• Title/Summary/Keyword: Income Status

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Association between Metabolic Syndrome and Participation in Clean-up Work at the Hebei Spirit Oil Spill (허베이 스피리트호 원유유출시 방제작업과 대사증후군의 연관성)

  • Lee, Ik-Jin;Jang, Bong-Ki;Lee, Jong-Wha;Son, Bu-Soon;Cheong, Hae-Kwan;Ha, Mina;Choi, Young-Hyun;Park, Myungsook
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.41 no.5
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    • pp.335-348
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    • 2015
  • Objectives: We aimed to assess the risk of metabolic syndrome one year after the 2007 Hebei Spirit oil spill in Taean, Korea among people exposed to spilt oil during clean-up work. Methods: A total of 6,923 adults, including 3,019 males and 3,904 females, participated in the study. Health examinations and blood tests (total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, fasting blood sugar) were performed. A logistic regression model adjusting for age, gender, smoking history, drinking history, income, education, and marital status was used to estimate the risk of metabolic syndrome associated with the level of oil spill exposure. Results: The prevalence of metabolic syndrome was 24.9% among males and 18% among females. Compared with people living within 20 km of the coastline, the risk of metabolic syndrome among people living within 0.8 km of the coastline was significantly higher (male OR=1.696, 95% CI=1.320-2.178, female OR=1.992, 95% CI=1.549-2.561), including a significant dose-response relationship for distance from early contaminate coastline (p<0.001). The risk of metabolic syndrome was higher according to the increase of duration of cleaning work. The risk of metabolic syndrome among people who participated in the clean-up work for more than 116 days, compared with people who participated in the cleaning work for or less 14 days, was significantly higher (male OR=1.845, 95% CI=1.448-2.353, female OR=1.752, CI=1.378-2.228), with a significant dose-response relationship for days of clean-up work (p<0.001). Conclusion: This study showed that there is a significant association between exposure to the oil spill during the clean-up work, distance from early contaminate coastline and the risk of metabolic syndrome in a doseresponse manner.

Oral Health Belief and Oral Health Behavior of Taxi Driver in Jeollabuk-do (전라북도 일부 운수종사자의 구강건강신념과 구강보건행태에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Sun-Mi;Lee, Heung-Soo
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.542-550
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the oral health behavior and oral health belief of transportation workers. The subjects in this study were 270 selected taxi drivers who engaged in the taxi transportation industry in Jeollabuk-do. They were selected by convenience sampling. To determine the influence of their general characteristics and oral health belief on scaling experience and oral health education experience, a logistic regression analysis was made. And a multiple regression analysis was made by selecting general characteristics and oral health behavior as independent variables and by selecting oral health belief as a dependent variable. A statistical package SPSS for Windows ver. 12.0 was employed to make all the statistical analysis. As a result of making the logistic regression analysis, benefit that was one of the subfactors of oral health belief had something to do with oral health education experience, and the subfactors that exerted an influence on scaling experience were benefit, susceptibility and barrier. When the multiple regression analysis was carried out to find out influential factors for oral health belief, monthly mean income had an impact on susceptibility and barrier among the subfactors of oral health belief, and self-rated oral health status affected seriousness and barrier. There were differences among the taxi drivers in oral health belief according to their own characteristics, and oral health belief was linked to oral health behavior. Therefore oral health belief and oral health behavior should be taken into account when it's planned to promote the oral health of taxi drivers.

Dynamic Developmental Factors and their Problem Solving of Patients that Abuse Marihuana (마리화나 남용환자의 역동적인 발달요인과 문제해결)

  • 원정숙
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.105-116
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    • 1974
  • This study was made on patients who were Hospitalized due to sickness caused by the abuse of marihuana at the Psychiatric Section of a hospital during the period from Feb. to Oct., 1974. The following conclusion was obtained by reviewing the literature with respect to the nursing, and problem solving of those patients. 1. It appears that marihuana is a comparatively mild intoxicant in ordinary preparation without causing physical dependence or tolerance. 2. According to the status of men who are marihuana smokers, approximately 20% of them were college students, those preparing to retake college entrance examinations, non-employed and pharmacists. The men belong mostly to the middle foreigner′s mistress of higher, income bracket, and in the case of women, most of the smokers were US. servicemen entertainers. 3. Dynamic developmental factors: Case 1. : The patient had a characteristic, hysterical and emotionally unitable character, and was of low intelligence, In addition, to this already existing problem, the added uses of marihuana caused a mental illness to develope. Case 2 : The character, was reserved and introspective, her creative power and sentiment was fading and his ability of self-control was weakened. She used the smoking of marihuana to get rid of her own feeling of inferiority complex and tensions coming from interpersonal relationships. Case 3 : The patient was unconditionally resistive to the authoritativeness of superiors and irresponsible in his relationship with women, in his attitude concerning sex in general. He smoked marihuana because he felt become peace-loving and get enchanted experience through smoking it. 4. The points of issue appearing from the above case; (1) Movement of anti-social feelings against the "established system" by the youngsters. (2) Family problem. (3) Shamelessness, loss of motivation, disorderly attitude toward the sex, (4) Worries concerning the future. (5) Lack of knowledge concerning smoking of cigarette and marihuana. Chronic use of marihuana made, those youngman who had originally been ambitions to achieve something in life, lazy, inefficient, unable to make long-term plans, are such weak mined persons that they did not try to overcome problems when encountered. This will pose a great and important question in the mental health of the society, 5. Treatment and Problem sieving According to the literature, we will have to place importance upon hospitalized treatment The phases of treatment were divided into five parts. (1) Prehospital phase (2) Withdrawal Phase (3) Rehabilitation phase (4) Transitional phase (5) After-care phase The experiments have proved that there was much progress in the recovery of patients through environment therapy, supportive therapy and group psychotherapy. This was the above mentioned 5 phases of treating process in accordance with the weekly schedule of the hospital. It was thought that the patients would require prolonged after care management even after they were released from the hospital and that they will also require periodic visit, to the hospital and doctor′s interview with their family. In conclusion, the question of the young generation and marihuana smoking is becoming a great social problem in which their resistances to the "established system" and society is growing in the from of antiestablishment movements. In our country, the smoking of marihuana is gradually developing, therefore, I think, that it would be a very fortunate thing for us, if this report could be helpful for the motivation of further study on the questions of the young generation and its problems.

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Are Giving and Volunteering Multiplicative Behaviors or Compensatory Behaviors? (기부행동과 자원봉사활동은 중복적 보완관계인가? 보충적 대체관계인가?)

  • Kim, Ji-Hae;Chung, Ick-Joong
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.64 no.2
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    • pp.133-158
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    • 2012
  • In the modern society, a growth in the non-profit sector and a decrease in the government budget on social welfare result in a greater need of individual giving and volunteering. Therefore, in order to manage non-profit organizations effectively, it is necessary to encourage citizen participation in giving and volunteering through identifying various factors affecting giving and volunteering. In order to identify what factors are affecting participation in giving and volunteering and whether the relationship between giving and volunteering is multiplicative or compensatory, this study uses multinomial logistic regression analysis by categorizing four groups based on the participation types of giving and volunteering. The research findings confirmed that common factors such as religion and satisfaction with leisure time were still significant, and specific factors were also found among factors affecting participation in giving and volunteering. Especially, this study identified that factors affecting giving and volunteering differ according to household income, education level, employment status, gender and social relationship satisfaction. The findings confirmed that giving and volunteering are compensatory behaviors. Finally, the implications of this study were discussed. A differential strategy for giving and volunteering is needed to encourage citizen participation in non-profit organizations.

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Visual Evaluation Factors of Pork Loin and Korean Consumer's Preference Choice (돈육 등심의 육안적 평가조건과 한국소비자들의 기호도 성향 분석)

  • Cho, S.H.;Park, B.Y.;Byun, J.S.;Kim, J.H.;Ahn, J.N.;Yun, S.G.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.415-426
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    • 2004
  • Digital photographs of 16 pork chops were taken and modified images to give 16 treatments: two levels of each of fat cover, color, marbling and drip. Consumers(n = 1,014) were randomly selected and a questionnaire asking for socio-demographic information was completed. Each consumer was asked to select preferred type from 16 treatments and this selection was repeated eight times. There were significant differences in pork selection among age, sex and occupation groups only except income levels. Pork preference choices were different in meat color, fat cover and drip depending on age group. Student consumers aging from 18 to 24 years preferred pork chop having darker color, thinner fat cover and more drip when compared to the other groups(p < 0.05). Male preferred pork having darker and more drip than female(p < 0.05). Marital status had a effect on the preference in meat color and drip. The consumers had different choice in color, fat cover and drip depending on occupation(p < 0.05). This results can provide a fundamental information for industries or processors to develop or produce pork that satisfy each target consumer group in the future.

Usage and Satisfaction of Food-related Smartphone Applications of Office Workers in Seoul Area (수도권 지역 직장인의 음식 관련 스마트폰 어플리케이션 이용 실태와 만족도)

  • Gil, Munkyung;Jeong, Heesun;Yoon, Jiyoung
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.1096-1106
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    • 2014
  • This study was conducted to figure the usage status and satisfaction of food-related smartphone applications by generic characteristics and food purchase attributes of Seoul area workers. The results show that health vitality-oriented group, married compared to single, those with higher eating-out expenses possess more food-related applications (p<0.05). The primary reason for the usage of food-related applications was the need for food-related information (53.7%). The highest application subjects in use were restaurant-related information and recipe information. The real-life aid food-related applications utilized most were also restaurant information (60.7%) and recipe information (28.3%). Health vitality-oriented respondents especially turned out to use nutrition information and food functionality information often (p<0.01), and recipes or calories & diet information usage frequency was higher in women than in men (p<0.001). Restaurant-related information were more frequently used by singles, highly educated, and those with high income and eating-out expenses (p<0.05). Satisfaction of food-related applications was normal (3.06), showing that the satisfactory level is not yet high. Satisfaction regarding purchase attributes showed that the health vitality-oriented group (3.19) was more satisfied compared to other groups (p<0.05), and women (3.16) were more satisfied that men (2.89) were (p<0.05). Inconveniences of food-related applications were highest in usage fee (3.29), simplicity of information (3.28), lack of reliability of information and need for update (3.10). The results of this study implies that various subdivisions of food-related applications users should be implemented; at the same time, food-related applications covering diverse subjects that regard each group's characteristics should be developed in order to utilize food-related knowledge and information as a marketing tool in the food industry; this can efficiently be done by paying attention to the quality of information and updates within applications.

The Relationship among Patients Sick-role Behavior Compliance, Health Belief and Health Locus of Control in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Visiting Public Health Center (보건소 내소 당뇨병 환자의 건강신념, 건강 통제위성격과 환자역할행위 이행과의 관계)

  • Kong, Kyung-Ja;Tae, Young-Sook;Sahn, Sue-Kyung
    • Journal of Home Health Care Nursing
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.103-113
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    • 2002
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to explore the relationship among health belief. health locus of control and patients sick-role behavior compliance of diabetic mellitus patients visiting public health center. Method: The subjects of this study were 193 of the diabetic patients who were visiting 4 Public Health Center in B city. The instrument used for measuring health belief was Park's(1985). for health locus of control was Wallston. et al's(1978) and for sick-role behavior compliance was Park's(1984). The data were collected with structured questionnaires; total 58 items contained about health belief. health locus of control and sick-role behavior compliance from 1st to 31st July. 2001. The data was analyzed by the SPSS/PC programs using t-test. Pearson's correlation coefficient. ANOVA and Scheffe-test. Result: The average score of the health belief was $57.99\pm9.45$ health locus of control was $66.83\pm9.48$ and sick-role behavior compliance was $42.81\pm7.00$. Statistically significant factors influencing the health belief among social demographic characteristics were family number(F=3.818. p=0.024), monthly income(F=5.153, p=0.002), time of diagnosis(F=3.937. p=0.002) and difficult to control disease(F=5.803. p=0.000). The significant factors influencing the health locus of control were marital status(F=4.669. p=0.010). Also significant factors influencing the sick-role behavior compliance were monthly incomes(F=5.245, p=0.000). the time of diagnosis(F=4.424. p=0.001) and admission to hospital with diabetes(F=9.031. p=0.000). There was negative mild correlation comparatively between health belief and sickrole behavior compliance(r=-0.142, p<0.05) but no correlation in sensitiveness/severity, barrier, benefit(p<0.05). There was no correlation between internal. external. chance health locus of control and sick-role behavior compliance (P>0.05). Conclusion: There was a negative weak relationship between health locus of control and patient's sick role behavior compliance. Therefore further study to investigate the relating factor of the sick role behavior compliance among above of middle aged diabetes mellitus patients is necessary.

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Quality of Life and Its Association with Physical and Mental Function in the Elderly People Affiliated with Long-term Care Insurance Services (노인 장기요양보험급여 이용자들의 삶의 질과 신체적 및 정신적 기능과의 관련성)

  • Kim, Hyeong-Seon;Park, Jae-Young;Kwon, In-Sun;Cho, Young-Chae
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.11 no.10
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    • pp.3808-3819
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    • 2010
  • This study was performed to determine the levels of quality of life(QOL) according to the grade of long-term care service in the elderly people who were judged from long-term care insurance, and to reveal its association with related variables. The interviews were made to 958 elderlies in urban and rural areas from March 1 to May 31, 2009. The mean scores of QOL among all subjects were $55.4{\pm}15.62$(Grade I; $49.7{\pm}14.17$, Grade II; $56.8{\pm}14.62$, Grade III; $59.4{\pm}16.36$), and they were lower according to the higher grade of long-term care insurance. The multiple regression analysis was used to reveal the explanatory powers of factors influencing on the level QOL. Such factors as educational level, monthly income, subjective health status, depression and MMSE-K were shown to affect their QOL in Grade I, Grade II, and Grade III with explanatory powers of 45~62%.

Investigation on Status of Pou1try Industry in Japan (일본의 양계추이와 경영실태에 관한 조사분석)

  • 오세정
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.29-52
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    • 1989
  • Selection of breeds, adequate environment and sanitary condition must be considered to improve production ability. Minimizing of production cost through reasonable management and farm system can introduce maximizing net income. Followings are the summary of poultry industry in Japan: (1) To decreasing consumers Price and to gurantee the quality of eggs, poultry farms changed their farm system as complex which contain feed factory, GP center and processing factory as well as raising laying hens. (2) Broiler farms moved from suburbs to several remote from cites owing to development of transferation , and rising price of land. (3) The egg Price in Japan was depended on season. From fall to spring, the Price was usually rised due to increased consumption, and from May to August the price always dropped. (4) The average production per one you was around 17kg/hen and average feed consumption was around 2.45. Rearing rate was around 98.5% and motality of hens was around 7%. And one person reared 15,000-20,000 hens in over 100 thousand chicken reared farms even though average ability per person showed 3,266 hens.

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ROI(Return on Investment) Analysis of Open-field Cultivation of Rhus verniciflura (옻나무 노지재배 투자 수익성 분석)

  • Park, Yong Bae;Lee, Ho Sang;Jeon, Chul Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.102 no.1
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    • pp.107-112
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of the study is to give ROI information about management status and investment returns to someone who will newly cultivate Rhus verniciflura and expand area of Rhus verniciflura cultivation. In this study, IRR (Internal Rate of Returns), B/C Ratio and NPV are applied for ROI analysis. We basically surveyed thirty household among Rhus verniciflura cultivation farmhouses in chief producing districts Won-ju in Gang- Won, Ok-Cheon in Chung-Buk, Ham-Yang in Gyeong-Nam in Korea from May until October in 2011. Hence, the research surveyed these farmers about production cost, management cost, input labors and materials, land price and etc. by working process to calculate production and operation cost. As the result of farm survey, the result of the analysis shows income rate 27.76%, B/C Ratio 2.5, and NPV 121,830,831 won in $16,500m^2$ with 10 years period when local price of Rhus verniciflura is 2,200,000 won/3.75 kg at locals with 3% discount rate is applied. Therefore, starting open field cultivation of Rhus verniciflura, which requires intensive labor or expanding the cultivation area needs more labor force.