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Nature of Creativity and its Development in the Area of Art: Changes of Self-consciousness (예술 분야에서의 창의성의 본질과 발달 과정 탐색: 자의식 변화를 중심으로)

  • Shin, Jongho;Mun, Ji-Won;Kim, Gyeong-Hwa;Jo, Eun-Byeol;Ju, Si-Wa;Hong, Ae-Ryeong
    • (The) Korean Journal of Educational Psychology
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.901-926
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    • 2012
  • Previous research on creativity mainly investigated the characteristics of creative individuals and environments. In this study, those factors were also investigated in art by critically reviewing various documents on 5 creative artists: Nam June Paik, Isang Yun, Marcel Duchamp, John Cage and Pina Bausch. The results of the study showed that creativity in art developed through three different developmental stages with the changes of artist's self or self-consciousness: the discovering self, strengthening self-consciousness, and refining self-consciousness stages. The first stage of discovering self is the period during which the creative artists discovered their talents in the area of art and decided to pursue their career in art. During this stage, creative artists expressed a strong curiosity, tried to learn the world of art with intense efforts, and established a good foundation of knowledge. During the second stage of strengthening self-consciousness, creative artists built up their own aesthetic worlds. They tried to slake their thirst for the novelty in the field and made a strong commitment to the field they belong to. Finally, during the refining self-consciousness stage, they expressed their aesthetic worlds with refined self and expanded their aesthetics from personal to social dimensions. And they pursued an integration of various domains to produce a new artistic genre and shared their creative aesthetics with members outside of their field. The main implication of the findings of this study was that creativity could be defined and understood meaningfully by the perspective of self or self-consciousness in the area of art.

Study on the Legal Protection of Sports Organizer's Profit and Introduction of Intellectual Property Right (경기주최자의 재산적 이익의 법적 보호방안과 지식재산권 도입론)

  • Lee, Sung-Un
    • Journal of Legislation Research
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    • no.54
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    • pp.345-382
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    • 2018
  • Sports events are not copyrighted and sports organizer's profit from sports events is not subject to intellectual property law in our legislation. Most other countries, except for France, do not also recognize sports organizer's profit as an intellectual property right. For this reason, legal grounds protecting sports organizer's profit must be found from current law such as tort law or Unfair Competition and Trade Secret Protection Act. It is irrefutable that these laws play a significant role in protecting sports organizer's profit by imposing restrictions on taking unfair advantage of others' efforts or investment. Nevertheless, protecting sports organizer's profit through such laws has its limits because sports events and relevant information outside the protection category of intellectual property law are considered as public domain. Therefore, introduction of sports organizer's intellectual property right through legislation will serve to faithfully protect sports organizer's profit. Even countries where spectator sports industry is fully in force actively discuss the issue of introducing sports organizer's intellectual property right. Intellectual property law, like other laws, is keenly subject to international trends due to market globalization and sensitively responds to the trends. I believe that further discussions are highly required about the introduction of sports organizer's intellectual property right that properly reflects international trends.

A Study On Possible Utility of Korean Traditional Thoughts and Educational Practice In Contemporary Moral Education (전통 사상 및 교육 방법의 현대 도덕 교육과정에서의 활용 가능성 연구)

  • Ham, Kyu-Jin;Shin, Chang Ho;Lim, HongTae;Chi, Chun-Ho
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.50
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    • pp.363-389
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    • 2016
  • Any moral ideas get integrity upon their practices. Because in human society systems, morality have capability among human interactions, for it gives moral standards(good or bad/ right or wrong) to them. And when the society system is Korean, Koreans surely have developed unique styles of moral practice and moral education in their traditional ages. So reinterpretating and categorizing the moral tradition for taking advantage of it in contemporary context, make sense. In this study, Korean moral tradition is focused in its scope, as 'Confucian moral tradition in semi-modern era'. For convenience of study and the potentials of effective revision, Korean tradition have been resized. In Confucian moral tradition, semi-modern Korean moral ideas could be presented as ren(仁) and yi(義). Furthermore, ren and yi could be practiced with several moral virtues, like xiao(孝), di(弟), ci(慈), zhi(直) qin(勤) gian(儉). When compared with contemporary moral education idea systems, the traditional system can have affinity with the systems in moral ideas division('with-self morality', 'with-others morality', 'with-universe and transcendence morality'). And several fusion-style, integration-based education practices can be developed and applied at contemporary school moral education.

The Remembrance of War and Overcoming its Aftermath through Literature: Focusing on the post Manchu's Invasion Period (전란의 기억과 문학적 극복 - 정묘·병자호란 이후 17세기 후반에 나타난 문학적 현상에 주목하여 -)

  • Baek, Jin-woo
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.68
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    • pp.69-97
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    • 2017
  • In this paper, I tried to examine the aspects of overcoming the aftermath of war through literary works. As history is continuously being reinterpreted and reevaluated, historical figures are described differently and given new meanings especially in the field of literature. It is not only important to examine these interpretations from previous generations themselves; it is also important to analyze them from a modern day perspective and look closely at their meanings. This research, by focusing on the post Manchu's invasion period, I examined the contemporary discussion. Literary works which were written in the post Manchu's invasion had different meaning comparing to the other time. Scholars at that time wanted to use historical figures as an allegory of temporary national situation. And this social phenomena was deeply related to the temporary discourses such like wipe off a disgrace by taking revenge on Qing (boksu $s{\breve{o}}lch^{prime}I$, 復讐雪恥) or loyalty to the Ming dynasty ($taemy{\breve{o}}ng$ ${\breve{u}}iri$, 對明義理). So that this research takes genre, time period, and nationality as the main variables to interpret typical historical figures and study their aspects.

Development Plan of R.O.K. Naval forces to prepare Tasks in the Arctic Ocean: Based on Operational Environment(SWOT) Analysis (한국 해군의 북극해 진출과 발전방안에 대한 고찰: 작전환경(SWOT) 분석을 중심으로)

  • Ji, Young
    • Maritime Security
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.311-343
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    • 2020
  • Because of the global warming, the Arctic Ocean is expected to be ice-free by the year 2035. When the Arctic Ocean will be opened, a number of national interests will become more salient as experiencing a shortened sailing distance and decreasing navigation expense, possibility of natural resources transport by sea from Arctic Circle, and indirect-profit making by building a herb port in Asia. To secure the national interests and support the free activities of people in this region, R.O.K government is trying to make advanced policies. In order to carry out the naval tasks in the Arctic Ocean, using the operational characteristics(mobility, flexibility, sustainability, presence of capabilities, projection) is necessary. To this end, ROK Navy should analyze the operational environment (O.E.) by its capability(weakness and strength), opportunity, and threat. R.O.K. Navy should make an effort over the following issues to implement the tasks in the Arctic Ocean: first, Navy needs to map out her own plan (Roadmap) under the direction of government policies and makes crews participate in the education·training programs in home and abroad for future polar experts. Third, to develop the forces and materials for the tasks in cold, far operations area, Navy should use domestic well-experienced shipbuilding skills and techniques of the fourth industrial revolution. Next, improving the combined operations capabilities and military trust with other countries in the Arctic region to cover the large area with lack of forces' number and to resolve the ports of call issues. Lastly, preparation in advance to execute a variety of missions against military and non-traditional threats such as epidemics, HA/DR, SOLAS, in the future operation area is required.

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Physicochemical properties of the materials used for the production of celadon maebyeong inlaid with cloud-and-crane designs and changes in their morphological properties by production stage (청자상감운학문매병 제작 재료의 물리화학적 특성 및 제작 단계별 형상학적 특성 변화)

  • Kim, Jihye;Ha, Jihyang;Han, Minsu
    • Conservation Science in Museum
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    • v.25
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    • pp.63-84
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    • 2021
  • In order to investigate the diverse physicochemical changes that occurred in traditional Korean pottery during its production, including before and after firing, this study produced six replicas of a celadon maebyeong inlaid with cloud-and-crane designs, respectively corresponding to the process of shaping, carving, inlaying designs, first firing, glazing and second firing, respectively. It then conducted a scientific study of these six replicas and analyzed their images through high-resolution three-dimensional transmission imaging. The materials used for the replicas show different mineral phases and even colors depending on the components of each material. For example, black inlay with a high content of iron oxide (Fe2O3) shows dark colors and white inlay with a high alumina (Al2O3) content appears white. Physicochemical properties such as chromaticity and magnetic susceptibility and major components of the replicas were confirmed by the differences in the density in the computed tomography (CT) images. The characteristics of fired products such as fine structure, absorption ratio, apparent porosity, and other characteristics of the major mineral components were identified by the presence of pores and the formation of cracks inside the replicas in the image analysis.

Evaluation of the Influence of Shear Strength Correction through a Comparative Study of Nonlinear Site Response Models (비선형 지반구성모델의 비교를 통한 전단강도 보정이 부지응답해석에 미치는 영향 평가)

  • Aaqib, Muhammad;Park, Duhee;Kim, Hansup;Adeel, Muhammad Bilal;Nizamani, Zubair Ahmed
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.36 no.12
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    • pp.77-86
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    • 2020
  • In this study, the importance of implied strength correction for shallow depths at a region of moderate to low seismicity with primary focus on its effect upon site natural period and mean period of the ground motion is investigated. In addition to the most commonly used Modified Kondner-Zelasko (MKZ) model, this paper uses a quadratic/hyperbolic (GQ/H) model that can capture the stress - strain response at large strains as well as small strain stiffness dependence. A total of six site profiles by downhole tests are used and 1D site response analyses are performed using three input motions with contrasting mean periods. The difference between non-corrected and corrected analyses is conditional on the site period as well as mean ground motion period. The effect of periods is analyzed by correlating them with the effective peak ground acceleration, maximum shear strains and amplification factors. The comparative study reveals that the difference is more prominent in soft sites with long site periods. Insignificant differences are observed when soil profiles are subjected to ground motion with very short mean period.

Qualitative Analysis of Chinese University Students' Online Learning Experience in Korea During the Covid-19 Pandemic (코로나19 시기 재한 중국인 유학생들의 온라인 수업경험에 대한 질적 분석)

  • Kim, Joo-yeong;Koo, Yesung;Bai, Chunai;Park, Junghwan
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.633-642
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    • 2021
  • This study explores the online learning experiences of Chinese foreign students in Korea by using the CQR process and method. To gather data, researchers conducted online, in-depth interviews with 15 Chinese university students in Korea who were enrolled in the spring and fall semesters in 2020. After compiling the research, the data were segmented into four domains and 13 categories, with 36 subcategories identified from among foreign students' online learning experiences. The results show that Chinese students perceived the convenience of online classes and personalized learning as its strength, but considered lowered motivation and lack of concentration as weaknesses. Also, they experienced an increase in the amount of learning, spending more time studying online, using personal learning strategies, and getting help from friends and the university's online learning system. Moreover, they experienced difficulties related to class notifications, guidance, and interactions with the instructors. Foreign students studying in Korea need their instructor's facilitation in order to understand and participate in online classes, reinforcing a student's self-directed learning ability, and need appropriate guidance and support in terms of the online class environment.

Exploring Potential Application Industry for Fintech Technology by Expanding its Terminology: Network Analysis and Topic Modelling Approach (용어 확장을 통한 핀테크 기술 적용가능 산업의 탐색 :네트워크 분석 및 토픽 모델링 접근)

  • Park, Mingyu;Jeon, Byeongmin;Kim, Jongwoo;Geum, Youngjung
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.1-28
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    • 2021
  • FinTech has been discussed as an important business area towards technology-driven financial innovation. The term fintech is a combination of finance and technology, which means ICT technology currently associated with all finance areas. The popularity of the fintech industry has significantly increased over time, with full investment and support for numerous startups. Therefore, both academia and practice tried to analyze the trend of the fintech area. Despite the fact, however, previous research has limitations in terms of collecting relevant databases for fintech and identifying proper application areas. In response, this study proposed a new method for analyzing the trend of Fintech fields by expanding Fintech's terminology and using network analysis and topic modeling. A new Fintech terminology list was created and a total of 18,341 patents were collected from USPTO for 10 years. The co-classification analysis and network analysis was conducted to identify the technological trends of patent classification. In addition, topic modeling was conducted to identify the trends of fintech in order to analyze the contents of fintech. This study is expected to help both managers and investors who want to be involved in technology-driven financial services seize new FinTech technology opportunities.

The Present Status of and Development Plans for Legal Technology in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4차 산업혁명시대 법정보기술의 현황과 발전방안)

  • Lee, Sung-Jin;Lee, Yeon-Ju;Son, Hyoung-Kun;Kim, Gi-Bum
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.3-21
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    • 2021
  • Klaus Schwab's discussion on the Fourth Industrial Revolution provides a framework for predicting the direction of legal technology development. Technological convergence, which has emerged as the core concept of the Fourth Industrial Revolution has a significant effect on legal technology. In particular, various new technologies, such as legal chatbots and platforms, are being introduced to enhance efficiency and accessibility in the legal field. However, legal technology is still in its early stage, with institutional improvement needed to vitalize the industry. In this paper, we first specify the concept and classification of legal technology in Chapter 2, followed by trends and limitations in Chapter 3 and ways of vitalizing legal technology in the future in Chapter 4. To invigorate legal technology development, it is necessary to put in place legal regulatory measures that stipulate the active disclosure of legal data, such as precedents, and make free use of such measures. In the law, many issues, such as the safety of artificial intelligence, personal information protection, and ethical standards, will be discussed in the future. Therefore, via this paper, we hope to promote the formation of social consensus and prepare countermeasures, such as legislative measures.