• Title/Summary/Keyword: Income

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  • Son, Yu-Jin;Hyun, Hong-Keun;Kim, Young-Jae;Kim, Jung-Wook;Lee, Sang-Hoon;Kim, Chong-Chul;Hahn, Se-Hyun;Jang, Ki-Taeg
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.97-101
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    • 2010
  • The practice pattern of pediatric dentistry in the university dental hospital has been changing for the last several decades, due to socioeconomic changes, developments in dental materials and increasing number of private pediatric dental clinics. The purpose of this study is to survey the changing patterns of pediatric dental treatment in the university dental hospital and to present the future direction for pediatric dentistry. Patient distribution and practice trends were reviewed based on the OCS (order communication system) records of the department of pediatric dentistry, Seoul National University Dental Hospital from 2001 to 2008. Results were as follows; 1. The number of patients increased up to 2005 and decreased in 2006, and has remained constant up to 2008. 2. The proportion of preventive and orthodontic treatment increased and the proportion of restorative and pulpal treatment decreased. 3. In restorative treatment, amalgam restoration decreased and resin restoration increased. 4. Frequency of sedation decreased in 2006, 2007 and increased in 2008. 5. Frequency of general anesthesia increased up to 2008.

A Study on the Effects of Brand Individuality of Specialty Coffee Shops on Brand Loyalty (커피 전문점의 브랜드 개성이 브랜드 충성도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Joon-Seok;Choi, Sung-Hwan
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.124-141
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    • 2011
  • The domestic food culture in Korea has gone through great changes, among which dining out is considered most prominent. These changes are caused by a number of factors: development of several related industries, increase in dining out chances, diversification of consumer needs, change in consumption awareness and quality, increase in disposable income, women's advance into the society, etc. Under these circumstances, the fast food industry has been experiencing slow growth, whereas family restaurants and take out coffee franchises are consistently increasing the number of restaurants and shops as a part of aggressive management to increase sales. This study aims, first, to examine the effects of consumer's brand individuality and satisfaction on brand trust, brand emotion, brand identification, and brand loyalty of specialty coffee shops. Subsequently, this study observes how consumer's brand individuality and satisfaction affect the formation of brand trust, brand emotion, brand identification, and brand loyalty in accordance with preferred type of specialty coffee shops, frequency of experience, and life style in order to establish relevant strategies. The results of this study are as follows. First, brand individuality had a positive effect on customer satisfaction. Second, customer satisfaction had a positive effect on brand trust. Third, customer satisfaction had a positive effect on brand loyalty. Fourth, customer satisfaction had a positive effect on brand emotion. Fifth, brand trust had a positive effect on brand loyalty. Sixth, brand emotion had a positive effect on brand loyalty. These results have the following implications. First, the dimensions of brand individuality are presented as a means to form brand loyalty, thereby demonstrating the significance of the effect. Accordingly, developing a proper brand individuality in forming brand loyalty is imperative. Second, consumers using specialty coffee shops had the greatest effect on the relation between dimensions of brand individuality and customer satisfaction in this study, while the interrelation between customer satisfaction and brand loyalty was not concretely supported in the preceding studies.

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Main Causes of Delayed Marriage among Korean Men and Women; Contingent Joints of Status Homogamy, Gender Role Divisions, and Economic Restructuring (남녀 결혼시기 연장의 주요 원인: 계층혼, 성역할분리규범, 경제조정의 우발적 결합)

  • Park, Keong-Suk;Kim, Young-Hye;Kim, Hyun-Suk
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.33-62
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    • 2005
  • This study aims to explain the current upheaval in marriage that many young Korean men and women postpone or deny their marriage. In order to explain the delayed marriage, we need to understand the taste by which men and women choose their partners, the opportunity by which they find their ideational half in reality, and the context in which these values and opportunities of marriages intersect. This study examines the way in which the value and opportunities of marriage among Korean men and women have intersected differently in the changing economic conditions. Using KLIPS(Korea Labor Income Panel Survey, 1998-2002), differential effects of education and occupational status on marital time according to marriage cohort and gender are analyzed. Results find that the opportunity of marriage among men turns out to have been stratified significantly according to their educational achievement and labor status since the 1990s. For women, education and economic activities are likely to influence marriage decision in a discordant way; during the period of 1990-997, highly educated women are more likely than their counterparts to be married earlier while there is no significant difference according to economic activities. This implies that status homogamy has been intensified since the 1990s and many women with high motivation for social status are able to achieve a vicarious social status through marriage in a prosperous economy. For women married after 1998, however, the educational effect is insignificant but economic activity contributes to delaying marriage. This suggests that under the economic restructuring since the late 1990s, the constraint of opportunities finding decent jobs particularly for men results in the contingent change in women's perception about family roles and economic activities by reducing their expectation to achieve a vicarious status through marriage, but increasing their motive for their own economic activities.

A Survey on Housewives' Consumption Pattern and Nutrition Knowledge about Vegetables (주부의 채소 소비형태 및 영양지식에 대한 연구)

  • Kang, Keum-Jee;Chung, Mi-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.377-390
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    • 1995
  • This study was to investigate the consumption pattern and nutrition knowledge about vegetables of 184 housewives attending the school of adult and continuing education attached to DukSung Women's University. The results were summarized as follows; the average vegetable expenses were $10,000{\sim}20,000$ won per week. The frequency of purchasing vegetables was $2{\sim}3$ times a week. Respondents usually bought the vegetables at local markets and supermarkets. As for buying vegetables, all of respondents kept in mind all the time the organic vegetables were better. The price was the most important factor of their purchase in the low income households. In the family, the vegetable dishes were favored by housewives most and by sons least. Among the vegetable cooking methods, Kimchi was the most frequently used and salad was the least. Forty four percent of the respondents experienced purchasing ready made vegetable dishes in the market. The reason they bought ready made ones was the special taste of the dishes. The rest of respondents never bought cooked vegetable dishes because they thought the dishes unsanitary. Twenty seven percent of the respondents experienced purchasing. The reason for not purchasing Kimchi was the housewives' traditional prejudice of buying Kimchi in the market. Respondents have a considerable knowledge that 42 kinds of vegetables could be good for certain disease and 10 kinds of vegetables might be harmful for certain disease.

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Spatial Changes in the Business Organization of Retailing in the Seoul Metropolitan Area (首都圈地域 小賣業 經營의 空間的 變容)

  • Han, Ju-Seong
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.19-37
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    • 1996
  • This paper aims at examining the regional difference of changes in the business organization of retailing in the Seoul metropolitan areas, as an attempt to understand regional structure of retailing within metropolitan areas showing the trend of suburbanization. On the national level, retail sales have concentrated on the large metropolitan areas, especially on the Seoul metropolitan area, with the concentration of population and income. Within metropolitan areas, the suburbanization of retailing has made the larger structure of retail and multi-store retail appeared. In order to confirm such phenomenon, this paper is to analyze and to compare the industrial composition of retailing using industry data of 1979 and 1991. And this paper is to analyze the regional changes in the characteristics of business organization of retailing, with the index including the percentages of establishments with less than under four employees, juridical establishments, employees of ordinary times, and the annual sales per establishment of detailing. The characteristics of business organization of retailing in analyzed by principal components analysis, and the types with component in each district (city, county, ward) is analyzed by cluster analysis(Ward method). The data of 1979 were obtained from the statistics in the Census of Wholesale and Retail Trade published by the National Bureau of Statistics of Economic Planning Board, and that of 1991 were obtained from the statistics in the Report on Establishment Census (Vol.3 Wholesale and Retail Trade) published by the National Statistics Office. The following are resultant findings. 1. In Seoul metropolitan area, changes in the industrial composition of retailing with annual sales from, 1979 to 1991 show very higher composition rates of 'general merchandise stores' and 'retailing of personal transport equipment and gasoline service stations', but comparatively lower composition rates of 'retailing of food, beverages and tobacco', 'retailing of textiles, clothing, footwear and apparel accessaries', 'general retail trade, n.e.c.',and 'retailing of household fuel'. 2. The characteristics of business organization of retailing in Seoul metropolitan area presents the prevailence of small, personal business organization and especially larger employees of ordinary times. 3. Business components of retailing by principal components analysis in Seoul metropolitan area are follows: 1 All retaining industries are larger business scale. 2. Larger business take the 'retailing of taxtiles, clothing, footwear and apparel accessories', 'retailing of furniture, home furnishing and equipment', and 'retailing of jewellery and watches' is main characteristic legal organization and employees of ordinary times. 4. Types changes in business organization of retailing in Seoul metropolitan area represent legal organization and employees of ordinary times taking the 'retailing of textiles, clothing, footwear and apparel accessories', 'retailing of furniture, home furnishing and equipment',and 'retailing of jewellery and equipment', and 'retailing of jewellery and watches', and legal organization taking 'general retail trade, n.e.c.' in 1979. All retailing industries are changed into larger business scale, in 1991. These phenomena of business changes appeared southeastern regions in Kyunggi-do(province). And larger business scale taking the 'retailing of textiles, clothing, footwear and apparel accessories', 'retailing of jewellery and watches', and 'general retail trade, n.e.c.; are appeared in the legal organization in 1979. 'Retailing of personal transport equipment and gasoline service stations' are appeared in employees of ordinary times in 1991. These phenomena of business changes in appeared in eastern and northern regions in Kyunggi-do. 5. Changes in the business organization of retailing in Seoul metropolitan area is appeared in legal organization and employees of ordinary times for some industries in 1979, larger business scale of retailing and employees of ordinary times in 'retailing of personal transport equipment and gasoline service stations' are the characteristics in 1991.

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Examination of Generating Mechanism Concerning Father's Participation in Child-rearing (맞벌이 가정 부친의 육아참가 발생과정)

  • Park, Ji-Sun;Kondo, Rie;Kim, Jung-Suk;Sasai, Tsukasa;Takahashi, Shigesato;Park, Chun-Man;Nakajima, Kazuo
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.57-70
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    • 2009
  • Objectives: This purpose of this study was to make clear the fitness to data of the causality model related to father's child-rearing participation in a double-income household. Methods: Subjects of this survey consisted of the fathers of 2,006 households that use 21 day-care centers and 4 kindergartens whose cooperation was received via the city government departments that have jurisdiction over day-care centers and kindergartens in cities A and B in prefecture I and in city C in prefecture II (city A: 499 households; city B: 1,113 households; city C: 988 households). The surveyed items consisted of the father's age, the father's educational history, the number of children, the age of the youngest child, the father's parental-role awareness, the father's daily working hours, the father's return-home time, and child-rearing participation by the father. Results: The fit indices were found to be CFI = 0.912, GFI = 0.948, and RMSEA = 0.082. Regarding the path coefficients, the path coefficient of the pathway from the age of the youngest child to the father's parent positivity (0.08) and the path coefficient of the pathway from the father's parent positivity to child-rearing participation (0.19) were both at statistically significant levels. Also, the father's return-home time and the working hours, which were considered as disincentives exhibited a direct effect on child-rearing participation without being influenced by the father's parent positivity or parent negativity. The path coefficient of the pathway from return-home time to child-rearing participation was -0.43, and the path coefficient of the pathway from working hours to child-rearing participation was -0.13. The value of the path coefficient expressing the relationship between the return-home time and working hours was 0.80. Conclusion: Authors infered that it'll be the basic material to build a generation mechanism about vanity and father's child-rearing participation appropriately as a result of this research.

Evaluation of Diet Quality according to Self-Rated Health Status of Korean Middle-Aged Women -Based on 2008~2009 Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey- (한국 중년 여성의 주관적 건강상태에 따른 식사의 질 평가 -2008~2009 국민건강영양조사 자료 활용-)

  • Lee, Hye-Jin;Lee, Kyung-Hea
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.42 no.9
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    • pp.1395-1404
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the diet quality in Korean middle-aged women based on their self-rated health status (SRH) as well as to investigate the relationship between SRH and the diet quality. For the study, we obtained data for analysis from the combined 2008~2009 Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES). The study subjects were divided into two groups-'Good' group (${\geq}3.06$, n=622) and 'Bad' group (<3.06, n=1,092)- on the basis of the average SRH value (3.06). The women in the 'Good' group had achieved a higher education level and had a significantly high monthly average income (P<0.05), whereas women in the 'Bad' group had a larger waist circumference (P<0.05). In addition, women in the 'Good' group engaged in more physical activities (P<0.01). In comparison with the women in 'Bad' group, women in the 'Good' group were found to have a superior nutritional status, with a nutrient adequacy ratio (NAR) of protein (P<0.05), calcium (P<0.05), iron (P<0.05), vitamin A (P<0.05), vitamin $B_2$ (P<0.05), and niacin (P<0.01). The mean adequacy ratio (MAR) of women in the 'Good' group was also significantly higher than that of the women in the 'Bad' group. The index of nutritional quality (INQ) of protein (P<0.05), iron (P<0.05), vitamin $B_1$ (P<0.05), and niacin (P<0.05) in women belonging to the 'Good' group were also significantly higher than that in the women assigned the 'Bad' group. The results of regression analysis on the relevance between the diet quality and SRH, MAR, and INQ showed a significantly positive relevance (P<0.001), even after adjusting for disturbance factors. The results of this study show that diet quality seems to be the important factor for improving SRH of women. Therefore, we suggest that developing dietary guidelines and educating women about the guidelines would improve health of middle-aged women in Korea.

The Policy of Park Asset Transfers in England: A Move toward Community Ownership and Park Management (커뮤니티의 공원 소유와 관리·운영 방안으로서 영국의 공원 커뮤니티자산이전 정책)

  • Kim, Yeun-Kum
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.108-119
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    • 2015
  • Recently, the ways in which individual communities own and manage parks have been both discussed and realized in America and England. Some benefits of these asset transfers are that local governments can reduce the financial cost of management as well as improve the service of the parks. In addition, communities can develop these parks as unique assets. Ultimately, this is a new understanding of parks as community commons. This study examines the policy of park asset transfers to communities in England. These transfers, which involve reallocating land and building management and/or ownership from the public sector to a community group, are part of a policy agenda known as "Big Society", which aims to create a "small government" within a "big society". The agenda is pursued by both the English Conservative and Unionist Party governments. Eight case studies of community park asset transfers in England were examined in this study, under three categories-transfer process, partnership among stakeholders, and financial structure-and synthesized along three issues-financial contribution, level of public transparency, and closeness of the relationship between park and community. In some cases, new community groups were created specifically to receive park assets, while in other communities, existing groups became the park trustees. For most parks, community groups raise park maintenance funding through diverse methods; however, these groups are often not entirely financially independent from local government. Thus, many park trustees have already created, or are planning to create, other assets from which parks can benefit. Second, some efforts for public transparency include trusts that are registered as charities, of which their public nature is admitted officially. These trusts resolve important decisions through boards of trustees, in an effort to promote income-generating business while not excluding users. Ultimately, a close relationship between park and community empowers the community to participate in managing and maintaining the park; in turn, the park's capacities are improved. Current struggles include the many limits involved in communities accepting ownership and management of a park, and a lack of local government experience regarding public-private management and maintenance of a public asset. This study, however, details interesting policy implications for Korean community involvement as well as diverse financial methods to facilitate park management.

Effects of Harvesting Methods on Properties of Cured-leaves in Aromatic Tobacco Production (향끽미종의 수확방법이 건조엽특성에 미치는 영향)

  • 이철환;조명조
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.177-183
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    • 1989
  • Lower leaves of aromatic tobacco are also much lower in Quality than upper leaves. So feasibility test of no harvesting and curing of lower leaves was conducted under high planting density and high nitrogen conditions with conventional cultural system. Effect of harvesting time on yield and Quality were investigated under 2 nitrogen levels. Among harvesting methods of conventional harvest with priming under high planting density, no-harvest of first priming, removal of lower leaves which relevant to first prime stalk before maturity, no-harvest of first and second priming. no-harvesting or pruning of first prime stalk before maturity was best in yield, price and in crude income. The shortor the harvest period became, the lower the yield, price and contents of reducing sugar and nicotine became, but reverse in this trends with total nitrogen and protein nitrogen. So 6 or 8 days interval of harvest is most recommendable.

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Changes in Growing Period and Productivity under Double Cropping of Spring Potato and Summer Cereals in Paddy Fields of Southern Korea (남부지역 논에서 봄감자와 하작물 이모작에 따른 생육기간 및 생산성 변화)

  • Seo, Jong-Ho;Hwang, Chung-Dong;Choi, Weon-Young;Bae, Hyeon-Kyung;Kim, Sang-Yeol;Oh, Seong-Hwan
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    • v.64 no.4
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    • pp.459-468
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    • 2019
  • Changes in growing periods and productivities of crops under double cropping of potato-rice, potato-soybean and potato-maize, were investigated at the Paddy Experimental Fields in Miryang City from 2015 to 2018. Spring potatoes planted in early March showed a yield of 2.1-2.3 ton/10a and a period of 90 days. In double cropping, growing period of rice, soybean, and maize was about 130, 125 and 115 days, respectively. The potato yield obtained was as much as 616, 330 and 815 kg/10a under double cropping with rice, soybean and maize, respectively. It is beneficial to sow the spring potatoes as early as possible to increase the yield and to secure the growing period of sequential crops. The introduction of summer medium-late variety grain crops into double cropping of spring potato and rice as well as into double cropping of spring potato and soybean/maize, was possible because of no sowing in the fall and plants were able to reach the heading growth stage before the safe heading limit of rice in particular. In the case of maize, the growth period was different according to the change in temperature over the year. The introduction of upland crops such as soybeans and maize instead of rice improved soil physicochemical properties in a short period of time, contributing to the increase of spring potato yields, but there was also a risk of damage by successive cropping for more than three years. Spring potato-maize showed higher yield in terms of starch production, and spring potato-soybean was found to be advantageous for net income.