• Title/Summary/Keyword: Imagery information

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Differential analysis of the surface model driven from lidar imagery (라이다영상으로부터 유도된 지표모델의 2차 차분분석)

  • Seo, Su-Young
    • Proceedings of the Korean Association of Geographic Inforamtion Studies Conference
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    • 2010.06a
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    • pp.298-302
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    • 2010
  • This study proposes a differential method to analyze the properties of the topographic surface driven from lidar imagery. Although airborne lidar imagery provides elevation information rapidly, a sequence of extraction processes are needed to acquire semantic information about objects such as terrain, roads, trees, vegetation, and buildings. For the processes, the properties present in a given lidar data need to be analyzed. In order to investigate the geometric characteristics of the surface, this study employs eigenvalues of the Hessian matrix. For experiments, a lidar image containing university campus buildings with the point density of about 1 meter was processed and the results show that the approach is effective to obtain the properties of each land object Surface.

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Extraction of Urban Boundary Using Grey Level Co-Occurrence Matrix Method in Pancromatic Satellite Imagery (GLCM기법을 이용한 전정색 위성영상에서의 도시경계 추출)

  • Kim, Gi Hong;Choi, Seung Pil;Yook, Woon Soo;Sohn, Hong Gyoo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.26 no.1D
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    • pp.211-217
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    • 2006
  • Growing urban areas modify patterns of local land use and land cover. Land use changes associated with urban expansion. One way to understand and document land use change and urbanization is to establish benchmark maps compiled from satellite imagery. Old satellite Imagery is useful data to extract urban information. CORONA is a photo satellite reconnaissance program used from 1960 to 1972 and its imagery was declassified and has been available to the public since 1995. Since CORONA images are collected with panoramic cameras, several types of geometric distortions are involved. In this study we proposed mathematical modeling method which use modified collinearity equations. After the geometric modeling, we mosaicked images. We can successfully extract urban boundaries using GLCM method and visual interpretation in CORONA (1972) and SPOT (1995) imagery and detect urban changes in Seoul quantitatively.

New Methods for Correcting the Atmospheric Effects in Landsat Imagery over Turbid (Case-2) Waters

  • Ahn Yu-Hwan;Shanmugam P.
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.289-305
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    • 2004
  • Atmospheric correction of Landsat Visible and Near Infrared imagery (VIS/NIR) over aquatic environment is more demanding than over land because the signal from the water column is small and it carries immense information about biogeochemical variables in the ocean. This paper introduces two methods, a modified dark-pixel substraction technique (path--extraction) and our spectral shape matching method (SSMM), for the correction of the atmospheric effects in the Landsat VIS/NIR imagery in relation to the retrieval of meaningful information about the ocean color, especially from Case-2 waters (Morel and Prieur, 1977) around Korean peninsula. The results of these methods are compared with the classical atmospheric correction approaches based on the 6S radiative transfer model and standard SeaWiFS atmospheric algorithm. The atmospheric correction scheme using 6S radiative transfer code assumes a standard atmosphere with constant aerosol loading and a uniform, Lambertian surface, while the path-extraction assumes that the total radiance (L/sub TOA/) of a pixel of the black ocean (referred by Antoine and Morel, 1999) in a given image is considered as the path signal, which remains constant over, at least, the sub scene of Landsat VIS/NIR imagery. The assumption of SSMM is nearly similar, but it extracts the path signal from the L/sub TOA/ by matching-up the in-situ data of water-leaving radiance, for typical clear and turbid waters, and extrapolate it to be the spatially homogeneous contribution of the scattered signal after complex interaction of light with atmospheric aerosols and Raleigh particles, and direct reflection of light on the sea surface. The overall shape and magnitude of radiance or reflectance spectra of the atmospherically corrected Landsat VIS/NIR imagery by SSMM appears to have good agreement with the in-situ spectra collected for clear and turbid waters, while path-extraction over turbid waters though often reproduces in-situ spectra, but yields significant errors for clear waters due to the invalid assumption of zero water-leaving radiance for the black ocean pixels. Because of the standard atmosphere with constant aerosols and models adopted in 6S radiative transfer code, a large error is possible between the retrieved and in-situ spectra. The efficiency of spectral shape matching has also been explored, using SeaWiFS imagery for turbid waters and compared with that of the standard SeaWiFS atmospheric correction algorithm, which falls in highly turbid waters, due to the assumption that values of water-leaving radiance in the two NIR bands are negligible to enable retrieval of aerosol reflectance in the correction of ocean color imagery. Validation suggests that accurate the retrieval of water-leaving radiance is not feasible with the invalid assumption of the classical algorithms, but is feasible with SSMM.

Analysis of Land Uses in the Nakdong River Floodplain Using RapidEye Imagery and LiDAR DEM (RapidEye 영상과 LiDAR DEM을 이용한 낙동강 범람원 내 토지 이용 현황 분석)

  • Choung, Yun-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.189-199
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    • 2014
  • Floodplain is a flat plain between levees and rivers. This paper suggests a methodology for analyzing the land uses in the Nakdong River floodplain using the RapidEye imagery and the given LiDAR(LIght Detection And Ranging) DEM(Digital Elevation Models). First, the levee boundaries are generated using the LiDAR DEM, and the area of the floodplain is extracted from the given RapidEye imagery. The land uses in the floodplain are identified in the extracted RapidEye imagery by the ISODATA(Iterative Self-Organizing Data Analysis Technique Analysis) clustering. The overall accuracy of the identified land uses by the ISODATA clustering is 91%. Analysis of the identified land uses in the floodplain is implemented by counting the number of the pixels constituting the land cover clusters. The results of this research shows that the area of the river occupies 46%, the area of the bare soil occupies 36%, the area of the marsh occupies 11%, and the area of the grass occupies 7% in the identified floodplain.

The Reconstruction of topographical data using Height Sensitivity in SAR Interferometry (레이다 간섭기법에서 고도민감도를 활용한 지형정보 복원)

  • 김병국;정도찬
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2001
  • Nowadays, SAR Interferometry is actively being studied as a new technique in topographic mapping using satellite imagery. It extracts height values using phase information derived by two SAR imageries covering same areas. Unlike when using SPOT imagery, it is not affected by atmospheric conditions and time. So to speak, we can say that SAR Interferometry is flexible in imagery acquisitions and can get height data economically over wide area. So, it is expected that SAR Interferometry will be widely using in GIS applications. But, in some area occurring geometric distortion, height data are misjudged or not extracted depending on phase unwrapping algorithms. IN the case of ERS tandem data, the accuracy of height data was worst in mountain area. It is the because of the short incidence angle resulted in layover effect. Of the phase unwrapping algorithms, path-following was better in height accuracy but could not get data in layover area. In this area, we could get height data using Height Sensitivity. In concludion, we could get DEM that maintained the accuracy of path-following method and have overall data across imagery.

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Study on the Ship Detection Method Using SAR Imagery (SAR 영상을 이용한 선박탐지에 관한 연구)

  • Kwon, Seung-Joon;Shin, Sung-Woong
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.131-139
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    • 2009
  • The existing vessel monitoring system using the ground surveillance radar has a difficulty in monitoring ships continuously due to the limited range of detecting ships. For resolving this problem, we carry out a research on ship detection which is to be the core technology of vessel monitoring system for ocean monitoring using SAR imagery. There are two different methods of detecting ships in SAR imagery: detection of the ship target itself and detection of the ship wake. In this paper, we mainly focus on algorithms which detect the ship itself, and also present the accuracy test after extracting positional and directional figures of the ships. After rectifying input SAR imagery using polynomial transformation, we use Wiener filter to remove speckle noises. A labeling technique and morphological filtering in conjunction with Otsu's method are used to automatically detect the ships based on the image processing domain. For ground truth data, information from a radar system is used, which allows assessing the accuracy of the proposed method. The results show that the proposed method has the high potential in automatically detecting the ships and its positional/directional figures in a fast way.

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A Procedure to Select the Optimum Resolution for Satellite Imagery (위성영상의 적정 해상도 탐색 방안에 관한 연구)

  • 구자용;황철수
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.71-84
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    • 2001
  • The geographical phenomena in space are well observed in the specific scale. This scale is called the operational scale. For an analysis of the optimum scale, it is needed to measure and represent the characteristics of attribute information extracted from the satellite imagery. The development of remote sensing technique makes various images with different resolution available. Researchers can select the image with optimum resolution for their analysis among various resolutions. For an effective analysis of the scale characteristics of satellite image, we investigated the characteristics of attribute information extracted from satellite image with different resolution. The two stage-procedure for exploring the optimum resolution proposed in this study was tested by applying to the satellite imagery covering Sunchon bay. This procedure can be an effective tool utilizing the scale characteristics of attribute information extracted from satellite imagery.

Development of a Compound Classification Process for Improving the Correctness of Land Information Analysis in Satellite Imagery - Using Principal Component Analysis, Canonical Correlation Classification Algorithm and Multitemporal Imagery - (위성영상의 토지정보 분석정확도 향상을 위한 응용체계의 개발 - 다중시기 영상과 주성분분석 및 정준상관분류 알고리즘을 이용하여 -)

  • Park, Min-Ho
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.4D
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    • pp.569-577
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is focused on the development of compound classification process by mixing multitemporal data and annexing a specific image enhancement technique with a specific image classification algorithm, to gain more accurate land information from satellite imagery. That is, this study suggests the classification process using canonical correlation classification technique after principal component analysis for the mixed multitemporal data. The result of this proposed classification process is compared with the canonical correlation classification result of one date images, multitemporal imagery and a mixed image after principal component analysis for one date images. The satellite images which are used are the Landsat 5 TM images acquired on July 26, 1994 and September 1, 1996. Ground truth data for accuracy assessment is obtained from topographic map and aerial photograph, and all of the study area is used for accuracy assessment. The proposed compound classification process showed superior efficiency to appling canonical correlation classification technique for only one date image in classification accuracy by 8.2%. Especially, it was valid in classifying mixed urban area correctly. Conclusively, to improve the classification accuracy when extracting land cover information using Landsat TM image, appling canonical correlation classification technique after principal component analysis for multitemporal imagery is very useful.

Automatic Validation of the Geometric Quality of Crowdsourcing Drone Imagery (크라우드소싱 드론 영상의 기하학적 품질 자동 검증)

  • Dongho Lee ;Kyoungah Choi
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.5_1
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    • pp.577-587
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    • 2023
  • The utilization of crowdsourced spatial data has been actively researched; however, issues stemming from the uncertainty of data quality have been raised. In particular, when low-quality data is mixed into drone imagery datasets, it can degrade the quality of spatial information output. In order to address these problems, the study presents a methodology for automatically validating the geometric quality of crowdsourced imagery. Key quality factors such as spatial resolution, resolution variation, matching point reprojection error, and bundle adjustment results are utilized. To classify imagery suitable for spatial information generation, training and validation datasets are constructed, and machine learning is conducted using a radial basis function (RBF)-based support vector machine (SVM) model. The trained SVM model achieved a classification accuracy of 99.1%. To evaluate the effectiveness of the quality validation model, imagery sets before and after applying the model to drone imagery not used in training and validation are compared by generating orthoimages. The results confirm that the application of the quality validation model reduces various distortions that can be included in orthoimages and enhances object identifiability. The proposed quality validation methodology is expected to increase the utility of crowdsourced data in spatial information generation by automatically selecting high-quality data from the multitude of crowdsourced data with varying qualities.

Automatic Extraction of Route Information from Road Sign Imagery

  • Youn, Junhee;Chong, Kyusoo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.595-603
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    • 2015
  • With the advances of the big-data process technology, acquiring the real-time information from the massive image data taken by a mobile device inside a vehicle will be possible in the near future. Among the information that can be found around the vehicle, the route information is needed for safe driving. In this study, the automatic extraction of route information from the road sign imagery was dealt with. The scope of the route information in this study included the route number, route type, and their relationship with the driving direction. For the recognition of the route number, the modified Tesseract OCR (Optical Character Recognition) engine was used after extracting the rectangular-road-sign area with the Freeman chain code tracing algorithm. The route types (expressway, highway, rural highway, and municipal road) are recognized using the proposed algorithms, which are acquired from colour space analysis. Those road signs provide information about the route number as well as the roads that may be encountered along the way. In this study, such information was called “OTW (on the way)” or “TTW (to the way)” which between the two should be indicated is determined using direction information. Finally, the route number is matched with the direction information. Experiments are carried out with the road sign imagery taken inside a car. As a result, route numbers, route number type, OTW or TTW are successfully recognized, however some errors occurred in the process of matching TTW number with the direction.