• 제목/요약/키워드: In-situ

검색결과 6,175건 처리시간 0.033초

SiC입자와 Al-Ti합금 용탕간반응에 의한 in situ 생성 TiC입자강화 Al합금복합재료의 조직과 기계적특성 (Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of in situ TiCp/Al Composites Fabricated by the Interfacial Reaction between SiC Particles and Liquid Al-Ti Alloy)

  • 임석원;중전박도
    • 한국주조공학회지
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.170-179
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    • 1997
  • A noble technique has been developed for fabricating in situ formed $TiC_p/Al$ composites. In this process, fairly stable TiC particles were in situ synthesized in liquid aluminum by the interfacial reaction between an Al-Ti melt and SiC, which is a comparatively unstable carbide from the view-point of thermodynamics. It is possible in the present process to generate TiC particles of nearly 1 ${\mu}m$ in diameter, even utilizing SiC of 14 ${\mu}m$ as raw material. However, the dispersion behavior of TiC particles in the matrix depends on the size of the raw material SiC. Decomposing finer SiC makes the dispersion of TiC particles more uniform and the mechanical properties of composites are improved accordingly. The structure of in situ composites and their mechanical properties are affected by the fabrication temperature and the stirring time. It has been found that the most suitable condition for fabrication should be applied depending on the size of the raw material, even if the same kinds of carbide are used. Furthermore, although Al-Ti-Si system intermetallic compounds are detected in a $TiC_p/Al-Si$ composite which is fabricated by conventional melt-stirrng method, these compounds can not be observed in a $TiC_p/Al-Si$ composite made by this in situ production method. Hence the mechanical properties of the in situ $TiC_p/Al-Si$ composite are superior to those of the conventional $TiC_p/Al-Si$ composites.

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Experimental Applications of in situ Liver Perfusion Machinery for the Study of Liver Disease

  • Choi, Won-Mook;Eun, Hyuk Soo;Lee, Young-Sun;Kim, Sun Jun;Kim, Myung-Ho;Lee, Jun-Hee;Shim, Young-Ri;Kim, Hee-Hoon;Kim, Ye Eun;Yi, Hyon-Seung;Jeong, Won-Il
    • Molecules and Cells
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    • 제42권1호
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    • pp.45-55
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    • 2019
  • The liver is involved in a wide range of activities in vertebrates and some other animals, including metabolism, protein synthesis, detoxification, and the immune system. Until now, various methods have been devised to study liver diseases; however, each method has its own limitations. In situ liver perfusion machinery, originally developed in rats, has been successfully adapted to mice, enabling the study of liver diseases. Here we describe the protocol, which is a simple but widely applicable method for investigating the liver diseases. The liver is perfused in situ by cannulation of the portal vein and suprahepatic inferior vena cava (IVC), with antegrade closed circuit circulation completed by clamping the infrahepatic IVC. In situ liver perfusion can be utilized to evaluate immune cell migration and function, hemodynamics and related cellular reactions in each type of hepatic cells, and the metabolism of toxic or other compounds by changing the composition of the circulating media. In situ liver perfusion method maintains liver function and cell viability for up to 2 h. This study also describes an optional protocol using density-gradient centrifugation for the separation of different types of hepatic cells, allowing the determination of changes in each cell type. In summary, this method of in situ liver perfusion will be useful for studying liver diseases as a complement to other established methods.

PMMA 용액에서 중합된 TLCP in situ 복합재료에 관한 연구 (On the In situ Composites Containing TLCP Polymerized in PMMA Solution)

  • 김성국;윤두수;최수경;방문수;최재곤;조병욱
    • 공업화학
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.148-153
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    • 1999
  • 2-bromoterephthaloyl chloride와 1,4-bis(p-hydroxybenzoyloxy)butane을 PMMA 용액내에서 중축합시켜 in situ 복합재료를 제조하였다. 이들의 합성확인 및 열적, 기계적 성질은 FT-IR, FT-NMR, DSC와 DMTA에 의해서, 몰폴로지는 광학현미경과 SEM을 사용하여 조사하였다. 합성된 TLCP는 네마틱상을 보였고, 복합재료내 PMMA의 유리전이온도와 기계적 성질은 TLCP의 농도증가와 함께 증가하였다. TLCP domain은 PMMA 매트릭스내에서 미세 분산되었음을 확인하였고 in situ 중합에 의해 제조된 20 wt % TLCP/PMMA 복합재료는 같은 조성의 용액 블렌딩에 의해서 제조된 재료보다 더 높은 기계적 강도와 미세 분산도를 보였다.

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in situ ELISA를 이용한 사람세포거대바이러스의 측정법 개발 (Establishment of Measurement of Human Cytomegalovirus with in situ ELISA)

  • 황응수;김진희;박정규;차창룡
    • 대한바이러스학회지
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    • 제30권2호
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    • pp.125-130
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    • 2000
  • Infection with human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is of considerable clinical relevance after placental transmission and in immunosuppressed patients such as transplant recipients or patients with AIDS. The rapid detection method of HCMV has been required to overcome the time-consuming methods such as classical plaque assay or other immunological methods. This study was performed to establish the in situ ELISA, in which human lung fibroblasts infected with HCMV were fixed and used directly as antigen in 96 well culture plate. Expressed HCMV antigens were detected with HCMV-specific monoclonal antibodies. This method could detect HCMV dose-dependently upto $3{\times}10^2\;pfu/ml$. Antiviral activity of ganciclovir could be assayed within the known range of effective dose. This result showed that HCMV could be quantitated by in situ ELISA. The chemical, which was selected on the basis of component analysis in natural product, was tested to have the anti-HCMV activity by in situ ELISA, and three among five samples were found to have anti-HCMV activity with the dose-dependent manner. Conclusively in situ ELISA could be useful method for quantitation of HCMV and screening antiviral activity of samples to HCMV.

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심지층처분장 공학적방벽 성능 실증: 현장실험적 접근법 검토 (Validation of Performance of Engineered Barriers in a Geological Repository: Review of In-Situ Experimental Approach)

  • 조원진;김건영
    • 방사성폐기물학회지
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    • 제16권2호
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    • pp.137-164
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    • 2018
  • 심지층처분장 공학적방벽의 성능 보장은 장기처분안전성 측면에서 뿐만 아니라 심지층처분장의 효율적인 설계를 위해서도 매우 중요하다. 따라서 지하실험시설에서 수행되는 현장실험들을 통해 심지층처분장 조건 하에서의 공학적방벽 성능을 입증할 필요가 있다. 이 논문에서는 심지층처분장 공학적방벽의 성능을 실증하기 위해, 지난 수십 년 동안 전 세계에서 수행되어온 주요 현장실험의 현황과 그 결과에 대해 검토하였다. 먼저 심지층처분장의 폐쇄 후 성능을 모사하는 공학적방벽시스템의 열-수리-역학적 복합거동을 규명하기 위한 현장실험들이 분석되었다. 아울러 실제 심지층처분장의 환경에서 완충재의 성능을 조사하기 위한 현장실험들이 검토되었다. 완충재-콘크리트 상호반응, 완충재, 뒷채움재 및 플러그의 설치, 그리고 근계암반 특성과 처분용기 재질의 부식 현상을 규명하기 위한 현장실험들의 기술현황도 분석되었다.

사질토에서 현장타설 팽이기초의 거동특성 (The Behavior of In-situ Top Base foundation in Granular Soil)

  • 김학문;김찬국
    • 한국지반공학회논문집
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    • 제24권10호
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    • pp.121-129
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    • 2008
  • 본 논문에서는 기존 공장제작 콘크리트 팽이기초가 갖는 문제점들을 해결 보완하기 위해 개발된 현장타설 팽이기초의 거동특성을 검토하고자, 현장재하시험 결과를 근거로 팽이기초의 수치해석 모델링을 하였으며, 구성된 수치해석 모델을 이용하여 기초형식 및 형상 변화에 따른 거동특성을 비교 분석하였다. 수치해석 결과, 현장타설 팽이기초 (In-situ TBF)는 전단활동파괴면이 더 깊고 넓게 형성되어 지반파괴에 대한 저항력이 증가하게 되고, 이로 인해 지지력이 향상되는 것을 확인 할 수 있었다. 기초의 형상에 따른 효과는 원추부에 의한 것 보다는 말뚝부에 의한 효과가 더 큰 것으로 나타났으며, 원추부와 말뚝부가 조합되어 이루어진 팽이기초 형상이 가장 큰 효과를 나타내는 것으로 나타났다. 말뚝부의 길이를 증가시키면서 해석을 수행한 결과, 현재 사용되고 있는 팽이기초말뚝부의 길이가 효율적 크기라는 것을 확인 할 수 있었다.

In-situ 중합을 통한 그래핀/수분산 폴리우레탄 나노 복합체 제조 (Preparation of Graphene/Waterborne Polyurethane Nanocomposite through in-situ Polymerization)

  • 차지정;임진형
    • 폴리머
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    • 제37권4호
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    • pp.507-512
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    • 2013
  • 수분산 폴리우레탄(waterborne polyurethane; WPU)의 물리화학적/전기적 특성을 개선하기 위하여 그래핀에 이소시아네이트기를 도입하고 in-situ 방법으로 폴리우레탄을 중합하여 그래핀/WPU 나노 복합체를 제조하였다. 본 연구의 접근 방법으로 그래핀을 2 wt%까지 그래핀/WPU 나노 복합체에 도입하면 기존 WPU에 비해 인장강도가 57%, 전기전도도는 약 $10^2$배 정도 향상되는 결과를 얻었다. 또한 단순 블렌드 방법으로 만든 그래핀/WPU 복합체와 비교하였을 때, in-situ 중합 방법으로 제조된 복합체가 상대적으로 우수한 기계적 물성과 전기 전도도를 가졌다. 이것은 전자현미경을 이용한 복합체 단면의 형태학적 분석으로부터 이소시아네이트기가 개질된 그래핀(iGO)이 in-situ 중합 방법에 기인한 WPU 매트릭스와의 공유결합과 수소결합을 통하여 균일하게 분산되었기 때문이다.

고지의 효과적인 활용을 위한 in-situ 탄산칼슘 부착방식의 연구 (1) - 탄산칼슘의 부착 효과 증대를 위한 고분자 전처리 - (Application of In-situ CaCO3 Formation Method for Better Utilization of Recycled Fibers (1) - Enhancing Attachment of CaCO3 to Fibers by Polymer Pre-Treatment -)

  • 서영범;이민우;이영호;정재권
    • 펄프종이기술
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    • 제46권5호
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 2014
  • In-situ $CaCO_3$ formation on recycled wood pulp was studied to improve optical property and filler attachment to the fiber furnish in papermaking. We tried to attach calcium oxide (CaO) to the recycled fibers, old newspaper (ONP) in this case, by using selected polymers before in-situ $CaCO_3$ formation reaction on fibers, and then, $CO_2$ was injected to the furnish until all the CaO on fiber surfaces was consumed. It was found that the attachment of newly formed $CaCO_3$ to recycled fibers became stronger by attaching CaO to the fibers before in-situ $CaCO_3$ formation reaction. It was expected that the polymers used for the attachment of calcium source to the fiber furnishes helped to keep the newly formed $CaCO_3$ strongly attached to the fiber surface as well as to retain the impurities associated with calcium source and recycled fibers, if any. In-situ $CaCO_3$ formation gave higher brightness and much less ERIC value in ONP sheet than the case when the equivalent amount of GCC was added to the furnish.

노상 및 보조기층의 소형충격재하시험 활용방안 연구 (A Study for Application of the Light Falling Weight lest on Subbase and Subgrade)

  • 최준성;김종민;한진석;김부일
    • 한국도로학회논문집
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.85-98
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    • 2009
  • 현재, 포장시스템의 노상과 보조기층의 다짐관리는 들밀도 시험을 이용한 상대 다짐도와 평판재하시험이 널리 쓰이고 있다. 하지만, 이 두 시험법은 노상과 보조기층의 다짐관리를 평가하기엔 시간과 비용이 많이 소요되며 실측 값을 얻기에도 매우 어렵다. 이에 본 연구에서는 노상과 보조기층 시공 현장에서 다짐관리를 보다 빠르고, 적은 비용으로 측정 할 수 있는 소형충격재하시험들의 비교분석을 실시한 후, LFWD시험을 다짐평가장비로 제안하였다. 또한, 노상과 보조기층의 실내시험 및 현장 시험을 통하여 국내 도로 하부구조 재료 특성에 따른 $E_{LFWD}$와 상대 다짐도, $K_{30}$, 설계 $M_{R}$ 값과의 상관관계를 제안하였다.

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고지의 효과적인 활용을 위한 in-situ 탄산칼슘 부착방식의 연구(2) - 탄산칼슘 첨가방식과 비교 및 반응온도에 따른 변화 - (Application of In-situ CaCO3 Formation Method for Better Utilization of Recycled Fibers (2) - Comparison with CaCO3 Addition Method and Effects of Temperature -)

  • 이민우;이영호;정재권;서영범
    • 펄프종이기술
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    • 제46권5호
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    • pp.27-34
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    • 2014
  • In-situ $CaCO_3$ formation onto recycled wood pulp was studied to improve optical properties and ash attachment to the fiber furnish in papermaking. We controlled initial reaction temperature of in-situ $CaCO_3$ formation method from $30^{\circ}C$ to $50^{\circ}C$. It was found that the attachment of newly formed $CaCO_3$ to recycled fibers, old newspaper (ONP) in this case, was stronger than that of ground calcium carbonate (GCC, mean dia. $2.4{\mu}m$) addition case, but was not much different among those formed at different temperature. Morphologies of newly formed $CaCO_3$ were changed according to the reaction temperature. More aragonite shape was seen at higher temperature. In-situ $CaCO_3$ formation increased brightness and lowered ERIC value of ONP sheet greatly at the same level of ash contents when compared to GCC addition method, but gave equivalent ERIC and brightness when compared to those of the precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC) addition method. However, tensile strength of the handsheets of the in-situ $CaCO_3$ formation method were much greater than those of the PCC addition method.