissipation wall-RC frame structures can achieve the seismic fortification objective of being "repairable after major earthquake". Based on the incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) method, seismic fragility analysis of the HPFRC energy dissipation wall-RC frame structure was performed by using PERFORM-3D structural analysis software and 44 ground motion records. The results show that the HPFRC material has good tensile strain hardening performance, which can improve the damage resistance and energy dissipation capacity of the structure or components. When the structure collapses, the average spectral acceleration response corresponding to the fundamental period of the structure calculated by 44 ground motion records is greater than the spectral acceleration corresponding to the fundamental period of the structure duringa rare earthquake with a fortification intensity of 8 degree, so the HPFRC energy dissipation wall-RC frame structure has good anti-collapse ability. Under the action of a rare earthquake of magnitude 8, the exceeding probability of collapse of the HPFRC energy dissipation wall-RC frame structureis 0.03%, which meets the requirements forseismic protection of the structure under the action of a large earthquake.

Damage index based seismic risk generalization for concrete gravity dams considering FFDI

  • Nahar, Tahmina T.;Rahman, Md M.;Kim, Dookie
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제78권1호
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    • pp.53-66
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    • 2021
  • The determination of the damage index to reveal the performance level of a structure can constitute the seismic risk generalization approach based on the parametric analysis. This study implemented this concept to one kind of civil engineering structure that is the concrete gravity dam. Different cases of the structure exhibit their individual responses, which constitute different considerations. Therefore, this approach allows the parametric study of concrete as well as soil for evaluating the seismic nature in the generalized case. To ensure that the target algorithm applicable to most of the concrete gravity dams, a very simple procedure has been considered. In order to develop a correlated algorithm (by response surface methodology; RSM) between the ground motion and the structural property, randomized sampling was adopted through a stochastic method called half-fractional central composite design. The responses in the case of fluid-foundation-dam interaction (FFDI) make it more reliable by introducing the foundation as being bounded by infinite elements. To evaluate the seismic generalization of FFDI models, incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) was carried out under the impacts of various earthquake records, which have been selected from the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center data. Here, the displacement-based damage indexed fragility curves have been generated to show the variation in the seismic pattern of the dam. The responses to the sensitivity analysis of the various parameters presented here are the most effective controlling factors for the concrete gravity dam. Finally, to establish the accuracy of the proposed approach, reliable verification was adopted in this study.

FEMA P695를 이용한 격간벽 구조의 내진성능평가 (Seismic Performance Evaluation of Staggered Wall Structures Using FEMA P695)

  • 이준호;강현구;이민희;김진구
    • 한국지진공학회논문집
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    • 제16권3호
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    • pp.43-50
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    • 2012
  • FEMA P695은 설계지진하중에 대한 구조물의 붕괴 안전성 및 내진성능계수의 적절성을 검토할 수 있는 방법론을 제시하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 FEMA P695에 제시된 방법에 따라 6층, 12층 중복도 격간벽 구조시스템의 내진성능을 파악하였다. 구조설계기준에 따라 설계된 기본 모델의 해석결과와 중복도 상부 인방보의 춤이나 철근량을 증가시킨 모델의 해석결과를 비교하여 보강 효과를 파악하였다. 두 예제 구조물의 증분 동적해석 결과를 바탕으로 계산된 수정 붕괴 여유비 (ACMR)는 제시된 $ACMR_{20%}$ 한계상태를 만족하여 설계지진하중에 대하여 충분한 내진성능을 보유하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 인방보의 춤을 증가시킨 모델에 비해 주철근을 증가시킨 모델의 ACMR 증가량이 더 현저하여 보다 효율적인 내진성능 보강방안으로 나타났다.

Performance evaluation of a seismic retrofitted R.C. precast industrial building

  • Nastri, Elide;Vergato, Mariacristina;Latour, Massimo
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • 제12권1호
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    • pp.13-21
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    • 2017
  • Recent seismic events occurred in Italy (Emilia-Romagna 2012, Abruzzo 2009) and worldwide (New Zealand 2010 and 2011) highlighted some of the weaknesses of precast concrete industrial buildings, especially those related to the connecting systems traditionally employed to fasten the cladding panels to the internal framing. In fact, one of the most commons fails it is possible to observe in such structural typologies is related to the out-of-plane collapse of the external walls due to the unsatisfactory behaviour of the connectors used to join the panels to the perimeter beams. In this work, the strengthening of a traditional industrial building, assumed as a case study, made by precast reinforced concrete is proposed by the adoption of a dual system allowing the reinforcement of the structure by acting both internally; by pendular columns and, externally, on the walls. In particular, traditional connections at the top of the walls are substituted by devices able to work as a slider with vertical axis while, the bottom of the walls is equipped with two or more hysteretic dampers working on the uplift of the cladding panels occurring under seismic actions. By means of this approach, the structure is stiffened; obtaining a reduction of the lateral drifts under serviceability limit states. In addition, its seismic behaviour is improved due to the additional source of energy dissipation represented by the dampers located at the base of the walls. The effectiveness of the suggested retrofitting approach has been checked by comparing the performance of the retrofitted structure with those of the structure unreinforced by means of both pushover and Incremental Dynamic Analyses (IDA) in terms of behaviour factor, assumed as a measure of the ductility capacity of the structure.

완화된 배근 상세를 갖는 병렬전단벽 구조시스템의 내진성능평가 (Seismic Performance of Coupled Shear Wall Structural System with Relaxed Reinforcement Details)

  • 송정원;천영수;송진규;서수연;양근혁
    • 콘크리트학회논문집
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    • 제28권2호
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    • pp.187-196
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    • 2016
  • KBC2009에 의하면 특수전단벽과 연결되는 폭이 좁고 춤이 높은 연결보는 대각선 다발철근 보강을 실시해야 한다. 그러나 대각선 다발 철근의 사용은 시공성과 경제성에 부정적인 영향을 미칠 것으로 예상된다. 이에 본 연구에서는 4개의 서로 다른 상세를 갖는 연결보를 대상으로 주기하중 재하 실험을 실시하여 각각의 성능을 평가하였다. 또한 그 실험결과를 바탕으로 하여 특수전단벽과 연결보로 이루어진 병렬전단벽 구조시스템을 구성하여 FEMA P695에 따른 방법론으로 내진성능평가를 실시하였다.

Quantifying the seismic resilience of two tall buildings designed using Chinese and US Codes

  • Tian, Yuan;Lu, Xiao;Lu, Xinzheng;Li, Mengke;Guan, Hong
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • 제11권6호
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    • pp.925-942
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    • 2016
  • With ongoing development of earthquake engineering research and the lessons learnt from a series of strong earthquakes, the seismic design concept of "resilience" has received much attention. Resilience describes the capability of a structure or a city to recover rapidly after earthquakes or other disasters. As one of the main features of urban constructions, tall buildings have greater impact on the sustainability and resilience of major cities. Therefore, it is important and timely to quantify their seismic resilience. In this work, a quantitative comparison of the seismic resilience of two tall buildings designed according to the Chinese and US seismic design codes was conducted. The prototype building, originally designed according to the US code as part of the Tall Building Initiative (TBI) Project, was redesigned in this work according to the Chinese codes under the same design conditions. Two refined nonlinear finite element (FE) models were established for both cases and their seismic responses were evaluated at different earthquake intensities, including the service level earthquake (SLE), the design-based earthquake (DBE) and the maximum considered earthquake (MCE). In addition, the collapse fragility functions of these two building models were established through incremental dynamic analysis (IDA). Based on the numerical results, the seismic resilience of both models was quantified and compared using the new-generation seismic performance assessment method proposed by FEMA P-58. The outcomes of this study indicate that the seismic resilience of the building according to the Chinese design is slightly better than that according to the US design. The conclusions drawn from this research are expected to guide further in-depth studies on improving the seismic resilience of tall buildings.