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J. J. Schwab's life and His Ideas of Science Education (슈왑의 생애와 과학교육 사상)

  • Song, Jin-Woong
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.26 no.7
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    • pp.856-869
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    • 2006
  • J. J. Schwab is usually considered as the founder of the concept of scientific enquiry, perhaps the most important key word of science education of the 20th century. Mainly through the method of literature review, this study reappraises Schwab's life as a science educator as well as a curriculum scholar, and his ideas concerning several important issues about science and science education. Like other eminent science educators, before the 1950s, who were originally talented scientists but later became engaged in educational activities, Schwab were trained and known as a genetic scientist, but later he concentrated on university reform, curriculum studies and science education. His academic interest was very diverse across different disciplines, from biology and science in general to history, philosophy and education. The essence of his theory of scientific enquiry was 'to teach science as science', and the best way to do it was 'to teach science as enquiry'. With enquiry, however, he tried to deliver some important but differentiated meanings, for example by distinguishing 'science as enquiry' and 'teaching as enquiry', and 'static enquiry' and 'fluid enquiry'. Scientific enquiry was the core concept upon which many of his ideas concerning science education and education in general were based, such as the diversity of science, textbooks, curriculum and roles of teachers. In summary, Schwab can be characterized as a rational reformist of science education, who tried to identify the very nature and goals of the discipline and to bring its substantial changes with concrete and practical guidelines. Nevertheless, some of his ideas, like the diversity of science and conceptual invention, have been handed down by his followers frequently with considerable distortion.

Development of the Instructional Model Emphasizing Discussion and the Characteristics of Verbal Interactions during its Implementation in a Science High School (과학고 토론수업을 위한 수업모형 개발과 적용과정에서 나타난 언어적 상호작용의 특징)

  • Kim, Hyun-Kyung;Choi, Byung-Soon
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.359-372
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to develop the FPHER (problem finding, prediction & discussion, hands-on & experiment, explanation & arrangement, enrichment) instructional model emphasizing the social interactions, and as applied, characteristics of verbal interactions were examined overall and with each step. For this study, this model was applied to the students in 10th grade chemistry classes in a science high school, and their group verbal interactions were recorded and analyzed. The results of this study show that most verbal interactions were classified as on-task interactions in the FPHER instructional model, where suggestions were predominant to the acceptance of opinions. There were a few interactions in the F step, and there were many suggestions relating to the solutions and lacking in confidence in the P step. There were many suggestions relating to the process and orders in the H step. Also, there were many questions, some explanation and dissatisfaction, as well as a lack of confidence in the E step. There were many high-level interactions in the R step, and mainly interactions with worksheets showing high-level problem-solving abilities. More in-depth research is needed to develop the teaching strategies that can activate student-to-student interaction and student-teacher interaction with regard to instructions, enhancing thought as counter-argument, justification or sophistication, based on the instructional model in this study.

A study on the design of an efficient hardware and software mixed-mode image processing system for detecting patient movement (환자움직임 감지를 위한 효율적인 하드웨어 및 소프트웨어 혼성 모드 영상처리시스템설계에 관한 연구)

  • Seungmin Jung;Euisung Jung;Myeonghwan Kim
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.29-37
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    • 2024
  • In this paper, we propose an efficient image processing system to detect and track the movement of specific objects such as patients. The proposed system extracts the outline area of an object from a binarized difference image by applying a thinning algorithm that enables more precise detection compared to previous algorithms and is advantageous for mixed-mode design. The binarization and thinning steps, which require a lot of computation, are designed based on RTL (Register Transfer Level) and replaced with optimized hardware blocks through logic circuit synthesis. The designed binarization and thinning block was synthesized into a logic circuit using the standard 180n CMOS library and its operation was verified through simulation. To compare software-based performance, performance analysis of binary and thinning operations was also performed by applying sample images with 640 × 360 resolution in a 32-bit FPGA embedded system environment. As a result of verification, it was confirmed that the mixed-mode design can improve the processing speed by 93.8% in the binary and thinning stages compared to the previous software-only processing speed. The proposed mixed-mode system for object recognition is expected to be able to efficiently monitor patient movements even in an edge computing environment where artificial intelligence networks are not applied.

Development and Assessment of LSTM Model for Correcting Underestimation of Water Temperature in Korean Marine Heatwave Prediction System (한반도 고수온 예측 시스템의 수온 과소모의 보정을 위한 LSTM 모델 구축 및 예측성 평가)

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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.101-115
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    • 2024
  • The ocean heatwave is emerging as a major issue due to global warming, posing a direct threat to marine ecosystems and humanity through decreased food resources and reduced carbon absorption capacity of the oceans. Consequently, the prediction of ocean heatwaves in the vicinity of the Korean Peninsula is becoming increasingly important for marine environmental monitoring and management. In this study, an LSTM model was developed to improve the underestimated prediction of ocean heatwaves caused by the coarse vertical grid system of the Korean Peninsula Ocean Prediction System. Based on the results of ocean heatwave predictions for the Korean Peninsula conducted in 2023, as well as those generated by the LSTM model, the performance of heatwave predictions in the East Sea, Yellow Sea, and South Sea areas surrounding the Korean Peninsula was evaluated. The LSTM model developed in this study significantly improved the prediction performance of sea surface temperatures during periods of temperature increase in all three regions. However, its effectiveness in improving prediction performance during periods of temperature decrease or before temperature rise initiation was limited. This demonstrates the potential of the LSTM model to address the underestimated prediction of ocean heatwaves caused by the coarse vertical grid system during periods of enhanced stratification. It is anticipated that the utility of data-driven artificial intelligence models will expand in the future to improve the prediction performance of dynamical models or even replace them.

Subjectivity Study on Decision Making Elements for Firefighting of Firefighters: An Investigation Utilizing Q Methodology (소방관의 화재대응의사결정요인에 관한 주관성 연구: Q방법론을 활용한 조사를 중심으로)

  • Junghoon Kim;Seung Hoon Ryu;Dongkyu Lee
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.23-42
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    • 2023
  • This study originated from recognition of importance of firefighters' decision-making in fire response, coupled with existing gap in research. By utilizing Q-methodology, the study aimed to categorize firefighters' subjectivity in fire response decision-making. Through this categorization, the study sought to highlight insights into the current technological and data limitations, as well as potential directions for future R&D in the field of firefighting. The findings of the study revealed that firefighters' subjectivity could be classified into three factors: "emphasis on direct information related to rescue," "emphasis on information related to the target property," and "emphasis on information related to command and coordination." The study theoretically confirmed that the subjectivity of firefighters' decision-making in fire response is partially influenced by their experiences and job. Additionally, the study's significance lay in its approach of collecting specific decision-making factors in fire response, moving beyond general theoretical models. Furthermore, from a policy perspective, the typification of decision-making factors contributed to connecting the identified data-based administrative needs from prior studies. Insights from the study emphasized the importance of leveraging on-site experience in Korea to aid decision-making, calling for the development of equipment and data collection methods that can rapidly and accurately assess on-site conditions.

Analysis on the Perception of the Cyber Dysfunction in the Intelligent Information Society According to the Introduction of the Bright Internet Trust Network (Bright Internet 신뢰네트워크 도입에 따른 지능정보사회의 사이버 역기능 해소에 대한 인식 분석)

  • Gyoo Gun Lim;Jae Ik Ahn
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.99-118
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    • 2020
  • At present, our society is developing into the intelligent information society in the wave of the 4th industrial revolution, and this change will have the positive effect of innovating all industry fields. However, due to the duality of technology, there will be positive and negative effects. With intelligence, threats to cyber dysfunction such as hacking, terrorism, privacy infringement, and illegal content distribution will become more serious. Until now, the security system of the Internet has been a proactive security system, but in recent years, a proposal for a trust network, a preventive security system, has been introduced. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the possibility of resolving cyber dysfunction of intelligent information society about Bright Internet, one of trust network technologies. This study defines the cyber dysfunction of the intelligent information society and analyzes the perceptions of changes in the cyber dysfunction of the intelligent information society on the introduction of the five principles of the Bright Internet. The change of cyber dysfunction severity of the intelligent information society due to the introduction of the trust network is analyzed to reflect the technical and social demands. This work will guide the structure of the trust network and the direction of practical technological introduction and its influence.

Investigation of Variation in Bacterial Community Structure in Endangered Korean Fir Tree by Habitats (멸종위기종 구상나무 서식지별 세균 군집 구조 변이 조사)

  • Young Min Ko;Geun-Hye Gang;Dae Ho Jung;Youn-Sig Kwak
    • Research in Plant Disease
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.165-175
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    • 2024
  • The Korean fir tree (Abies koreana), an endemic species of South Korea, is experiencing a severe decline in population due to climate change. Studies on the conservation of Korean fir have been extensive, yet research regarding its correlation with rhizosphere bacterial communities remains scarce, warranting further investigation. In this study, metagenome amplicon sequencing targeting the 16S rRNA V4 region was conducted to examine the presence of specific bacterial communities in Korean fir and to investigate potential differences based on habitat types (rhizosphere of native or cultivated trees, soil of dead trees, and bulk soil) and seasonal variations (April, June, September, November). Here we show that although we could not identify specific taxa highly specifically with Korean fir, the rhizosphere bacterial community in native trees exhibited less variability in response to seasonal changes compared to that in bulk soils. Suggesting the establishment of relatively stable bacterial populations around the Korean fir natural habitat. Further research on other types of rhizosphere and/or microbes is necessary to investigate the distinct relationship of Korean fir with microbial communities.

Optimization of MRI Protocol for the Musculoskeletal System (근골격계 자기공명영상 프로토콜의 최적화)

  • Hong Seon Lee;Young Han Lee;Inha Jung;Ok Kyu Song;Sungjun Kim;Ho-Taek Song;Jin-Suck Suh
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.81 no.1
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    • pp.21-40
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    • 2020
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an essential modality for the diagnosis of musculoskeletal system defects because of its higher soft-tissue contrast and spatial resolution. With the recent development of MRI-related technology, faster imaging and various image plane reconstructions are possible, enabling better assessment of three-dimensional musculoskeletal anatomy and lesions. Furthermore, the image quality, diagnostic accuracy, and acquisition time depend on the MRI protocol used. Moreover, the protocol affects the efficiency of the MRI scanner. Therefore, it is important for a radiologist to optimize the MRI protocol. In this review, we will provide guidance on patient positioning; selection of the radiofrequency coil, pulse sequences, and imaging planes; and control of MRI parameters to help optimize the MRI protocol for the six major joints of the musculoskeletal system.

Strength and Carbonation Characteristics in OPC Concrete under Long-Term Exposure Conditions in Various Sea Environments (다양한 해양환경에 장기 노출된 OPC 콘크리트의 강도 및 탄산화 특성 )

  • Hyeon-Woo Lee;Geum-Chae Shin;Seung-Jun Kwon
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.53-60
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    • 2024
  • Compressive strength in concrete has many affecting parameters and varies with exposure conditions. Although the concrete has same mix proportions, its properties are different with exposure conditions, and sea-environment can be classified into three groups such as tidal, atmospheric, and sea submerged region particularly. In this study, compressive strength was evaluated on 7-year-cured concrete and the results from previous equations (KDS, ACI, CEB, and JSCE) were compared with them. Furthermore the strength and carbonation progress were evaluated on concrete cured for 7 years exposed to three different sea environment. Three levels of w/c (water to cement) ratio (0.37, 0.42, and 0.47) and three different exposure conditions (tidal, atmospheric, and submerged) were considered. The results from wet-cured condition are all higher than those from the previously proposed equations, and the results from different sea exposure conditions (tidal, atmospheric, and submerged region) were lower than those from wet-cured condition. A reduction of strength was evaluated with increasing w/c ratio and the minimum strength was evaluated in the sea-submerged conditions. Several experimental constants applicable to the previous equations were obtained from regression analysis since the strength change with w/c ratios were not considered in those equations. Regarding carbonation depth with different exposure conditions, higher carbonation depth clearly was observed with increasing w/c ratios, and evaluated in the order of atmospheric, submerged, and tidal region. Considerable carbonation depth was observed in submerged and tidal region due to sulfate ion and dissloved carbon dioxide as well.

Chloroplast genome sequence and PCR-based markers for S. cardiophyllum (감자 근연야생종 Solanum cardiophyllum의 엽록체 전장유전체 구명 및 이를 이용한 S. cardiophyllum 특이적 분자마커의 개발)

  • Tae-Ho Park
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • v.50
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    • pp.45-55
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    • 2023
  • The diploid Solanum cardiophyllum, a wild tuberbearing species from Mexico is one of the relatives to potato, S. tuberosum. It has been identified as a source of resistance to crucial pathogens and insects such as Phytophthora infestans, Potato virus Y, Colorado potato beetle, etc. and is widely used for potato breeding. However, the sexual hybridization between S. cardiophyllum and S. tuberosum is limited due to their incompatibility. Therefore, somatic hybridization can introduce beneficial traits from this wild species into the potato. After somatic hybridization, selecting fusion products using molecular markers is essential. In the current study, the chloroplast genome of S. cardiophyllum was sequenced by next-generation sequencing technology and compared with those of other Solanum species to develop S. cardiophyllum-specific markers. The total length of the S. cardiophyllum chloroplast genome was 155,570 bp and its size, gene content, order and orientation were similar to those of the other Solanum species. Phylogenic analysis with 32 other Solanaceae species revealed that S. cardiophyllum was expectedly grouped with other Solanum species and most closely located with S. bulbocastanum. Through detailed comparisons of the chloroplast genome sequences of eight Solanum species, we identified 13 SNPs specific to S. cardiophyllum. Further, four SNP-specific PCR markers were developed for discriminating S. cardiophyllum from other Solanum species. The results obtained in this study would help to explore the evolutionary aspects of Solanum species and accelerate breeding using S. cardiophyllum.