• 제목/요약/키워드: Impact assessment

검색결과 4,091건 처리시간 0.024초

대기질 영향평가와 예측방법에 대한 개선방향 (A Method of Improving Air Quality Impact Assessment and Prediction)

  • 박종길;원경미;김성수
    • 한국환경과학회지
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    • 제3권2호
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    • pp.77-88
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    • 1994
  • When we conduct environmental impact assessment, main contents consist of summary, project outline, environmental conditions, environmental impacts due to the project, mitigation devices, and alternative measures of harmful impact on environment. In this Paper, to understand how they really conduct air quality impact assessment and prediction and examine their effectiveness, we considered the provisions and actual case of environmental impact assessment in Korea with that in Japan. As a result, we propose a method of improving air quality impact assessment and Prediction, such as reflection of the result in environmental impact assessment, detailed assessment focused on relatively important environmental impact elements, field measurement investigation over four season and seven sucessive days, the uniformity of units, the proper model development to predict environmental concentration and a biennial environmental impact assessment for ex post management.

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우리나라 환경영향평가제도의 발전과정과 개선방안에 관한 연구 (A Study on the History and the Future Improvement of Environmental Impact Assessment in Korea)

  • 이무춘
    • 환경영향평가
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.47-59
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    • 2000
  • The Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA) System has grown up as an adult today in Korea(ROK). It seems that we have only focused on the specific and technical aspects of the assessment without looking at the whole concept during the past 20 years. Thus we have accomplished quantitative growth but not qualitative development at all. This is the right time we should reconstruct the concept and move into the step for qualitative development. It is expected that the corpulence of the EIA system would be enlarged due to the introduction of integrated impact assessment system. It is necessary to introduce a newly designed method into the EIA methodology and improve the Environmental Impact Assessment based on in order to accomplish and manage more effective EIA system. To the conclusion, it is highly necessary to formulate a wholly new system which can be useful to improve the existing various systems and to follow the fundamental concept of EIA.

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전문가 설문조사를 통한 환경영향평가서 작성 및 협의절차 개선방안 (Improvement of EIS Documentation and Consultation Process through Expert Survey Method)

  • 반영운;주경선;정헌근;황규환
    • 환경영향평가
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.141-151
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    • 2010
  • It has been pointed out that the process of environmental impact assessment in Korea has been less of equity and balance between stakeholders, and less of objective validity in writing impact statement and in holding consultations. Thus this study has intended to find improvement measures regarding the processes of EIS documentation and holding consultations between stakeholders during environmental impact assessment process. To achieve this goal this study carried out expert survey method to analyze validity and suitability of suggested measures in accordance with the problems found through reviewing related literatures. This study has found major improvement measures including transferring the responsibility to write impact statement and to hold consultations from project promoters to the third party (impact assessment committee) composed of related stakeholders without project promoters. The developers need to pay for all expenses to proceed impact assessment.

지속성을 위한 보건영향평가의 국제적인 동향 고찰 및 환경영향평가와의 연계방안 연구 (Studies for International Trends in Health Impact Assessment and Linking HIA and EIA)

  • 김임순;김충곤;강선홍;한상욱
    • 환경영향평가
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    • 제14권5호
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    • pp.275-289
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    • 2005
  • In Korea, health-related items under current EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) system can only be found in the categories of hygiene and public health. However, environment and public health are not adequately connected and also health is underestimated even though health is an important component of environmental assessments. As a result, health is not well integrated within criteria for investigating the impacts on environment. International trends in HIA (Health Impact Assessment) to strengthen the connection between environment and health were investigated in this research. Definitions, functions, circumstances, and merits of HIA in foreign countries were compared. By collecting and analyzing international organizations' and other countries' data related with HIA and EIA, preceding conditions and execution plans were suggested to link EIA and HIA from SEA (Strategic Environmental Assessment) aspects and to successfully accomplish EIA in Korea. According to this research, EHIA (Environmental Health Impact Assessment) can predict and manage the results of economical development only under the principles of inhabitants' participation, sustainability, and social justice. EHIA should be modified and improved towards increasing regional and national capabilities. For this, preparation of adequate procedure is required to connect EIA and HIA.

공유수면 인공구조물 설치에 따른 해역이용협의서 작성실태 평가 (Assessment of Documentation Status of the Statement on the Sea Area Utilization according to Artificial Structure Installation in Public Water)

  • 엄기혁;이대인;김귀영;윤성순
    • 환경영향평가
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    • 제22권3호
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    • pp.265-276
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    • 2013
  • This study assessed documentation status of each environmental assessment items by analyzing the 243 case of marine EIS on the Consultation System of Sea Area Utilization. Observed rate of tidal elevation, current, temperature, salinity in maine environment were below 20%. The EFDC tool is applied substantially in hydrodynamic modeling. The verification process, however, is very insufficient using the recent observed data. Also, in-situ assessment rate of pelagic organism such as phytoplankton was below 50%, and assessment for Chlorophyll a was not accomplished. Ecological index evaluation for zooplankton and benthic ecosystem were not considered in statements. Especially, the rational assessment on the fisheries resources and protected species were very limited. It was necessary that the core assessment items (checklists) were established for environmental scoping. Furthermore, suggestion of information related to development, regional coastal management plan, aquaculture farms, and facilities were enhanced. The redundancy problem of proceedings between Environmental Impact Assessment and Sea Area Utilization Assessment System was improved.

한국과 일본의 지방자치단체 환경영향평가 제도 비교 연구 I - 대상사업 및 평가항목을 중심으로 - (A Comparative Study on the Local Governments' Environmental Impact Assessment Systems between Korea and Japan I - forcusing on target projects and assessment items -)

  • 성현찬;강명수
    • 환경영향평가
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    • 제13권2호
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    • pp.57-71
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    • 2004
  • This study aims to review the environmental impact assessment systems of Japanese local governments, to compare its outcome with the systems of Korean local governments, and to suggest the development direction for the environmental impact assessment systems of Korean local governments based on the result. The study results showed that, first, due to distinction in the political systems of Japan and Korea, while Japan has bottom-up environmental impact assessment systems, Korea has topdown environment impact assessment systems. Second, although introduction of national systems on planning was put on hold as a future initiative, local governments including Tokyo and Saitama are experimenting evaluation procedures tailored to local features by legislating them as regulations. On the other hand, while 'prior environmental review system' was in effect as a national system, nothing was practiced at all by local governments. Third, in a total of 47 Japanese local governments, about 45 projects and 44 assessment items were added to local government environmental impact assessment only and designated as target projects and assessment items. Fourth, in both national and local environment impact assessment systems in Japan, screening procedures to determine assessment by separating into Type 1 projects and Type 2 projects and scoping procedures to discuss assessment items in advance were introduced and in effect. This Japanese EIA system may serve as a good reference to the Korean national and local government EIA systems.

Improvement Measures for Projects Subject to Environmental Impact Assessment in Urban Areas

  • CHO, Dong-Myung;LEE, Ju-Yeon;KWON, Woo-Taeg
    • 웰빙융합연구
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    • 제5권2호
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    • pp.43-50
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: The small-scale environmental impact assessment conducted during the development project stage has focused on the preservation of the natural environment centered on non-urban areas, due to the nature of urbanization, health problems for citizens of high-density urban areas have a limitation in that they are relatively neglected. In the case of strategic environmental impact assessment and environmental impact assessment in urban areas, there is no basis for evaluation in urban areas because there are exceptions to be excluded from the target projects or there are no target project regulations for buildings. Therefore, in this research, we examined the problems with the target project such as the current environmental impact assessment, and tried to establish a system improvement plan that can solve them. Research design, data and methodology: After reviewing the current environmental impact assessment-related laws (including enforcement ordinances) and national land planning laws (including enforcement ordinances), exceptions such as environmental impact assessment in urban areas were identified and problems were identified. Based on this, an amendment to the Enforcement Decree was proposed to provide institutional support for the expansion of target projects such as environmental impact assessment in urban areas. Results and Conclusions: Through this research, it is expected that the projects subject to environmental impact assessment on development projects in urban areas directly related to the health of the people will be expanded, and the net function of the environmental impact assessment system will be maximized.

환경영향평가의 역할 및 범위 재정립 방안연구 (A Study on Reforming the Roles and Scope of Environmental Impact Assessment)

  • 김선희
    • 환경영향평가
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    • 제9권4호
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    • pp.315-322
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    • 2000
  • Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA) was first formally established in the Korea in 1981. Subsequently there has been a rapid growth in EIA activity, and over one hundred fifty environmental impact statements are now published in Korea each year. Although EIA now has almost 20 years of history in the Korea, elsewhere the development of roles and practice is more recent. Development is moving apace in many countries, including the Japan and the EU Member States. Such progress has not been without its problems, and a number of the current issues in EIA-scope of the assessment, the relative roles, the quality of assessment and monitoring and auditing after decision, and so on- are highlighted. So the purpose of this article is to reform the EIA roles and process, in extending the scope of activity, and assessing effectiveness. This article suggested improving the effectiveness of project assessment, widening the scope: stretegic environmental assessment, and extending EIA to project design process, environmental monitoring and feedback system.

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공적개발원조사업(Official Development Assistance)의 방향과 환경평가 (Official Development Assistance and Environmental Assessment)

  • 이종호
    • 환경영향평가
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    • 제23권1호
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    • pp.51-65
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    • 2014
  • ODA projects such as multi-purpose dam, industrial complex, road construction etc. have resulted in environmental damage and resident relocation including destruction of site of living. Even the grandiose developments as ODA projects have made clear the value clashes between development and environmental conservation, and have brought about conflicts between public interests and public environmental right, and the discordance between public interests and private property rights in the recipient country. This study summarizes and analyses the Korea's ODA projects and will suggest the public participation and governance system based on Saemaul Movement, Strategic Environmental Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment based on the guideline of OECD DAC, and emphasize Strategic Environmental Assessment and Social Impact Assessment in the procedure of ODA projects. In the future the ODA project should be implemented for the overcome of poverty and response to climate change based on the experience and trial and errors of Korea's compact growth and past ODA projects.

환경영향평가와 환경정보체계 (Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Information System)

  • 김명진;한의정
    • 환경영향평가
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    • 제4권3호
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    • pp.95-102
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    • 1995
  • Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in Korea has worked toward environmental conservation and decision making since the Environmental Impact Statement of 1981. In order to implement the EIA process effectively, we have developed a system for and various methods of EIA. Among these methods, the Environmental Information System, which was introduced recently in Korea, can be used to integrate geographic and attribute data effectively. This study includes methods by which we may use the Environmental Information System. First of all, it explains building EIA factors on the natural environment, the living environment, and the socio-economic environment defined by Environmental Impact Statement regulations in Korea. This study also presents some applications of the assessment methods concerning suitability analysis of landfill sites. Finally, it shows the effectiveness of the Environmental Information System in odor impact assessment. Based on these analysis, the study makes some conclusions for the applications of the Environmental Information System.

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