• Title/Summary/Keyword: Impression Management Theory

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Sharing Activities in an Online Fashion Community - Focusing on Erving Goffman's Impression Management Theory - (온라인 패션 커뮤니티의 나눔 활동 - 어빙 고프만의 인상관리 이론을 중심으로 -)

  • Hyunjoo Hur;Jaehoon Chun
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.449-459
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    • 2023
  • This study focuses on online communities and the ritual conversations of users when participating in sharing activities. The study aims to understand the social and psychological phenomena that occur between users within the context of Erving Goffman's impression management theory. Case studies and a content analysis were conducted by collecting posts and comments related to fashion products in the sharing activities category on Naver Cafe "Family Sale." On the one hand, the study identified various disposition motives among givers, including a desire for recognition, self-expression, activation of the community, emotional sympathy, goodwill, play, and simple disposition. On the other hand, receivers' purchase motives included the need for a product, reciprocation based on a sense of belonging, play, gift-giving, and simple response. Analyzing the posts of givers and the comments of receivers of fashion products using impression management strategies and dramaturgical analysis, the study interpreted users' impression management and revealed propensities in fashion consumption: fashionability, conspicuousness, value orientation, and economic feasibility. Through ritual conversations, users managed to attain emotional stability on an individual level, while they reinforced collective bonds on a social level. They fulfilled their roles with their own narratives to achieve personal and collective goals in a non-face-to-face situations and non-monetary transactions. This study is significant in that it examines normative communication in an online community and user relationships to understand a recent phenomenon in the fashion industry.

Cultural Backgrounds of Reviewers, Negative Emotions, and Review Helpulness: Based on Impression Management Theory (리뷰어의 문화적 배경, 부정적 감정표현, 그리고 리뷰유용성: 인상관리 이론을 중심으로)

  • Jungwon Lee;Ohsung Kim;Cheol Park
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.59-81
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    • 2024
  • Online consumer reviews provide a variety of information from the customer perspective in terms of satisfaction and dissatisfaction. Negative emotional expression is a potential antecedent of review usefulness, and can also influence potential consumers' attitudes and decisions. In addition, because national culture provides a perspective from which individuals view the world and act, it is highly likely that differences in negative emotional expression will occur depending on culture. This study explores the relationship between national culture and negative emotional expression based on impression management theory and ultimately analyzes the impact on review usefulness. For empirical analysis, 16,076 reviews of 140 hotels located in Seoul were collected and analyzed using the PLS-SEM method. As a result of the analysis, it was found that power distance and masculinity culture dimensions had a positive effect on reviewers' negative emotional expressions, while uncertainty avoidance and long-term orientation had a negative effect. In addition, negative emotional expression was analyzed to have a positive effect on review usefulness even when review ratings were controlled.

A Study on the Costume n "The Goddess Abides" of Pearl S. Buck (Pearl S. Buck의 "The Goddess Abides"에 나타난 복식의 분석)

  • 임경심;김진구
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.18
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    • pp.351-359
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    • 1992
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the costume in $\ulcorner$The Goddess Abides$\lrcorner$ of Pearl S. Buck by applying "Dramaturgical Analysis" of Erving Goffman. The frame of analysis is the dramaturgical conception of Goffman that he expressed in $\ulcorner$The Presentation of self in Everyday Life (1959)$\lrcorner$. Among the conception, I analyzed by applying 'performance', 'technique of impression management', 'region and region behavior' which can be used for studying and costume behavior. The following is the summary of my study. First, the performance means the performer's behavior and the procedure of impression management if face to fact interaction, which includes personal front and setting. Setting is mainly a house on the Mt. in Vermont. The time is Winter. The personal front includes appearance and manner. actors and audiences form impression through persional front. And Istudied the performance of the actors (or actress), Edith, Jared, Edmond, Edwin, Amelia, June. As for technique of impression management, I cold observe that a varieth of that were being used, such as the most general one that Edith wants to look beautiful by making god appearance, or she sometimes try not to look beautiful And when Edith meets Jared, sometimes she changed her clothes, but other times she doesn't do that. As for region and region behavior, there appears the distinction of region and a lot of expressions about clothes related to the distinction. I could observe the expressions showing the movement from front to back and from back to front. Especially I could observe the behaviors that can be occured only in back region in everyday life, that is bathing, changing clothes, making up, checking their appearance before the mirror. Like above when I analyzed $\ulcorner$The Goddess Abides$\lrcorner$ of Pearl S. Buck by Goffman's Dramaturgical analysis, I could find out that the theory was very useful to the analysis of the costume behaviors of the characters.

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An Exploration of Sub-account Management Behavior of SNS Users (SNS 사용자의 서브계정 관리행동에 대한 탐색)

  • Park, Sang Cheol
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.153-171
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    • 2021
  • Purpose This study is to phenomenologically discover key antecedents and outcomes of behavioral process of SNS users who have multiple SNS sub-accounts. Unlike previous studies that focused on user behavior in the context of a specific SNS platform, this study attempts to describe how and why individual manages their multiple sub-accounts across a variety of SNS platforms. Design/methodology/approach By applying the grounded theory methodology (GTM) to elucidate the unique behavior in SNS platforms, this study has conducted in-depth interview with 14 respondents who handle multiple accounts across the SNS platforms. As a results of analyzing the interview manuscripts, this study has extracted 47 concepts, 10 sub-categories and 6 main categories by conducting open coding, axis coding, and selective coding. Findings By analyzing interview data, this study has derived main categories such as account management, impression management, self-categorization, authority to determine the relationship, digital shadow work, and portfolio SNS accounts from qualitative interview data. This study has also conducted a process analysis that represents how main categories could be inter-related. Based on findings, this study provides a new phenomenological perspective to understand the behavioral process of SNS users' sub-account usage experience.

The Effect of Consumers' Loss Aversion on Pioneering Advantage

  • Won, Eu-Gene J.S.
    • Management Science and Financial Engineering
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2011
  • The present study provides a theoretical investigation on pioneering advantage based on reference dependence and loss aversion effect under prospect theory (Kahneman and Tversky, 1979). Behavioral explanations for pioneering advantage are provided from two different perspectives: one based on the prototypicality and the other on the utility uncertainty of the option. A pioneer brand creates the product category and makes a strong impression in customers' mind, and thus becomes the most representative or prototypical option of the category. In addition, the pioneer brand becomes the first option to be experienced by the majority of consumers in the product category, thus has the lowest level of utility uncertainty compared with the late movers. This study integrates the previous accounts for pioneering advantage by showing that consumers have higher preferences for the most prototypical and the least uncertain option based on loss aversion and reference dependence effect. This study suggests that firms should carefully analyze the consumers' loss aversion and perceived uncertainty and prototypicality of their products in order to develop effective market entry strategies.

The Interaction between Clothing -Wearing Motives and fashion Phenomenon: A Qualitative Approach (의복착용 동기와 유행현상의 상호작용에 관한 질적 연구)

  • 정인희;이은영
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.128-139
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    • 1999
  • As the fashion phenomenon changes in the direction of respecting individual tastes it needs to make and effort to search individual clothing-wearing motives. In this study the face to face interviews were carried out to 42 people for 4 months from October 1996 to January 1997. By means of the qualitative data analysis their statements were analyzed. 6 groups were classified on the basis of clothing-wearing motives. Generally consumers began to cognize the necessity of clothing and develops it to situational appropriateness psychological comfort impression management distinction desire and finally attention -receiving desire. The levels of clothing-wearing motives were also interpreted as introversion-extroversion theory. These 6 groups were named in consideration of the highest level of their clothing -searing motives They were respectively the least clothing-cognizing group situation-appropriateness cognizing group psychological comfort cognizing group impression management group distinction desire group attention-receiving desire group. The characteristics of each group were represented based on the interview results and the consuming-behavior of each group was compared. finally the interaction of the clothing-wearing motives and the fashion phenomenon was discussed.

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Research on the difference of verbal effect on sequences of positive indication and negative indication of verbal message : Based on replies on shopping mall (온라인 구전의 긍정 또는 부정 제시 순서에 따른 커뮤니케이션 효과)

  • Ryu, Choon-Ryul;Chin, Hong-Kun;Han, Kwang-Seok
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.25
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    • pp.171-201
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    • 2008
  • Previous research on negative contents of verbal message being more influential has a two broad streams as impression formation theory and negative information having an more diagnostic informational value. Therefore, this research was intended to obtain consistent results from researches by message frame segmentation of verbal message and to determine the medium of verbal message. It was proven from the research that objects influencing verbal message are being effected by the participation ratio of products and the positive indication is having more meaningful difference than the negative indication statistically unlike to the results of previous researches. Unlike just a biased positive message or negative message as the result of previous research, it was proven that the positive indication is influential regardless of sequences according to participation ratio and site participation in case of positive and negative being existing together.

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Traveling to the Hangang River via Metaverse: Interaction Effects between Avatar Self-Congruence and Digital Age Type

  • Zong-Yi Zhu;Sumi Kim
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.21-30
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    • 2023
  • The aim of this study is to investigate how travelers' destination visit intentions are influenced by avatar self-congruence in the metaverse platform. We extended the impression management theory by considering both perceived enjoyment and social engagement, and illustrated the interaction effect based on users' digital age. To achieve this, we conducted an online survey with 302 users. The survey results revealed that avatar self-congruence significantly influenced users in terms of perceived enjoyment and social engagement, thereby affecting their destination visit intentions. This study also revealed a significant interaction effect between digital age type and avatar self-congruence on users' perceived enjoyment. The results of this study are expected to provide not only a theoretical reference for metaverse research and travel research but also managerial implications for destination management and metaverse applications.

Role of Project Owner in OSS Project: Based on Impression Formation and Social Capital Theory (오픈소스 소프트웨어 운영자 역할이 성과에 미치는 영향: 인상형성과 사회적 자본 이론을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Saerom;Baek, Hyunmi;Jahng, Jungjoo
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.23-46
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    • 2016
  • With the increasing socio-economic value of an open collaboration over the Internet, it has become significantly important to successfully manage open source software development program. Most of the previous research have focused on various factors that influence the performance of the project, but studies on how the project owners recognized as "leader" affect the outcome of the project are very limited. This research investigates how individual and governance characteristics of an owner influences the performance of project based on impression formation and social capital theory. For a data set, we collect 611 Repositories and the owner's data from the open source development platform Github, and we form knowledge sharing network of an each repository by using social network analysis. We use hierarchical regression analysis, and our results show that a leader, who exposes a lot of one's personal information or who has actively followed and showed interests to communicate with other developers, affects positive impacts on project performance. A leader who has a high centrality in knowledge sharing network also positively affects on project performance. On the other hand, if a leader was highly willing to accept external knowledge or is recognized as an expert in the community with large numbers of followers, the result show negative impacts on project performance. The research may serve as a useful guideline not only for the future open source software projects but also for the effective management of different types of open collaboration.

Mediating Roles of Attachment for Information Sharing in Social Media: Social Capital Theory Perspective (소셜 미디어에서 정보공유를 위한 애착의 매개역할: 사회적 자본이론 관점)

  • Chung, Namho;Han, Hee Jeong;Koo, Chulmo
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.101-123
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    • 2012
  • Currently, Social Media, it has widely a renown keyword and its related social trends and businesses have been fastly applied into various contexts. Social media has become an important research area for scholars interested in online technologies and cyber space and their social impacts. Social media is not only including web-based services but also mobile-based application services that allow people to share various style information and knowledge through online connection. Social media users have tendency to common identity- and bond-attachment through interactions such as 'thumbs up', 'reply note', 'forwarding', which may have driven from various factors and may result in delivering information, sharing knowledge, and specific experiences et al. Even further, almost of all social media sites provide and connect unknown strangers depending on shared interests, political views, or enjoyable activities, and other stuffs incorporating the creation of contents, which provides benefits to users. As fast developing digital devices including smartphone, tablet PC, internet based blogging, and photo and video clips, scholars desperately have began to study regarding diverse issues connecting human beings' motivations and the behavioral results which may be articulated by the format of antecedents as well as consequences related to contents that people create via social media. Social media such as Facebook, Twitter, or Cyworld users are more and more getting close each other and build up their relationships by a different style. In this sense, people use social media as tools for maintain pre-existing network, creating new people socially, and at the same time, explicitly find some business opportunities using personal and unlimited public networks. In terms of theory in explaining this phenomenon, social capital is a concept that describes the benefits one receives from one's relationship with others. Thereby, social media use is closely related to the form and connected of people, which is a bridge that can be able to achieve informational benefits of a heterogeneous network of people and common identity- and bonding-attachment which emphasizes emotional benefits from community members or friend group. Social capital would be resources accumulated through the relationships among people, which can be considered as an investment in social relations with expected returns and may achieve benefits from the greater access to and use of resources embedded in social networks. Social media using for their social capital has vastly been adopted in a cyber world, however, there has been little explaining the phenomenon theoretically how people may take advantages or opportunities through interaction among people, why people may interactively give willingness to help or their answers. The individual consciously express themselves in an online space, so called, common identity- or bonding-attachments. Common-identity attachment is the focus of the weak ties, which are loose connections between individuals who may provide useful information or new perspectives for one another but typically not emotional support, whereas common-bonding attachment is explained that between individuals in tightly-knit, emotionally close relationship such as family and close friends. The common identify- and bonding-attachment are mainly studying on-offline setting, which individual convey an impression to others that are expressed to own interest to others. Thus, individuals expect to meet other people and are trying to behave self-presentation engaging in opposite partners accordingly. As developing social media, individuals are motivated to disclose self-disclosures of open and honest using diverse cues such as verbal and nonverbal and pictorial and video files to their friends as well as passing strangers. Social media context, common identity- and bond-attachment for self-presentation seems different compared with face-to-face context. In the realm of social media, social users look for self-impression by posting text messages, pictures, video files. Under the digital environments, people interact to work, shop, learn, entertain, and be played. Social media provides increasingly the kinds of intention and behavior in online. Typically, identity and bond social capital through self-presentation is the intentional and tangible component of identity. At social media, people try to engage in others via a desired impression, which can maintain through performing coherent and complementary communications including displaying signs, symbols, brands made of digital stuffs(information, interest, pictures, etc,). In marketing area, consumers traditionally show common-identity as they select clothes, hairstyles, automobiles, logos, and so on, to impress others in any given context in a shopping mall or opera. To examine these social capital and attachment, we combined a social capital theory with an attachment theory into our research model. Our research model focuses on the common identity- and bond-attachment how they are formulated through social capitals: cognitive capital, structural capital, relational capital, and individual characteristics. Thus, we examined that individual online kindness, self-rated expertise, and social relation influence to build common identity- and bond-attachment, and the attachment effects make an impact on both the willingness to help, however, common bond seems not to show directly impact on information sharing. As a result, we discover that the social capital and attachment theories are mainly applicable to the context of social media and usage in the individual networks. We collected sample data of 256 who are using social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and Cyworld and analyzed the suggested hypotheses through the Structural Equation Model by AMOS. This study analyzes the direct and indirect relationship between the social network service usage and outcomes. Antecedents of kindness, confidence of knowledge, social relations are significantly affected to the mediators common identity-and bond attachments, however, interestingly, network externality does not impact, which we assumed that a size of network was a negative because group members would not significantly contribute if the members do not intend to actively interact with each other. The mediating variables had a positive effect on toward willingness to help. Further, common identity attachment has stronger significant on shared information.

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