• 제목/요약/키워드: Image Creation

검색결과 563건 처리시간 0.027초

By Basic Plane Figure, An Analysis Study on Appearance Type of Character in Domestic Kids TV Animation -Focus on the Broadcasting Animation on EBS- (기본 평면도형을 활용한 국내 TV 유아동 애니메이션 캐릭터 형태 분석 -한국교육방송 방영작을 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Suk-Rae;Chung, Jean-Hun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • 제14권4호
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    • pp.397-405
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    • 2016
  • Specially, the character in the kids animation is the fundamental visual element, and also has the high value which is to connect to various related businesses. The main purpose of this study is the analysis for character's appearance by the basic plane figure, and it has studied on the authority of recognition capability which is to catch the simple shape rapidly and clearly rather than complex shape. For this study, I established the standard of analysis and then applied that to the characters which were selected in broadcasting domestic kids animation on EBS. Through this procedure, I analyzed character's appearance with the distribution chart. As the result, the circular and oval shapes are the most frequently used shapes for character's appearance. Finally, I expect the result of this study could be one of the design index for the character creation in practical environment.

A Study on the State Policy for the Development of National Information Infrastructure (국가정보화 추진정책에 관한연구 - 초고속정보통신망기반의 구축을 중심으로 -)

  • 정충식
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.7-24
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    • 1996
  • In the emerging information society. a well-established national Information network plays a crucial role In enhancing economic efficiency and creating national wealth. Most of the advanced nations In the world are putting forward government-driven projects for the construction of their national Information Infrastructures. strategically focusing on the development of key technologies and Industrial essential for their Infrastructures. Development of the NII (National Infrastructure) can help unleash an Information revolution that will change forever the way people 1ive, work. and interact with each other. Nonetheless. the present Information Infrastructure In Korea loaves a lot to be Improved In order to realize the vision of Information society. The establishment of the KII (korea Information Infrastructure) does not merely mean the construction of physical network that enables the transmission of various modes of information such as voice, data, and image. It further implies the creation of a new kind of social overhead capital, ranging from the establishment of social and cultural which are conductive to seamless flow of information. For the successful implementation of the KII, it is critical to build the public consensus on the importance and necessity of informatization. At the same time, careful consideration should be given to the institutional factors such as timely and adequate supply of specialized personnel, the updating of policy and regulations, and the strengthening of interntional cooperation.

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A Study on the problem of body-sign in Abakanowicz's works : On Abakans and Extension of body (아바카노비치에 있어서 신체 기호의 문제 -아바칸Abakans과 몸의 확장을 중심으로)

  • Kim Sung-Hee
    • Journal of Science of Art and Design
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    • 제2권
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    • pp.161-192
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    • 2000
  • Body has been high-lightened as one of the most important theme since the philosophy and the arts are focused on it in the late 20th century. It would be of worth to study the characteristics of contemporary fiber-art works, especially done by Abakanowiz who has been regarded as a dominant pioneer in the contemporary fiber-arts from the viewpoint of inter-grade of the physicals and the mental. This paper, therefore, deals with the Abaknowiz' works in the context of human body and body-signs. Life and works might be classified into 5 stages: first, learning period since her birth in 1930, second, creation period of Abakans, third, remodelling period of Abakans, fourth, composition and dissolution period of Abakans and the last and fifth, new transformation period of Abakans. 'Abakans' through her whole life as an artist have been a plastic language and based ultimately on external human body but in various materials and forms. Abakan as a human-sign uses the past experiences and the texts of the other world in mixed and overlapped forms. Life-size Abakans by Abaknowiz can be easily understood as Abakanowiz herself and her Polish ancestor at the same time. The neuter Abakans with mashed face and obscure body is a expressive figure of coexisting world with opposite concepts like war and ideology, anxiety and freedom, man and woman, and etc. Human body as body-sign is an extensive image has existed since our forefathers and overlapped with the inter textual and the popular images. 'Abakans' that is our world and inner-self at the same time might be a window through which she tries to show what the world is.

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Festival Character Creation Guidelines for the Region's Unique Cultural Forms (독창적인 지역문화 형성을 위한 축제캐릭터 제작 가이드라인)

  • Choi, Jung-Youn
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • 제15권2호
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    • pp.208-222
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    • 2015
  • Competition among local governments in a competitive global festival and the festival is going to become the intensify regional strategies as enabled by the improved local image production and has been a symbol of the festival and each municipality is competitive. Is required as a symbol for the symbol can be passed to the consumer in this situation differentiated festive images efficient communication studies on the character. When viewed as a symbolic sign for the character representation of activities for the festival, Can provide a logical framework that is distinct from the idea of a character who relies on intuition and the creative semiotics. In this research paper a semiotic analysis of the character and the character string to enhance communication efficiency concept, Festival effect, we analyzed the correlation of the local culture. Empirical analysis of consumer images, Shared on the basis of empirical results to the consumer means, the paper shows that the influence of each of the other factors is reflected in the character according to the signifier local cultural characteristics and a character region on the concept of a character form culture semiotics interpretation element influences the guidelines of the characters that may be produced.

A sequence-based personalized service for the short life cycle products (수명주기가 짧은 상품들에 대한 시퀀스 기반 개인화 서비스)

  • Choi, Ju-Choel
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • 제15권12호
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    • pp.293-301
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    • 2017
  • Most new products not only suddenly disappear in the market but also quickly cannibalize older products. Under such a circumstance, retailers may have too much stock, and customers may be faced with difficulties discovering products suitable to their preferences among short life cycle products. To address these problems, recommender systems are good solutions. However, most previous recommender systems had difficulty in reflecting changes in customer preferences because the systems employ static customer preferences. In this paper, we propose a recommendation methodology that considers dynamic customer preferences. The proposed methodology consists of dynamic customer profile creation, neighborhood formation, and recommendation list generation. For the experiments, we employ a mobile image transaction dataset that has a short product life cycle. Our experimental results demonstrate that the proposed methodology has a higher quality of recommendation than a typical collaborative filtering-based system. From these results, we conclude that the proposed methodology is effective under conditions where most new products have short life cycles. The proposed methodology need to be verified in the physical environment at a future time.

A study on the hair accessory design for women in Josun (조선시대 여성 머리장신구 디자인에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Mi-Young;Park, Seung-Chul
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • 제12권10호
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    • pp.525-530
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    • 2014
  • Unique and variety designs are required in the contemporary society as the design has predominant power. National character and identity of traditional culture support it, and it is far more important to reinterpret, succeed and develop unique traditional beauty as the contemporary continues globalization and informatization. Among the accessories of women in Joseon, hair accessories accounted for the majority, and hair style and hair accessories were developed by their status and social hierarchy. But, due to social norm, they were reserved for luxurious accessories and expressed their aesthetic desire with refined and simple accessories. The current period requires cultural identity. In this sense, this study is expected to give a new awareness of our unique identity, new concept of the traditional culture and spreading beauty of Korea by means of new conceptual accessories that can be connected with the preference of the contemporary with the creation of Korean style image.

A Study on the Stage Costume Design for the Musical Jekyll and Hyde - Focusing on the Nature of Good and Evil - (뮤지컬 '지킬 앤 하이드'에 나타난 무대의상 디자인 연구 - 선과 악의 캐릭터를 중심으로 -)

  • Beom, Seo-Hee;Lee, In-Seong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • 제60권4호
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    • pp.45-57
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    • 2010
  • The costume in musical is an important visual factor that contributes to the level of stage completion by for the character and overall atmosphere of the whole play. Besides, as if it is has a fixed times in the drama, it has to produce to consider an opinion of producer to express the theme, atmosphere of a play and especially in the period adventure drama, to revive as it is historical dress, there is not creation at stage of today. This research is studied into the stage costume of the musical 'Jekyll and Hyde' an adapted to express image of good and evil in the one character. For this research, it researched costume of Victoria period in England, study character of main actor by analysis of the play in an original work, examine the stage costume of the musical 'Jekyll and Hyde' performed in the inside and outside of the country. In the musical stage costume, by character difficult of stage costume, factor of design feature divided to good and evil and compare feature design of stage costume, research new design express method to consider musical acting, moreover through designing and producing the costume to be suitable for the content of the work. This research consists of research and actual production of work, study of documentary records, collection and analysis of overseas performances, news releases, video material and internet research were the methods of this study.

Classifier Selection for Efficient Face Recognition (효과적인 얼굴 인식을 위한 인식기 선택)

  • Nam, MIl-Young;Rhee, Phill-Kyu
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 한국해양정보통신학회 2005년도 춘계종합학술대회
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    • pp.453-456
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    • 2005
  • In this paper, we propose method to improve recognition performance using the most effective algorithm selectively after clustering various face data, because recognition performance of each algorithm according to facial attribute is change. The proposed face recognition is divided into two steps. First step is the clustering integrated various data to be optimized in algorithm. Second is that classify input image by a similar cluster, select suitable algorithm and recognize the target. This thesis takes the first step towards the creation of a synthetic classifier fusiontesting environment. The effects of data correlation on three classifier fusion techniques were examined. We proposed fusion method for each recognition algorithm's result. This research explores how the degree of correlation in classification data affects the degree of accuracy in a fusion context.

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Spatial Structure Analysis and Post Occupancy Evaluation of Jungja(Pavilion) Shelter for Rural Village Regeneration - On the Jungja Shelter in Gimcheom city and Kyeongsan city - (농촌마을 재생을 위한 정자쉼터 공간구조분석과 이용 후 평가 - 경산권, 김천권 정자쉼터를 대상으로 -)

  • Koo, Min-Ah;Eom, Boong-Hoon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • 제23권4호
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    • pp.99-110
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    • 2017
  • This study is to analyze the spatial structure and POE of Jungja(pavilion) shelter for rural village regeneration. 14 Jungja shelter space at rural villages in Gyungbuk province, were investigated. An interview questionnaire was conducted for total 139 residents as POE. The use behavior and satisfaction for Jungja shelter space, were investigated. The statistical analysis were mean of satisfactions, reliability, factor analysis, and multiple regression analysis. The results and discussions can be objective data for rural village regeneration. In satisfaction level, 'Continuous use intention'(3.99), 'Well-suited approach'(3.87), and 'Helpful in resident living'(3.84) were shown to be high points of agreement in 5 point Likert type scale. But, the mean points were low as 2.01 in 'Surrounding landscape', 'Creation of green areas'(3.22), and 'Traffic safety'(3.22), respectively. Within use satisfaction, 5 factors were categorized, 'Use', 'Safety', 'Facility', 'Management' and 'Users'. By the result of multiple regression analysis, variables of 'Continuous use', 'Convenient location', and 'Image improvement', were shown to be main affecting variables to overall satisfaction. Furthermore, in spatial structure analysis, 4 types were categorized with the aspect of landform, roads, and location in village. The levels of satisfaction were shown to be high in village type of semi-open, road type of circular, and location type of center/back. Conclusively, these findings could be utilized as basic data and useful tool of space-structural satisfaction analytic method, and for each stage of planning/design and remodeling for rural village regeneration.

A Study of Ruff Collar Reflected on the Late 20th Century Fashion (현대(現代)패션에 나타난 러프 칼라에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Yun, Sun-Mi;Bae, Soo-Jeong
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • 제6권4호
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    • pp.32-45
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is, to renew understanding the aesthetic value of a ruff collar and to expand the border of creation in designing as the source of inspiration being applied to an retro style by inquiring various ruff collars re-illuminated in the present-day fashion trend. The ruff collar investigated through the above historical contemplation became the source of inspirations in the current retro trend and was variously modified in modern fashion. In the 1980s, we can find a dignified and feminine image in graceful and exquisite suits or dresses. Especially, the spanish round ruff of the 2st period appeared on works by a lot of designers. From the application by designers like John Galliano in the latter half of the 80s, we can be well aware that the meaning of decoration was newly altered. In the 1990s, the ruff collar was shown in various fashion style, but it was what was reborn as a factor of modern fashion through a liberal compromise and harmony. Various style was shown from exaggeratedly swelling one to smaller one, which were more diversely applied than that of the 80s. A Medici collar and a Queen Elizabeth collar were also displayed being fitted to a modern sense by Vivienne Westwood and Louis F raud. A ruff in the 2000s was settled as a factor of modern fashion, exposing on works of designers more often than in the 1980s and 90s. The spanish round ruff appeared on garments, while a Medici collar and a Queen Elizabeth collar went out of sight. A new form of the ruff was regenerated by extreme magnification and simplification, and several designers like Issey Miyake and Alexander Mcqueen brought forward a new way in materials and technical skills. According to this research, a ruff collar developed as a fashion factor which characterizes a certain period of time, reflecting the aesthetical sense of Renaissance and turning into various and distinct forms. Afterwards, it exerted influence on modern fashion. This is offering the source of inspiration to contemporary designers.