• Title/Summary/Keyword: Impact assessment

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A Study on the Environmental Assessment Guideline for Tidal Current Energy Development (조류발전 사업의 환경평가 가이드라인 연구)

  • Kim, Tae-Yun;Park, Jeong-Il;Maeng, Jun-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.345-357
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    • 2014
  • This study aims to develop a guideline of environmental assessment for tidal current energy development in Korea. Based on an extensive discussion of the environmental effects of tidal current energy, this study provides an appropriate guideline for environmental assessment on tidal current energy development in Korea. The guideline includes a method for proper site selection and specific techniques for environmental impact assessment. The guideline for environmental impact assessment consists of four steps - including current condition investigation, impact predictions, identification and incorporation of mitigation measures, and post environmental monitoring - to effectively predict and assess impacts of tidal current energy development on the ocean environment. It is expected that the guideline can facilitate the often demanding environmental assessment review process and to reduce the time taken for it.

Analyzing the Impact of Species on Urban Development Using Meta Population Model (메타개체군 이론을 활용한 도시개발에 따른 생물 종 영향 평가 활용 가능성 분석)

  • Eun Sub Kim;Young Won Mo;Tae Yoon Park;Yoonho Jeon;Jiyoung Choi;Dong Kun Lee
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.61-71
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    • 2023
  • As differences in the impact of each species on a spatial scale occur, analysis at the landscape scale is necessary to evaluate the impact of a development project. In previous studies, the Incidence Function Model (IFM) based on meta population theory was used to analyze the impact of species on the environment that changes according to urban development. However, since the model was required at least 10 occupied areas, it is difficult to use it for species that are difficult to monitor such as endangered species. Therefore, we proposed the Incidence Function Model (IFM) using species distribution model to fill the species data. In addition, we reviewed whether the developed model can be used in environmental impact assessment. As a result of the analysis, the minimum occupancy of Prionailurus bengalensis on urban development decreased to 56.5% and the possibility of survival to 28.7%. We confirmed that It rapidly decreased from the reference points of 230 and 70habitats through analysis of the meta-population capacity according to the decrease in the number of habitats. These results can be assessing the environment impact of each species on habitat loss. And it can support decision-making on the minimum number and area of habitat for species protection. This study is expected to be used as basic data for environment impact assessment on before and after development projects and mitigation measures plans, thereby increasing the effectiveness of reduction plans.

A Study on the Transfer Prediction of Landfill Leachate (쓰레기 매립지 침출수 거동 예측평가 연구)

  • Jung, Jong-Gwan;Jang, Won
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.9-15
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    • 1995
  • For the purpose of saving the waste disposal cost a self-governing community on the whole reclamates the wetland and uses it as a landfill site. During the operation period of site, the environmental impact by the leachate is usually neglected. Therefore, to predict the environmental impact and dispersion of leachate, the wetland adjacent to the South Han River in Chungju is selected as a site of case study. The main content of this article is to apply the simulation model CONMIG to leachate transfer in the ground water and to derive the impact by the leachate. A kind of non-reacting conservative material, chloride ion is used as a tracer to quantify impacts by the leachate.

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A safety assessment by Risk Analysis Method on wheelchair occupant in side impact (측방충돌시 휠체어 탑승자의 위험도 분석에 의한 안전성평가)

  • 김성민;김성재;강태건;전병호;김경훈;문무성;홍정화
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.16-16
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    • 2003
  • In this study, for a safety assessment of wheelchair occupant in side impact, we used a dynamic sled impact test results. The test was carried out total 6 times and impact speed was 13g$\pm$0.43/28km/h$\pm$0.95, By using EURO SID-1 dummy, head performance criteria(HPC), abdominal peak force, etc. were measured. We evaluated wheelchair occupant safety by motion criteria(MC) which was measured by head, trunk and side deformation change of wheelchair and Head & Neck injury criteria(HNI) measured by using head and neck deformation angle and time relation. When we assumed that the maximum injury value in side impact was 100%, the results of motion criteria(MC) of wheelchair occupant were max 80.3, mim 32.3 and average 60.3%, Head & Neck injury criteria(HNI) value were max 118.4, min 14.5 and average 59.7%.

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Measuring the Economic Impact of Quantum-Dot Nanotechnology on Display/TV Industries

  • Lim, Jung-Sun
    • Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.274-287
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    • 2019
  • Governments are asking policymakers to quantify the economic and social impact of those advanced technologies they support, including nanotechnology. National policymakers and researchers who participated in OECD activities cooperated to develop a model for the economic impact assessment of nanotechnology with a relevant case study. The present research contributing to some recommendations from the OECD WPN (Working Party on Nanotechnology) finds a successful example of market creation by nanotechnology, and assesses the resulting economic impact of the DEFRA (Department of Environment, Food & Rural Affairs of UK) model. This study investigates the economic impact of Quantum-dot (Qdot) nanotechnology on flat panel TV manufacturers, which is an ideal case to apply the DEFRA model for the analysis of product innovation based on nanotechnology. Findings show that Qdot nanotechnology is expected to create an economic value of $3.32 billion for Korean TV manufacturers over the next decade.

Development of the Environmental Impact Assessment Techniques for the Grading of Rareness in Plant (식물의 희소성 평가를 위한 환경영향평가기법 개발)

  • Lee, You Mi
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.153-164
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    • 1997
  • This study was conducted to develop the new Environmental Impact Assessment techniques for the grading of rareness in plant. 17 EISs which were submitted in 1996 were analyzed to know the problems in existent EIA techniques for the conservation of rare plants. Category of rare plant was reevaluated and evaluation technique for the grading of rareness in plant was developed. The results obtained from this study were as follows: 1. The evaluation technique of rareness in plant was not reflected in the current preparation provision for EIS. And t his fact also appeared in most of the EIS which were reexamined in this study. 2. The category of rare species which have been considered as the subject of protection in EIA have to be enlarged to more than legally protected species designated by MOE. 3. The taxonomic characteristics and status of species, characteristics of population, geographical characters, extent of threat and its possibility by man resulted from the habitat loss were investigated. Each item was endowed scores from 1 to 5 and all the scores were summed, and then this value was used to evaluate the order of conservation. 4. Conservation measures for the rare plants have to be applied according to the levels of rareness grade, and they are absolute conservation, in situ conservation, transplanting and ex situ conservation, post observation and none by the levels from A to E. 5. Considering the phenology of rare plants, investigation for the rare plants have to be made a1 least three times. 6. Size of the MVP(Minimum Viable Population), pollination ecology also have to be considered for the conservation of rare plants. And in the case of adopting ex situ conservation measure, the site and methods for the conservation of rare plants have to be proposed in detail.

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Diagnosis of Development Projects and Water Quality Changes in the Environmental Management Sea Areas and Improvement of Impact Assessment (환경관리해역의 이용개발현황과 수질변화경향 및 영향평가 개선방안)

  • Jun, Eun Ju;Yi, Yong Min;Lee, Dae In;Kim, Gui Young
    • Proceedings of KOSOMES biannual meeting
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    • 2018.06a
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    • pp.143-143
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    • 2018
  • 최근 3년간 환경관리해역(환경보전해역 및 특별관리해역)에서 이루어진 해역이용협의 검토 건수는 총 60건으로 조사되었다. 환경보전해역에서는 2015년 9건, 2016년 7건, 2017년 3건으로 지속적으로 감소하였고, 특별관리해역에서는 2015년 12건, 2016년 13건, 2017년 16건으로 증가하는 양상을 나타내었다. 환경관리해역의 개별사업 유형을 분석한 결과, 인공구조물 설치사업이 가장 높은 비율을 차지하였으며, 그 다음으로 항만 어항개발, 연안정비 및 해수 인 배수 사업유형이 많이 이루어진 것으로 분석되었다. 환경관리해역에서 국가해양환경정보통합시스템(MEIS) 자료를 참고하여 생태기반 해수수질 평가지수(WQI)와 경년별 수질변화경향을 비교한 결과, COD는 뚜렷한 증감의 변화는 보이지 않았으나 TN과 TP의 농도는 다소 감소하는 경향을 보였다. 특별관리해역인 광양만과 마산만 및 환경보전해역인 가막만에서는 빈산소수괴가 출현하였다. 이러한 환경관리해역에서의 이용 개발행위가 지속적으로 이루어지고, 이에 따른 해역이용협의서 등 해양환경부문 환경영향평가시에는 충분한 수질변화에 대한 실태분석 및 사업추진에 따른 수질영향을 철저히 진단해서 오염원관리에 대한 대책이 중점적으로 평가되어야 할 것으로 판단된다. 특히, 각 환경관리해역의 지정 목적에 따른 유지 수질목표를 명확히 설정할 필요가 있다. 또한, 개발사업에 따른 협의 평가과정에서의 검증을 위하여 환경관리해역에서의 수질 및 퇴적물에 대한 모니터링 및 분석결과에 대한 정도관리가 더욱 강화되어야 할 것이다.

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A Study of Air Dispersion Modeling in Highway Environmental Impact Assessment (고속도로 환경영향평가를 위한 대기확산모델링 연구)

  • Koo, Youn-Seo;Ha, Yong-Sun;Kim, A-Leum;Jeon, Eui-Chan;Lee, Seong-Ho;Kim, Sung-Tae;Kang, Hye-Jin
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.427-441
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    • 2005
  • In order to choose proper dispersion model and emission factors suitable in Korea in evaluating the effect of pollutants emitted by the vehicles in highway on nearby area, various road dispersion models and vehicle emission factors were reviewed. With theoretical inter-comparisons of the exiting models for line source, CALINE 3 and CALINE 4 models which were suggested by US EPA were selected as the road dispersion models for further evaluation with the measurement. The emission factors suggested by Korean Ministry of Environment was turned out to be appropriate since the classification of vehicle kinds was simple and easy to apply in Korea. The comparisons of predicted concentrations by CALINE 3 and 4 models with the measurements in flat, fill and bridge road types showed that CO and PM-10 were in good agreements with experiments and the differences between CALINE 3 and 4 models are negligible. The model concentrations of $NO_2$ by CALINE 4 were also in good agreement with the measurement but those by CALINE 3 were over-predicted. The discrepancies in CALINE 3 model were due to rapid decay reaction of $NO_2$ near the highway, which was not included in CALINE 3 model. For the road type with one & two side cutting grounds, the similar patterns as the flat & fill road type for CO, PM10, & $NO_2$ were observed but the number of data for comparison in these cases were not enough to draw the conclusion. These results lead to the conclusion that CALINE4 model is proper in road environmental impact assessment near the highway in flat, fill and bridge road types.

Estimation of Fugitive Dust Emission and Impact Assessment in Constructing the New Port by Reclamation of Sea Sand (신항만 해사 매립 공사시 비산먼지 발생량 산정 및 주변영향평가)

  • Choi, Won-Joon;Cho, Ki-Chul;Lee, Eun-Yong;Na, Ha-Young;Lee, Soon-Kyu;Oh, Kwang-Joong
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.237-247
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    • 2006
  • In case of studied area located around the sea, the data measured from the regional meteorological office is highly different from the local weather data because the diffusivity of fugitive dust varies considerably with meteorological conditions. Especially, it is very difficult to predict the amount of fugitive dust accurately as wind speed remains high frequently. In this study, the fluxes of suspended particulates as a function of the friction velocity were applied to consider the effect of wind speed on the amount of fugitive dust generated from the reclamation site. The amount of fugitive dust estimated as mentioned above was simulated by using ISCST3 model. As a result, in case of using only the Fugitive Dust Formula which is usually used in Environment Impact Assessment, the predicted $PM_{10}$ concentrations with points were $43.4{\sim}67.8{\mu}g/m^3$. However, in case of applying to the flux of suspended particulates, the predicted values of $PM_{10}$ with points were $43.3{\sim}69.1{\mu}g/m^3$, $49.5{\sim}90.4{\mu}g/m^3$ and $76.0{\sim}182.6{\mu}g/m^3$ with the wind speeds of 4.4, 5.8 and 7.7m/s, respectively. It could be possible to predict the amount of fugitive dust accurately because these predicted values were similar to the measured values. Consequently, we can establish alternatives for reduction of fugitive dust in this area damaged by fugitive dust which is caused by wind.

Development of a Probabilistic Safety Assessment Framework for an Interim Dry Storage Facility Subjected to an Aircraft Crash Using Best-Estimate Structural Analysis

  • Almomani, Belal;Jang, Dongchan;Lee, Sanghoon;Kang, Hyun Gook
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.411-425
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    • 2017
  • Using a probabilistic safety assessment, a risk evaluation framework for an aircraft crash into an interim spent fuel storage facility is presented. Damage evaluation of a detailed generic cask model in a simplified building structure under an aircraft impact is discussed through a numerical structural analysis and an analytical fragility assessment. Sequences of the impact scenario are shown in a developed event tree, with uncertainties considered in the impact analysis and failure probabilities calculated. To evaluate the influence of parameters relevant to design safety, risks are estimated for three specification levels of cask and storage facility structures. The proposed assessment procedure includes the determination of the loading parameters, reference impact scenario, structural response analyses of facility walls, cask containment, and fuel assemblies, and a radiological consequence analysis with dose-risk estimation. The risk results for the proposed scenario in this study are expected to be small relative to those of design basis accidents for best-estimated conservative values. The importance of this framework is seen in its flexibility to evaluate the capability of the facility to withstand an aircraft impact and in its ability to anticipate potential realistic risks; the framework also provides insight into epistemic uncertainty in the available data and into the sensitivity of the design parameters for future research.